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      Human GeographyEconomic GeographyGlobalizationNetworks
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      Research MethodologyQualitative methodologyQualitative ResearchQualitative Research Methods
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      Research MethodologyQualitative methodologyMigration StudiesEthnographic fieldwork
This article presents a new positional perspective for the analysis of dia-spora mobilization in international relations (IR), seeking to shift debates beyond realist, liberalist, and constructivist thinking, and speaking to a cluster of... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesArmenian StudiesDiasporas
In this article, I draw on the experiences of Iraqi diasporas in the UK and Sweden after the 2003 US‐led intervention to demonstrate how ethno‐sectarianism in Iraq has affected their political transnationalism. Using the concepts of... more
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      IraqDiaspora StudiesDiaspora and transnationalismPositionality
Like the development industry, development pedagogy and practice have begun to take into account the role of emotions and the deeper, affective and embodied experiences of understanding and doing development. In her groundbreaking piece... more
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      Human GeographyInternational DevelopmentPedagogyAffect/Emotion
The theory of the treadmill of production highlights how the constant search for economic growth leads to advanced economies being stuck on a " treadmill, " where their well-being is not improved by economic growth, yet the impacts of... more
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      Environmental SociologyPolitical EconomyConsumption and Material CultureSustainable Consumption
This paper addresses the thorny issue of complicity with wrongdoing under conditions of systemic political violence, such as authoritarianism, totalitarianism or military occupation. The challenge of dealing with collaborators – those who... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical Violence and TerrorismHistory of Political ViolenceHope
Despite more than two decades of critical scholarly engagement, “development” is far from shedding its hierarchical, patriarchal, and colonial underpinnings. In academic research and teaching, power relations are continuously perpetuated... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisDevelopment StudiesPostcolonial Studies
In recent years, there has been increased interest in, and work towards, decolonising the curriculum in higher education institutions in the UK. There are various initiatives to review university syllabuses and identify alternative... more
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      Higher EducationCurriculumDecolonizing MethodologiesPositionality
In this article, two white, Western female researchers reflect on the methodological, ethical, and practical dilemmas experienced while conducting social science fieldwork in Botswana for their doctoral degrees. In addition, their shared... more
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      Qualitative methodologyQualitative ResearchSouthern AfricaFieldwork
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      EpistemologyEthnographyMethodologyMilitant Research
Despite a robust body of scholarship on positionality, the practice of international Higher Education research often neglects engagement with the varied, fluid and complex positionalities of researchers across national boundaries. Through... more
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      Higher EducationAcademic MobilityPositionalityEmbodied knowledge
The article unpacks the issues of bias and partisanship—and the risk of being accused of these—which confront social scientists who study socio-political conflict. Drawing on the author's experience when conducting research on the... more
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      Qualitative methodologySocial MovementConflict ProcessesQualitative Research
In the last few decades, an engaged and sophisticated discussion about the production of data, and power relations has developed within feminist methodology. Positionality, i.e. the set of relations constituting informants’ and... more
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      Gender and SexualityGenderField WorkEmpirical Research
Nitel araştırmalarda en önemli araştırma enstrümanı olan araştırmacının, araştırmaya olası etkilerini anlama noktasında "konumsallık" önemli bir metodolojik kavram olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. "Araştırma sürecinin" ve genel olarak... more
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologyEthnographyQualitative methodologyReflexivity
Today, researchers are expected to spend considerable energy describing and discussing their own social positions and personas in the field for at least two reasons: First, researchers always observe the field from a specific point of... more
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      Research MethodologyQualitative methodologyQualitative MethodsReflexivity
This paper seeks to extend scholarship rethinking insiderness in qualitative research through an examination of the shifting terrain of the constitution of insides in an ethnographic research on everyday politics of integration and... more
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      EthnographyMigration StudiesNon-representational theoriesImmigrant integration
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      SociologyPsychologyStatisticsFeminist Theory
With the increasingly cultural and linguistic diversity in education, teaching multicultural education for pre-service teachers becomes an important part of teacher education. In this collaborative self-study study, we examine how we... more
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      Multicultural EducationTeacher IdentitySelf-StudyPositionality
In this article, I look at how political ethnography can contribute to the study of religious dynamics within conservative religious communities. Based on fieldwork conducted in Tajikistan within conservative Muslim circles, I take a... more
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      GenderIslamCentral AsiaPolitical Ethnography
This paper explores the implications of shared femininity in a qualitative study of friendship networks amongst Russian-speaking migrants in London by a Russian researcher. Drawing upon feminist literature on the complexities of women... more
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      Eastern European StudiesGender StudiesEthicsEthnography
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      Area StudiesEducationDiaspora and transnationalismChina and Africa
What does it mean to engage in Deaf Studies and who gets to define the field? What would a truly deaf-led Deaf Studies research program look like? What are the research practices of deaf scholars in Deaf Studies, and how do they relate to... more
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      Deaf studiesPositionality
Mass tourism is a historically significant phenomenon. For decades, it has been a source for stereotypes within academic research and in public discussions. This study addresses stereotypes of mass tourism by giving voice to travel agents... more
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      Tourism StudiesStereotypesTourism GeographyMass Tourism
In recent years, there has been increased attention on promoting access to computer science among all students. Our study seeks to address the underrepresentation of racially minoritized youth in computer science by offering a culturally... more
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      Computer Science EducationLearning in Informal SettingsSense of belongingLibraries
This introductory essay situates this edited collection on “contemporary research strategies in cultural geography” in relation to relevant scholarly debates, e.g., around positionality in feminist geography, reflexivity in critical human... more
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      Human GeographyCultural GeographyQualitative methodologyCultural Theory
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSocial TheoryGeography
This working paper presents a first analysis of irrigation practices and irrigation development interventions in a village located in the central Karakorum, northern Pakistan. The social arrangements that for centuries sustained... more
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      Space and PlacePakistanRural DevelopmentAgriculture
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      HermeneuticsPhenomenologyQualitative ResearchPositionality
In this paper I explore questions related to the epistemological and ontological differences existing between Euro-Western and Indigenous ways of knowing. Revealing myself to the reader through positioning, I explore the possibility of... more
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      EducationIndigenous StudiesDecolonizationPositionality
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      Security StudiesFieldworkKyrgyzstanPositionality
Traditional research discourses continue to present academic work as rational, detached, objective and free from emotion. This volume argues that the presentation of research as ‘objective’ conceals the subject positions of researchers,... more
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      EmotionResearch MethodologyReflexivityQualitative Research
This paper assesses whether vartan bhanji exchange practices are a boon or a burden, an enabling or disabling factor, a pass or an impasse for social mobility of the poor households of biraderis living in rural areas of Pakistan. Vartan... more
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      Gift ExchangePakistanSocial MobilityPunjab
Despite the recognised need for service design (SD) to understand the complexity in which it intervenes, we are concerned with its desire to fix dynamic configurations through a dominant instrumentalized worldview. We critique the journey... more
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      EpistemologyFeminist TheoryParticipatory DesignService Design
This paper considers the positionality and reflexivity of non- Romani, ally-identified researchers vis-à-vis insider/outsider research by critically examining – or queer(y)ing – non-Romani researcher identity and the privilege that goes... more
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      Queer StudiesResearch MethodologyQueer TheoryCritical Race Theory
This unique companion is a much-needed guide for those who are embarking on field research in conflict-affected countries. In a break with academic tradition, the chapters are mainly written in the first person and contain personal... more
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      EthicsPeace and Conflict StudiesResearch Methods and MethodologyResearch Methodology
This article explores a series of tentacular troublings inspired by Donna Haraway's (01) concept of String Figuring (SF). We consider these troublings as relational entanglements which produce perturbations of our gender, positioning,... more
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      PosthumanismMedusaString FiguresPositionality
Drawing from scholarship in feminist political geography that embraces discomfort and unease as generative features of social encounter along with the literature on decolonial ethics for research, Murrey argues that further concrete work... more
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      African StudiesWomen's StudiesAfricaFieldwork in Anthropology
Research on public service interpreting employs a number of methods to examine a range of variables, from specific linguistic and paralinguistic variables to spatial positioning, agency, and ethics. These methods, however, require... more
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      Data AnalysisInterpreting StudiesTranslation and InterpretingObservational Research
This article showcases instructional practices for teaching online reading comprehension that help students account for their own culturally situated perspectives as they conduct digital inquiry projects.
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      Digital LiteracyCurriculum and InstructionCritical Media LiteracyOnline Reading Comprehension
Researcher positionality has gained increased attention in recent years, and music education is following suit. Carrying out research that addresses diversity in music education demands a high level of reflexivity and a problematising of... more
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      Music EducationMigrationPerformativityAsylum seekers
In this paper, I reflect on the discipline of historiography and its application to conflict resolution. I start from concepts found in the phenomenological writings of the French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty. I expand upon these to... more
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      Cultural StudiesPhilosophyHistoriographyPhenomenology
At many moments during the 2015 Canadian Association for Food Studies (CAFS) Assembly last May, I found myself becoming quite emotional. In fact, I will amend that statement: I didn't just become emotional, I let myself both feel and... more
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      GastronomyFood StudiesSubjectivityEmotionality
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      Spatial AnalysisReflexivityGhanaMigration Studies
Fieldwork is often framed as an individualistic rite of passage, wherein the researcher is a ‘neutral’ observer, thereby obscuring gender, racial and citizenship hierarchies. Feminist scholars have pushed against this assumption, leading... more
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      Research EthicsPolitical EcologyFeminist EpistemologyGhana
We respond to two rejoinders to our review article “Science for Success,” which proposed fuller contextualization of epistemological approach, researcher position and interests in conservation research. This way readers—including... more
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      EcotourismConservationReflexivityTrophy Hunting
This book offers in-depth insight into the lives of queer Roma, thus providing rich evidence of the heterogeneity of Roma. The lived experiences of queer Roma, which are very diverse regionally and otherwise, pose a fundamental challenge... more
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      Social SciencesResearch MethodologyInterdisciplinarityQueer Theory
This article follows a decolonial perspective to suggest that fieldwork can be a useful tool in reconfiguring African literary studies. Drawing from the positive reception to her Ghanaian nationality in Tanzania, she writes that fieldwork... more
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      African StudiesReflexivityAfrican LiteratureHip-Hop/Rap