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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryBusinessManagement
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      Radical ConstructivismCommunication TheoryMedia Influence on SocietyCommunication and Culture
It is widely accepted in the mathematics education community that pedagogies oriented toward inquiry are aligned with a constructivist theory of learning, and that these pedagogies effectively support students' learning of mathematics. In... more
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      MathematicsMathematics EducationInquiry Based LearningRadical Constructivism
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      International RelationsConstructivismRadical ConstructivismPhilosophy of Time
For a little over 40 years, what we label now, physics education research, has been conducted. As a result, new themes in the research in physics learning and in physics education have emerged. Some of these themes are cognitivism,... more
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      PsychologyRadical ConstructivismPhysics EducationPiaget
Investigated the possibility of differentiating developmental paths by means of dependency grids, following an outline of a constructivist conceptualization of dependency. Three alternative personal paths of dependency were hypothesized,... more
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      Radical ConstructivismConstructivist PsychotherapyPsicologia
This column is a journey that considers both the failure of second-order cybernetics (SOC), radical constructivism (RC), and the biology of cognition (BoC) to achieve wide acceptance, particularly in science, and the opportunities for... more
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      Radical ConstructivismThomas S. KuhnSecond-Order CyberneticsBiology of Cognition
Josef Mitterer behauptet in seinem Vorwort zur Neuauflage des Buchs " Geschichten und Diskurse " vom Haupt-Proponenten des Konstruktivismus in Deutschland, von Siegfried J. Schmidt, dass sich der (Radikale) Konstruktivismus in der... more
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      ConstructivismRadical ConstructivismAutopoiesisSecond-Order Cybernetics
In building a constructivist view of language, the inherently experiential nature of language should not be absolutized but seen rather as depending on the overlap between the first-order and the second-order consensual domains as the... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophy Of LanguageEpistemologyLanguages and Linguistics
On November 4th, 2019, Hans-Georg Moeller delivered a presentation on systems theory at the Law School of the University of São Paulo and was interviewed about Niklas Luhmann’s theory of society, with emphasis on issues such as law,... more
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      SociologySociology of ReligionCritical Legal TheoryLegal Theory
The central issue of Consciousness in the Physical World is Russellian monism, which claims that consciousness could be ontologically reduced to intrinsic properties of physical objects. In contemporary discussions, Russellian monism is... more
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      Radical ConstructivismPanpsychismRussellian Monism
Mascolo, M. F., & Fischer, K. W. (2004).  Constructivist theories.  In Hopkins, B., Barre, R. G., Michel, G. F., Rochat, P. (Eds.). Cambridge encyclopedia of child development. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
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      Developmental PsychologyEducationCognitive developmentConstructivism
Este texto tiene su origen en la lectura de una breve recensión, escrita por el profesor John Searle (2011), acerca del libro de Paul Boghossian, El miedo al conocimiento (Madrid, Alianza, 2009). Si este último se esfuerza en su libro por... more
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      EpistemologyConstructivismRadical ConstructivismRelativism
Constructivism in the Anthropocene, in: Radikaler Konstruktivismus. Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. Ernst von Glasersfeld (1917-2010), Theo Hug, Josef Mitterer, Michael Schorner (eds.), Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press 2019,... more
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      Radical ConstructivismAnthropocene
Endereço: https://www.cle.unicamp.br/eprints/index.php/cadernos/article/view/744 'Construtivismo' é um termo adotado por diversas abordagens filosóficas contemporâneas. Surgiu com a obra de Piaget, e desde então vem sendo apropriado por... more
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      ConstructivismRadical ConstructivismGenetic EpistemologySocial Constructivism
Context: The design of academic conferences, in which settings ideas are shared and created, is, we suggest, of more than passing interest in constructivism, where epistemology is considered in terms of knowing rather than knowledge.... more
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      EpistemologyDesignKnowledge ManagementTacit Knowledge
Abstract Defining NGO organisational effectiveness in Indonesia: an unfolding journey This paper summarizes a two-year field study aimed at discovering how Indonesian NGO managers perceived, interpreted and implemented constructs of... more
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      Radical ConstructivismNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Communication TheoryNonprofit organizational effectiveness
Artukuł z tomu "Interpretatywny słownik terminów kulturowych. 2.0", red. J. Madejski i S. Iwasiów, Szczecin 2017
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      Media StudiesRadical ConstructivismCharlie Hebdo
Książka jest wyborem klasycznych tekstów z obszaru Radykalnego Konstruktywizmu; znajdują się w niej prace poświęcone podstawowym zagadnieniom epistemologicznym (E. von Glasersfeld, H. von Foerster, H. Maturana.) neurobiologicznym... more
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      Radical ConstructivismAutopoiesisSystems TheoryNiklas Luhmann
This chapter is about managing sociotechnological risks. It is in the 70s that the notion of ‘high-risk’ (or ‘safety critical’) systems started to be distinguished and grouped into an independent category including industries such as the... more
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      Chemical EngineeringNuclear EngineeringSafety EngineeringSociology
Design thinking is not thinking about design, but rather a re-focus on the way we think, about the world in general, and in this cybernetic process the real self can be brought into being. Gramma/topology is the social structuration of a... more
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      CommunicationSelf and IdentityDesign educationSociology of Knowledge
The book „Radical Constructivism. A Brief Introduction” concisely introduces the reader to the history and lines of argumentation of a particular type of constructivism, the founders of which are, among others, Ernst von Glasersfeld and... more
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      CommunicationSystems ThinkingRadical ConstructivismNiklas Luhmann
The effect of the individual analyst on research findings can create a credibility problem for qualitative approaches from the perspective of evaluative criteria utilized in quantitative psychology. This paper explicates the ways in which... more
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      SociologySocial TheorySociology of CulturePsychology
By accepting that the formal structure of human language is the key to understanding the uniquity of human culture and consciousness and by further accepting the late appearance of such language amongst the Cro-Magnon, I am free to focus... more
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      Mythology And FolklorePaleoanthropologyMythologyPsychological Anthropology
Niklas Luhmann określa swoją koncepcję społeczeństwa jako „radykalnie antyhumanistyczną”. „To nie człowiek komunikuje (się) – stwierdza - tylko komunikacja komunikuje”. Ale czym jest komunikacja i na czym polega autoreprodukcja systemów... more
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      ConstructivismRadical ConstructivismSystems TheorySocial Systems Theory
My commentary has three aims. Firstly, to provide additional support to Konrad Werner’s correct insight that radical constructivism is based on a radical distinction between experienced reality and ontological reality. This is a strong... more
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      Radical ConstructivismHumberto MaturanaHeinz von FoersterErnst von Glasersfeld
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      CriminologyLanguages and LinguisticsData MiningRadical Constructivism
> Context • The alleged dichotomy between mind and matter is pervasive. Therefore, the attempt to explain matter in terms of mind (idealism) is often considered a mirror image of that of explaining mind in terms of matter (mainstream... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyPhilosophy of MindEpistemology
This special issue addresses the possible connections and mutual benefits of examining together two analytic concepts – memory and periphery. These concepts receive much attention in various scholarly discussions, yet they have done so... more
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureDiscourse AnalysisComparative Religion
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      PaleoanthropologyHuman EvolutionMythologyPhilosophy of Mind
In linking evolution, biosemiotics and languaging, analysis of meaning is extended by investigation of natural innovation. Rather than ascribe it to internal or external content, meaning comes first. Ecological, evolutionary and... more
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      SemioticsLanguages and LinguisticsSystems BiologyRadical Constructivism
Context: In the literature concerning the theory of social systems, interest in epistemological and ontological questions has increased in recent years. The controversies regarding a realist vs. constructivist interpretation of Luhmann’s... more
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      Radical ConstructivismPhilosophy of Social ScienceSocial Systems TheoryNiklas Luhmann
When so much is being written on conscious experience, it is past time to face the question whether experience happens that is not conscious of itself. The recognition that we and most other living things experience non-consciously has... more
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      Human EvolutionPsychological AnthropologyPhilosophy of MindSymbol & Conscious Awareness as Change Accelerants
The better quality pdf is downloadible from here: "http://www.leoalmanac.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/LEAVol19No3-Mailman.pdf Through recent artistic practices and technology of interactive systems for music, composition and... more
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      Applied MathematicsSet TheoryAlgorithmsHuman Computer Interaction
Context • In the past three decades, the work of Varela has had an enormous impact on current developments in contemporary science. Problem • Varela's thought was extremely complex and multifaceted, and while some aspects – notably his... more
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      Embodied CognitionEmbodimentPhenomenologyEmbodied Mind and Cognition
Turkey’s journey towards one-man rule and a new political system without checks and balances turned a new corner with the disputed national referendum on 16 April 2017. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan won new powers from voters, which... more
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      European HistorySociologyEuropean StudiesGerman Studies
> Context • The relationship between design and science has shifted over recent decades. One bridge between the two is cybernetics, which offers perspectives on both in terms of their practice. From around 1980 onwards, drawing on ideas... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceDesignConstructivismCybernetics
Preface/Introduction The question under discussion is metaphysical and truly elemental. It emerges in two aspects — how did we come to be conscious of our own existence, and, as a deeper corollary, do existence and awareness... more
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      PaleoanthropologyHuman EvolutionMythologyPhilosophy of Mind
The way that George Kelly treats moving from an act of love to an act of hate, via his formulation of the construct of hostility, may indicate how far apart Kelly’s model and embodied intersubjective approaches stand concerning the issue... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyEmotionConstructivismDeconstruction
In what follows, I suggest that, against most theories of time, there really is an actual present, a now, but that such an eternal moment cannot be found before or after time. It may even be semantically incoherent to say that such an... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyPhilosophy of MindSymbol & Conscious Awareness as Change Accelerants
In this paper, we identify the types of issues that should be addressed in order to construct integrative theories of psychological development. These issues include assessment of the philosophical presuppositions of developmental theory;... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologySelf-Organization
Time’s arrow is necessary for progress from a past that has already happened to a future that is only potential until creatively determined in the present. But time’s arrow is unnecessary in Einstein’s so-called block universe, so there... more
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      Metaphysics of TimeCreativity and ConsciousnessRadical ConstructivismProcess Theology
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      Critical TheoryMathematics EducationCritical Race TheoryRadical Constructivism
The genesis of time is explained in the spirit of constructivism combined with the activity approach to cognition. The cardinal temporal categories of present, past, and future are discussed in terms of action-thoughts — elementary units... more
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      SemioticsEpistemologyLanguages and LinguisticsConstructivism
An introduction to the Art of Wladyslaw Dutkiewicz (1918-1999). This is a draft of a proposed revised and expanded POD hardcover edition.
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryAustralian StudiesConstructivism
This article considers the nature of the theoretical legacy-the system theory-of the German sociologist Niklas Luhmann. The author focuses on three topics: first, he briefly describes Luhmann's ideas in the context of the contemporary... more
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      SociologyCommunicationRadical ConstructivismAutopoiesis
Morris's Arc (1988) for String Quartet flows; it flows with substance, and with purpose. By flowing, I don’t just mean in the trivial sense that all music flows because it is unfolding in time and time flows. Rather I mean that there is... more
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      Composition StudiesMathematicsApplied MathematicsSet Theory
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      Sex and GenderCorporate Social ResponsibilityAuthenticityRadical Constructivism
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophy of MindPhilosophy of ScienceConstructivism
Basado en la aplicación del método funcional, utilizado en la arquitectura de la teoría de sistemas sociales (Luhmann), se presenta una alternativa al método funcionalista causal. Se traza una distinción (Spencer-Brown) y con ello se... more
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      Human RightsRadical ConstructivismPhilosophy Of LawAutopoiesis