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The role of green logistics management practices, supply chain traceability and logistics ecocentricity in sustainability performance. Purpose-The priority giving to green practices in today's competitive market has made green logistics... more
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      Sustainable supply chain managementGreen Supply Chain Management (GSCM)
This study principally aimedat examininghow reverse logistics influences firm performance, with competitive advantage playing an intervening (mediating) role. The study carefully selected 187 logistics, procurement and production managers... more
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    • Sustainable supply chain management
This study provides evidence of connections between sustainability policy goals included in public
procurement tenders and offers and their achievement through contract award.
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      Supply Chain ManagementSustainable DevelopmentEuropean UnionSustainable Supply Chain
Academics believe that work integrated learning (WIL) is no longer essential and that it takes up a lot of teaching and learning time. They also believe that teaching time should be extended and that students would seek employment on... more
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      EntrepreneurshipSupply Chain ManagementSustainable supply chain management
The study primarily aimed at assessing the perceived stakeholder influence on reverse logistics (RL) adoption and further examined how the adoption of RL influences supply chain performance, with a focus in the Ghanaian manufacturing... more
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    • Sustainable supply chain management
The vast majority of research and practice regarding sustainable supply chains has followed an instrumental logic, which has led firms and supply chain managers to place economic interests ahead of environmental and social interests.... more
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      Environmental SustainabilitySocial sustainabilitySustainable supply chain management
Key trends in the apparel industry are significantly impacting the apparel supply chain by modifying its configuration and by intensifying the competitive pressure. Global sourcing strategies, product proliferation, together with product... more
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      Smart TextilesSustainable supply chain management
Purpose: To determine the state-of-the-art in Socially Responsible Sourcing (SRS) research, leading to an agenda for further work; and, to evaluate the use of theory in this context. SRS is defined as the upstream social issues within... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementOperations ManagementTheorySocial sustainability
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      Supply Chain ManagementEnvironmental SustainabilitySustainable supply chain management
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      Sustainable supply chain managementGreen Supply Chain Management (GSCM)Stratégic Purchasing
The high bandwidth and low latency features of 5G network are perceived to offer a unified platform for multiple device connectivity in real time. Despite the promising benefits of disruptive 5G wireless technology, literature on... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementICT in Supply ChainsSupply Chain IntegrationSustainable supply chain management
L'approvisionnement est une fonction stratégique dans toute entreprise produisant des biens et opérant mondialement. Pour celles qui désirent épouser les tenants et aboutissants du développement durable et de la responsabilité sociale,... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementSustainable Supply ChainSustainable Supply ChainsSustainable supply chain management
Estudo sobre os problemas de sobrepesca de frutos do mar, cadeias produtivas mais sustentáveis do pescado e as conexões com o varejo. Preparado para Walmart Brasil em 2009 como parte do programa “Diálogos para a sustentabilidade –... more
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      Green Supply Chain ManagementSustentabilidadeFishingFishing Technology
Purpose-We introduce the key concepts, issues and theoretical foundations of this special issue on "The hidden side of sustainable operations and supply chain management (OSCM): Unanticipated outcomes, trade-offs and tensions". We explore... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementSustainable DevelopmentSystematic Literature ReviewUnintended Consequences
گسترش کمی حوزه های مختلف علوم بشری یکی از موضوعاتی است که اغلب مورد توجه بوده است. یکی از کارآمدترین شیوه های بررسی برون داد پژوهشی و وضعیت کلی پژوهش، استفاده از مطالعات علم سنجی است. در این مطالعات، اندازه گیری کمی تولیدات علمی تا حدودی... more
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    • Sustainable supply chain management
Sustainable supply chain management is more than ever an important subject to deal with. With the increase of environmental concerns as global warming, companies have to integrate this aspect into their management and this for a lot of... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementGreen Supply Chain ManagementSustainablitySustainable supply chain management
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    • Sustainable supply chain management
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      BusinessManagementEngineeringComputer Science
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      FoodSalesProfitsSustainable supply chain management
Purpose – In search of new perspectives on sustainable food production, this paper focuses on three fields of literature, namely corporate responsibility (CR), supply chain management (SCM) and strategy. The purpose of this paper is to... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementCorporate Social ResponsibilitySustainable DevelopmentStrategy As Practice
Sustainability is fast emerging as a major strategic consideration for business leaders. Organisations are increasingly under scrutiny from a range of stakeholders, including, customers, investors, legislators, governments and pressure... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementSupply ChainSustainable Supply ChainGeneral Management
Hope you are doing great. We are seeking funds from NGOs/foreign universities to conduct research in the area of supply chain risk management/sustainable supply chain management and disaster operations management/humanitarian logistics in... more
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      Disaster risk managementSupply Chain Risk ManagementSustainable supply chain management
How a supply chain (SC) is configured can have a significant impact on the performance of global firms. More specifically, disturbance factors (i.e. those factors associated with uncertainty and risk) are increasingly important... more
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      Sustainable supply chain managementSupply Chain ConfigurationRisk in Supply ChainsInnovative operations management practices in emerging economies
In today’s competitive global business environment, where Innovation is considered as a catalyst to achieve long term sustainable growth, innovative suppliers are dammed as main contributors to growth. Scarcity of research on sustainable... more
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      Supplier selectionSustainable innovationsSustainable supply chain managementInternational Journal of Management (IJM)
Multinational food processing corporations are facing rapid growth in emerging markets like China and a concurrent need for sustainable supply chain management (SSCM). These firms attempt to address supply risk and threat to the triple... more
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      Sustainable Food SystemsFood security and sustainable agricultureSustainable supply chain managementAN ASSESSMENT OF SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT IN EMERGING MARKET
Industrial operations could emit harmful pollutants and degrade natural environment, thereby posing a threat to human beings and wildlife (polar bears, panda, penguins, turtles, whales, walrus etc.). Globally manufacturers must ensure... more
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      Production economicsProduction and Operations ManagementSustainable supply chain management
A escassez de pesquisas em GCSS em países em desenvolvimento (CARVALHO, 2011) foi considerada na gênese desse artigo. Três casos foram investigados via estudo de caso exemplar (MERRIAM, 1998) e descritivo (STABLEIN, 2001), com o objetivo... more
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      Case Study ResearchCase StudiesSmall and Medium-scale EnterprisesSustainable Supply Chain
Buying firms are increasingly confronted with compliance scandals in their upstream supply chain, for which they are held accountable by their stakeholders. Purely symbolic practices, typically referred to as greenwashing, as well as... more
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      GreenwashingEthical LeadershipSustainable supply chain management
O trabalho considerou a escassez de pesquisas em GCSS, principalmente em países em desenvolvimento. Adotou-se como objetivo analisar características da GCSS em empresas de Fortaleza, segundo modelos da literatura internacional. Quatro... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentCase Study ResearchCase StudiesSmall and Medium-scale Enterprises
This paper analyses the adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies by small and medium manufacturers which are involved in supplying relationships with large retailers. The purpose of the paper is to examine CSR drivers... more
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      BusinessComputer ScienceCorporate Social ResponsibilitySupply Chain
Sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) and knowledge management's (KM) positive role in improving supply chain development and performance have both attracted attention in recent years, the former arguably stimulated by the triple... more
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      Knowledge ManagementTriple Bottom LineSustainable supply chain managementNatural Resource Based View
This paper builds on to the previous work done on sustainable supply chain management and sustainable performance. The aim of this paper is to propose a conceptual framework for examining the relationship between sustainable supply chain... more
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      Sustainable supply chain managementSustainable PerformanceHealthcare Industry
Studies using the Regulatory-Intermediary-Target (RIT) framework have examined a variety of forms of regulatory capture, including how targets capture intermediaries (TàI) and how intermediaries capture regulators (IàR). Little attention... more
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      Regulation And GovernanceGlobal GovernanceStandardsICT in Supply Chains
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      Sustainable supply chain managementSustainable PerformanceHealthcare Industry
This research aimed to “identify and critically understand key barriers and opportunities for UK tour operators and their ground handlers to source and sell more sustainable tourism products.” The author conducted a literature review in... more
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      Sustainable TourismSustainable supply chain managementSustainable/Responsible Tourism
Multinational food processing corporations are facing rapid growth in emerging markets like China and a concurrent need for sustainable supply chain management (SSCM). These firms attempt to address supply risk and threat to the triple... more
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      SociologyEconomicsSocial SciencesBusiness and Management
Most institutions of higher learning complain about poor pass rates and poor throughput rates. A common intervention is the tutorial system. While research has shown the positive impact of this intervention, yet tutorials alone do not... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementPerformance MeasuresSustainable supply chain management
Social issues are under-represented in sustainability, considering historical predominance of economic and environmental issues. This also applies to Sustainable Supply Chain Management. Even with its definition clarified regarding Triple... more
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      Social sustainabilitySustainable Supply ChainSustainable supply chain management
Increasing concern about global sustainability has ushered in a diverse set of regulatory policies that aim to encourage sustainable business practices and outcomes. This chapter sheds light on how these regulatory policies affect... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementSustainable Production and ConsumptionRegulation And GovernanceSustainable Development
The growing importance of supply chain management on a global scale raises questions about it sustainability and measuring of social impact. This need stems both from a desire to determine the benefits and risks for the organization... more
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      Compensation ManagementSustainable supply chain management
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      Sustainable supply chain managementSustainable PerformanceHealthcare Industry
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to determine the state-of-the-art in socially responsible sourcing (SRS) research, leading to an agenda for further work; and to evaluate the use of theory in this context. SRS is defined as the... more
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      MarketingSupply Chain ManagementOperations ManagementTheory
This study proposes a fuzzy-based VIKOR (VIseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje) framework for evaluating barriers to implementing green supply chain management (GSCM) in the context of an emerging economy. The methodology... more
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      Fuzzy set theoryEnvironmental SustainabilityGreen Supply Chain ManagementVIKOR method
In todays' dynamically changing environment and competitive landscape, organisations are adopting sustainable practices for attaining long-term economic viability. However, there is a misalignment between sustainable practices and... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilitySustainability (Organisational Strategy)Sustainable supply chain management
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      SociologySocial SciencesBusiness and ManagementSustainable Food Systems
There has been an exponential growth of new electronic products in the global consumer market. New electronic consumer products generate a growing need for new methods, processes and entrepreneurship in recycling. In this study, we... more
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      BusinessSustainable Production and ConsumptionSustainable DevelopmentElectronics
There has been an exponential growth of new electronic products in the global consumer market. New electronic consumer products generate a growing need for new methods, processes and entrepreneurship in recycling. In this study, we... more
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      BusinessSustainable Production and ConsumptionSustainable DevelopmentElectronics
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    • Sustainable supply chain management
The high bandwidth and low latency features of 5G network are perceived to offer a unified platform for multiple device connectivity in real time. Despite the promising benefits of disruptive 5G wireless technology, literature on... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementICT in Supply ChainsSupply Chain IntegrationMathematical Sciences