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W artykule przedstawiono studium przypadku sieci biznesowej, która powstała w celu zorganizowania konferencji międzynarodowej ABSL w 2014 roku w Poznaniu. Celem artykułu jest określenie uczestników sieci, którzy tworzą podstawowy,... more
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      Business NetworksSocial NetworksKnowledge ManagementKnowledge sharing
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      PsychologyEvent ManagementEvents managementTourism
Nicht effiziente und uneffektive Besprechungen kosten Unternehmen mehrere Milliarden Euro jährlich. Sie wollen Ihre nächsten Besprechungen zielorientiert und effektiv führen? Sie möchten als Teilnehmer zum Erfolg der Sitzungen... more
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      ManagementProject ManagementCollaborationHuman Resource Management
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      Tourism ManagementBook ReviewsBook ReviewInformation technology in Travel and Tourism
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      Web DevelopmentCEOThe CEO’s Leadership Style in Owner Managed Institutions: a major key to Organizational SuccessMeetings Management
W literaturze przedmiotu można spotkać się z szerokim opisem wydarzeń jako nowoczesnej (współczesnej, atrakcyjnej, skutecznej) formy promocji, ale także niektórzy autorzy starają się przedstawić wydarzenie jako atrakcyjny produkt... more
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      Tourism MarketingEvent ManagementDestination ManagementSport Marketing
Özet Her ne kadar 21. yüzyıl uzaktan iletişim çağı olarak adlandırılsa da, kurumlar ve şirketler için vazgeçilmez olan yüzyüze iletişim ve karar alma mekanizması olan toplantıların geçerliliği ve vazgeçilmezliği devam etmektedir. Her... more
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      Organizational BehaviorDecision MakingOrganizational CultureBehavioral Decision Making
La question est partout. Pas de conférences, de réunions ou même de rendez-vous galants sans que l’on ne soit moralement contraint de poser une question, voire plusieurs. Peu importe la souffrance que cette prise de parole entraîne... more
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      Fear Of Being Laughed At (Gelotophobia)MeetingsUmberto EcoQuestions and Answers
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    • Meetings Management
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    • Meetings Management
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      MeetingsForms of Board Meeting AgendaMeetings ManagementEffective Organisational Communication Blundel and Ippolito Pdf.
You have been approached by Tata Global Beverages, and asked to pitch for the contract to plan an upcoming important corporate event. You will be one of a number of companies delivering a 15-minute pitch to win the contract. Tata Global... more
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      Event ManagementMeetingsEventsConferences
membahas seluk beluk event
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      Tourism MarketingEvent ManagementCultural TourismMega Events
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      MeetingsMeetings Management
At the end of my report I would like to have shown the multiple different aspects of managing an office, ranging from legal requirements, procedures, managing resources and explaining the typical welfare facilities for office workers.
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationSmall BusinessBusiness Development
This chapter focuses on the synergy that researchers in language policy have developed by integrating two other subfields of sociolinguistics: critical discourse analysis and critical ethnography. The chapter begins by discussing the... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsIdentity politicsLanguage Policy and Politics of IdentityEuropean Union
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      Meetings ManagementKOMUNIKASI BISNISPresentasi Mata Kuliah Komunikasi Bisnis
structure is the key
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorPsychologySocial Psychology
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      MarketingCommunity CollegesAssessmentNutrition
Checkliste Meeting: Literaturauszug aus: Jürgen Hansel, Gero Lomnitz, Projektleiter - Praxis, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg , New York, 1993 Disclaimer: This literature extract was gathered purely and subjective according the... more
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      Project ManagementChecklistIT Project ManagementProjektmanagement
The purpose of this study was to glean insights into a better understanding of the potentials of merging travel and meetings management. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used to collect information. The study explored the... more
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      IntegrationCorporate TravelMeetings ManagementACTE
Eight Day Training program in Facilitation and Computer Operation for the Structured Democratic Dialogue method. Covers Nominal Group Technique, Clustering, and Interpretive Structural Modeling using the CogniScope software as well as... more
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      Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)CollaborationDialogueClustering and Classification Methods
Strategy workshops are frequently used by executive management to formulate strategy but are under-researched and under-reported in the academic literature. This study uses a form of discourse analysis to identify a dialogic pattern of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisDialogueMeetingsStrategy As Practice
Board meeting agendas and the papers that directors receive relating to them can determine how effectively they discharge their legal and other duties and responsibilities and influence the areas which they may address and impact. How a... more
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      Decision MakingCorporate GovernanceGovernanceDecision Support Systems
As a relatively new field of scientific study, many questions persist regarding meeting science. For example, what meetings science is, who meeting scientists are, and what distinguishes meeting science from other related fields of... more
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      MeetingsMeetings Management
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      NewspaperFull Text Vol 5SociologicalMeetings Management
In contrast to efforts focusing on improving inclusion in STEM classrooms from kindergarten through undergraduate (K–16), efforts to improve inclusion in scientific meetings and conferences, important hubs of STEM culture, are more... more
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      MicrobiologySociologyAnthropologyAcademic curriculum
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      Business AdministrationMeetingsCustomer Service ManagementCustomer Service
Özet Hizmet üreten örgütlerin ön plana çıkan sermayesi insan kaynağıdır. Klasik yaklaşımlarla yönetilen örgütler bu kaynağın beden potansiyelinden, mevzuatın çizdiği sınırlar içinde asgari verim düzeyinde faydalanırlar. Oysaki insan... more
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational PsychologyOrganizational CultureMeetings
This article is focused on the identification and description of eight free tools to help us to manage our meetings and group discussions in Second Life. We have grouped the tools into two categories which correspond to two of the... more
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      Second LifeVirtual WorldsMeetings ManagementVirtual Wolds
Approaches to avoiding unnecessary meetings or conducting effective meetings through various approaches: Memorandum Approach, Agenda Approach, Invitation List Approach and the Element of Control as the means to make discussions and... more
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      MarketingStrategic PlanningBusiness and ManagementMeetings Management
The very same techniques that one learns in using an outline processor to facilitate personal productivity can be generalized to facilitate group productivity. And, vice versa. Using the outline processor to facilitate group productivity,... more
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      MeetingsVirtual TeamsTeamworkGroup Facilitation, Group Dynamics, Facilitation, Group Work, Collaboration, Knowledge Creation
This paper discusses and examines the role of working meetings as a tool for building and destroying trust in knowledge sharing and creation. Working meetings are one of the basic tools in organizations for collaboration and group... more
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      Knowledge ManagementTrustIntellectual CapitalMeetings Management
Meetings are unquestionably important and necessary for all organizations. Because effective and efficient management of meetings results in the effectiveness of the organization. An effective school climate stimulates stakeholders to... more
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      School EffectivenessProficiencyTeacher PerceptionsMeetings Management
Meeting lateness is pervasive and potentially highly consequential for individuals, groups, and organizations. In Study 1, we first examined base rates of lateness to meetings in an employee sample and found that meeting lateness is... more
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    • Meetings Management
In today's organizations, it is possible to achieve both individual and organizational goals by the effective use of communication channels. Although there are many different techniques of communication, there is a consensus that one of... more
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      MeetingsMeetings ManagementMeeting Leadership
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      Semantic Web TechnologiesUser InterfaceSemantic WebOntologies
Could your board meetings add more value? Are there times when their proceedings could be viewed as rubber stamping rituals? Is the board in charge, exercising independent thought and providing strategic direction or is it being... more
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      Decision MakingCorporate GovernanceGovernanceMeetings
I wrote this after spending too long translating Weber's works, and attending university meetings on the side. There is indeed a rhythm to such meetings, in which hierarchy is recreated, privileges reinforced, and the system grinds... more
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      Organizational BehaviorSocial StratificationMeetingsClassical Social Theory
The aim of the paper is to identify the problems of business tourism development as attractive destination products outside large agglomerations. In order to achieve the aim of the work, methods of analysis and synthesis were used by... more
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      Tourism StudiesDestination ManagementMeetingsTourism Product Development
In psychology, the peak-end rule has been used to describe the effects of emotional factors on lived experiences. However, it has yet to be examined in the contexts of events and conferences. This study investigated the influence of... more
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      Event ManagementEvents managementMeetings Management
Meeting what is, is as difficult as always being happy. Yet this paper is an orientation on this matter. With a lot of help from the studentes of parttime HBO M.&.O. visie we succeeded in giving a sort of map on what level of existing... more
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      Philosophy of MindSpiritualityOrigins of LifeMeetings Management
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      MeetingsBusiness Tourism/Meetings IndustryMeetings and Incentives events and conferencesMeetings and Conventions
İş yaşamının gereği mi, yoksa zaman kaybı mı?
STH Bülten, Aralık 2013-Ocak 2014, Sayı 1, sayfa 30
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      Event ManagementBusiness Tourism/Meetings IndustryMeetings and Incentives events and conferencesYazma Etkinlikleri
In 2018, 6,170 business events were carried out in Katowice, including, inter alia, the International COP24 Conference, namely "24. Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the... more
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      Event ManagementTourism (Business)Business Tourism/Meetings IndustryMeetings Management
Drawing on meetings within structured project environments in Turkey and Britain, this article explores how and if this kind of highly rational, instrumental meeting travels and why so much frustration is typically expressed by British... more
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      AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyMeetingsMeetings Management
This paper discusses and examines the role of working meetings as a tool for building and destroying trust in knowledge sharing and creation. Working meetings are one of the basic tools in organizations for collaboration and group... more
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      Knowledge ManagementTrustIntellectual CapitalMeetings Management
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      Higher EducationHuman Resource ManagementMeetingsHuman Resources
Business events are an important product for the city (as a tourist destination) where they are implemented, as well as for companies involved in organisation and service of the events. The increasing of competition on the business... more
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      Event ManagementMeetingsEvents managementTourism