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      Guatemala (History)Maya HistoryPopol VuhMexique
One of the cities of Macedonia listed by Claudius Ptolemaeus (Geogr. III, 12, 23) and Pliny the Younger (NH. V, 10, 17) in the imperial age is Lete. Its location is about 12 kilometers NW of Thessaloniki. The city and its cemeteries... more
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      Cultural StudiesClassical ArchaeologyMetalwork (Archaeology)Greek Archaeology
Cet ouvrage se propose de définir ce qui fait l’expérience religieuse grecque, en décrivant les composantes du culte et le rôle des desservants religieux, en observant la vie religieuse des Grecs dans leurs cités, puis lorsqu’ils se... more
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      Grèce AntiqueGrèce vie religieuse
Grèce antique - Chronologie
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Βασιλείου-Δαμβέργης, Αλέξανδρος-Νεκτάριος, Ιω. «Η σημασία των θαλάσσιων περασμάτων προς τον Β. Ευβοϊκό κόλπο (Δίαυλος Τρικερίου, Δίαυλος Κνημίδας) από τους μυθικούς χρόνους μέχρι τα μέσα του 5ου αι. π.Χ.», στο: Πρακτικά Ε΄ Συνεδρίου... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyMythologyClassics
Cet article aborde, à partir des recherches récentes effectuées sur le sujet, les débats et questions relatives aux différents systèmes et droits fonciers aux époques archaïque et classique en Grèce. Les sources permettent d'identifier... more
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      ArchéologieGrèce AntiqueFoncier
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      Roman HistoriographyHistoriographySculptureHistory of Archeology
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      Greek HistoryArt HistoryHistory of ArtGreek Archaeology
The G. Papailiakis Collection is located in the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki and includes a significant number of antiquities, among which the female protomes presented here. Although they are not numerous, they roughly represent... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyCultural HeritageDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Ancient Greek and Roman Art
Edouard Will et Claude Orrieux ont une formidable expression : « Tous ces phénomènes de contacts, d’échanges, de contaminations, de syncrétismes ont été abondamment étudiés, mais la nature de la documentation est telle que ce que l’on... more
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      EgyptologyRoman HistoryMesopotamian ArchaeologyEgyptian Archaeology
The name "Tanagra figurines" was designated for figurines of the Late Classical and Hellenistic period that depict mainly standing and seated female figurines and young girls in relaxed poses, dressed with rich garments decorated with... more
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      Burial Practices (Archaeology)Hellenistic periodArchéologieA survey of Hellenistic art in Macedonia
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      Ancient Greek HistoryHistoire AntiqueCerealesGrèce Antique
Александр Македонский.
Попытка наиболее вероятной реконструкции
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Dans quel contexte franchissait-on le seuil de l'oikos à l'époque classique, de quelle manière, qui, comment et pourquoi ? Le seuil est un espace alloué aux rites de sociabilités et au changement de statut et c'est la raison pour laquelle... more
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      Social HistoryArchéologieOikosLiminal Space
The Macedonian tomb presented here was unearthed in 1910 in Macedonia, still under the Turkish occupation. This is the so-called “Tomb of Langadas”, named thus when published by the Greek ottoman archaeologist Theodoros Macridy / or... more
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      Cultural StudiesArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyCultural Heritage
Cynisca représente l’exemple parfait des nouvelles valeurs, nullement conformes à la pensée de Lycurgue, en vogue dans la Sparte impériale que régissait son frère Agésilas II. Propriétaire d’un patrimoine personnel, Cynisca a investi sa... more
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      Genre studiesJeux OlympiquesGrèce AntiqueSparte
The marble statuette presented in this paper was recovered in 2004 in the area of ancient Lete and was recorded in the inventory of the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki with the inv. no. 22885. The statuette follows the so-called... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural HeritageAncient Greek ReligionArcheologia
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyGreek LiteratureHomer
Compte-rendu de la deuxieme journee d'etudes consacree aux objets de luxe importes de l'ocean Indien dans le monde mediterraneen. Cette etude aborde le cas de deux produits fournis par la mer : les perles naturelles et... more
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      ArtIndian Ocean TradeAncient GreeceIndian Ocean
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      Geoffrey of MonmouthBretagneProtohistoireAllobroges
The grave monument presented here derives from illicit trade of antiquities. It is probably made of Thasian marble and it is proved that it was used in three different periods. Initially, it had the form of a tall stele embellished with... more
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      Cultural StudiesArchaeologyGreek ArchaeologyIllicit Antiquities Trade
One of the cities of Macedonia listed by Claudius Ptolemaeus (Geogr. III, 12, 23) and Pliny the Younger (NH. V, 10, 17) in the imperial age is Lete. Its location is about 12 kilometers NW of Thessaloniki.The city and its cemeteries... more
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      Cultural StudiesArchaeologyGreek ArchaeologyAncient Greek Religion
« République de demi-dieux », « prodigieux haras » pour sang noble, patrie virile du courage et de l’énergie, Sparte fascine, Sparte inquiète, mais Sparte ne finit pas de briller comme un soleil d’acier dans nos ténèbres... more
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      Political PhilosophyHistory of IdeasSpartaAncient Greece (History)
One of the cities of Macedonia listed by Claudius Ptolemaeus (Geogr. III, 12, 23) and Pliny the Younger (NH. V, 10, 17) in the imperial age is Lete. Its location is about 12 kilometers NW of Thessaloniki. The city and its cemeteries... more
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      Cultural StudiesNeolithic ArchaeologyAncient Greek ReligionVia Egnatia
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The burial groups of the two cist-graves presented here belong to the Southeastern cemetery of the city of ancient Veroia, which was in use from the second half of the 4th century BC to the Byzantine period. The two cist graves T 76 and... more
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      Cultural StudiesArchaeologyGreek ArchaeologyBurial Practices (Archaeology)
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      CastoriadisCornelius CastoriadisDemocratieGrèce Antique
Evocation, à travers un moulage de stèle et deux fragments de céramique qui représentent des artisan·e·s, du statut social de cette classe de travailleurs et travailleuses dans la cité d’Athènes. Exposition dans le cadre du Festival... more
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      IconographieANTHROPOLOGIE DU TRAVAIL ARTISANATGrèce AntiqueArtisanat Antique
The entries for the catalogue concern findings from the cemetery of ancient Lete, one of the most important cities of the Macedonian kingdom. Lete is located about 12 kilometers NW of Thessaloniki. The city and its cemeteries sprawled... more
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      Cultural StudiesBurial Practices (Archaeology)Ancient Greek and Roman ArtCist-Graves
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      ArchitectureHousehold ArchaeologyGrèce Antique
Αριστοτέλους Αθηναίων Πολιτεία από τις απαρχές μέχρι το Σόλωνα: διαθεματική διδακτική προσέγγιση στο πανεπιστήμιο. Ο φιλόσοφος Ηράκλειτος η εποχή του: ο πολιτικός άνδρας, η πόλις και ο πόλεμος. Ιστορική προσέγγιση και διδακτική πρόταση... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryPhilosophyEducation
Veroia was built on a terrace in the foothills of the Mt Vermion. The Hellenistic and Roman period constituted its apogee in all aspects of culture. Two main local workshops were active in Veroia during the late Hellenistic era. The first... more
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      Cultural StudiesArchaeologySculptureAncient Greek Religion
The cist tomb presented here was discovered in the area of the ancient necropolis of Derveni. This type of funerary monument, built with blocks of poros belongs to a series of cist tombs, whose internal walls are decorated with painted... more
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      Cultural StudiesClassical ArchaeologyCultural HeritageDeath and Burial (Archaeology)
Veroia, one of the most important cities of the Macedonian kingdom, is first mentioned by Thucydides in 432 BC. The city reached the peak of its glory and prosperity in the Hellenistic era, during the reign of the Antigonid dynasty, the... more
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      Cultural StudiesAncient Greek ReligionBurial Practices (Archaeology)Archéologie
Le chantier dirigé par P. Cabannes a donc repris au Nord du portique aux dix-sept niches (coordonnées C-D/7-8 du car- royage général du site. L'objectif était surtout de faire la liaison entre les différents secteurs de... more
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      Economic HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMaritime Archaeology
Compte-rendu de la deuxieme journee d'etudes consacree aux objets de luxe importes de l'ocean Indien dans le monde mediterraneen. Cette etude aborde le cas de deux produits fournis par la mer : les perles naturelles et... more
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      ArtIndian Ocean TradeAncient GreeceIndian Ocean
One of the cities of Macedonia listed by Claudius Ptolemaeus (Geogr. III, 12, 23) and Pliny the Younger (NH. V, 10, 17) in the imperial age is Lete. Its location is about 12 kilometers NW of Thessaloniki. The city and its cemeteries... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyCultural HeritageDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Greek Archaeology
Katerina Tzanavari, The types of the Tanagra figurines in Nothern Greece. The name "Tanagra figurines" was designated for figurines of the Hellenistic era that depict mainly standing and seated female figurines and young girls.... more
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      Cultural StudiesAncient Female FiguresDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Greek Archaeology
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      Comparative LiteraturePolitical PhilosophyClassicsGreek Literature
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      Himalayan cultureHimalayan Civilization-NepalAnthropology of Tibet and the HimalayasTibetan and Himalayan societies
Les liens d'hospitalité (ξενία) dans le monde grec sont traditionnellement noués entre deux individus, généralement des personnages en vue dans leurs cités, et se transmettent de génération en génération, créant ainsi des réseaux... more
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      NetworksSpartaAncient PersiaXenophon
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      ArtMimesisPlato and PlatonismGrèce Antique
Au début des années 1870, la nécropole de Tanagra est découverte fortuitement dans la région de la Béotie, en Grèce. Les tombes révèlent de très nombreuses figurines en terre cuite richement polychromées. Vendues d’abord à Athènes, ces... more
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      History of CollectionsHistory of ArcheologyAncient GreeceTerracotta Figurines