Local Governments
Recent papers in Local Governments
There is a growing recognition of the role of subnational institutions in addressing some of the foremost developmental challenges that South Africa is facing; however, subnational institutions have been mired in inefficiencies and... more
Local Government (LG) being the third-tier in Malaysian government has been identified as one of the government agencies mandated to drive economic growth and development of a district and its residents. Being one of the main service... more
The article is devoted to problems of defining the subject and objects of local development strategy. In its first part the author presents planning processes typical for local self-governments, as well as frequently made mistakes while... more
The article deals with the subject matter of strategic planning within Polish self-government units. The author presents selected problems encountered by authors of development strategies referring to communes, district and regions in the... more
The 2022 local elections in New Zealand will be the first elections since 2001 at which voters will no longer be voting for district health boards, which are to be abolished in favour of a national health provider. The result will be a... more
Firstly, this policy discussion paper represents broad attempt to discuss the asymmetrical decentralization by focusing on six essential aspects overall decentralization framework, fiscal capacities for greater autonomy, revenue and... more
The local governments in Turkey for giving more effectively and quality services to local puplic is made legal arrangements time to time. Finally, the Law No. 6360 on the Amendment of the Decree Law on the Establishment of the... more
Es el momento de la participación ciudadana. Los gobiernos locales apuestan por el impulso de procesos participativos como respuesta a las demandas de los colectivos sociales y vecinales, que reclaman canales para incidir en el proceso de... more
The article discusses barriers in strategic governance of local development characteristic for Polish local governments, i.e. municipalities, which occurred within the first 15 years of the XXI century. These barriers were identified in... more
This article analyses the common values criteria as an important factor for the creation and successful implementation of the Border Integration Zone (BIZ) in the Area of North of Santander and Tachira. It takes the results of the study... more
Pakistan is a developing nation of third world yet struggling to launch a local level system that ensures targeting of developmental problems at grass roots and striving to make the communities empowered in the sense that they plan and... more
Los gobiernos locales de España han implementado normativas diversas, nacionales y autonómicas, de transparencia en los últimos años. Todo el acervo normativo aprobado establecía principios e imponía obligaciones de índole muy diversa al... more
In rural Zimbabwe, selling of cattle has for a long time been one of the most dependable sources of income that has sustained livelihoods for decades. Informal cattle marketing which involves door to door or gate sales has been the most... more
Local government authorities are at the forefront of the delivery of government services and should be armed with competencies that will enable them to be more effective, efficient, and resilient by preparing the appropriate policy to... more
The absorption of exogenous factors represents one of the main components of local development governance (LDG). Today, in many countries, it is facilitated by numerous supra-local determinants. It primarily refers to these countries... more
Political budget cycles have been studied at the national and local level, separately. However, when local governments depend on national resources, the central government may have incentives to manipulate intergovernmental transfers to... more
Özet E-Devlet, günümüzde kamu yönetiminde yükselişe geçmiş olgulardan biridir. Türkiye artık bir tercih olmaktan çıkan bu olguya kayıtsız kalamamış ve özellikle 2000'li yıllardan itibaren Avrupa Birliğine uyum sürecinin de etkisiyle... more
Do Islamists govern differently than non-Islamists, and does this relationship vary across the local and national levels? Burgeoning literature seeks to explain the politics of authoritarian and transitional legislatures (Malesky and... more
Özet: 1992 yılında Brezilya’nın Rio kentinde dünyanın küresel ölçekli meselelerine çözüm bulmak adına Rio Zirvesi düzenlenmiştir. Bu zirve sonunda ortaya çıkmış bir belge olan Gündem 21’in içerisinde yer alan 28. bölüme istinaden Yerel... more
Administrative and land reforms of the Russian government XIX-early XX century, aimed at equalizing the status of peasants and natives, the destruction of traditional relations and communications, traditional way of life, aroused... more
Los gobiernos locales de España han implementado normativas diversas, nacionales y autonómicas, de transparencia en los últimos años. Todo el acervo normativo aprobado establecía principios e imponía obligaciones de índole muy diversa al... more
Although the Grassroots leadership potentials of rural local governments of any country or state are currently of great interest to researchers, few studies have specifically spoken these issues. However, previous research has found... more
The development of information and communication technologies has accelerated public service delivery through the application of information technologies in the world. In addition to these improvements, as a consequence of the reform... more
In today’s world, public administrations of the countries have begun to accept the necessity of strengthening the local governments units against the central governments, and accordingly, perform restructuring and reforming activities at... more
The article discusses the problems of planning in Polish self-governments. Its introduction presents the whole plethora of implemented planning processes. Next the author concentrates on twelve rules for preparing such documents, the... more
This paper is written with aim to point out the local level hurdles and socio-cultural factors responsible for mal-functioning of Devolution Plan. The authors have their professional impression on the basis of empirical data from local... more
This research study critically analysed the existing literatures on municipal awareness relevancy of LAs service delivery for the purpose of enhancing citizen satisfaction. The purpose of the study is the investigation of citizen... more
Local governments nationwide have been adopting a variety of sustainability practices in the absence of strong federal guidance. The collection of these practices, which differ in design, forms the local government's sustainability... more
This dissertation examines the role of local municipalities in managing Syrian refugees in Turkey and particularly in Bursa. Previously, literature on the significance of the local government’s role in engaging migrants has focused almost... more
Applied Geography can be used in all sub-areas of geography, but it appears as a particularly effective approach in studying planning strategies. It aims to apply existing methodological knowledge to new objects. This procedure requires... more
Digital platforms are reshaping the geometry of the world. Their wide adoption by the population worldwide for an increasing number of activities, confer them a dominant position, which challenges established powers. Their control over... more
Hızlı kentleşme günümüz kentlerinde toplumsal, ekonomik ve kültürel sorunların yanında çevresel sorunlara da neden olmaktadır. Özellikle büyükşehirler çevresel ve ekolojik tehditlerden en fazla etkile-nen yerleşmelerdir. Çevre kirliliği... more
España y Perú, desde finales del 70, vienen implementado procesos de descentralización hacia los gobiernos sub-nacionales, a fin de hacer más eficientes las tareas del Estado. El nivel municipal no resulta ser más avanzado que el gobierno... more
Radicalisation of Islam: A Destabilising Factor in Southeast Asia?, by Nathalie Hoffmann The increase in the number of incidents or terrorist actions instigated by Muslim groups in Southeast Asia in recent years results from two distinct... more
The impact of demographic dimensions on local government behavior is well identified, analyzed and documented at the global level. Likewise, several studies are available on developing countries, but empirical evidence on the conditions... more