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This book has three main aims: (I) to determine the usefulness of English phrasal verbs for L2 learners based on their frequency of occurrence; (II) to offer a comparative exploration of the most common phrasal verbs between spoken... more
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      Cognitive LinguisticsPhrasal VerbsVarieties of EnglishFrequency
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      Phrasal VerbsIdiomsEnglish Language
Phrasal verbs, such as "run up" in "They always run up our electric bill," have long been of interest to researchers of English linguistics. Scholars have been particularly focused on the definition and categorization of these multi-word... more
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      SociolinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeCorpus LinguisticsLanguage and Culture
Abstract: [Verbal phrasemes and grammatical metaphor in Spanish and Chinese]. This paper analyzes the phrasemes with a verbal function from a contrastive point of view between two typologically opposed languages, in search of... more
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      Phrasal VerbsPhraseologyPhraseologieSpanish Syntax
The present study focuses on the frequency of phrasal verbs with the particle up in the context of crime and police investigative work. This research emerges from the need to enlarge McCarthy and O'Dell's (2004) scope from purely criminal... more
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    • Phrasal Verbs
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      Second Language AcquisitionVocabularyApplied LinguisticsPhrasal Verbs
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      Phrasal VerbsItalianVerb-Particle Constructions
Brazilian Phrasal Verbs The prescriptivist "lesson":-postpone for put off,-suppress for fight down,-inherit for come into,-reprimand for tell off, and so on (Dixon, 1982:4). The same situation holds in Brazilian Portuguese:-partir (go... more
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      Phrasal VerbsBrazilian Portuguese
This paper deals with the meanings of two colour terms, namely English white and black and Serbian beo and crn. A contrastive analysis of the two pairs of adjectives is based on a corpus of 35 English and Serbian phrasal and clausal... more
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      Translation StudiesComparative LinguisticsCognitive LinguisticsPhrasal Verbs
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      Business EnglishEnglish for Specific PurposesCognitive LinguisticsPhrasal Verbs
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    • Phrasal Verbs
Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu su slikovne sheme SADRŽATELJ, SILA, RAVNOTEŽA, CENTAR–PERIFERIJA, GORE–DOLE, i PREDMET (Johnson 1987: 126) u poslovicama koje sadrže somatizme u engleskom i srpskom jeziku poput, Place one’s head in the... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorCognitive LinguisticsContrastive AnalysisPhrasal Verbs
El examen de los verbos sintagmáticos (o phrasal verbs) italianos, franceses, portugueses y españoles confirma que reúnen todas las condiciones que distinguen los frasemas de las combinaciones sintácticas: polilexematicidad, fijación e... more
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      Phrasal VerbsPhraseologyRomance LinguisticsRomance Languages
The paper deals with the analysis of the English phrasal verbs with the particles down and up and their Serbian translation equivalents. The general aim of the analysis is to point to the English phrasal verbs with the particles down and... more
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      Translation StudiesCognitive LinguisticsContrastive AnalysisPhrasal Verbs
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      SemanticsEnglishSyntaxPhrasal Verbs
Phrasal or multi-word verbs, many of them formed with the frequently-occurring irregular verbs, are a ubiquitous feature of Manx. They may be divided into the following categories: 1. verb + adverbial / adjective / prepositional phrase,... more
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      LexicologyCeltic StudiesIrish linguisticsCeltic Linguistics
The theory of situation-type aspect based on scales (e.g. Tenny 1994; Jackendoff 1996; Rappaport Hovav 2008; Rappaport Hovav and Levin 2010) is applied in the present study to aspectual English verb particles and Slovak verbal prefixes. I... more
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      Slavic LanguagesPhrasal VerbsTense and Aspect SystemsSlavic Linguistics
COPULA OMISSION BY EFL ARAB LEARNERS Copula omission is found to be one of the major and most frequent errors that Arab EFL learners make when writing in English. Several studies have examined copula omission by Arab EFL learners. Most of... more
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      SyntaxEnglish GrammarPhrasal Verbs
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      SemanticsPhrasal VerbsPrepositionsPrepositional Phrase
The paper deals with the analysis of the English phrasal verbs with the particles down and up and their Serbian translation equivalents. The general aim of the analysis is to point to the English phrasal verbs with the particles down and... more
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      Translation StudiesCognitive LinguisticsContrastive AnalysisPhrasal Verbs
This paper approaches productivity by considering three case studies: compounds, blends and phrasal verbs. The aim of the paper is to encourage a discussion about the factors involved in the notion of productivity, and to show why so many... more
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      Phrasal VerbsCompoundingMorphological ProductivityBlending
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      Languages and LinguisticsConceptual MetaphorTerminologyCognitive Linguistics
Phrasal verbs (e.g. fade away, give up) tend to be associated with spoken, colloquial registers, not only in Present-day English, but also in previous stages of the language. This view has recently been challenged by Thim's (2006a, 2012)... more
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      Language Variation and ChangeEnglish historical linguisticsPhrasal VerbsRegister Variation
The focus of the paper is on the semantics of English phrasal verbs whose constituent verb is related to the concept of PLANTS. The investigated set of verbs includes twenty-two phrasal verbs featuring the particles OUT, OFF, UP, THROUGH,... more
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      Cognitive LinguisticsPhrasal VerbsPlants
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      English GrammarTEFLPhrasal VerbsGrammar
Phrasal verbs have been the source of frustration for learners of English, and many students talk about the difficulties they have using phrasal verbs. They are widely used by native speakers of English but are difficult for second... more
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      English LiteratureTeaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish languageEnglish
This study investigates the effects of conceptual metaphors on Turkish EFL learners’ acquisition of phrasal verbs. The participants were 120 beginner, elementary, and pre-intermediate level students. The research follows a pre and... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish languageEnglishTeaching of Foreign Languages
Phrasal verbs are an important aspect and a challenge for learners of English as a foreign language (EFL). The aim of this proposal is to identify how the implementation of communicative language teaching activities may contribute to the... more
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      Phrasal VerbsBoard GamesCommunicative ApproachCommunicative Activities
This research intends to find a more cognitive-oriented approach to the instruction of English phrasal verbs in comparison with traditional approaches. This special group of verbal phrases displays a considerable diversity of meanings... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsCognitive LinguisticsPhrasal VerbsSemantic Networks
This dissertation relates to the usage of cleft constructions in the English and Portuguese languages from a comparative perspective. For English, I have chosen to investigate two British books: The Picture of Dorian Gray and Harry Potter... more
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      Phrasal VerbsConstructionsA novel fast version of particle swarm optimization method applied to the problem of optimal capacitor placement in radial distribution systemsVerb-Particle Constructions
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      Second Language AcquisitionVocabularyTeaching of Foreign LanguagesContrastive Analysis
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      Phrasal VerbsPhraseologyContrastive LinguisticsPhraseology, Idiomaticity, Formulaic Language
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      SemioticsE-learningSociolinguisticsApplied Linguistics
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageEducational ResearchPhrasal VerbsLiterary Genres
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    • Phrasal Verbs
Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Kurdish Linguistics (ICKL-4). 2-3 September 2019. Université de Rouen-Normandie.
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      MorphologyPhrasal VerbsKurdish LanguageVerb-Particle Constructions
This study aims at investigating the frequency and discourse functions of phrasal verbs of go in the selected corpus. The corpus developed for this study was based on 5 short stories and 3 novels written by Hamid. It has 21 S,677 words in... more
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      PoetryCorpus LinguisticsPhrasal Verbs
EFL textbooks, academic material, and language proficiency tests include phrasal verbs. However, many Lebanese high-school EFL learners reflect unfamiliarity with phrasal verbs and tend to avoid them in their language production. To this... more
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      LebanonCorpus LinguisticsCognitive LinguisticsPhrasal Verbs
In all Germanic languages verb semantics can be altered by means of particles, occurring both as a prefix and as a free form. This paper expands on the situation of Scandinavian, mainly comparing Swedish and Danish, so as to cast light... more
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      Germanic linguisticsScandinavian languagesScandinavian StudiesPhrasal Verbs
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      DialectologySemanticsLexical SemanticsPhrasal Verbs
Ce travail a pour but une analyse du passage de la codification de notions spatiales à la codification de valeurs tempo-aspectuelles dans la formation des préverbes en latin (§ 4; 6.2). Cette analyse sera liée à la présence de « verbes à... more
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      MorphologySyntax-Semantics InterfacePhrasal VerbsLatin linguistics
Power point bahasa inggris mengenai part of speech dengan 8 bahasan sub tema mengenai definisi dan contoh
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      PronounsSpeech CommunicationPhrasal VerbsAdverbs
It is about a general overview of old English grammar.
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    • Phrasal Verbs
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguagePhrasal VerbsFirst Certificate
Regular and irregular verb process in Spanish speaking children
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      SpanishConnectionist ModelingFirst Language AcquisitionPhrasal Verbs
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      SemanticsSyntaxPhrasal VerbsArgument Structure
Phrasal verbs (PVs) are very common in English, indicating their usefulness in everyday settings. However, it was reported that language learners generally have great difficulties in understanding and using this linguistic form. This... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsPhrasal VerbsReceptive KnowledgeProductive Knowledge
EFL learners' difficulty in effectively learning and using phrasal verbs and lexical collocations might be attributed to the purely product-oriented teaching and assessment techniques used in public schools. This study aimed to... more
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      Formative AssessmentPhrasal Verbswritten quizoral question
This study aims to investigate the avoidance behaviour of Turkish EFL learners regarding the proficiency levels of them and frequency levels of multi-word verbs. In this study, 112 participants that are currently enrolled at School of... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsTeaching English As A Foreign Language
Are phrasal verbs less numerous in English translations if the source language is a Romance language than if the source language is a Germanic one? This chapter sets out to answer that question. In a subcorpus of English fictional texts... more
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      Translation StudiesEnglishSyntaxCorpus Linguistics