Perfomance Studies
Recent papers in Perfomance Studies
Verona, Arena, Opera, perfomance, anthropology
Tutto imprescindibilmente parte dal corpo, il nostro e dell’Altro, entrambi portatori di segni. Il corpo si fa corpus nel processo di signifi- cazione e di ibridazione. Quando scopriamo che il sé subisce un processo di omologazione, il... more
Yann Marussich, gives us a new gaze of the body as politic performance
for a projectual riconfiguration of our dreams, of our imaginary, of
our behaviors and collective sensitivity.
for a projectual riconfiguration of our dreams, of our imaginary, of
our behaviors and collective sensitivity.
Para la historiografía que se ha ocupado de la historia del cine español, la figura del explicador no ha pasado hasta ahora de ser poco más que un personaje citado en contadas ocasiones, casi siempre por protagonizado alguna anécdota... more
”At du læser ”mig”, er selvfølgelig en hovedløs fortalelse, og i forlængelse heraf bør jeg nævne, at jeg ikke har fundet på det hele selv. Jeg har hugget sætninger fra adskillige andre tekster” (Bjørn Rasmussen, s. 90).... more
En este trabajo se aborda la complejidad del proceso creativo de un músico popular notorio. Con el fin de describir el entramado que supone actualmente este proceso en un disco de música popular y develar cómo se construye la "persona de... more
Publikacja jest efektem III Polskiego Kongresu Estetyki „Media, Nowe media czy post-media sztuki” zorganizowanego przez przez Polskie Towarzystwo Estetyczne oraz Wydział Malarstwa i Nowych Mediów Akademii Sztuki w Sczecinie. Dyskusje... more
The article deals with public executions held in Warsaw in the years 1815-1830. Aside from describing each particular stage in the process of an execution, it also offers an analysis of the goal behind organising public executions by the... more
Against Cartesian dualism and in line with the general twentieth century rediscovery of body and perception, this paper aims to examine the role of senses for the performer, as presented by Richard Schechner’s theory of performance. Such... more
Que peut un corps ? C’est cette question, qui a intrigué les plus grands philosophes au cours des siècles (de Spinoza à Deleuze et bien d’autres) que cet article se propose de reprendre à nouveaux frais ; en un temps où certains... more
Attending to race has become essential in ethnomusicology at least since publication of Music and the Racial Imagination (2000). And what sort of musical performance could be more imaginary than air guitar? Competitive air guitarists... more
Seven multi-searcher agents —Copernic, EZSearch, MataHari, iMine, WebSeeker, WebFerret and WebStorm— are compared measuring precision, recall and response time on the first twenty results returned for fifteen queries. All search engines... more
En este artículo se analizan los espectáculos del grupo Les Luthiers a partir del marco conceptual desarrollado en los estudios de performance. Desde esta perspectiva, se conciben sus presentaciones como fenómenos comunicativos, como... more
An essay to be included in the book project, Bulgarian Dance in Migration.
The present article aims to develop an approach to musical meaning that integrates performative dimensions systematically into a broadened concept of analysis, connecting particularly to recent research into the temporal qualities of... more
Митко Иванов за страстта му към българския традиционен костюм, дейността му като фолклорист и ръководител на Ансамбъла за изворен фолклор, град Плевен Интервю, 7 декември, 2000 г., София Митко Иванов напусна този свят на 23 април, 2009... more
This dissertation theorizes expressive sound in piano performance. It views the act of obtaining a desired sound as an act of subtly adjusting to continually changing conditions of sound production. It takes a performer's perspective,... more
O presente trabalho analisa como o documentário 33, do diretor Kiko Goifman, utiliza recursos autobiográficos em sua escritura. A análise é feita a partir da decupagem das principais cenas do documentário performático de Kiko e da... more
Polish culture is based on a peculiar paradox. Our tradition and historical consciousness are rich in rituals and martyrs, yet they function in a mythological vacuum, as there has been no elaborate system of myths to help us understand... more
Zeigen ist eine Grundtätigkeit. Ohne sie lassen sich weder Wissen noch Handeln, weder Erkennen noch Sozialität denken. Eine das Vorverständnis prägende Assoziation zum Zeigen ist die Hand, die auf Dinge und Phänomene in der Welt verweist.... more
Article paru dans une version courte dans dir. Sylvie Martin-Lahmani et Martial Poirson (dir.), Quelle diversité culturelle sur les scènes européennes ?, revue Alternatives Théâtrales n°133, novembre 2017.
The arts, science and technology are experiencing a period of profound change. Normally we use the terms digital everywhere, because it is embodied in our culture. We could talk about third culture as John Brockmann writes. The third... more
En este trabajo se analizan las características de la obra de Ridiculum Vitae, grupo que se inscribe dentro de la escena argentina entre aquellos que combinan la música y el teatro con fines humorísticos. Para llevar a cabo esa tarea, se... more
The task of the actor has long been a subject of scepticism, and often scorn, accused of being not real work: either it is ‘not real’, in that it is only pretending or simulation, or it is ‘not work’, in that it is merely the pursuit of... more
«Karagkiozis performers of Solea: Th. Themistokleous, A. Kokonas, G. Idalias» Shadow Theatre (“Karaghiozis”) in Cyprus is a quite intriguing field for researchers, due to its geographical position and its particular political-social... more
Vor dem Hintergrund gegenwärtiger Migrationsbewegungen nimmt dieses interdisziplinäre Symposium, das wissenschaftliche Perspektiven, NGO-Vertreterinnen und -Vertreter sowie Kunstschaffende zusammenbringt, Erfahrungen von Fremdheit und... more
The intention of this essay is to rise up some points and to share my visions with others in the prospect of finding some other colleagues interested in drawing a new path in Performing Arts that aims to maintain, deepen and empower the... more
Macbeth is the tragedy of desire. Lady Macbeth’s identity is a fiction of closure, namely a metonymic part that cannot represent the whole, the predetermined complexity with which being coincides with its subjectuality, made even more... more
Centrándonos en el drama social desencadenado a partir de la exposición retrospectiva del artista plástico León Ferrari (1920 - 2013) en el Centro Cultural Recoleta de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires a fines de 2004, el trabajo problematiza las... more
Abstract: This article explores the intersections between the dance, biblical studies and performance praxis. It articulates the possible kinds of knowledge(s) that are at the intersection between movement as a performance practice and... more
Overlapping between Science of Education and tightrope walking. Our research aims to investigate the possibility of contaminating education and tightrope walking. Supporting the idea that education should favor the vital balance for each... more
RESUMEN Un análisis de la representación de los varones en el cine cubano de ficción de la década de los 90 del pasado siglo, son el sitio para vislumbrar las claves como el séptimo arte de la isla narra también desde el género. La... more
2011. « "Même l’écureuil fait ce qu’il peut". Transmettre le savoir dans le Kūṭiyāṭṭam », in M.-C. Mahias, Construire les savoirs dans l’action. Apprentissages et enjeux sociaux en Asie du Sud, Paris, EHESS (Purushartha 29) : 39-78.... more
Ülkemizde doğa afetlerinin sık olarak yaşandığı bilinen bir gerçektir. Yaşanan doğa afetleri sırasında çok sayıda kişi yaşamını yitirmekte ve ekonomik açıdan önemli kayıplar yaşanabilmektedir. Bu duruma bağlı olarak yaşanan afetlere doğru... more
The symbolic representation of identity in traditional musical contexts is achieved through the activation of performers’ behaviour gathering in a group, by means of performative processes typical of ‘musicking’ (e.g. ‘know how to make... more
As artes, principalmente as artes do espetáculo, prezam por um bem incomensurável da humanidade, o convívio entre pessoas, pois é a partir do convívio que nos comunicamos, sentimos a vontade de transmitir uma mensagem, afetar o outro e... more
This paper will address the issue that great philosophers – from Spinoza1 to Deleuze2 to many others – have puzzled over for centuries: What can a body do? Art has long questioned its status in relation to modern technologies in order to... more