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DLP Characteristics and Processes of Research

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Instructional Planning

(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8, s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s.2016)
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
Learning Area: Practical Research 1 Grade Level: 11 Quarter: 3rd Quarter Duration: 1 hr.
Learning The learner describes the Code: CS_RS1-IIIa-3
Competencies characteristics and processes of
Key Concepts/  The characteristics of research are:
Understanding to a. Empirical – research is based on direct experience or observation by the
be developed b. Logical – Research is based on valid procedures and principles.
c. Cyclical – Research is a cyclical process because it starts with a problem and ends
with a problem.
d. Analytical – Research utilizes proven analytical procedures in gathering the data,
whether historical, descriptive, and experimental and case study.
e. Critical – Research exhibits careful and precise judgement.
f. Methodical – Research is conducted in a methodical manner without bias using
systematic method and procedures.
g. Replicability – The research design and procedures are replicated or repeated to
enable the researcher to arrive at valid and conclusive results.
 The steps in the research process are:
a. Select a problem.
b. Review the literature of the problem.
c. Formulate a hypothesis.
d. Select appropriate research design.
e. Collects data.
f. Analyze and present data.
g. Interpret the findings and state conclusions or generalizations regarding the
1. Domain
Knowledge Describe the characteristics and processes of research.
Skills Formulate a research problem through picture analysis.
Attitude Listen to group members with interest and respect.
Values Demonstrate collaboration in group activities.
2. Content The importance of research in daily life
3. Learning PowerPoint presentation Images
Meta-strips Video presentation
Resources Fishbowl or its alternative Copy of the assignment and 321 template
4. Procedures
The teacher will say “Let us start our morning with some energy through this activity.
Organize yourselves into seven groups. I have prepared a series of jumbled letters. Your
task is to unscramble the letters to form a word. As fast as you can, write your answer in
the meta-strip legibly. You are given 10 seconds to do that. When you see the word “END”
in the screen, raise your answers so we would know if you got it correctly.”
 Are the words familiar to you?
Some words are familiar to you and there are other words that are not familiar
to you. For you to have an understanding of those words, let us watch a video.
The students will watch a video about the characteristics of research. After watching, they
Activity will be asked to identify the characteristics by writing it in the given meta-strips. Then the
10 minutes students will post their answers on the board. After all of them have posted their
answers, another group representative will be selected to match the characteristic with
the meaning/ definition.
Research is conducted in a methodical
METHODICAL manner without bias using systematic
method and procedures.

Research exhibits careful and precise

CRITICAL judgement.

Research is based on direct experience

EMPIRICAL or observation by the researcher.

Research is based on valid procedures

and principles.

Research utilizes proven analytical

CRITICAL procedures in gathering the data,
whether historical, descriptive,
experimental and case study.

The research design and procedures are

REPLICABILITY replicated or repeated to enable the researcher to
arrive at valid and conclusive results.

Research is a cyclical process because it starts

CYCLICAL with a problem and ends with a problem.

Good job! You give yourselves a good job clap for a job well done! And for reading the
words very well.
Each group will pick from the given subject areas (Science, Math, English, MAPEH, TLE,
Filipino, ESP) and share research experience in that subject. They will select a group
Analysis representative to present their answers on the following questions below. They will be
given 5 minutes to prepare their answers.
20 minutes
 What was the research all about?
 What characteristics of research were you able to apply? Can you say that it is
empirical, logical, etcetera? Why?
 Base on your experience, what are the processes involved in conducting
Through a lecturette the teacher will discuss and clarify the concepts using keywords and
by providing them with examples. So that it would be easier for the students to
remember, the acronym MELCARC will be used with each letter representing the
characteristic of research.

10 minutes
At this point, the teacher will re-iterate their answers on question no. 3 during the Pick
and Share activity and will integrate that in the discussion about the research process.

Before proceeding to the next activity, the teacher will conduct a brief review about the
characteristics and processes of research. A drill will be executed so that students will
remember the 7 steps in the research process. Each group will be assign a ”step” in the
research process, such that Group 1 will be assign in Step 1 – Select a problem, Group 2 for
Step 2 – Review the literature of the problem and so on. When the teacher calls out the
group number, the group will stand up and will say in unison the research process assigned
to them.
Very good! You are really listening to our discussion! Keep it up!
Each group will be assign an image. A representative from the group will present their
ideas using the following format:
1. What we see is _________________.
2. We think that a problem we could formulate from the image is

5 minutes

Brilliant answers! You give yourselves a good job clap!

Let us check your understanding of our lesson.
A. Modified true or false (9 points)
Write BLACK if the statement is true. Then write WHITE if the statement is false. If the
statement is false, write the correct answer that will make it TRUE beside it.

Example: Statement - Miss Mata is wearing a pair of black shoes.

Answer - WHITE – red shoes

1. Research is logical because it is based on valid procedures and principles.

2. Research is empirical because it is based on direct experience of the researcher.
3. Research is critical because it exhibits careful and precise judgment.
Assessment 4. Research is replicable when it starts with a problem and ends with a problem.
5 minutes 5. Research is methodical because it utilizes analytical procedures.
6. Research is cyclical because it is conducted using systematic procedures and
methods without bias.

B. Arrange in logical order with 1 as the first step and 7 as the last step in the research
process (7 points).
___ a. Interpret findings and state conclusions
___ b. Collect data
___ c. Analyze and present data
___ d. Select a problem
___ e. Review the literature of the problem
___ f. Select appropriate research design
___ g. Formulate a hypothesis
Assessment Test – Paper and Pen Test
The teacher will distribute a copy of the assignment. They are to write their assignment in
a short sized bondpaper with 1-inch margin in all sides.

Read about the ethical standards in research using the URL address below and answer the
following questions:
1. What is research ethics?
Assignment 2. Give 4 unethical practices in research.
3. What does the Belmont Report of 1979 states?
2 minutes 4. What is informed consent?
5. When a participant is deceived, what do researchers conduct?
6. What is confidentiality?
7. Differentiate error and fraud.
8. What is plagiarism?
9. What is the importance of knowing ethical standards in research? Answer in 3-5
URL: http://web.csulb.edu/~arezaei/EDP520/powerpoint/4-Ethics%20in%20Research.ppt
The teacher will distribute the exit ticket to the students.

Concluding EXIT TICKET

3 Things I learned today:
3 minutes 2 Things I found interesting:

1 Question I still have:

Prepare by:
Name: Purity V. Mata School: Cantumog National High School

Position/ Designation: Teacher III Division: Cebu Province

Contact Number: 09177014551 Email address: purity.mata@gmail.com

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