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A standard method for fitting the multinomial logit model. used in some statistic-al packages, is to represent it in terms of the equivalent Poisson log-linear model. The constraint necessary for this equivalence requires the inclusion of... more
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      EconometricsStatisticsComputational Statistics and Data AnalysisMultinomial Logit Model
Les analyses traditionnelles du marché du travail s'avèrent incapables d'expliquer le paradoxe apparent entre un taux de chômage relativement modéré dans un pays tel que le Pérou (environ 10%, taux peu sensible aux fortes fluctuations... more
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      SociologyPeruPanel DataDynamic Analysis
Abstract. A multinomial logit model is estimated to investigate the destination of students one-year after graduating from high school. The appropriate speci-fication of the choice set available to high school leavers is as follows:... more
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      DemographyEconomicsHuman CapitalApplied Economics
Testing for IIA with the Hausman-McFadden Test * The Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives assumption inherent in multinomial logit models is most frequently tested with a Hausman-McFadden test. As is confirmed by many findings in the... more
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      Statistical InferenceMultinomial Logit ModelMultinomial Logit
The purpose of this study was to assess the risk of injuries to miners, accounting for their individual and workplace characteristics. The binary and multinomial logit models were applied to measure the risk of injuries to miners working... more
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      EngineeringPsychologySafetyCoal Mining
In this presentation, we illustrate an application of a relatively new selection-bias correction methodology based on the multinomial logit model using the selmlog Stata command (Bourguignon, Fournier, and Gurgand, 2007, Journal of... more
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      Labor MarketMultinomial logit modelsOccupational ChoiceSelection Bias
Due to sever land scarcity, high population pressure and recurrent drought, farm households in the study area widely engage in and pursue diverse activities as livelihood strategies. The carrying capacity of agriculture to attain food and... more
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      Social SciencesMultinomial Logit Model
Two powerful, highly effective strategic tools that retailers possess involve pricing and store format decisions. From the several strategic choices available for each decision, a retailer can choose any combination. We focus on two gaps... more
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      MarketingRetailingConsumer PreferenceEmpirical Analysis
In response to structural transformations taking place in the Indian dairy sector mainly in processing segment this paper examines determinants of market channel choices of milk producers based on a survey of 390 farm households in 2007.... more
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      Technology AdoptionCost effectivenessMarketing channelStructural Transformation
Rural tourism is a very recent but rapidly growing activity in some regions of South-East Spain, an area traditionally associated with seaside tourism. The aim of this paper is to obtain a better understanding of the demand for this kind... more
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      MarketingTourism ManagementRural TourismMarket Segmentation
An extensive survey on household expenditures in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, was used to analyze the factors determining urban household energy choices using a multinomial logit model. Wood-energy remains the preferred fuel... more
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      Energy PolicyEnergy ConsumptionMultidisciplinaryHigh Frequency
In response to structural transformations taking place in the Indian dairy sector mainly in processing segment this paper examines determinants of market channel choices of milk producers based on a survey of 390 farm households in 2007.... more
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      Technology AdoptionCost effectivenessMarketing channelStructural Transformation
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      Real EstateHouse PricesMultinomial Logit Model
In this paper, we analyse the importance of consumer knowledge and its moderating effect on the use of extrinsic cues to make product choices within the white asparagus category. Our experimental design uses 18 screens showing options... more
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      MarketingExperimental DesignFood SciencesMultinomial Logit Model
Globally, farmers deal with a significant magnitude of uncertainty all day long. From not knowing what the vagaries of weather will be like now, to wondering if market prices will increase or decrease the next moment. Therefore farmers... more
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      RiskRisk ManagementNigeriaBarriers
The purpose of this study was to assess the risk of injuries to miners, accounting for their individual and workplace characteristics. The binary and multinomial logit models were applied to measure the risk of injuries to miners working... more
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      EngineeringPsychologySafetyCoal Mining
Los documentos de trabajo del Ivie ofrecen un avance de los resultados de las investigaciones económicas en curso, con objeto de generar un proceso de discusión previo a su remisión a las revistas científicas ABSTRACT Research has shown... more
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      Service recoveryWorking PapersRandom CoefficientsMultinomial Logit Model
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      StatisticsEducationMaximum LikelihoodGaussian quadrature
This survey presents the set of methods available in the literature on selection bias correction, when selection is specified as a multinomial logit model. It contrasts the underlying assumptions made by the different methods and shows... more
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      EconometricsMonte CarloApplied EconomicsMultinomial logit models
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      MarketingAnalytic PhilosophyInternational BusinessSociolinguistics
This study investigated main factors affecting fluid milk purchasing sources of households in Turkey. From the collected household survey data, a multinomial logit model was estimated to analyze households' choices among unpacked,... more
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      MarketingHigher EducationDeveloping CountryFood Sciences
In this article, we use data for 376 households, 1,066 parcels, and 2,143 plots located in 95 villages in the hillside areas in Honduras to generate information needed by decision makers to assess the needs and opportunities for public... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentLand managementAgricultural EconomicsRural Poverty
This paper uses data from 600 households in the Lake Victoria watershed in Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda to analyze the effects of vulnerabilities and shocks on the management and exploitation of wetlands within the context of agricultural... more
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      WetlandsCollective ActionSocial CapitalEast Africa
A model of consumer's choice between different supermarket formats is developed. Three formats are considered, conventional supermarkets characterized by high-low pricing, wide assortment and some service, discount stores characterized by... more
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      MarketingHierarchical BayesRandom CoefficientsLogit Model
The mean value of average overall running speed (AORS) in Zagazig city main streets (ZCMS) is about 10 kph. This means that traffic congestion is common phenomenon all over ZCMS. This leads to more trips delays, traffic accidents, fuel... more
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      Transportation StudiesLogistic RegressionModal SplitMode choice
Findings from commuter travel survey data that taken from mass transit systems in Bangkok and Manila Mass Transit Systems revealed that those who live and having destination as well in mass transit catchment area are not the regular mass... more
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    • Multinomial Logit Model
The objective of this paper is to specify and estimate a Constrained Multinomial Logit model with dominance variables. Estimation results will be compared with a simple Multinomial Logit model including dominance variables as well.
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      Logit ModelMultinomial Logit ModelRandom Utility
Comment la pauvreté at-elle évolué pendant les années 1997-1999, période durant laquelle les performances de l'économie péruvienne se sont sérieusement détériorées sous l'effet négatif de la crise financière internationale ? La... more
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      Stochastic dominancePanel DataPublic GoodInequality
Retailers who wish to make decisions for a single store and have access to the scanner data of all purchases and to the scanner data of customer card-holders may worry about erroneous inferences when using one of the two databases and... more
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      MarketingPrice ElasticityScanner DataThe
This survey presents the set of methods available in the literature on selection bias correction, when selection is specified as a multinomial logit model. It contrasts the underlying assumptions made by the different methods and shows... more
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      EconometricsMonte CarloApplied EconomicsMultinomial logit models
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      MarketingHigher EducationDeveloping CountryMultinomial logit models
Teenage drivers are overrepresented in crashes when compared to middle-aged drivers. Driver distraction is becoming a greater concern among this group as in-vehicle devices, opportunities for distractions, and teenage drivers' willingness... more
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      PsychologyAttentionRisk TakingRisk assessment
In the retail food sector, databases generated by customer loyalty programs are becoming increasingly important. The information stored in them helps retailers' decisions relating to pricing policies, promotions, inventories and category... more
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      MarketingCustomer LoyaltyMultinomial logit modelsMultinomial Logit Model
Purpose -The objective of this paper is to better understand the determinants of child labour and schooling in Bangladesh.
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      Child WelfareSocial economicsChild LabourDesign Methodology
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      Ecological EconomicsNatural Resource ManagementPublic HealthApplied Economics
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      Urban And Regional PlanningSurvey dataMode choiceNorth American
Farmers participating in agri-environmental schemes (AESs) that are aimed at protecting biodiversity should ideally make decisions relating to the ecological management of their farms based on the habitat types found on their farms. In... more
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      Ecological EconomicsApplied EconomicsEcologicalENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT
Changing agricultural research and extension systems mean that informal mechanisms of information diffusion are often the primary source of information about improved seed and practices for farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. This paper... more
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      Human GeographySocial CapitalUgandaAgriculture
AbstractÐUsing data from a 1989 household survey of new vehicle buyers, this paper develops and estimates a nested logit model of new vehicle demands. In comparison with the more restrictive multinomial logit model, which assumes that the... more
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      Applied MathematicsNumerical Analysis and Computational MathematicsFuel efficiencyMultinomial Logit Model
Traditionally, economists and market researchers have been interested in identifying the factors that affect consumersÕ car buying behaviors to estimate market share, and to that end they have developed various models of vehicle type... more
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      PersonalityBehaviorConsumer BehaviorEnergy Consumption
This paper develops measures of job and workplace perceptions, and examines the importance of those and other measures to the desired proportions of work time at each of three locations: regular workplace, home, and telecommuting center.... more
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      Job SatisfactionUrban And Regional PlanningFactor analysisLogit Model
Considerable research shows the economy matters for voters. But that view has come under attack, with revisionists arguing that it matters little. This dissenting view fits the Spanish case well, where reigning research finds virtually no... more
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      Political ScienceElectoral StudiesPanel Data AnalysisCross Section
Livelihooo strategies used by households and individuals in rural communities are shaped by human, natural, financial, social and physical capital resources that can be accessed. The ability to diversify livelihoods depends on asset... more
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      Human GeographyRisk ManagementApplied EconomicsBusiness and Management
The objective of this study is to investigate unpacked and packed fluid milk consumption patterns and preferences among Turkish households by using cross-sectional survey data from 18,278 households. Based on the data, 47.8% of the... more
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      ConsumptionAgricultural EconomicsApplied EconomicsSterilization
This paper attempts to validate the double jeopardy loyalty effect in a utility framework using a discrete choice approach instead of the Dirichlet model. We specify brand choice and allow for differences in brand loyalty measures across... more
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      Brand LoyaltyLatent Class ModelsPanel DataMarketing Mix
This paper analyses the factors determining the growth in car ownership in Spain over the last two decades. A discrete choice model is estimated at three points in time: 1980, 1990 and 2000. The paper compares the two alternative decision... more
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Dynamic price setting mechanisms such as online auctions typify the new generation of mercantile processes being used on the WWW. However, arbitrary pricing mechanisms can result in loss of revenue and social capital in markets... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingBusiness and ManagementDynamic Pricing
Semi-compensatory models represent a two-stage choice process consisting of an elimination-based choice set formation upon satisfying criteria thresholds and a utility-based choice. Current semi-compensatory models assume a purely... more
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      Real EstateHuman GeographyApplied MathematicsComputational Complexity
A new methodology is developed for estimating unemployment or employment characteristics in small areas, based on the assumption that the sample totals of unemployed and employed individuals follow a multinomial logit model with random... more
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      EconomicsEconometricsStatisticsMean square error
The aim of this paper is to analyse the determinants of diversification mode (acquisition versus greenfield) through foreign direct investment considering various theories, such as those of mergers and acquisitions, transaction costs, the... more
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      Foreign Direct InvestmentInternational MarketingOwnership StructureMerger and Acquisition