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      Naval Tactics (Military Science)Ottoman NavyAge of SailSinope
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      Military HistoryOttoman HistoryNaval HistoryHistory of Piracy
This research provides a good overview of the importance of arsenals in the Early Modern naval, military, economic, and social history of the Mediterranean, focusing on four case studies in a comparative framework. Thanks to the research... more
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      Military HistoryOttoman HistoryNaval HistoryTimber
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesBiographyOttoman Navy
Son yirmi yılda Osmanlı araştırmalarında konu yelpazesi genişledi, yeni yöntemler devreye girdi; başta sosyal tarih, iktisat tarihi, askeri tarih ve şehir tarihi gibi alanlarda yeni yönelimler ortaya çıktı. Maddi kültür ve servet,... more
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman HistoriographyOttoman BalkansOttoman, Middle East
Türk Tarihi'nin en büyük deniz zaferi, bundan 477 yıl önce modern Yunanistan'ın Epir Bölgesi'nde yer alan Adriyatik Denizi'ne kıyısı bulunan Preveze açıklarında cereyan etti. Barbaros Hayrettin Paşa ile Andre Doria, Akdeniz'in hâkimiyeti... more
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      Naval WarfareNaval HistoryOttoman NavyOsmanlı Donanması
Kalyoncular Kışlası, Cezayirli Gazi Hasan Paşa, Türk denizcilik tarihi, Osmanlı askeri mimarisi, Kasımpaşa semti.
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      Ottoman NavyTürk Denizcilik TarihiİSTANBUL KENT TARİHİOsmanlı Askeri Tarihi
Presentation made during the Third International Congress of Eurasian Maritime History - Istanbul, 10/05/2018 The last quarter of the 17th century witnessed the transformation of the Ottoman navy from an oared into a sailing battlefleet.... more
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      Naval WarfareOttoman NavyAge of Sail18th Century
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      Ottoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesMaritime HistoryOttoman Studies
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      Ottoman HistoryMediterranean StudiesOttoman NavyEconomic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire
Özet Birinci Dünya Savaşı'na dâhil olma sürecinde Osmanlı Devleti'ne en önemli katkıyı kendisine ait olmayan zırhlı gemiler yapmıştı. Bu zırhlılar, Alman Akdeniz Filo Komutanlığı'na bağlı Goeben Dretnotu ile Breslau Kruvazörü idi. Alman... more
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      HistoryOttoman HistoryWar StudiesOttoman Navy
The War of Cyprus (1570–71) took place within the framework of the Fourth Ottoman–Venetian War, which was concluded with the naval Battle of Lepanto and the peace treaty signed by the two contenders in 1573. This essay deals with the... more
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      Military HistoryRefugee StudiesWar StudiesEarly Modern Captivity
Cite as/ Atıf: Taş, M. (2020). 18. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Donanmasında kereste temininde karşılaşılan sorunlar ve çözüm yolları. Turkish Studies-History, 15(2), 677-695. https://dx. Abstract: The Ottoman navy entered a structural transformation... more
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      TimberOttoman NavyOttoman Military History
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      Ottoman HistoryMaritime HistoryOttoman NavyOsmanlı Tarihi
As strange as it may seem, the escape of Goeben and Breslau to the Dardanelles brought great relief to the British Admiralty. As if a heavy stone fell from their heart: Nothing menaced any more their control of the Mediterranean Sea, and... more
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      Military HistoryNaval WarfareFirst World WarOttoman Navy
ABSTRACT The thin threads that make up the rope used on the ship are called wires. In maritime terminology, this material is called flasha. Süleyman Nutki describes it as the name given to thin twine formed by twisting the hemp fiber to... more
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    • Ottoman Navy
Thousands of enslaved Georgian youth were sold in Ottoman slave markets throughout 17th and 18th centuries, however, some of them managed to voluntarily migrate towards Ottoman capital and major provinces in search for employment and... more
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      Ottoman HistoryMamluk StudiesMamluk HistoryOttoman Navy
There is only very limited evidence for the life of the sixteenth century English renegade and eunuch slave, Hassan Agha, whose birth name was Samson Rowlie. Until now, he has been known from a single letter written in 1586, supplemented... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of SlaveryMediterranean StudiesAnglo-Ottoman Relations
1914 yılı sayımına göre nüfusu 850.000 olan İstanbul, tarihsel geçmişi, politik ve coğrafi odağı dolayısıyla pek çok devlet için sahip olunması gereken yüksek karatlı bir elmas, Çanakkale ise bu payitahtı ele geçirmek için satranç tahtası... more
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      First World WarOttoman NavyMayın1. Dünya Savaşı
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryFrench HistoryOttoman History
Sixteenth-century North Africa, the "Forgotten Frontier" between two rival empires, the Habsburgs and the Ottomans, came into the latter's orbit with the incorporation of the North African corsairs into the Ottoman empire. The employment... more
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      European HistoryOttoman HistoryMediterranean StudiesOttoman Studies
Following the 1877-78 Russo-Turkish War, a combination of financial insolvency, changing priorities in imperial defense and personal preferences led Sultan Abdülhamid II to execute a radical shift in Ottoman naval policy. The battle fleet... more
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      Ottoman NavyImperial Russian NavyOttoman-Russian relationsAbdulhamid II
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      Ottoman NavyOttoman State Policy in Mediterraneantrade and Shipping
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      Naval HistoryOttoman NavyAskeri TarihNusrat Mine Ship
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      Ottoman NavyPiri ReisHistory especially Piri ReisSea Power, Piri Reis, Türk Denizciliği
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      Ottoman HistoryPaintingOttoman NavyPainters
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman NavyKaptan PaşaCezayirli Gazi Hasan Paşa Hayratı
ÖZ Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Tuna Donanması: Teşkilâtı ve Faaliyetleri (1683-1718) Osmanlı Devleti, Tuna Nehri’ne ulaştıktan sonra nehrin lojistik ve askerî avantajlarından yararlanmak üzere filolar bulundurmuştur. Ancak bu filolar idarî... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryOttoman HistoryMaritime History
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      Naval HistoryOttoman NavyChinese NavyJapanese Navy
The sixteenth century was a time when projects against Ottoman power were diminishing. This sixteenth century trend changed dramatically after the battle of Lepanto on 7 October 1571, when the Holy League coalition forces inflicted a... more
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      Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryBalkan StudiesMediterranean Studies
ÖZET:  Dünya denizciliğinde yaşanan dönüm noktalarından biri aynı zamanda bir deniz tutkunu olan Sultan Abdülaziz’in padişahlık dönemine (1861-1876) isabet etmiştir. Özellikle teknolojik dönüşümün çok hızlı olduğu bu dönemde gemi... more
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      Naval HistoryOttoman NavyOsmanlı Sosyo-Ekonomik TarihiOsmanlı Tarihi
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      Ottoman HistoryMaritime HistoryNaval HistoryOttoman Studies
Türk Askerî Tarihi Bibliyografyası kitabı Nisan’da araştırmacıların hizmetine açıldığında 2021 yılına kadar yapılan 11398 çalışmanın künyesinden oluşmaktaydı. Gözden kaçanlar ve yeni yayınlarla birlikte bu sayı 14618’e ulaştı. Bu... more
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      Military HistoryOttoman HistoryMaritime HistoryBibliography
The Tomb of Barbaros Hayreddin Pasha
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      Ottoman NavyTombs (Medieval Studies)Aigina, Hayreddin, BarbarossaBeşiktaş
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      Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryBalkan StudiesMediterranean Studies
Between the Congress of Vienna (1815) and the Crimean War (1853-1856) the Levantine Mediterranean was the theatre of several European countries’ navies, interested not only in trading with the Porte, but also in the political changes... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryDiplomatic HistoryInternational Relations
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      Ottoman HistoryMaritime HistoryOttoman NavyOttoman Maritime History
This essay aims to show how information was used as a political tool in sixteenth-century Istanbul. By concentrating on the “Mediterranean faction”, i.e. Muslim corsairs incorporated into the Ottoman imperial system, it will seek to... more
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      Decision MakingIntelligence StudiesIntelligenceDecision Making Processes
Bahriye Müzesi'nde üç ressam… Yüreklerinde vatan sevgisini derinden hisseden asker ressamlardan sadece üçü… Batılı anlamda Türk resim sanatının benimsenmesinde Sultan II. Mahmut önemli bir rol oynamış, yağlı boya portresini devlet... more
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      World War IOttoman NavyPaintersturkish painting
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsInternational RelationsGeopoliticsOttoman Navy
By the mid-fifteenth century, Ottoman-controlled territories had completely enveloped Constantinople. Ottoman expansion at the expense of the Byzantine empire was in fact further aided by the weakness of the heir of Roman glory.... more
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      Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMaritime HistoryHistory of the Mediterranean
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      Ottoman NavyAlgerieCezayirPiri Reis
Turkish abstract: Öz: Bu makalede 1587-1588 yıllarında Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nu ziyaret eden Reinhold Lubenau’nun seyahatnamesindeki Akdeniz yolculuğunun gerçeklere dayanmadığı ve kurgusal olduğu iddia edilmektedir. Makalenin ilk... more
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      Military HistoryNaval HistoryMediterranean StudiesCross-Cultural Studies
The armament race which had begun in the late 19th century came into prominence in the maritime with the realization of the programs considering the construction of new ships. The construction of faster ships with long-range cannons had... more
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      Ottoman HistoryNaval WarfareNaval HistoryTurkish History
Sultan Reşad, tahta oturduğunda seleflerinden miras kalan sorunlarla dolu malî, iktisadî alanlar dışında Memalik-i Şâhâne’nin bekâsını alenî tehdit eden bir dizi güvenlik sorunuyla da karşı karşıya kalmıştı. Bilhassa Osmanlı’nın... more
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      Military HistoryOttoman HistoryOttoman NavyReform Age Ottoman Military History
THE SEA BATTLE OF NAVARINO AND OTTOMAN NAVY-1827 The naval Battle of Navarino, in terms of its subsequent results, is evaluated as one of the worst disasters experienced by the Ottoman Fleet in 19th Century. The battle began with a... more
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      Maritime HistoryOttoman NavyTürk Denizcilik TarihiToplumsal Tarih Dergisi
My article (in Polish language) about the Ottoman sailing navy and naval technology during the Russo-Turkish wars of Catherine II "The Great". The final synthesis of my two previous articles in English and French languages, it is my... more
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      Naval WarfareOttoman NavyImperial Russian NavyAge of Sail
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman Navy