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This ethnography examines the disaster relief work of the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) in Aceh, Indonesia, following the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. MCC's work is informed by the theologies and historical experiences of the North... more
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      ReligionChristianityAsian StudiesAnthropology
An entry in the online German-language MennLex encyclopedia project (originally from 2012; published in 2020). The article considers how Swiss Brethren, Hutterites, and Mennonites can be analyzed in terms of the historiographical model of... more
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      Early Modern HistoryReformation HistoryReformation StudiesAnabaptism
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      Cultural HeritageTourism and local communitiesPolitics of MemoryCemeteries
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      TypologyJohn CalvinAlbrecht DürerHugo Grotius
In 1968 a Mennonite pastor and peace worker named Edgar Metzler published a short booklet in the popular “Focal Pamphlet” series published by Herald Press – a series that includes other more widely read works by Mennonite historians and... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesAnabaptismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismAnabaptist Theology
This is a commissioned essay by Mennonite historians John Roth and Steve Nolt for a special issue of the Missionary Church historical journal, Reflections, for which I serve as editor in chief. The issue is devoted to the five traditions... more
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      AnabaptismAnabaptist TheologyAnabaptist StudiesModern Mennonite History
Von 1684 bis 1697 entbrannte im westpreussischen Danzig ein Streit zwischen dem Maler Enoch I. Seemann und dem mennonitischen Ältesten der Flamischen Gemeinde Georg Hansen über die Geltung des biblischen Bilderverbots. Anhand von bisher... more
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      MennonitesDanzigMennonite historyBilderverbot
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      South African historySouth AfricaMennonitesMennonite history
This article deals with the Mennonite and Amish beliefs in miracles,  faith healing, and magical practices from the early modern period to the present day.
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This book contains a indexed descendancy of Ludwig Riehl and Veronica Fisher down to their fourth great-grandchildren, with separate chapters for each of their four children who had progeny. It also contains a history of Ludwig, Veronica,... more
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      GenealogyPennsylvania HistoryAmishGenealogy-Family History
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      18th Century Art17th- and 18th-century Philosophy17th and 18th century European Decorative Arts and DesignMennonites
10–12 февраля 2018 г. в Екатеринбурге прошла VI Всероссийская научно-богословская конференция «Церковь. Богословие. История», посвященная 100-летию мученической кончины святых Царственных страстотерпцев и их верных спутников. Конференция... more
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      HistoryRussian LiteratureTheologyRussian Orthodox Church
Eric J. Schmaltz. “Other Immigrant Destinies: An Overview of South America’s Germans from Russia.” Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia 39:1 (Spring 2016): pp. 1-13 Many scholars are unaware of the... more
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      German diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)ParaguayArgentinaBrazil
The article compares dispute resolution processes, especially mediation, in stateless primitive societies, with two modern attempts to annex mediation to the U.S. legal system: Neighborhood Justice Centers (NJCs) and Restorative Justice... more
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      CriminologySociology of LawDispute ResolutionSocial and Cultural Anthropology
В статье на основе полевых материалов рассматриваются особенности праздничного календаря у немцев-меннонитов Южного Урала, его структура, конфессиональные особенности, обрядовое содержание. Анализируется развитие календарной обрядности... more
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      MennonitesRusslanddeutscheRussian-GermansRussian Mennonite
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      MennonitesMennonite history
This is an English version of a book I published in 2001.
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      Early Modern HistoryDiasporasMigrationReformation History
This essay argues that the attempts by the Mennonite Church to address Yoder’s problematic sexual explorations revealed and heightened at least three tensions internal to the Anabaptist tradition that affect its polity in very practical... more
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      Sexual ViolenceAnabaptist TheologyJohn Howard YoderMennonites
Written in 1954 but unpublished in his lifetime, Robert Friedmann’s Design for Living asks that pertinent existential question: how should we live? Drawing on literary, philosophical, and theological sources, Friedmann’s answer begins... more
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      Philosophical TheologyAnabaptismAnabaptist TheologyAnabaptist Studies
Mennonite-supported peacemaking institutions have been at the forefront of the effort to discredit Israel to audiences in North America. These institutions portray Jewish sovereignty as the cause of conflict and suffering in the Middle... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesIsrael StudiesReligion and PoliticsIsrael/Palestine
A reflection on my personal experience as a non-Mennonite ministering to Mennonites in rural Manitoba, Canada.
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      Contextual TheologiesEvangelical movementsAnabaptist StudiesContextual Theology
The listed leaders had a grasp of pacifism or nonviolence as a distinguishing mark of Christianity and of the restoration movement begun by A. Campbell (see below). Earlier but independent beginnings in Europe and Palestine are noted... more
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      HistoryPatristicsHistory of ReligionPolitical Science
This short piece describes the special risks for child maltreatment faced by Amish children in the context of Amish history, values and lifestyle. Readers will also find suggestions for working with Amish families and communities to... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodSexual AbuseChild abuse and neglectChildren and Families
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      Population GeneticsKansas HistoryNebraska HistoryMennonites
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      Cultural HeritageCemeteriesMennonitesMennonite history
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      Gender StudiesReligion and SexualitySexual ViolenceHistory of Sexuality
A Thesis, submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Art, Religion; December 2018, Eastern Mennonite Seminary.  (C) E.K. Knappenberger
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      History of EducationReligious EducationHistory of higher educationVirginia History
a short review
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesTheologyBaptist TheologyNonviolence
Old Colony Mennonites have historically responded to the introduction of public education in their communities by moving to areas where there were no public schools. One such area was the northern Peace River country of Alberta. Old... more
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      PhotographsPhotographyDocumentary PhotographyHistory of photography
In 1931-32 several thousand Russian Mennonite refugees were re-settled in the Gran Chaco at the heart of South America. They soon found themselves in the middle of the largest inter-state conflict in 20th century Latin American... more
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      MigrationAgricultureLatin American HistoryFoodways
*** UPDATE: I have now included a complete text of the essay in a pre-publication version. Please consult the published text before citing. *** This paper focuses on the largely negative memory of Anabaptist rule at Münster in scholarship... more
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      Early Modern HistoryReformation HistoryReformation StudiesGerman Reformation
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      SociolinguisticsChristian MissionsEcclesiologyLanguage Attitudes
Religious Minorities and Cultural Diversity in the Dutch Republic: Studies presented to Piet Visser on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Brill’s Series in Church History 67. Leiden: Brill, 2014. ISBN: 9789004273269 *** See... more
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      Early Modern HistoryCalvinismAnabaptismAnabaptist Theology
Every year reportedly more and more school age children are facing bullying from their peers due to having a mild form of Autism known as Asperger's Syndrome. This paper will explore various ways to recognize and combat bullying all... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesDisability StudiesAutism Spectrum DisordersAnti Bullying
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      ChristianityModern European Christian HistoryMennoniteModern Mennonite History
Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo es explorar el rol de las mujeres misioneras menonitas en Argentina desde su arribo al país en 1917 hasta la década de 1960. Los menonitas forman parte de los cristianos anabaptistas surgidos en el... more
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      AnthropologyMission StudiesMennonitesMennonite Studies
The Amsterdam-based merchant and mathematics enthusiast Adriaen Verwer (1654/5-1717) was one of the few in the Dutch Republic to respond to the first edition of Newton’s Principia (1687). Based on a close study of his published work, his... more
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      History of ScienceBenedict de SpinozaBaruch SpinozaSpinoza
Part of the German-language Mennonite encyclopedia project (MennLex V). About 18th-century bourgeois associationalism, and the roles that European Mennonites played in them. Pays particular attention to Mennonites and Freemasonry. This... more
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      AnabaptismJurgen HabermasEnlightenmentCosmopolitanism
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      Christian EthicsHomosexualityMennonites
This is a pre-publication copy of an essay published in Radical Reformation Studies, edited by Geoffrey Dipple and Werner Packull (Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 1999), pp. 157-174.
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      Comparative ReligionHistorical SociologyEarly Modern HistoryRadical Reformation
This is the pre-translation English version of an essay I published in German the journal _Mennonitische Geschichtsblätter_ in 1999.
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      AnabaptismEnlightenmentIntellectual History of EnlightenmentAnabaptist Theology
Visit of Harold Bender and David Wiens to Soviet Union in 1956 as seen from Western and Soviet perspective. Based on research in Russian and North-American (MCC) archives.
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      Soviet HistoryMennonites
Over the last 35 years, researchers from the Laboratory of Biological Anthropology at the University of Kansas have been working with Mennonite communities to better understand evolutionary patterns of fission-fusion in relationship to... more
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      Population structureY chromosomeAnabaptistsMennonites
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      Mental HealthEthnic minoritiesRural Mental HealthMennonites
A conference paper presented at "Continuity and Change: 50 Years of Amish Society" at the Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Study, Elizabethtown College, June 9-11, 2016.
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      SpiritualityAnabaptist TheologyAnabaptist StudiesChristian Spirituality
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      PhilologyHistoryLanguages and LinguisticsContact Linguistics
Peace on Earth: The Role of Religion in Peace and Conflict Studies provides a critical analysis of faith and religious institutions in peacebuilding practice and pedagogy. The work captures the synergistic relationships among faith... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesReligion, Conflict and PeacebuildingPeacebuildingReligion and Peace Studies
This article is about children in the Mennonite colony of Salamanca and is based on a process of participant-observation that was begun in 2012 with occasional stays of weeks and months in the community.
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      MennonitesMennonite Studies
Sexual violence is a pervasive problem in higher education, including at Protestant seminaries and undergraduate institutions. Although governments have required post-secondary administrators to develop policies for responding to sexual... more
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      Higher EducationSexual ViolenceAnglican Church HistoryChristian Pacifism