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      MoriscosTeaching HistorySpain (History)Teaching & Learning of History
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      HistoryAncient HistoryHistoria AntigaHistoria
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryModern HistoryEconomic History
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryModern HistoryEconomic History
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      Teaching HistoryTeaching & Learning of Historyтеорія і методика навчання історії
A sugestão de atividade que apresentamos nesta caixa, da escrita de narrativas inspiradas nos mitos gregos, depende de um bom direcionamento do professor. É necessário indicar com clareza o que se espera do exercício, para que os alunos... more
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      HistoryMitologyHistoria AntigaHistoria
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      HistoryPsychologyCognitive PsychologyTeaching and Learning
This article exposes the process of educational intervention in the teaching of the Mexican Revolution from the use of primary sources at the high school level. After applying and evaluating the different di-dactic strategies, it is... more
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      EducationTeaching HistoryTeaching & Learning of HistoryEnseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales
Abstract: This article analyzes how historical knowledge is assessed in England and Spain in the exams taken by students at the end of Compulsory Secondary Education. For this purpose, a sample of incidental nature was collected with a... more
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      AssessmentMeasurement and EvaluationHistorical ConsciousnessHistory Education
O capítulo pretende apresentar brevemente sobre a temática ambiental e da Educação Ambiental no Ensino de História e nos livros didáticos utilizados por docentes de História de escolas do Ensino Básico de Ananindeua, município do Pará.
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      EducationEnvironmental EducationEducação AmbientalEducação
This small article argues the case for a closer cooperation between universities and archives. In order to systematically include archival education and training into undergraduate and graduate history training, archives might be seen as... more
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      Early Modern HistoryArchivesHistory EducationTeaching History
El presente artículo, Música y cultura popular como recursos para el estudio de la tranisición a la democracia en el País Vasco, es una propuesta de unidad didáctica para bachillerato. Su objetivo es problematizar el conocimiento que el... more
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      HistoryTeaching HistoryTeaching & Learning of History
[Available for free download at link] Historical sources are a common feature of history classrooms, but the purpose of using them is not always clear, and as a result, instructional activities with sources may not be as effective or... more
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      Social Studies EducationHistory EducationTeaching HistoryHistory Teaching
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      Teaching HistoryTeaching & Learning of HistoryHistory Teaching and Learningтеорія і методика навчання історії
Die Ortschronisten und Heimatforscher Sachsen-Anhalts stellen eine wichtige Säule des Landesgedächtnisses dar. Sie zu vernetzen, weiterzubilden und zu unterstützen, gehört seit nunmehr fast 30 Jahren zu den Aufgaben des Landesheimatbundes... more
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      Teaching HistoryCitizen ScienceTeaching & Learning of HistoryDemocracy and Citizenship Education
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      Public HistoryHistory and MemoryHistory EducationTeaching History
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      HistoryTeaching HistoryHistoriaTeaching & Learning of History
This paper's goal it's to do a review, for the first time in Spanish, of A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America by the Historian Ronald Takaki (1939-2009). Takaki’s works were key for the incorporation, into the American... more
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      MulticulturalismMulticultural EducationRacializationRacial and ethnic discrimination
Tratamos, neste artigo, dos usos da história na formação de pessoas mediante as obras de pensadores de fronteira, situados entre a Idade Média e a Moderna Idade: Erasmo de Rotterdam (1466/1536), Martinho Lutero (1483/1546), Juan Luis... more
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      Teaching & Learning of HistoryTeoria e metodologia da históriaDidática Da HistóriaHistoriografia
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      Intercultural Education (Education)InterculturalidadTeaching & Learning of HistoryEnseñanza de la historia
This course examines the interconnected medieval worlds of Europe, Africa, and Eurasia from the death of Muhammad to the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople. Content extends from the emergence of Islam to the Ottoman conquest of... more
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      CrusadesSlaveryAntisemitism (Prejudice)Islamic Studies
Para ser maestro de Educación Primaria son necesarios unos conocimientos mínimos sobre la declaración de derechos humanos, la Constitución, las instituciones políticas y sobre otras culturas y religiones cada vez más presentes en los... more
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      History EducationTeaching HistoryTeaching & Learning of History
Esposizione di approfondimento per studenti liceali e di laurea triennale. Atene è l"altro polo nella gamma di possibili forme della polis greca. Il cammino di Atene è per certi versi opposto a quello di Sparta: se a Sparta l"ordine... more
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      Ancient HistoryAthenian DemocracyDemocracyArchaic Greek history
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      ArtHistory EducationTeaching HistoryHistorical Thinking
O Último Banquete em Herculano: Guia Didático é um material adaptado à realidade pedagógica dos docentes, muitas vezes limitados por um pequeno número de aulas, programas apertados e exigências de avaliações externas. É oferecida a... more
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      ArchaeologyHistory EducationTeaching & Learning of History
As reflexões sobre como as TIC’s (Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação) afetam o processo de ensino e aprendizagem têm se intensificado no contexto pandêmico dos anos 2020-21. Os professores da Educação Básica se depararam com a... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Iberian HistoryTeaching HistoryHistory Teaching
O presente artigo explora os discursos e perspectivas sobre a Abolição da Escravidão transmitidos pelos livros didáticos de História do Brasil do início do século XX até a década de 1980. Para tanto, considerou-se as atuais linhas... more
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      Cultural HistorySlaveryAbolition of SlaveryTeaching & Learning of History
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      Ancient HistoryTeaching HistoryClassics: Ancient History and ArchaeologyTeaching & Learning of History
מדריך קצר שנכתב במקורו עבור תלמידות ותלמידי החוג להיסטוריה, אוניברסיטת תל אביב. הוא לא עוסק בפורמט אלא מציע מתכון תמציתי לכתיבת עבודות. אין לדברים כל תוקף מחייב, אבל נוכח העדר דגמי כתיבה מדעיים מבוססים היטב בעברית, הם נועדו להצביע על... more
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      HistoryAcademic WritingTeaching HistoryTeaching & Learning of History
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Заключение. В том, что касается набора языков, между школами иезуитов и школой Глюка было несколько отличий. Глюк предлагал целый ряд древних и восточных языков, которые не предлагали иезуиты. В значительной степени это связано с его... more
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      HistoryEuropean StudiesRussian StudiesEducation
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    • Teaching & Learning of History
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      ArchaeologyHistoria AntigaClassics: Ancient History and ArchaeologyTeaching & Learning of History
Semester course; 3 lecture hours. 3 credits. Introduces non-history majors to the analytical modes of transnational history, which explores networks of connection that link individuals and communities across established political or... more
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      HistoryLearning and TeachingHistory of ScienceTransnational History
Sobre a possibilidade de aprender história, e limitados às experiências selecionadas (Alemanha, Canadá, Estados Unidos, Espanha, França e Inglaterra), esperamos ter ficado clara a possibilidade de a grande parte dos alunos dos 6 aos 17... more
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      Teaching & Learning of HistoryDidática Da HistóriaEnsino de HistóriaEnseñanza de la historia
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      Teaching HistoryTeaching & Learning of Historyметодика преподавания истории в общеобразовательной школетеорія і методика навчання історії
A metodologia ativa, como uma terceira margem, visa eliminar qualquer homogeneização que possa significar a redução de todos os níveis de realidade a um único mundo ou somente a uma dada percepção. Neste livro, veremos que o enfoque da... more
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      EducationTeaching & Learning of History
Historical strategy games ostensibly enable the player to reconstruct history within the context of the game. The scenarios of the games are based on actual historical events. Starting the game at a certain point in history, the player... more
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      E-learningAction ResearchQualitative MethodsEducation History
The STEM teaching methodology (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) has stimulated the development of collaborative and transdisciplinary knowledge in Basic Education schools. Combined with the Lego Education... more
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      Teacher EducationEducational RoboticsHistory TeachingTeaching & Learning of History
Neste artigo discutimos as possibilidades metodológicas do uso de Histórias em Quadrinho para o Ensino de História Antiga. Para tanto, nos utilizamos da HQ "Os 300 de Esparta" da autoria de Frank Miller e Lynn Varley, na qual as... more
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      Ancient HistoryTeaching HistoryComics and Graphic NovelsAncient Sparta
As narrativas míticas, entendidas aqui como um conjunto de discursos que emprestavam inteligibilidade, coerência e muitas vezes coesão às culturas antigas, estão absolutamente presentes nos currículos do 6º ano do ensino... more
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      HistoryHistoria AntigaHistoriaMitologia
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      Teaching HistoryHistory TeachingTeaching & Learning of History
Il volume raccoglie gli Atti (alternativamente in italiano, spagnolo, inglese e francese) del XX Simposio Internacional de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales / I Convegno Internazionale Italo-Spagnolo di Didattica delle Scienze Sociali... more
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      Teacher EducationCivic EducationGlobal CitizenshipEuropean Union Citizenship
Este texto aborda a estrutura, a forma e a função do ensino de história explicitadas pelo filósofo espanhol Juan Luis Vives (1492/1540) no livro De disciplines (1530). O trabalho faz parte de uma pesquisa mais ampla, intitulada... more
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      Teaching & Learning of HistoryTeoria e metodologia da históriaDidática Da HistóriaHistoriografia
This is the Indonesian version of my personal enquiry into the role of public intellectuals in Indonesia, the current problems of Indonesia's tertiary (university) sector, in particular history teaching, and the present-day challenge of... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryEducationFilm Studies
Resumen En el siguiente trabajo se detallan las oportuni-dades educativas y divulgativas que ofrece la actual ciudad de Cádiz (España) en relación con su pasado fenicio. Por ello, el objetivo principal de este estudio ha sido exponer los... more
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      ArchaeologyTeaching and LearningEducationPhoenicians
La siguiente propuesta de gamificación o ludificación, el juego de mesa “Cuadrado de Ciencias Sociales”, es uno de los resultados del proyecto final de la asignatura Geografía e Historia realizado con alumnado de 1º y 2º de ESO durante... more
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      HistoryHumanitiesSocial SciencesEducational Research
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      Critical ThinkingTeaching HistoryTeaching & Learning of Historyметодика преподавания истории в общеобразовательной школе
Il premio Nobel per la pace Mikhail Gorbaciov, fondatore di Green Cross International, ha affermato: «Le due più significative eredità lasciateci dal XX secolo (l’esplosione demografica e quella tecnologica) hanno preteso un tributo in... more
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      Teaching HistoryTeaching & Learning of HistoryTeaching GeographyDidattica della storia