Recent papers in Post-Neoliberalism
A number of people have claimed that the ongoing financial crisis has revealed the problems with neoliberal thought and neoliberal policies in the 'Atlantic Heartland'. However, if we look at the history of the 'Heartland' economies then... more
There has been a continuous attack on education, particularly alternative, progressive, democratic and liberatory forms of education that seek social justice and an equality of opportunity for all to develop. In the UK this has led to an... more
This paper aims at reviewing the content of Buen vivir as an emergent discourse within the “gravitational field” of sustainable development: its genesis, its foundations and its singularity. First, we consider the criticisms to the... more
It is now widely understood that neoliberalism came to be entrenched in the legal systems of many states after the effective collapse of the Bretton Woods monetary order in the early 1970s. What is not widely understood, though, are the... more
This collection of essays and notes attempts to tread the invisible borders between mythos, the neoliberal-Christian-nationalist 'world view' and socio-political trends in the rise of Trump, the Red Hats and the Evangelicals to political... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference,
«Non c'è alternativa, disse una volta Margaret Thatcher. Le profezie della fine del mondo, della storia o della lotta di classe che attraggono le classi medie occidentali sembrano darle ragione mentre si succedono guerre, pandemie e... more
Articles from the Platypus Review 2015-2017 Edited by Chris Cutrone Trump’s victory is the beginning not the end of a process of transforming the Republican Party as well as mainstream politics more generally that is his avowed goal. So... more
'The Discourse of Neoliberalism: An Anatomy of a Powerful Idea' explores the internal workings of capitalism’s most infamous contemporary offspring by dissecting the diverse interpretations of neoliberalism that have been advanced in... more
Contemporary theorizations of neoliberalism are framed by a false dichotomy between, on the one hand, studies influenced by Foucault in emphasizing neoliberalism as a form of governmentality, and on the other hand, inquiries influenced by... more
Responding to David Harvey’s critique of my paper ‘Why a radical geography must be anarchist’, I once again reiterate the importance of anarchist perspectives in contemporary politics and geographical praxis. In challenging Harvey on the... more
Neoliberalism means many things to many people. Often used indiscriminately to mean anything ‘bad’, neoliberalism is in need of dissection as an analytical category and a way of understanding the transformation of society over the last... more
Neoliberalism is a frightening proposition. It is a violent ideology made flesh as a cruel and vengeful material practice. The virulence of neoliberalism is, perhaps, even more pronounced in its ‘post’ form, where we think we have a... more
Poland was shown as one of the bright examples of the implementation of market reforms accompanied by democratization in the 2000s. Yet, it entered the path of authoritarianization, where the rule of law eroded, and xenophobia and... more
As austerity measures intensify in the wake of the most recent global financial crisis, it is becoming ever more clear that neoliberalization exhibits a distinct relational connection with violence. This is not an admonishment of the... more
With the recent development of the Occupy Movement, public criticism of neoliberalism has climaxed since the onset of a global financial crisis in late 2008. The mobilization of protesters in cities throughout the world was preceded by... more
At a time when neoliberalism has become an accepted term in public debate to refer to the current state of modern societies and their political economies, Kean Birch critically analyses the conflicting theories that shape our... more
El presente Volumen XI tiene 1,809 páginas, organizadas por fecha y agrupadas por mes. Abarca el texto completo de las conferencias de prensa matutinas que el Presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador encabezó, entre el 18 de marzo de de... more
Este trabajo indaga en las principales líneas de conflictividad política configuradas en Ecuador durante los dos primeros gobiernos de Rafael Correa (2007-2009 y 2009/2013). Desde el inicio de la Revolución Ciudadana, tal como se conoce... more
Increasingly, governments are experimenting with ways to provide public goods by involving the private sector in the planning, financing, building and operating of a range of services, facilities, infrastructure, etc. In the geographical... more
I would like to focus our discussions on the educational implications of three major themes explored throughout Arendt's work: plurality, promise and natality. Plurality, she argued, defines the human condition, which is characterised by... more
This paper contrasts the experiences of neoliberalism in Argentina and Chile, exploring why two countries that implemented apparently similar market reforms came to different stances on marketization: a post-neoliberal politics in... more
This book theorises Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution as a counter- hegemonic globalisation project in which the construction of "21st century socialism" occurs simultaneously at the local, national, regional and global levels and scales... more
In this paper, we critically engage with the notion of a ‘post-neoliberal turn’ in Latin America. The analysis interrogates the existence and characteristics of post-neoliberalism as a mode of regulation, and explores the contributions... more
Se analizan las distintas formas y espacios para la incorporación de los sectores populares organizados y de los movimientos sociales, la evolución de sus prácticas, las lógicas que orientan sus acciones frente al Estado, la forma en... more
In responding to Weller and O’Neill’s ‘argument with neoliberalism’, I question the novelty of their approach and the problematics of denying the critical power and associated violence that neoliberalism continues to wield in our world.... more
This is a course about neoliberalism, its social and psychological consequences, and possible alternative conceptions of the social and forms of subjectivity in the 21st century. Neoliberalism is a contested signifier that designates both... more
In Deutschland werden gegenwärtig verschiedene stadtpolitische Re-Regulierungen beobachtet: neue Wohnungsbauprogramme, Instrumente zur Mietpreisbegrenzung oder Ansätze zur Restriktion von Investitionen in Gentrifizierungsgebieten. Nun... more
For around fifteen years now, anthropology has been engaged in the study of neoliberalism. What contribution does the discipline have to make to a debate largely monopolized by economics and political science? To answer this question, the... more
Edited version of published paper presented at 'Is Black and Red Dead?' Conference, Centre for the Study of Social and Global and Justice (CSSGJ) University of Nottingham, 7-8 September, 2009... more