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Comments section on YouTube is one of the most characteristic features of the platform. In fact, users share reactions of all nature in this section, and there is even space for conflicts among commentators. When conflicts emerge,... more
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      Linguistic PolitenessOnline CommunitiesSyntaxConflict Management
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      New MediaDigital MediaSocial MediaCreative Industries
Concurrently with the expansion of communication and transport facilities, growing number of users every day a little more social media, as well as all over the world, it has become part of everyday life in Turkey. Social media is also... more
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      YoutubeYeni medyaYoutube VideosSosyal medya iletişimi
Modul Pelatihan Youtube Dasar Bersama KKN Desa Kenteng, Kabupaten SEMARANG
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Raúl Álvarez Genes (Auronplay). Raúl Álvarez Genes, más conocido como Auronplay, nació el cinco de noviembre de mil novecientos ochenta y ocho (1988), en Badalona, ciudad en la que sigue viviendo hasta ahora. Raúl empezó a participar en... more
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      BlogsInfluenceBloggingLiteratura Latinoamericana
This study seeks to analyze the relationships between content features, video attributes, and parasocial attributes – the characteristics that could lead to the creation of parasocial relationships—among the top most subscribed YouTube... more
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      Celebrity CultureParasocial InteractionThe InternetYoutube
How does a digital influencer come about? This is the main question this study tries to answer. Using interviews and audiovisual analysis with some prominent digital influencers from 2010s, this study describes the context in which these... more
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      Monomyth/Hero's JourneyCelebrityYoutuberDigital influencers
The essay deals with the generations on YouTube Italia, and particularly with the partition of the phenomenon, linked to the modes of representation (and, often, overexposure) of individual, domestic and microsocial experience: from toys... more
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Este trabalho tem por objetivo explorar as relações entre os “novos” comunicadores e a publicidade, no contexto da Internet. Fazendo um recorte nas youtubers cacheadas e as marcas de cosméticos, que trazem importantes questões sociais... more
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      MarketingDiasporasCosmeticsAfro-textured Hair
El propósito de este capítulo es analizar la conciencia ecológica y determinar las estrategias de marketing digital-comunicación en tiempo de crisis; cuyo planteamiento surge de los resultados obtenidos en investigaciones realizadas... more
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      MarketingEconomíaCiencias de la ComunicaciónYoutuber
Ruggero Pasquarelli; es un actor y cantante italiano, coprotagonista de la serie de Disney Channel Soy Luna. Nació el diez de septiembre de mil novecientos noventa y tres (1993), en Città Sant'Angelo, en la provincia de Pescara, Italia.... more
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YouTube di Indonesia semakin berkembang ditandai dengan meningkatnya keberagaman jenis, jumlah channel di Indonesia dan meningkatnya jumlah subscriber YouTube asal Indonesia. Branding channel YouTube harus kuat, branding secara visual... more
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      YoutubeVideo AnalysisYoutuber
Terbaru guys.. soal SIMAK UI 2020. Kalo search di internet, agak susah. Untuk itu, saya sediain buat kalian. Tp khusus kimia dulu ya...

Semoga bermanfaat. Ada juga pembahasan soalnya loo...
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      YoutubeKimiaUniversitas IndonesiaLes Privat Simak Ui
Haul videos are a unique vlogging format that is based on showing and reviewing a so called ‘haul’, which consists the outcome of shopping sessions. Haul vloggers are micro- and ordinary celebrities that have a large fan base, especially... more
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      GirlhoodFashion and Clothing consumptionYoutuber
Resumo: este é um estudo quantitativodo perfil de edutubers que lecionam sociologia na plataforma YouTube. Para este fim foram selecionados quarenta vídeos após a aplicação de alguns filtros, definidos por meio de uma revisão teórica. O... more
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      YoutubeEnsino De SociologiaYoutuber
W rewolucyjnie zmieniającej się rzeczywistości medialnej tworzą się nowe gatunki – choć jeszcze niewyczerpująco opisane w literaturze naukowej, to przecież obecne. Szczególnie efemeryczny i rewolucyjny wymiar mają gatunki audiowizualne w... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaDigital MediaYoutube
A finales de febrero del 2020 las escuelas de todo el país cerraron y dejaron al alumnado de todas los niveles sin clases por la pandemia COVID-19. Los padres de familia tuvieron que organizar su estilo de vida y cuidar a sus hijos en... more
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      Educational TechnologyEducational video and multimediaEducational VideosFilms or Videos Would Be Useful
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      EducationSocial MediaTeenagersYoutuber
help you to learn english
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    • Youtuber
The people of the global village , which McLuhan depicted in his book nearly half a century ago, meet another new every day, via social media. In such an era, in which experiences and expertise continue getting older every moment,... more
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      New MediaSocial MediaFameBlogger
This study aims to reveal how is the personal branding of Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg on Pewdiepie youtube account. The theory used is online personal branding by Frischmann that emphasize to the personal branding that Pewdiepie trying to... more
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      Personal BrandingPewdiepieContent CreatorsYoutuber
; más conocido en los mundos de Internet como Luisito Comunica, es un Youtuber mexicano. Nació el veinte de marzo de mil novecientos noventa y uno (1991) y es originario de la Ciudad de Puebla. Desde pequeño supo que lo suyo sería el... more
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      YoutubeRedes socialesLibrosLibros Electrónicos
en el mundo de Youtube como Willyrex es el tercer canal con mayor número de seguidores. Nació en España el nueve de mayo del noventa y tres (1993) y tiene veintitrés años. Se crió en Madrid con sus padres y con su hermana más pequeña, a... more
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Este capítulo discute a noção de influenciador digital: formadores de opinião, blogueiras de moda, youtubers, influenciadores do Instagram e do Snapchat que têm redefinido as práticas e dinâmicas dos mercados contemporâneos ao se... more
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      BlogsSocial InfluenceYoutubeComunicação
Ce mémoire s’intéresse aux communautés de youtubeurs qui produisent des contenus humoristiques dans le but de promouvoir un artiste ou un groupe de K-Pop. L'approche netnographique (Kozinets, 2010) a permis d'aborder l’expérience des... more
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      HumorQualitative ResearchParodyNetnography
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      YoutubeWebinarsKPMPekeliling KPM
Este artigo tem o objetivo de registrar a evolução do termo “influenciador digital”. A análise é baseada no discurso da mídia em relação a esse sujeito contemporâneo. Ao longo do artigo também são apresentados alguns conceitos da... more
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      Pierre BourdieuSocial InfluenceYoutubeOnline Influencers
Get your video done at : https://bit.ly/3SXAn4Z
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      Video GamesVideo ProcessingYoutubeMarketing in the video game industry
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      New MediaSocial NetworksYoutubeBooks
Com a atual crise de legitimidade das grandes narrativas da modernidade (LYOTARD, 2015 [1979]) em que se observa a reorganização de valores e tradições seculares bem como a fusão da esfera pública e privada, sujeitos enunciadores como... more
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      Media EcologyLegitimacySocial MediaYoutube
The digital world which dictates so much of our lives in the present day provides many unique opportunities and forces traditional views on both media theory and life itself to adapt and change. My senior thesis paper explores one theory... more
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      FandomInternet memesOnline FandomYoutube
Resumo: Com o objetivo de compreender os processos de identificação do sujeito em alguns funcionamentos discursivos dos vlogs, no YouTube, este trabalho analisa o modo como o contraponto entre a eficácia imaginária e o jogo significante... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSelf and IdentityDigital HumanitiesPerformance Studies
The aim of this study is to provide that the pre-service teachers make their individual video blogs and they reveal their opinions about the process in the "school experience" course that is among the teacher education programs and has... more
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      Digital Media & LearningYoutubeVideo Based LearningSosyal Medya
Nos referimos a los influencers digitales, blogueros, youtubers e instagramers, enfocados en una determinada materia. Sus seguidores leen y comentan sus opiniones, generando una comunidad y elevadas tasas de interacción y engagement... more
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      Social InfluenceYoutubeYoutuber
Nowadays, the community of the YouTubers is getting bigger as well as there are many people, especially the young generation who aspires to be one, considering it as a career path. Hence, to widen the knowledge about them, the researchers... more
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      BusinessSocial MediaThe InternetYoutube
Nell’attuale panorama mediale, dominato dalle tecnologie digitali e dalla Rete, la lettura è aumentata: non si legge più solo su carta ma sugli schermi dei pc, sugli smartphone, sugli e-reader. Come spiegare allora il proliferare delle... more
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      Social SciencesSocial MediaYoutubeLetteratura
The interweaving of psychological, communicative and social components on which the success of social networks is based can be read from different perspectives: the urgent need to speak from generations grown up in an oppressive... more
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      Internet StudiesDiversity & InclusionPersonal BrandingYoutuber
Günümüzün rahatlığı, geleceğin ise vazgeçilmezi olacak olan teknoloji hayatımızın her alanına girmeye başladı. Başlangıçta küçük bir oyunla başlayan bu hikâye, hayatımızın odak noktasına yerleşti. Onunla yatıyor ve onunla uyanıyoruz.... more
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      InfluenceInterfacial PhenomenaSocial MediaInternet Marketing
Lenay Chantelle Olsen (Lele). Lenay Chantelle Olsen; conocida popularmente como Lele, es una Youtuber, cantante, actriz y presentadora de televisión Estadounidense. Nació el veinticinco de octubre de mil novecientos ochenta y cinco (1985)... more
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      LecturaLectura Y EscrituraLectura y lecturasLectura y redacción
O movimento incessante das narrativas, que trafegam por convergências, fluxos, novas tecnologias, experiências e práticas acentua uma complexidade que recentemente passou a ser objeto de maior reflexão no campo dos estudos de Comunicação.... more
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      Cultural StudiesInternational RelationsDigital MediaInteractive Multimedia Applications
The time we live in, which is called the digital age, has quite different means of commu-nication from the ages experienced so far. The use of social networks has become a part of daily routine in many parts of society. Children,... more
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      Social MediaYoutubeSosyal MedyaReligion and Education
The apparent increase perception of the theme atheism in YouTube and Facebook social networks stimulated the research developed in this thesis. Users, motivated by the success of the atheistic pages on social networks, reproduce the... more
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Kehidupan era kontemporari kini mendorong ramai dalam kalangan masyarakat mengekspresikan kemahiran menerusi pelbagai karya dengan tujuan mengisi masa, berkongsi maklumat atau menyelesaikan tugasan kursus program IPTA/IPTS. Malah terdapat... more
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      Fiqh WakafKarya dan HakciptaMAKALAH WAKAFArtikel Ilmiah
Kullanıcıların içerik üretmesini, bireylerin bilgi edinmesini ve birbirleriyle etkileşimli iletişim kurmasını kolaylaştıran yeni iletişim teknolojileri, geleneksel haberciliğin yöntem ve teknikleriyle bireylerin haber tüketim... more
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      New Media StudiesYoutubeMass Communication and New MediaYoutube Videos
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      BlogsYoutubeHistoire Des MédiasHistoire du temps présent
Desde la publicación del primer vídeo de Destripando la historia en YouTube, en febrero de 2017, los creadores de la colección, Álvaro Pascual y Rodrigo Septién (más conocidos como "Pascu y Rodri"), han logrado que sus vídeos superen los... more
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Moderner Sprachunterricht zeichnet sich durch einen hohen Grad an Inter- und Transdisziplinarität aus. Auf der einen Seite fordert das österreichische Bundesministerium für Bildung und Frauen über seine Lehrpläne im Schulunterricht die... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsForeign language teaching and learningProsumerYoutube