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      Ottoman HistoryArmenian HistoryArmenian CultureNorth Caucasus
Russia as the leading orthodox power, the tsar as heir to the Eastern Roman Emperors, protector and messianic liberator of the Eastern Church and his coreligionists from Ottoman “captivity” – this representation shaped since the 17th... more
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      Early Modern HistoryModern Greek HistoryRussian HistoryOttoman-Russian relations
Ankara : Türk Tarih Kurumu, 2015.
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      Military HistoryOttoman-Russian relationsAbdulhamid IIAhmet Mithat Efendi
The Ottoman-Russian War of 1768‒1774 caused many troubles for the Ottoman State: military, economic, social etc. These troubles were experienced throughout the whole territory, but especially on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. The... more
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      Ottoman HistoryCyprus StudiesMediterranean StudiesOttoman Studies
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      Russian OrthodoxyOttoman-Russian relationsPilgrimage and travel to the Holy LandHoly Land Studies
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    • Ottoman-Russian relations
Following the 1877-78 Russo-Turkish War, a combination of financial insolvency, changing priorities in imperial defense and personal preferences led Sultan Abdülhamid II to execute a radical shift in Ottoman naval policy. The battle fleet... more
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      Ottoman NavyImperial Russian NavyOttoman-Russian relationsAbdulhamid II
Bu çalışmaya esas teşkil eden eser, 1768-1774 Osmanlı-Rus Harbi’nin 1182-1184 (1768-1771) tarihlerini kapsayan muhtasar bir tarihdir. Bundan önceki çalışmalarda Zekeriyazâde Mehmed Said’e atfedilen eser üzerinde yaptığımız... more
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      Military HistoryOttoman HistoryOttoman StudiesOttoman Empire
İçindekiler Kısaltmalar …..................................................................... 6 Teşekkür …......................................................................... 7 Bölüm 1: Giriş ve Kısaca Kaynaklara Bakış... more
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      Russian HistoryRusso-Turkish RelationsOttoman-Russian relationsBorderlands Studies
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    • Ottoman-Russian relations
This book is designed as a catalog of Ottoman inscriptions found in the north of the Black Sea. Said region today consistıig of the territories of Ukraine, Moldova, Russia and Georgia. Although the Crimean peninsula is very important for... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesOttoman StudiesUkraine (History)Ottoman-Russian relations
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      Balkan StudiesBalkan HistoryOttoman-Russian relationsOsmanlı Tarihi
The joint Ottoman-Russian naval expedition (1798-1800) to the Ionian Islands and Italy, which took place in the framework of the War of the Second Coalition against revolutionary France, is a subject that has drawn the intense interest of... more
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      Imperial Russian NavyOttoman-Russian relations
Türk Askerî Tarihi Bibliyografyası kitabı Nisan’da araştırmacıların hizmetine açıldığında 2021 yılına kadar yapılan 11398 çalışmanın künyesinden oluşmaktaydı. Gözden kaçanlar ve yeni yayınlarla birlikte bu sayı 14618’e ulaştı. Bu... more
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      Military HistoryOttoman HistoryMaritime HistoryBibliography
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      Ottoman Military HistoryOttoman-Russian relationsOsmanlı Tarihi1877-1878 Osmanlı-Rus Savaşı
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesOttoman EmpireOttoman Balkans
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      Ottoman-Russian relationsOttoman Diplomacy and Europe
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    • Ottoman-Russian relations
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      Russian Intellectual HistoryOttoman-Russian relationsKonstantin Leont’ev
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      Russian StudiesOttoman HistoryOttoman EmpireRussian History
Mevzubahis çalışmamız Rus asıllı Fransız gazeteci-yazar ve gezgin Lidiya Paşkova'nın eserlerinin analizini ihtiva etmektedir. Paşkova'nın zengin edebi mirasında; özellikle de Osmanlı eyaletlerine yaptığı geziler esnasında kaleme aldığı... more
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      Ottoman-Russian relationsFrench ImpressionismHistory and TraveloguesTravel and travelogues
Andrey Krasnozhon History of Izmail City and Fortress Sayfa / Page: 6-10 Andrey Krasnozhon Historical Map of Izmail (reconstruction based on historical maps) Sayfa / Page: 12-17 Mehmet Emin Yılmaz İsmail Geçidi’nde Habeşî Mehmed Ağa... more
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      Romanian HistoryMaritime HistoryOttoman StudiesOttoman Military History
Lieut.-Gen. WILLIAM MONTEITH of the Madras Engineers Corps of the Royal British Army, wrote this book as a report to inform COLONEL W. H. SYKES, and the DIRECTORS OF THE HON. EAST INDIA COMPANY. The narrative is based on reports he... more
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      Russian StudiesOttoman HistoryOttoman StudiesOttoman Empire
Review of George A. Bournoutian (ed. and trans.). Armenians and Russia (1626-1796): A Documentary Record (Armenian Studies Series), xiv, 578 pp. Costa Mesa: Mazda Publishers, 2001, in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African... more
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      Russian StudiesArmenian StudiesIranian StudiesCaucasus
Регулярные контакты Петра I с Венецианской республикой накануне русско- турецкой войны 1710-1713 гг. возобновились после без малого 10-летнего перерыва. Перед объявлением султаном Ахмедом III войны царь отправил дожу два послания,... more
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      Modern Greek HistoryRussian HistoryOttoman-Russian relationsVenice
The integrity of the Ottoman Empire was a fundamental concern in nineteenth-century European politics, often referred to as ‘the Eastern Question’. The main military aspect of this question was how Istanbul and the Turkish Straits, namely... more
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      Military HistoryOttoman-Russian relationsLate Ottoman HistoryEastern Question
Osmanlı-Rus Savaşı’nı tetikleyen her şeyden önce Batı basınında yer alan çok sayıda tasvir sayesinde 19. yüzyılın en önemli medya olaylarından biri hâline gelen 1876 yılındaki “Türk Vahşeti” idi. Rus askerlerinin Müslüman sivillere... more
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman EmpireOttoman-Russian relationsVisual History
This study draws on the literature discussing the relationship between religion, non-economic and economic exchange to provide a partial explanation for the dramatic growth of such exchange in the border area between the Ottoman and... more
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      Monastic StudiesMount Athos StudiesModern Greek HistoryRussian Orthodoxy
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      Balkan HistoryOttoman BalkansOttoman-Russian relations
Μέσα ἀπὸ τὰ κείμενα τοῦ τόμου ἐξετάζονται πτυχὲς τῶν σχέσεων τῶν Ἑλλήνων μὲ τοὺς Ρώσους σὲ μία περίοδο ποὺ ἐκκινεῖ ἀπὸ τὰ χρόνια τοῦ Πέτρου καὶ καταλήγει στὶς παραμονὲς τῆς Ἐπανάστασης. Σὲ αὐτὰ μελετῶνται τόσο ἡ δράση τῆς ρωσικῆς... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian PoliticsModern Greek HistoryEarly modern Ottoman History
Tütüncü Mehmet, Krasnozhon Andrei The monuments of the Ottoman epigraphy of the XVIII-th century from Budjak In the article are published six epigraphic monuments of the Ottoman epigraphy of the 18-th century from the North-Western Black... more
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman BalkansRussian HistoryHistory of Ottoman Art and Architecture
Tarih boyunca Balkan yarımadasındaki stratejik konumu nedeni ile dikkatleri üzerine çeken Makedonya bölgesi hem Büyük Güçlerin hemde Balkan devletlerinin ilgi odağı olmuştur. Osmanlı egemenliğinin Balkanlarda giderek zayıflamaya yüz... more
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      Ottoman HistoryRussian HistoryOttoman-Russian relationsMacedonian Question
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    • Ottoman-Russian relations
ÖZET İvan Zaharov, Petersburglu sıradan bir ressamdır. 19. asır Rus aydın ve elitlerin yurtdışı modasına kapılarak, biraz da olum-suz şartları zorlayarak askeri bir gemide kendisine yer bulur ve 1849 yazında İstanbul'a gelir.İstanbul'a... more
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      Russian StudiesOttoman-Russian relationsHistory of IstanbulTurkish Russian Relations
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      South East European StudiesSeventeenth CenturyEarly Modern EuropeJesuit history
Öz Ahmet Mithat Efendi'nin Zübdetü'l-Hakayık adlı kitabı Türkçedeki ilk baskısını 1878 yılında yapar. Kitap, 1879'da Rusçaya çevrilir. On dokuzuncu yüzyıl matbuat kültüründe Türkçe kitapların kısa süre sonra yabancı dillere çevrilmesi... more
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      Ottoman-Russian relationsÇeviriTanzimatÇeviribilim
Özet 9 Temmuz 1791'de meydana gelen Maçin bozgunu 1787-92 Osmanlı-Rus harbinin son safhası olarak kabul edilir. Bölgeye saldıran bir Rus birliğine küçük bir stratejik hata yüzünden yenilen Osmanlı askerleri firar etmeye başlayınca firar... more
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      Ottoman Military HistoryOttoman-Russian relationsWarfareOttoman and Black Sea Region studies
There is a long-held feeling in Russia that Moscow is the true heir to the Christian Byzantine Empire. In 1894, Imperial Russia opened one of the world's leading centres for Byzantine archaeology in Istanbul, the Russian Archaeological... more
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      Ottoman HistoryCultural HeritageByzantine StudiesByzantine Archaeology
The article, which is an introductory chapter of the book written by Ahmed Refik, in 1916, with Ottoman scripts, covers the period from 1709 to 1714 mainly focusing on the diplomatic and military activities of the Ottoman Empire regarding... more
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      European HistoryEastern European historyOttoman-Russian relationsOttoman Diplomacy and Europe
The paper focuses on Budjak’s status after the Treaty of Bucharest, dated 1812. Ottomans abandoned Bessarabia to Russia with this treaty. Then, Russia seperated Budjak Region from Bessarabia. Before the treaty, both of them had been a... more
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      Romanian StudiesOttoman-Russian relationsBasarabiaTreaty of Bucharest
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      HistoryRussian StudiesOttoman HistoryPolitical Science
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      European HistoryTravel WritingPolitical ScienceEnlightenment
Tsar Alexandr I (1801 – 1825) maintained the politic of state which inherited from him predecessors Peter I and Catherine II. The essence of the Russian classical policy can be summarized as basically expanding against the Ottoman State.... more
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      Ottoman-Russian relationsXIXth Century History
In the Eighteenth Century, fundamental changes in the casting technol- ogy influenced the battlefield tactics. Seven Years Wars marked the end of the artil- lery tactics based on static defense and siege warfare. The Ottoman Army became... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)Ottoman HistoryWar Studies
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      HistoryRussian StudiesOttoman HistorySocial Sciences
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      CaucasusOttoman-Russian relationsRussian-Ottoman BorderlandsEduard Taitbout de Marigny
"The “Turkish atrocities” of 1876 were one of the main events that triggered the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878. The atrocities were among the most important media events of the 19th century in the Western press, not least because of the... more
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      Ottoman EmpireOttoman-Russian relationsVisual MediaVisual History
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      Modern Greek HistoryOttoman-Russian relationsSeptinsular RepublicIonian Islands
Статья посвящена первому генералу русской императорской армии курдского происхождения, участнику Крымской войны Джафар-аге. Начав службу в 1853 г., он в 1871 г. дослужился до генерал-майора. Его военная карьера не была характерной для... more
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      Ottoman HistoryKurdish StudiesCaucasusOttoman Empire
Tatiana Bazarova ‘For Keeping Peace in a Better and the Most Comprehensive Way…’: The Residency of Russian Ambassador Pyotr Tolstoy at the Ottoman Court The paper focuses on the work of the first Russian permanent ambassador to the... more
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      XVIII centuryRussian Foreign PolicyRussian HistoryOttoman-Russian relations