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The review article discusses a book by Giedrė Jankevičiūtė and V. Geetha, Another History of the Children’s Picture Book: From Soviet Lithuania to India (2017). It describes the content of the monograph in the context of studies on... more
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      HistoryPicture BooksIndian LiteratureCulture in the Soviet Union
W tej pracy magisterskiej prześledzono obecność Ukraińców wśród wykładowców i studentów Studium Teologii Prawosławnej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego i ich położenie w kontekście przemian polityki państwowej i kościelnej. Wyjaśniono stan... more
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      Theological Educationhistory of PolandUniversity of WarsawPolish Orthodox Church
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      HistorySociolinguisticsFinnish LanguageStandard Language Ideology
„Akademickie Zeszyty Naukowe PIAST” to czasopismo naukowe, wydawane od 2017 roku na Wydziale Historycznym Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.Na jego łamach publikujemy artykuły stanowiące dorobek naukowy młodego pokolenia polskich badaczy... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural HeritageLife StyleHistory of Sociology
Currently, there are over a thousand unsolved homicide cases in Poland. Up to this point, numerous, mostly popular science, research papers have been focusing on the individual units in charge of these difficult cases. This paper,... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal ProcedureCriminal JusticeStatistics
The architectural motif in the form of an arch-on-columns, the titular “temple facade”, decorating the discus of late antique lamps, has been the subject of debate and various interpretations of the meaning without reference to the... more
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      IconographyByzantine IconographyByzantine ArchaeologyAncient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)
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      HistoriographyEast European intelligentsiasHistory of HistoriographyWarsaw
Folder wystawy zorganizowanej przez Muzeum Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego ma za zadanie przedstawić piękno płaskorzeźb, detali i elementów architektonicznych spektakularnego terenu Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego przy Krakowskim Przedmieściu.... more
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      History of ArtHistory of architectureUniversity of Warsaw
„Akademickie Zeszyty Naukowe PIAST” to czasopismo naukowe, wydawane od 2017 roku na Wydziale Historycznym Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.Na jego łamach publikujemy artykuły stanowiące dorobek naukowy młodego pokolenia polskich badaczy... more
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      HistoryEarly Medieval ArchaeologyArcheologiaHistoria
THE LEGACY OF CYRIL AND METHODIUS THROUGH THE LENS OF MEFODIEVSKII IUBILEINYI SBORNIK (1885) The purpose of this article is to analize the historical and ideological background of the Mefodievskii Iubileinyi sbornik, a collective work... more
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      History of IdeasContemporary HistoryRussian NationalismRussian intelligentsia
Numerous fragments of decorated limestone blocks attributed to the funerary chapel of the God’s Sealer Ikhi/Mery were found during the 2012 and 2015 seasons of Polish excavations in Saqqara. A theoretical reconstruction of the tomb facade... more
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      ArtUniversity of Warsaw
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      History of ReligionHistory of MedicineHistory of Medical EducationWarsaw
Звіт опубліковано в журналі «Слово і Час». Документ присвячений конференції під назвою «Філософія буття і виживання в его-документах українських письменників, художників та кінорежисерів (від Орлика до сучасності)». ❧ Сверчинський, Ф.,... more
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      HistoryUkrainian StudiesLiterary TheoryUkrainian Literature
Celem niniejszej pracy jest zaprezentowanie oraz podsumowanie wszystkich dotychczasowych oraz nowych wyników badań dotyczących wczesnośredniowiecznego grodziska w Bogdanach koło Fromborka. Autor na podstawie analizy dokumentacji i... more
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      ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval HistoryEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)
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      Underwater ArchaeologyUniversity of Warsaw
Artykuł poświęcony jest fenomenowi przenikania germanizmów za pośrednictwem rosyjskiego do polskiego. Na wybranych przykładach autor pokazuje, że liczba w ten sposób zapożyczanych germanizmów jest najprawdopodobniej większa niż dotąd... more
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      Slavic LanguagesRussianPolishSlavic Historical Linguistics
Archaeological and geophysical prospection of the site of Khirbat al-Sar/Sara in Jordan, carried out by a team from the Polish Centre of the Mediterranean Archaeology (PCMA), University of Warsaw, has resulted in a comprehensive plan... more
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      GeographyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique ArchaeologyLate Roman and Early Byzantine Pottery
The paper presents a selection of cooking ware pottery excavated in 2014 and 2016 from the fill under the central and eastern parts of the main courtyard (1) of the “Hellenistic” House in Nea Paphos–Maloutena. Most of the studied vessels... more
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      ArtEarly Roman potteryUniversity of WarsawNea Paphos
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      PsychologySign LanguagesCognitive LinguisticsLanguage contact
Tribute to Prof. Eligiusz Szymanis PhD (1955-2009), Associate Professor at the University of Warsaw.
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      RomanticismPolish LiteraturePolish romanticismUniversity of Warsaw
The church discussed in the paper is situated in Avgia, on the outskirts of Batumi. It is an early Christian period hall-type church with northern and southern wings. The ground plan of the whole structure resembles the well-known layout... more
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    • University of Warsaw
Interview with professor Danuta Ulicka (University of Warsaw) on the subject of one hundred years of Polish literary studies and the comprehensive work (consisting of three volumes edited by professor Ulicka) on this subject.
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      Structuralism/Post-StructuralismPolish StudiesRussian FormalismFormalism
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      Political SciencePolandCentral and Eastern EuropeUkraine
The article is an attempt to present the historiography of the Warsaw University after 1956. The text is divided into three parts. The fi rst part is concerned with the organization and politics that infl uenced the actions of the... more
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      History of HistoriographyHistory of UniversityUniversity of WarsawHistorians
У цій магістерській роботі прослідковано присутність українців серед викладачів і студентів Студіуму православного богослов’я Варшавського університету та їхнє становище в контексті змін державної і церковної політики. З’ясовано стан... more
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      Theological Educationhistory of PolandUniversity of WarsawPolish Orthodox Church
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      Art HistoryArchitectureArchitectural EducationArchitectural History
Field research was concentrated on excavating burial mounds and non-sepulchral structures located in two different microregions: Muhaita (a new cluster of five structures representing different categories) and Bahra/Nahdain (three tumuli... more
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      GeographyArchaeologyArabian GulfTumuli
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      ArtUniversity of Warsaw
This paper describes the preliminary results of my PhD research within the ERC pro­ject “HisTochText”. The aim is to perform macroscopic analyses of archaeological papers from the Pelliot Collection. They are stored in the National... more
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      HistoryCentral Asian StudiesTocharianpulp and paper Technology
Nella storia dell’intelligencija russa dell’Ottocento un posto di rilievo è occupato dal clero ortodosso, inteso in modo particolare nella sua declinazione secolare: il basso clero, detto in altri termini anche clero ‘bianco’ – quello dei... more
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      Contemporary HistoryPolish HistoryHistory of UniversitiesRussian History
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      History of HistoriographyHistory of Travel and TourismUniversity of Warsaw
""The discipline called International Relations was developed in the United States from the study of international law, which attracted researchers from political science and historical studies, in the general context of classic political... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryInternational StudiesTheory
In 2012 and 2013 the mission continued research and documentation work, concentrating on scenes located in the Hypostyle Hall, the Bark Room, and rooms D, G and H. Dozens of painted stone fragments were cleaned and protected.... more
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      ArtEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyNew Kingdom (Egyptology)Ancient Egyptian Iconography
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    • University of Warsaw
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      Cultural StudiesCultural HeritageLife StyleHistory of Sociology
The Exhibition of Modern Art (Wystawa Sztuki Nowoczesnej) organized in 1948 in the Palace of Art (Pałac Sztuki) in Cracow was one of the most prominent art events in Poland during the last century. It is considered one of the... more
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      Art HistoryArtContemporary ArtPropaganda
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      Political ScienceUniversity of Warsaw
The article reviews the reaction of selected Latin American countries to the pandemic of Covid-19. The authors examine the situation in which the countries where touched by the pandemic and the initial reactions toward the unusual... more
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      Security StudiesPublic Health PolicyEl SalvadorMexico
Sprawozdanie opublikowane w czasopiśmie „Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie”; pełna wersja sprawozdania opublikowanego pierwotnie w skróconej formie w czasopiśmie «Слово і Час» (Сверчиньский, Ф., «Міжнародна наукова конференція у Варшавському... more
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      HistoryUkrainian StudiesLiterary TheoryUkrainian Literature
2016 feiert die Universität Warschau ihr 200-jähriges Jubiläum. Anlässlich dieser kommenden Veranstaltung haben russische und polnische Forscher damit begonnen, ihre Geschichte, insbesondere den „russischen“ Abschnitt (1869–1915), neu zu... more
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      Polish HistoryFirst World WarRussian HistoryUniversity
A Roman bath in use from the 2nd to the 4th century AD at the harbor of Marina el-Alamein on the Mediterranean coast of Egypt continued to be researched, conserved and prepared for exhibition by the Polish–Egyptian Conservation Mission... more
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      GeographyUniversity of Warsaw
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      History of Nationalism and Nation-BuildingBoris PasternakRussian populismNikolai Leskov
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      University of WarsawKievan ChurchКиевская духовная академиянекрологи
The results presented in this study are part of a joint research project undertaken in 2011 by the University of Warsaw and the University of St. Petersburg entitled “The perception of Polish-Russian relations by students in Poland and... more
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      RussiaUniversity of Warsaw
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyNautical ArchaeologyPrehistory
In the middle of the 12th century, the King of Dotawo (Makuria) and Arwa, referred to as Mouse Georgios in many Old Nubian documents and in studies on the subject, was the eparch of Palaga, a province of the Kingdom of Arwa, and in all... more
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      FieldworkUniversity of Warsaw