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Si propone una riflessione, basata sulla rilettura delle fonti letterarie, su come il mito dell’Eridano, nato nel mondo greco arcaico, si sia trasmesso quasi inalterato alla tarda antichità. Il consolidarsi nella memoria collettiva di una... more
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      ClassicsCeltic StudiesVeneticClassical Mythology
This article discusses the role of irrigation in the Po Valley between 12th and 16th centuries. It studies how the development of irrigation affected the landscape, the presence of irrigation in the legislation, the discussion of... more
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      Economic HistoryLandscape EcologyHistorical GeographyMedieval History
The economic development of the Po Valley in the Middle Ages was closely related to water management. Entire areas were claimed to be put under tillage. Complex drainage works were undertaken, as were several structures to protect fields... more
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      Economic HistoryReggio EmiliaSustainable Water Resources ManagementSocial History
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ lo sCaVo L'esistenza di un'occupazione più antica... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Età del BronzoPolesineArchaeology of Adriatic Area
Un'esperienza formativa esistenziale
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      Santa Croce di Firenzela città di RomaPianura Padana
The paper is part of a research project, carried out within the Polytechnic University of Milan about the Burgo Paper Mill, an industrial settlement involved in the production of paper near the UNESCO World Heritage site of Mantua, on the... more
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      Industrial HistoryWater resourcesEnvironmental Planning and DesignIndustrial Heritage
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      Landscape ArchaeologyArcheologiaArcheologia medievaleStoria medievale
La microplacca Adria che rappresenta un promontorio della più estesa placca Africana, è ubicata lungo la Pianura Padana, Veneta e lungo il mare Adriatico. Rappresenta una zona relativamente stabile dell’avampaese Appenninico, Dinnarico e... more
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      Deformation and strainAlpiAdriaAppennino Settentrionale
Abstract Road infrastructures are one of the biggest manmade changes to the natural environment. They promote the loss of biodiversity in a constantly threatened world. This study set out to estimate the road mortality of vertebrates... more
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      Road EcologyPo PlainPianura PadanaRoadkill
This paper contributes to the history of the social and political framework of water management organisation in the Po Valley. It discusses the dominant social and political cadres who influenced the evolution of the landscape by setting... more
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      Economic HistoryLandscape EcologyHistorical GeographyMedieval History
This article shows how groups that acquired the highest concentration of social and political power in the Po Valley in the High and late Middle Ages, firstly rural seigniorial lords and latterly urban governments, tried to subordinate... more
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      Economic HistoryCommonsPeasant StudiesRural History
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      Quaternary GeologyEmilia RomagnaPianura Padana
When we think about North Italian water culture we usually think about the history of Venice and its extraordinary and peculiar urban evolution. Due to such uniqueness Venice is actually too exceptional to be compared with the evolution... more
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      Rural HistoryWater EngineeringUrban StudiesItaly (History)
Fig. 1 -Area di Monte Netto, Vaso Fiume e fiume Mella. Sulla base geologica 1\100.000 IGM sono stati tracciati in rosso paleoalvei, in lilla la sezione geologica di seguito illustrata, con cerchi i campioni datati al radiocarbonio.
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      Pianura PadanaGeologia del Quaternario
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      Attic red-figure vasesAttic potteryEtruria padanaMantova
Il Po, massimo fiume italiano, con i tributari delle Alpi e dell’Appennino, ha edificato nei secoli la valle padana, terra dove oggi si concentra una grande parte della produzione agricola italiana. Le zone più produttive sono oggi le... more
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      Modern Italian HistoryHistory of AgricultureSocial History of AgricultureStoria Del Paesaggio
Testo - Monografia [IT\ICCU\MOD\1542488]L’ultimo mugnaio La prima parte (intitolata ‘Nel principato di Correggio e nel carcere della vita a Reggio’) prende lo spunto da una lettera del marchese Ippolito Bentivoglio al duca di Modena dei... more
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      Reggio EmiliaSeicentoQuattrocentoCorreggio
The paper deals with the subterranean structures of Lodi Castle. The remains of the castle are placed in the historic centre of Lodi (Lombardy, Northern Italy). The paper describes origins, courses, characteristics, and changes of Lodi... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyArchitectureEarly Modern History
A new interpretation of the crisis of the terramare as being caused by wood loss and water shortages is suggested from on-site pollen analyses. A multi-point sampling strategy in one site, and a multi-site sampling strategy in one area... more
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L'articolo presenta i risultati delle indagini archeologiche svolte presso Trescore Cremasco, in località Sant'Ippolito di Quintano; la realizzazione del metanodotto Snam Rete Gas Zimella (VR) -Cervignano d'Adda (LO), ha permesso di... more
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      Villaggi Medievali AbbandonatiVillaggi MedievaliPianura Padana
This article offers an analysis of the encounter between the two natural environments of the Italian Po Plain and the Argentinian Pampa Gringa through the migration of Italian rural workers. Notably, we focus on the migration... more
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      Cultural HeritageEnvironmental HistoryOral historyArgentina
This article offers an analysis of the encounter between the two natural environments of the Italian Po Plain and the Argentinian Pampa Gringa through the migration of Italian rural workers. Notably, we focus on the migration... more
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      Cultural HeritageEnvironmental HistoryOral historyArgentina
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      Urban archaeologyPianura Padana
Terremoti, perché la pianura Padana è sismica? Intervista a Paolo Balocchi, esperto di sismotettonica mercoledì 25 luglio 2012, 10:28 di Redazione MeteoWeb da:... more
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      TerremotiSismologiaTettonicaPianura Padana
Die jüngere Forschung betont, dass Infrastrukturen, inklusive ihrer Eigentumsrechte und Verwaltung, eine entscheidende Rolle für Transformationen der Umwelt spielen. Durch ihr Studium können wir verstehen, wie stark eine Gesellschaft... more
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      Medieval HistoryUrban HistoryEnvironmental HistoryMedieval Science