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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesRussian Studies
В сборнике представлены статьи, посвященные различным аспектам советского проекта и его реализации. Большое внимание уделено идеям и мифам социалистической реконструкции, программам социальных преобразований в политической, экономической,... more
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      Soviet HistorySoviet Union (History)Russian Revolution 1917
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      Russian Revolution 1917Petrograd
The paper offers an overview of the history of the anarchist movement in Ukraine during the revolution 1917-1921. The article focuses on the anarchists' role in the unfolding the revolutionary crisis in Ukraine, explores the influence of... more
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      Public HistoryHistory of the USSRMemory StudiesOral History and Memory
In general, histories of the Russian Revolution do not touch upon events in the Baltic provinces of the empire in any detail. Only the apparently exceptionally large number of Latvians who supported the Bolsheviks in the election to the... more
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      History of EstoniaSocial DemocracyRussian EmpireHistory of Latvia
На основании архивных и опубликованных документов предсоборного периода рассмотрена критика русскими канонистами и юристами модели "симфонии" как принципа взаимоотношения церкви и государства и показан поиск адекватных моделей,... more
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      Canon LawChurch HistoryRussian HistoryRussian Revolution 1917
Las diferentes posturas de los primeros regímenes revolucionarios hacia la Unión soviética pasaron de la simpatía a la desconfianza con una velocidad acelerada, lo que motivó que, apenas unos años después de la apertura de relaciones... more
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      Mexican PoliticsMexican RevolutionRevolución MexicanaRussian Revolution 1917
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      Military HistoryRussian StudiesWorld War IRussian Revolution
Tarasov K.A."Democratization" of the Petrograd officer corps in 1917 The article is devoted to the change of the social composition of the officer corps in the Petrograd garrison the before and during the Revolution of 1917 in Russia. The... more
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      Imperial Russian ArmyRussian Revolution 1917
This article compares two novels: Moyshe Kulbak’s Montog (“Monday”) and Samuel Beckett’s Murphy. Each novel ends with the death of its protagonist, figured as both a senseless act and the apotheosis of its hero’s self-reflexive, ironic... more
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      Comparative LiteratureYiddish LiteratureEnglish LiteratureJewish Studies
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      History and MemoryRevolutionsTotalitarianismUkraine (History)
A tarefa científica e também política não é dar uma definição acabada a um processo inacabado, mas analisar todos os seus estágios, separar as tendências progressistas das reacionárias, avaliar as suas relações mútuas, prever as múltiplas... more
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      UrssTrotskyRevolução RussaRussian Revolution 1917
with Reinhard Nachtigal.

The article is a concise representation of the situation of the 2,4 million POWs taken by the Russian Empire during WWI
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      Prisoners of WarFirst World WarRussian HistoryInternment (First World War)
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistoryFeminismSocialism
Ülkelerin tarihinde devrimlerin özel bir yeri olmakla birlikte, tarihteki bazı devrimlerin bütün insanlık için müstesna bir yeri vardır. Uzun çağlar boyunca hem bir dönüm hem de referans noktası teşkil ederler. Fransız Devrimi bu tür... more
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      Social movements and revolutionSocialismRusya TarihiSosyalizm
This bibliography does not aim to be exhaustive. Its order is thematic, and the sources are not organized alphabetically, thus it suggests a certain reading order. It is trilingual and includes sources in Bulgarian, Russian and English... more
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      BibliographyHistory of the USSRBibliographic ResearchRussian Revolution 1917
Впервые на русском языке публикуются путевые заметки протоиерея Симеона Мии Митирō (1858–1940) — настоятеля Воскресенского собора в Токио, ученика и помощника святителя Николая Японского. Автор участвовал в работе Всероссийского... more
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      Japanese StudiesChristian StudiesRussian Revolution 1917Japanese Christianity
[© Publication and access are restricted by copyright. Publikacja i dostęp ograniczone prawem autorskim. Публикация и доступ ограничены авторским правом.] Pierwsze pełne polskie tłumaczenie i wydanie krytyczne poematu Władimira... more
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      FuturismLyric poetryRussian Poetry20th Century Russian Literature
Премия Просветитель
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      SociologyRussian StudiesRussian LiteratureAnthropology
Capitalist development involves the gradual concentration of the ownership of agricultural lands. This process dispossesses peasants. The Bolsheviks viewed this as a progressive development. Capitalist development turned peasants into... more
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      Russian HistoryRussian RevolutionBolshevismRussian Revolution 1917
This article critically assesses the recent return of “communism” in contemporary political theory. The principal focus is Alain Badiou’s formulation of the “idea of communism” and its “sequences,” which are approached here in relation to... more
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      Cultural StudiesPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyMarxism
Even though revolutionaries did not achieve their goals at the end of the 1905 Russian Revolution or the First Russian Revolution, it was still essential in achieving the 1917 and final Russian Revolution. This brief 1600-word essay... more
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      HistoryRussian StudiesRussian PoliticsWorld History
This thesis seeks to examine the practical impetus of the symphonia between the Church and Empire in the truest example yet of a Monarchic/Autocratic Theocracy that was Holy Rus’, namely, the Anointing of the Tsar at his Coronation by God... more
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchImperial RussiaRussian orthodoxy (History)Theocracy
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      American HistoryCold WarCommunismHistory of the USSR
1917 Devrimlerinde Geçici Hükümet ile Petrograd İşçi ve Asker Delegeleri Sovyetleri'nin oluşturduğu "ikili iktidar" yanında büyüyen ve gelişen ve adeta "üçüncü bir iktidar odağı" oluşturan fabrika komiteleri, konseyleri, yerel sovyetleri,... more
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryRussian HistoryRevolutionary Theory
The first edition of this Research Handbook offers unparalleled insights into the large-scale resurgence of interest in Marx and Marxism in recent years, with contributions devoted specifically to Marxist critiques of law, rights, and the... more
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      Social ChangeSocial MovementsLawCriminal Law
The present-day surrogates of the great guiding principles of Marx and Lenin are not the result of a forty years long march forward, but rather the contemptible rehash of two centuries old superstitions, as well as of foolish parroting,... more
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      MarxismMarxist theoryGramsciRussian Revolution
The Original Russian Job: The forgotten story of how a 'secret compact' between Churchill and America very nearly saved Russia from Lenin and the Soviet Union. This is the story of James V. Martin, an aviation pioneer who blew the whistle... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyAnticommunism (History)Intelligence and EspionageAviation History (Transport History)
Bu makale birbiriyle ilişkili üç boyutta ele alınmıştır. Tek başına incelenmesi ve çözümlenmesi mümkün görülmeyen söylemin doğası, çalışmanın birinci boyutunu oluşturmaktadır. İdeoloji, dil, söylem, propaganda, algı ve anlam kavramlarının... more
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      Discourse AnalysisDiscourseWorld War ISöylem
A building worker since he was 12 and later a leader of his trade union federation, Raymond Péricat was a typical representative of the most radical wing of the revolutionary syndicalism in the Cgt before 1914. Then, he was one of a very... more
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      Labour historyTrade unionism20th century FranceWorld War I
2016. 'রুশ বিপ্লবের কথা [The narrative of the Russian Revolution]'. Polimaati. Barasat Branch: West Bengal Democratic Writers and Artists' Forum. (pp 63-78).
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      Russian StudiesMarxismRevolutionsCommunism (Revolutions)
The belief in nothingism (nihilism) was coined, though not created, by Ivan Turgenev in his 1862 novel Fathers and Sons. His hero, Bazarov, believed in that doctrine. I outline it using quotes from the novel. Then I try to link such... more
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      NihilismIvan TurguênievFathers and SonsRussian Revolution 1917
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      Military HistoryRussian StudiesWorld War IRussian Revolution
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      Soviet Union (History)Clara ZetkinKPDComintern
Hindi isinisilang na rebolusyonaryo ang isang tao, siya ay nagiging rebolusyonaryo gawa ng kanyang kinagisnang bayan o kinapopookang lipunan. Ang pagiging radikal o rebolusyonaryo o manghihimagsik ng isang indibidwal o grupo ng mga tao na... more
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      Andres BonifacioRussian Revolution 1917Leon TrotskyHimagsikang Pilipino
L'analisi di un testo che ripercorre gli avvenimenti più importanti che costituiscono la causa, lo svolgimento e l'effetto della Rivoluzione Russa. Inoltre, nella seconda parte, si confrontano gli argomenti di Smith consultando alcuni... more
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      Russian StudiesMarxismContemporary HistoryRussian Revolution
Дисертація є системним дослідженням колективного портрету українського офіцера армій Української Народної Республіки, Української Держави та Західно-Української Народної Республіки у 1917–1921 рр. У центрі дослідження постає офіцер як... more
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      Military HistoryEastern European StudiesAnthropologySocial Sciences
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      Russian RevolutionRussian Revolution 1917
This book is the first monographic study of the literary-artistic almanac of Shipovnik (dogrose) publishing house (1907–1917). With the help of archival and printed materials the almanac’s history, relationships within the editorial... more
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      20th Century Russian LiteratureTolstoyAlexei RemizovKorney Chukovsky
El documento en cuestión es un TFG [Trabajo de Fin de Grado] ya defendido y calificado en la convocatoria de junio de 2018 en la Universidad de Oviedo (España) que trata la cuestión del papel que jugaron los bolcheviques en la Revolución... more
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      MarxismPoliticsCommunismHistory of the USSR
While the affects of the 1905 were limited to Russia, 1917 revolution had an impact onthe world. 1905 was a warning for government elites while 1917 was a warning for revolutionaries. In this paper, you will find out about the basics of... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial ChangeRussian Studies
The impact of the Bolshevik revolution over Italy from 1917 to the rise of the Fascist dictatorship based on unpublished primary resources.
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      FascismCommunismRussian RevolutionLenin
This article will examine a collection of 12 young adult novels centering on the Russian Revolution published within the last decade. I begin by defining historical fiction and young adult literature, noting the affordances both bring to... more
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      Children's and Young Adult LiteratureHistorical FictionYoung Adult LiteratureRussian Revolution 1917
This essay will discuss each factor, which were largely of domestic origin, to determine their significance for the fall of the Russian Imperial regime. Political causes include the crisis of autocracy and oppression, social causes cover... more
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      Russian HistoryRussian RevolutionImperialismTsarist Empire, Russian Intellectual History
No ano que se comemora a passagem dos 100 anos da Revolução Bolchevique de 1917 muitos balanços, desse evento histórico de profundo impacto no Breve século XX, têm sido realizados. Contudo, doze anos atrás já chegava no Brasil uma obra... more
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      Slavoj ŽižekLeninRussian Revolution 1917
В предлагаемой читателю монографии на основании широкого круга архивных документов, нормативных актов, воспоминаний и других источников исследуются вопросы, связанные с морской политикой, организацией и деятельностью морского ведомства... more
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      Military HistoryRussian StudiesWorld War IRussian History
Марченя П.П. Массы и массовое сознание: фактор социальной стабильности или угроза национальной безопасности? Уроки истории русских революций (к 100-летию событий Февраля–Октября 1917 г.): учебное пособие / П.П. Марченя. – М.: Московский... more
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      Political SociologySocial PsychologyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical Science
Представлена запись доклада и дискуссий круглого стола о роли крестьянского / массового сознания в системных кризисах /смутах / революциях в России (Казань, Институт истории им. Ш. Марджани АН РТ, 14 ноября 2019 г., в рамках VI... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityPolitical PartiesPeasant StudiesIdentity (Culture)
Публикуется отчет британского военного представителя Дж.Ф. Нилсона о его пребывании осенью 1917 года на одном из участков Восточного фронта Первой мировой войны. Офицер пессимистично смотрел на перспективы Русской армии продолжать войну.... more
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      First World WarRussian Revolution 1917Soviet (Russian) military forces - European Front
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      HistorySocial SciencesComparative HistoryPolitical Science