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This chapter from Telling Stories in the Face of Danger explores language ideologies of traditional storytelling in the Village of Tewa (NE Arizona, US). After introducing the notion of discursive discriminations, the chapter details the... more
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      Language IdeologiesVerbal arts
This paper offers an introduction to 'multiforms' as associated systems of verbal elements that develop in the memory of an individual and are used in text production. It examines these in the highly conservative kalevalaic mythological... more
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      Poetry CompositionSemioticsMythology And FolkloreAnthropological Linguistics
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      EducationGlobalizationYouth StudiesMulti- & Bilingualism & Biliteracy
This paper proposes a multidisciplinary analysis method for freestyle rap performance. In its first part is presented the inquiry of the poetic, linguistic, musical and performance dimensions of freestyle rap. In its second part, so this... more
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      Performance ArtUrban CultureHip-Hop StudiesVerbal arts
Material de clase o diario de aprendizaje que actualizo cada cierto tiempo. En el capítulo 1, delimito qué se entiende por arte verbal mientras explico por qué este término en particular tiene mayores beneficios analíticos que, por... more
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      FolkloreAmazoniaVersificationDocumentary Linguistics
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      Cultural HistoryChicano StudiesTheatre StudiesPopular Culture
A special issue of Oral Tradition (435 pp.) with an extensive introduction and 14 articles by specialists from around the world addressing parallelism from theoretical and empirical perspectives in a variety of traditions.
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      SemioticsLanguagesMythology And FolkloreCultural Studies
"Indigenous Languages: verbal arts" offers transcribed and analyzed texts in twelve Amerindian languages, together with reflection by indigenous researchers on tradition and innovation in verbal arts. Each contribution is is presented... more
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      Verbal artsText AnalysisSouth American Indian Languages
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      PhilologyCultural StudiesAnthropological LinguisticsFolklore
NOSTALGIC LOVE AND SADNESS SONGS AMONG THE AYOREO OF NORTHERN PARAGUAYAN CHACO (an ethnography of broken ties) In this thesis I analyse the nostalgic love songs and the sadness songs of the Ayoreo of northern Paraguayan Chaco,... more
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      Linguistic AnthropologyVerbal artsConvivialityAnthropology of Lowland South America
An extensive introduction to the concept of parallelism, its forms and uses, with a particular emphasis on discussions and traditions in the volume Parallelism in Verbal Art and Performance.
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      SemioticsRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Mythology And FolkloreCultural Studies
Metre is a living thing. It exists in and is shaped by an environment that includes language, genres and practices as well as oral and/or written identity-bearing texts, and these are reciprocally affected and shaped by metres with which... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreComparative LiteratureFolkloreLanguages and Linguistics
The musical arts of Vanuatu remain largely undocumented - whether in the detail of their instruments, melodies and rhythms, or the poetic forms and styles used in the songs themselves. And yet, these artistic practices include treasures... more
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      MusicAnthropology of MusicEthnomusicologyPacific Island Studies
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      EthnomusicologyVerbal artsFolk songsAustralian Aboriginal Music
This essay sets out an approach to parallelism in verbal art as a semiotic phenomenon that can operate at multiple orders (or levels) of signification. It examines parallelism in the sounds through which words are communicated, in... more
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      Discourse AnalysisRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)LanguagesMythology And Folklore
In this contribution I analyse Ayoreo laments, which are composed and performed when someone has passed away or is in danger of dying. The lyrics of these mourning songs, although highly spontaneous and created in that very moment, follow... more
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      EthnographyLinguistic AnthropologyHumorPerformance
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      FolkloreVerbal artsFolk literatureOral literature
Versatility in Versification grew out of an international conference organized by the University of Iceland and the Nordic Society for Metrical Studies and held at Reykholt, Iceland, the thirteenth-century home of Snorri Sturluson.... more
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      PhilologyPoetryOld Norse LiteratureProsody And Poetics
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      SemioticsMythology And FolkloreCultural StudiesAnthropology
The CD included 41 music pieces. The PDF file of the 128 page bilingual booklet is in free access : http://www.maisondesculturesdumonde.org/sites/default/files/albums/booklet260147.pdf
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      MusicAnthropology of MusicLanguages and LinguisticsEthnomusicology
This paper has two goals, distinct but linked. The first goal, as the title suggests, is to remember the work of the late thinker, writer, and linguist Ruqaiya Hasan (1931-2015) in just the way she herself would have had it remembered: in... more
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      Systemic Functional LinguisticsVerbal artsRuqaiya Hasan
Book Review on: Methodology and practices of Russian formalism: papers of the 2nd Osip Brik International Colloquium – a linguistic and interdisciplinary conference held at the Ivan Fedorov Moscow State University of Printing Arts March... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsOrality-Literacy StudiesPoeticsVerse Theory
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      IconographyShamanismMemory StudiesVerbal arts
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      Cultural StudiesAfrican StudiesAnthropologyWomen's Studies
Parallelism may indeed be fundamental to poetic discourse, but the very degree to which it appears fundamental makes the concept as a whole challenging to pin down. This is an introduction to the pre-print of working papers for the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Mythology And Folklore
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      South American indigenous languagesVerbal arts
Siendo 2022, volvería a escribir este artículo con todo lo aprendido. Ojalá me anime en unos años. Especial cariño por ser el primero publicado, pero también especial distancia.
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      Amazonian LanguagesVerbal artsOrality Orature Folklore Verbal Artsemantic parallelism
Vienne, XXIe congrès de l’Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée, 21 – 27 juillet 2016, 17503 - La «forme pure», «l’art absolu», la «littérarité»: utopie artistique ou impulsion à la création? Organizer(s): Tchougounnikov,... more
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      SémiotiqueVerbal artsGeorges MoliniéLittérarité
This narrative tells of an episode in the personal life of Tomás Nogueira, a speaker of Wa’ikhana (or Piratapuyo, East Tukano family), a highly endangered and still little described language. The Wa’ikhana people live in northwest... more
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      Amazonian LanguagesVerbal artsTukanoan languagesWa'ikhana (Piratapuyo, Tukanoan)
En este trabajo se analizan las fórmulas de apertura de un corpus de textos pertenecientes a la narrativa de tradición oral maya tojolabal, con una doble finalidad, describir sus elementos y la obligatoriedad de los mismos y analizar su... more
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      FolkloreOral TraditionsFolktalesOral Tradition
Los Iskonawa, un pueblo pano de la Amazonía peruana, todavía guarda en la memoria un conjunto de canciones que eran parte de la fiesta de toma de chicha de maíz, la cual se fue dejando de celebrar después de su contacto en 1959 y su... more
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      Amazonian LanguagesVerbal artsPanoan Languages
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      Verbal artsPoétiqueHistoire de la littérature algérienne contemporaineLittérature Algérienne
In this paper, we explore the genre of shamanic incantation (bi'id ɨd) among the Hup people of the northwest Amazon. We consider the artistic features that characterize bi'id ɨd as both verbal art and powerful shamanic action-most notably... more
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      EthnographyAnthropology of ShamanismVerbal arts
In a small community in the Andean-Amazonian transitional zone of Southern Peru, speakers of Matsigenka use recapitulative linkages in myth narrations. These constructions establish a kind of rhythm, distinctive to the myth narration dis-... more
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      Linguistic AnthropologyAmazoniaAmazonian LanguagesSpanish in contact with other languages
This paper examines the speech of two Meknassi rappers who have adopted linguistic features of Casablancan Arabic in the course of their hip-hop careers in order to emulate the speech of their colleagues in Casablanca. The paper seeks to... more
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      SociophoneticsVerbal artsMoroccan Arabic
This article focuses on the textual aesthetics of the Congolese-born (later Tanzanian naturalized) Swahili singer-songwriter Remmy Ongala. In the first part, I argue that a textual approach is also important for songs. The theoretical... more
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      African MusicEast AfricaCongolese diasporaVerbal arts
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      Verbal artsSFLRoman JakobsonSss
References to landscape and places are central in traditional narratives by speakers of Dâw (Naduhup, Brazilian Amazon). This emphasis on spatial reference is primarily established through locative adverbial clauses that are often... more
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      Discourse AnalysisAmazonian LanguagesVerbal artsSubordination
In times of social upheaval, people create and engage with verbal art for entertainment and a feeling of connection. While millions of people were forced to stay home to reduce the spread of COVID-19 from March to July 2020, verbal... more
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      SongwritingOnline CommunitiesPerformanceParody
O presente artigo é resultado de dois anos de pesquisa, a qual teve como um dos seus objetivos investigar a história da prática da tradução de cantos Tupi-Guarani de 1970 até a atualidade. A pesquisa foi dividida... more
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      Translation HistoryCorpus Linguistics and Translation StudiesVerbal artsTupi-Guarani
Réservée au départ au vocabulaire spécialisé de la psychologie et des sciences sociales, la notion de parentalité est largement utilisée aujourd'hui pour désigner les fonctions et les pratiques parentales. Elle permet plus précisément de... more
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      AfricaAfrican LiteratureParent Child RelationshipsVerbal arts
Page 133. " Hijos de la refolufia": Performing the pachuco in the Mexican American" Carpa" Peter C. Haney University of Texas at Austin Introduction It might at first seem almost impossible to write... more
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      Chicano StudiesPopular CultureYouth CultureParody
Repetition is not an uncommon element of storytelling; it helps the listeners keep track of actors and events. Referring to places is also a common feature of narratives; it is typically employed by storytellers at the onset of a... more
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      South American indigenous languagesEthnopoeticsVerbal artsLandscape and Language
Cahiers de littérature orale (2017)
Date limite pour les propositions d'article : 31 janvier 2016
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      Gender StudiesAnthropologyPerformance StudiesLinguistic Anthropology
Oral Tradition, 7/2 (1992): 365-72
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      IntonationVerbal artsHealing CharmsZagovory