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Computer Architecture, Fifth Edition: A Quantitative ApproachSeptember 2011
  • Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.
  • 340 Pine Street, Sixth Floor
  • San Francisco
  • CA
  • United States
Published:29 September 2011
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The computing world today is in the middle of a revolution: mobile clients and cloud computing have emerged as the dominant paradigms driving programming and hardware innovation today. The Fifth Edition of Computer Architecture focuses on this dramatic shift, exploring the ways in which software and technology in the "cloud" are accessed by cell phones, tablets, laptops, and other mobile computing devices. Each chapter includes two real-world examples, one mobile and one datacenter, to illustrate this revolutionary change. Updated to cover the mobile computing revolutionEmphasizes the two most important topics in architecture today: memory hierarchy and parallelism in all its forms.Develops common themes throughout each chapter: power, performance, cost, dependability, protection, programming models, and emerging trends ("What's Next")Includes three review appendices in the printed text. Additional reference appendices are available online.Includes updated Case Studies and completely new exercises.


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    Nguyen H, Yu J, Lebdeh M, Taouil M, Hamdioui S and Catthoor F (2020). A Classification of Memory-Centric Computing, ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, 16:2, (1-26), Online publication date: 30-Apr-2020.
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    Zhang R, Biswas S, Balaji V, Bond M and Lucia B Peacenik Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, (317-333)
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    Edelkamp S and Weiß A (2019). BlockQuicksort, ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 24, (1-22), Online publication date: 17-Dec-2019.
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    Park S, Wu Y, Lee J, Aupov A and Mahlke S (2019). Multi-objective Exploration for Practical Optimization Decisions in Binary Translation, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 18:5s, (1-19), Online publication date: 31-Oct-2019.
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    Castro-Godínez J, Shafique M and Henkel J (2019). ECAx, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 18:5s, (1-20), Online publication date: 31-Oct-2019.
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    Nongpoh B, Ray R and Banerjee A Approximate computing for multithreaded programs in shared memory architectures Proceedings of the 17th ACM-IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for System Design, (1-9)
  127. Nair A, Colaco L, Patil G, Raveendran B and Punnekkatt S MEDIATOR Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, (146-153)
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    Lozano R, Carlsson M, Blindell G and Schulte C (2019). Combinatorial Register Allocation and Instruction Scheduling, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 41:3, (1-53), Online publication date: 30-Sep-2019.
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    Ponugoti M and Milenkovic A (2019). Enabling On-the-Fly Hardware Tracing of Data Reads in Multicores, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 18:4, (1-27), Online publication date: 31-Jul-2019.
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    Geng T, Wang T, Wu C, Yang C, Wu W, Li A and Herbordt M O3BNN Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, (461-472)
  137. ACM
    Chen Y and Louri A An online quality management framework for approximate communication in network-on-chips Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, (217-226)
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    Van Sandt P, Chronis Y and Patel J Efficiently Searching In-Memory Sorted Arrays Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Management of Data, (36-53)
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    Ayers G, Nagendra N, August D, Cho H, Kanev S, Kozyrakis C, Krishnamurthy T, Litz H, Moseley T and Ranganathan P AsmDB Proceedings of the 46th International Symposium on Computer Architecture, (462-473)
  141. ACM
    Pittino F, Bonfà P, Bartolini A, Affinito F, Benini L and Cavazzoni C Prediction of Time-to-Solution in Material Science Simulations Using Deep Learning Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference, (1-9)
  142. ACM
    Hanford N, Ahuja V, Farrens M, Tierney B and Ghosal D (2018). A Survey of End-System Optimizations for High-Speed Networks, ACM Computing Surveys, 51:3, (1-36), Online publication date: 31-May-2019.
  143. ACM
    Calciu I, Puddu I, Kolli A, Nowatzyk A, Gandhi J, Mutlu O and Subrahmanyam P Project PBerry Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, (127-135)
  144. ACM
    Moreira F, Oliveira D and Navaux P SPADA Proceedings of the 16th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers, (50-58)
  145. Li G, Yang Y, Le F, Lim Y and Wang J Update Algebra: Toward Continuous, Non-Blocking Composition of Network Updates in SDN IEEE INFOCOM 2019 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, (1081-1089)
  146. ACM
    Gurung A and Ray R Simultaneous Solving of Batched Linear Programs on a GPU Proceedings of the 2019 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering, (59-66)
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    Gebai M and Dagenais M (2018). Survey and Analysis of Kernel and Userspace Tracers on Linux, ACM Computing Surveys, 51:2, (1-33), Online publication date: 31-Mar-2019.
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    Nongpoh B, Ray R, Das M and Banerjee A (2019). Enhancing Speculative Execution With Selective Approximate Computing, ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, 24:2, (1-29), Online publication date: 21-Mar-2019.
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    Jordan H, Subotić P, Zhao D and Scholz B A specialized B-tree for concurrent datalog evaluation Proceedings of the 24th Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, (327-339)
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    Rhisheekesan A, Jeyapaul R and Shrivastava A (2019). Control Flow Checking or Not? (for Soft Errors), ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 18:1, (1-25), Online publication date: 31-Jan-2019.
  154. ACM
    Guo X, Wang H, Zhang C, Tang H and Yuan Y Leakage-aware thermal management for multi-core systems using piecewise linear model based predictive control Proceedings of the 24th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, (64-69)
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    Shelor C and Kavi K Reconfigurable dataflow graphs for processing-in-memory Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, (110-119)
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    Tran K, Jimborean A, Carlson T, Koukos K, Själander M and Kaxiras S (2018). SWOOP: software-hardware co-design for non-speculative, execute-ahead, in-order cores, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 53:4, (328-343), Online publication date: 2-Dec-2018.
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    Lee J, Kim C, Lin K, Cheng L, Govindaraju R and Kim J (2018). WSMeter, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 53:2, (549-563), Online publication date: 30-Nov-2018.
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    Einziger G, Eytan O, Friedman R and Manes B Adaptive Software Cache Management Proceedings of the 19th International Middleware Conference, (94-106)
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    Khattab O, Hammoud M and Shekfeh O PolyHJ Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, (1323-1332)
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    Rashid S, Nelissen G and Tovar E Trading Between Intra- and Inter-Task Cache Interference to Improve Schedulability Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems, (125-136)
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    Zoni D, Barenghi A, Pelosi G and Fornaciari W (2018). A Comprehensive Side-Channel Information Leakage Analysis of an In-Order RISC CPU Microarchitecture, ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, 23:5, (1-30), Online publication date: 30-Sep-2018.
  171. ACM
    Jimenez L and Agyeman M A Study of Techniques to Increase Instruction Level Parallelisms Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Control, (1-5)
  172. García-Martín E, Lavesson N, Grahn H, Casalicchio E and Boeva V How to Measure Energy Consumption in Machine Learning Algorithms ECML PKDD 2018 Workshops, (243-255)
  173. ACM
    Ognawala S, Amato R, Pretschner A and Kulkarni P Automatically assessing vulnerabilities discovered by compositional analysis Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Machine Learning and Software Engineering in Symbiosis, (16-25)
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    Ji K, Ling M, Shi L and Pan J (2018). An Analytical Cache Performance Evaluation Framework for Embedded Out-of-Order Processors Using Software Characteristics, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 17:4, (1-25), Online publication date: 29-Aug-2018.
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    Tan W, Chang S, Fong L, Li C, Wang Z and Cao L Matrix Factorization on GPUs with Memory Optimization and Approximate Computing Proceedings of the 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing, (1-10)
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    Psychou G, Rodopoulos D, Sabry M, Gemmeke T, Atienza D, Noll T and Catthoor F (2017). Classification of Resilience Techniques Against Functional Errors at Higher Abstraction Layers of Digital Systems, ACM Computing Surveys, 50:4, (1-38), Online publication date: 31-Jul-2018.
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  181. ACM
    Kwon K, Amid A, Gholami A, Wu B, Asanovic K and Keutzer K Co-design of deep neural nets and neural net accelerators for embedded vision applications Proceedings of the 55th Annual Design Automation Conference, (1-6)
  182. Kwon K, Amid A, Gholami A, Wu B, Asanovic K and Keutzer K Invited: Co-Design of Deep Neural Nets and Neural Net Accelerators for Embedded Vision Applications 2018 55th ACM/ESDA/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), (1-6)
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    Kougkas A, Devarajan H and Sun X IRIS Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Supercomputing, (33-42)
  184. ACM
    Tran K, Jimborean A, Carlson T, Koukos K, Själander M and Kaxiras S SWOOP: software-hardware co-design for non-speculative, execute-ahead, in-order cores Proceedings of the 39th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, (328-343)
  185. ACM
    Zhang J and Gruenwald L Regularizing irregularity Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGMOD Joint International Workshop on Graph Data Management Experiences & Systems (GRADES) and Network Data Analytics (NDA), (1-8)
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    Morse J, Kerrison S and Eder K (2018). On the Limitations of Analyzing Worst-Case Dynamic Energy of Processing, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 17:3, (1-22), Online publication date: 31-May-2018.
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    Crawford P, Barnes Jr. P, Eidenbenz S and Wilsey P Sampling Simulation Model Profile Data for Analysis Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation, (17-28)
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    Kelefouras V and Djemame K A methodology for efficient code optimizations and memory management Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers, (105-112)
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    Malas T, Hager G, Ltaief H and Keyes D (2017). Multidimensional Intratile Parallelization for Memory-Starved Stencil Computations, ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing, 4:3, (1-32), Online publication date: 27-Apr-2018.
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    Chen K and Chen C (2018). Enabling SIMT Execution Model on Homogeneous Multi-Core System, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, 15:1, (1-26), Online publication date: 31-Mar-2018.
  194. ACM
    Lee J, Kim C, Lin K, Cheng L, Govindaraju R and Kim J WSMeter Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, (549-563)
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    Baba T, Watanabe S, Jackin B, Ohkawa T, Ootsu K, Yokota T, Hayasaki Y and Yatagai T Overcoming the difficulty of large-scale CGH generation on multi-GPU cluster Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on General Purpose GPUs, (13-21)
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    Josipović L, Ghosal R and Ienne P Dynamically Scheduled High-level Synthesis Proceedings of the 2018 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, (127-136)
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  201. Chen X, Wardi Y and Yalamanchili S Power regulation in high performance multicore processors 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), (2674-2679)
  202. ACM
    Sieber C, Durner R, Ehm M, Kellerer W and Sharma P Towards optimal adaptation of NFV packet processing to modern CPU memory architectures Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Cloud-Assisted Networking, (7-12)
  203. Crawford P, Eidenbenz S, Barnes P and Wilsey P Some properties of communication behaviors in discrete-event simulation models Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, (1-12)
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    Kulkarni C, Kesavan A, Zhang T, Ricci R and Stutsman R Rocksteady Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, (390-405)
  209. ACM
    Huang Y, Guo N, Seok M, Tsividis Y, Mandli K and Sethumadhavan S Hybrid analog-digital solution of nonlinear partial differential equations Proceedings of the 50th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, (665-678)
  210. ACM
    Milic U, Villa O, Bolotin E, Arunkumar A, Ebrahimi E, Jaleel A, Ramirez A and Nellans D Beyond the socket Proceedings of the 50th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, (123-135)
  211. ACM
    Fu X, Rol M, Bultink C, van Someren J, Khammassi N, Ashraf I, Vermeulen R, de Sterke J, Vlothuizen W, Schouten R, Almudever C, DiCarlo L and Bertels K An experimental microarchitecture for a superconducting quantum processor Proceedings of the 50th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, (813-825)
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    Tsai P, Beckmann N and Sanchez D (2017). Jenga, ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News, 45:2, (652-665), Online publication date: 14-Sep-2017.
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    Wang K and Lin C (2017). Decoupled Affine Computation for SIMT GPUs, ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News, 45:2, (295-306), Online publication date: 14-Sep-2017.
  214. Aghaei Khouzani H, Hosseini F and Yang C (2017). Segment and Conflict Aware Page Allocation and Migration in DRAM-PCM Hybrid Main Memory, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 36:9, (1458-1470), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2017.
  215. ACM
    Stanic M, Palomar O, Hayes T, Ratkovic I, Cristal A, Unsal O and Valero M (2017). An Integrated Vector-Scalar Design on an In-Order ARM Core, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, 14:2, (1-26), Online publication date: 21-Jul-2017.
  216. Blohoubek J, Fier P and Schmidt J (2017). Error masking method based on the short-duration offline test, Microprocessors & Microsystems, 52:C, (236-250), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2017.
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  218. ACM
    Tsai P, Beckmann N and Sanchez D Jenga Proceedings of the 44th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, (652-665)
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    Wang K and Lin C Decoupled Affine Computation for SIMT GPUs Proceedings of the 44th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, (295-306)
  220. Gutierrez-Alcoba A, Ortega G, Hendrix E and Garca I (2017). Accelerating an algorithm for perishable inventory control on heterogeneous platforms, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 104:C, (12-18), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2017.
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  222. ACM
    Gupta S and Wilsey P Quantitative Driven Optimization of a Time Warp Kernel Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation, (27-38)
  223. ACM
    Paredes M, Riley G and Luján M Vectorization of Hybrid Breadth First Search on the Intel Xeon Phi Proceedings of the Computing Frontiers Conference, (127-135)
  224. ACM
    Wickerson J, Batty M, Sorensen T and Constantinides G (2017). Automatically comparing memory consistency models, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 52:1, (190-204), Online publication date: 11-May-2017.
  225. ACM
    Liu Y and Sun X (2017). Evaluating the Combined Effect of Memory Capacity and Concurrency for Many-Core Chip Design, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems, 2:2, (1-25), Online publication date: 5-May-2017.
  226. Deng S and Suresh K (2017). Topology optimization under thermo-elastic buckling, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 55:5, (1759-1772), Online publication date: 1-May-2017.
  227. ACM
    Chow K and Zhu W Software Performance Analytics in the Cloud Proceedings of the 8th ACM/SPEC on International Conference on Performance Engineering, (419-421)
  228. ACM
    Palangappa P and Mohanram K (2017). CompEx++, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, 14:1, (1-30), Online publication date: 14-Apr-2017.
  229. ACM
    Zhang Y, Anwer B, Gopalakrishnan V, Han B, Reich J, Shaikh A and Zhang Z ParaBox Proceedings of the Symposium on SDN Research, (143-149)
  230. Melani A, Bertogna M, Davis R, Bonifaci V, Marchetti-Spaccamela A and Buttazzo G (2017). Exact Response Time Analysis for Fixed Priority Memory-Processor Co-Scheduling, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 66:4, (631-646), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2017.
  231. Qin H, Liu Z, Liu Y and Zhong H (2017). An object-oriented MATLAB toolbox for automotive body conceptual design using distributed parallel optimization, Advances in Engineering Software, 106:C, (19-32), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2017.
  232. Brandalero M and Beck A A mechanism for energy-efficient reuse of decoding and scheduling of x86 instruction streams Proceedings of the Conference on Design, Automation & Test in Europe, (1472-1477)
  233. Alioto M Energy-quality scalable adaptive VLSI circuits and systems beyond approximate computing Proceedings of the Conference on Design, Automation & Test in Europe, (127-132)
  234. Tang Q, Basten T, Geilen M, Stuijk S and Wei J (2017). Mapping of synchronous dataflow graphs on MPSoCs based on parallelism enhancement, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 101:C, (79-91), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2017.
  235. Tran K, Carlson T, Koukos K, Själander M, Spiliopoulos V, Kaxiras S and Jimborean A Clairvoyance: look-ahead compile-time scheduling Proceedings of the 2017 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, (171-184)
  236. Chen Q, Wang X, Wan H and Yang R (2017). A Logic Circuit Design for Perfecting Memristor-Based Material Implication, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 36:2, (279-284), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2017.
  237. ACM
    Wickerson J, Batty M, Sorensen T and Constantinides G Automatically comparing memory consistency models Proceedings of the 44th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, (190-204)
  238. Ortega G, Puertas A and Garzón E (2017). Accelerating the problem of microrheology in colloidal systems on a GPU, The Journal of Supercomputing, 73:1, (370-383), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2017.
  239. ACM
    Fernandes F, Weigel L, Jung C, Navaux P, Carro L and Rech P (2016). Evaluation of Histogram of Oriented Gradients Soft Errors Criticality for Automotive Applications, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, 13:4, (1-25), Online publication date: 28-Dec-2016.
  240. Brock J and Bruce R (2016). Power labs, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 32:2, (104-110), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2016.
  241. Sewall J, Pennycook S, Duran A, Tian X and Narayanaswamy R A modern memory management system for OpenMP Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Accelerator Programming Using Directives, (25-35)
  242. Bederián C and Wolovick N A project-based HPC course for single-box computers Proceedings of the Workshop on Education for High Performance Computing, (1-6)
  243. Qu P, Yan J and Gao G Toward a Parallel Turing Machine Model Network and Parallel Computing, (191-204)
  244. ACM
    Hahn S, Jacobs M and Reineke J Enabling Compositionality for Multicore Timing Analysis Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems, (299-308)
  245. ACM
    Siegl P, Buchty R and Berekovic M Data-Centric Computing Frontiers Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Memory Systems, (295-308)
  246. ACM
    Tran K Student Research Poster Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation, (458-458)
  247. Catalán S, Malossi A, Bekas C and Quintana-Ortí E The Impact of Voltage-Frequency Scaling for the Matrix-Vector Product on the IBM POWER8 Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Euro-Par 2016: Parallel Processing - Volume 9833, (103-116)
  248. Masliah I, Abdelfattah A, Haidar A, Tomov S, Baboulin M, Falcou J and Dongarra J High-Performance Matrix-Matrix Multiplications of Very Small Matrices Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Euro-Par 2016: Parallel Processing - Volume 9833, (659-671)
  249. ACM
    Joshi A, Vollala S, Begum B and Ramasubramanian N Performance Analysis of Cache Coherence Protocols for Multi-core Architectures Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Information Communication Technology & Computing, (1-7)
  250. ACM
    Darav N, Kennings A, Tabrizi A, Westwick D and Behjat L (2016). Eh?Placer, ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, 21:3, (1-27), Online publication date: 26-Jul-2016.
  251. ACM
    Shahvarani A and Jacobsen H A Hybrid B+-tree as Solution for In-Memory Indexing on CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Computing Platforms Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Management of Data, (1523-1538)
  252. ACM
    Banerjee K, Banerjee S and Sarkar S Data-race detection: the missing piece for an end-to-end semantic equivalence checker for parallelizing transformations of array-intensive programs Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Libraries, Languages, and Compilers for Array Programming, (1-8)
  253. Hong J and Kim S (2016). Flexible ECC Management for Low-Cost Transient Error Protection of Last-Level Caches, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 24:6, (2152-2164), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2016.
  254. Ünal E and Savaş E (2016). On Acceleration and Scalability of Number Theoretic Private Information Retrieval, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 27:6, (1727-1741), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2016.
  255. Dai Y, Fang Y, Yang L and Jeon G (2016). Graphics processing unit-accelerated joint-bitplane belief propagation algorithm in DSC, The Journal of Supercomputing, 72:6, (2351-2375), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2016.
  256. ACM
    Luppold A, Kittsteiner C and Falk H Cache-Aware Instruction SPM Allocation for Hard Real-Time Systems Proceedings of the 19th International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems, (77-85)
  257. ACM
    Wilsey P Some Properties of Events Executed in Discrete-Event Simulation Models Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation, (165-176)
  258. ACM
    Bijo S, Johnsen E, Pun K and Tarifa S An operational semantics of cache coherent multicore architectures Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (1219-1224)
  259. Elkhouly R, El-Mahdy A and Elmasry A Optimality analysis of if-conversion transformation Proceedings of the 24th High Performance Computing Symposium, (1-8)
  260. Savidis I, Ciftcioglu B, Xu J, Hu J, Jain M, Berman R, Xue J, Liu P, Moore D, Wicks G, Huang M, Wu H and Friedman E (2016). Heterogeneous 3-D circuits, Microelectronics Journal, 50:C, (66-75), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2016.
  261. Souza J, Carro L, Rutzig M and Beck A A reconfigurable heterogeneous multicore with a homogeneous ISA Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Design, Automation & Test in Europe, (1598-1603)
  262. Yao Y and Lu Z Memory-access aware DVFS for network-on-chip in CMPs Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Design, Automation & Test in Europe, (1433-1436)
  263. ACM
    Goossens B, Parello D, Porada K and Rahmoune D Parallel Locality and Parallelization Quality Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Programming Models and Applications for Multicores and Manycores, (59-68)
  264. ACM
    Fadolalkarim D, Sallam A and Bertino E PANDDE Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy, (267-276)
  265. Johnson P and Ekstedt M (2016). The Tarpit - A general theory of software engineering, Information and Software Technology, 70:C, (181-203), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2016.
  266. ACM
    Madarbux M, Van Laer A, Watts P and Jones T Energy Efficient And Low Latency Interconnection Network For Multicast Invalidates In Shared Memory Systems Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Advanced Interconnect Solutions and Technologies for Emerging Computing Systems, (1-6)
  267. ACM
    Kanev S, Darago J, Hazelwood K, Ranganathan P, Moseley T, Wei G and Brooks D (2015). Profiling a warehouse-scale computer, ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News, 43:3S, (158-169), Online publication date: 4-Jan-2016.
  268. ACM
    Lee Y, Kim J, Jang H, Yang H, Kim J, Jeong J and Lee J (2015). A fully associative, tagless DRAM cache, ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News, 43:3S, (211-222), Online publication date: 4-Jan-2016.
  269. ACM
    Quéva C, Couroussé D and Charles H Self-optimisation using runtime code generation for wireless sensor networks Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, (1-6)
  270. Kleanthous M, Sazeides Y, Ozer E, Nicopoulos C, Nikolaou P and Hadjilambrou Z (2016). Toward Multi-Layer Holistic Evaluation of System Designs, IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, 15:1, (58-61), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2016.
  271. ACM
    Fang Y, Hoang T, Becchi M and Chien A Fast support for unstructured data processing Proceedings of the 48th International Symposium on Microarchitecture, (533-545)
  272. Beyer J, Hadwiger M and Pfister H (2015). State-of-the-Art in GPU-Based Large-Scale Volume Visualization, Computer Graphics Forum, 34:8, (13-37), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2015.
  273. Ben Youssef B (2015). A parallel cellular automata algorithm for the deterministic simulation of 3-D multicellular tissue growth, Cluster Computing, 18:4, (1561-1579), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2015.
  274. ACM
    Eslami H, Kougkas A, Kotsifakou M, Kasampalis T, Feng K, Lu Y, Gropp W, Sun X, Chen Y and Thakur R Efficient disk-to-disk sorting Proceedings of the 2015 International Workshop on Data-Intensive Scalable Computing Systems, (1-8)
  275. ACM
    Liu Y and Sun X C2-bound Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, (1-11)
  276. ACM
    Jacobs M, Hahn S and Hack S WCET analysis for multi-core processors with shared buses and event-driven bus arbitration Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Real Time and Networks Systems, (193-202)
  277. ACM
    Zhang J, You S and Gruenwald L Efficient Parallel Zonal Statistics on Large-Scale Global Biodiversity Data on GPUs Proceedings of the 4th International ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Analytics for Big Geospatial Data, (35-44)
  278. ACM
    Zhang J, You S and Xia Y Prototyping A Web-based High-Performance Visual Analytics Platform for Origin-Destination Data Proceedings of the 1st International ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Smart Cities and Urban Analytics, (16-23)
  279. ACM
    Altamimi M and Naik K A Computing Profiling Procedure for Mobile Developers to Estimate Energy Cost Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, (301-305)
  280. Lai B, Kuan-Ting Chen and Ping-Ru Wu (2015). A High-Performance Double-Layer Counting Bloom Filter for Multicore Systems, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 23:11, (2473-2486), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2015.
  281. Diaz I, Zhang C, Hollevoet L, Svensson J, Rodrigues J, Wilhelmsson L, Olsson T, Van der Perre L and Öwall V (2015). A new digital front-end for flexible reception in software defined radio, Microprocessors & Microsystems, 39:8, (889-900), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2015.
  282. ACM
    Gottscho M, BanaiyanMofrad A, Dutt N, Nicolau A and Gupta P (2015). DPCS, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, 12:3, (1-26), Online publication date: 6-Oct-2015.
  283. Oxley M, Pasricha S, Maciejewski A, Siegel H, Apodaca J, Young D, Briceno L, Smith J, Bahirat S, Khemka B, Ramirez A and Zou Y (2015). Makespan and Energy Robust Stochastic Static Resource Allocation of a Bag-of-Tasks to a Heterogeneous Computing System, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 26:10, (2791-2805), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2015.
  284. Zhu F, Yao Y, Tang W and Chen D (2015). A high performance framework for modeling and simulation of large-scale complex systems, Future Generation Computer Systems, 51:C, (132-141), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2015.
  285. ACM
    Abadal S, Nemirovsky M, Alarcón E and Cabellos-Aparicio A Networking Challenges and Prospective Impact of Broadcast-Oriented Wireless Networks-on-Chip Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip, (1-8)
  286. Sanchez E and Reorda M (2015). On the Functional Test of Branch Prediction Units, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 23:9, (1675-1688), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2015.
  287. Hao Zhang , Gang Chen , Beng Chin Ooi , Kian-Lee Tan and Meihui Zhang (2015). In-Memory Big Data Management and Processing: A Survey, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 27:7, (1920-1948), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2015.
  288. ACM
    Kandemir M, Zhao H, Tang X and Karakoy M (2015). Memory Row Reuse Distance and its Role in Optimizing Application Performance, ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 43:1, (137-149), Online publication date: 24-Jun-2015.
  289. ACM
    Li A, Tay Y, Kumar A and Corporaal H Transit Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, (101-106)
  290. ACM
    Kandemir M, Zhao H, Tang X and Karakoy M Memory Row Reuse Distance and its Role in Optimizing Application Performance Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, (137-149)
  291. ACM
    Ul-Abdin Z and Svensson B Towards teaching embedded parallel computing Proceedings of the Workshop on Computer Architecture Education, (1-6)
  292. ACM
    Kanev S, Darago J, Hazelwood K, Ranganathan P, Moseley T, Wei G and Brooks D Profiling a warehouse-scale computer Proceedings of the 42nd Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, (158-169)
  293. ACM
    Tan Z, Qian Z, Chen X, Asanovic K and Patterson D (2015). DIABLO, ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News, 43:1, (207-221), Online publication date: 29-May-2015.
  294. ACM
    Cilku B and Puschner P (2015). Designing a time predictable memory hierarchy for single-path code, ACM SIGBED Review, 12:2, (16-21), Online publication date: 20-May-2015.
  295. ACM
    Mozafari S, Meyer B and Skadron K Yield-aware Performance-Cost Characterization for Multi-Core SIMT Proceedings of the 25th edition on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, (237-240)
  296. ACM
    Tan Z, Qian Z, Chen X, Asanovic K and Patterson D (2015). DIABLO, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 50:4, (207-221), Online publication date: 12-May-2015.
  297. Gallenmüller S, Emmerich P, Wohlfart F, Raumer D and Carle G Comparison of Frameworks for High-Performance Packet IO Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for networking and communications systems, (29-38)
  298. Li W, Jin G, Cui X and See S An evaluation of unified memory technology on NVIDIA GPUs Proceedings of the 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing, (1092-1098)
  299. Subedi T, Nguyen K and Cheriet M (2015). OpenFlow-based in-network Layer-2 adaptive multipath aggregation in data centers, Computer Communications, 61:C, (58-69), Online publication date: 1-May-2015.
  300. ACM
    Zhang J, You S and Gruenwald L (2015). Large-scale spatial data processing on GPUs and GPU-accelerated clusters, SIGSPATIAL Special, 6:3, (27-34), Online publication date: 22-Apr-2015.
  301. Damodaran P, Zaib A, Wallentowitz S, Wild T and Herkersdorf A Sharer status-based caching in tiled multiprocessor systems-on-chip Proceedings of the Symposium on High Performance Computing, (67-74)
  302. Carretero J, Distefano S, Petcu D, Pop D, Rauber T, Runger G and Singh D (2015). Energy-efficient Algorithms for Ultrascale Systems, Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations: an International Journal, 2:2, (77-104), Online publication date: 6-Apr-2015.
  303. Li Wang , Minqi Zhou , Zhenjie Zhang , Ming-Chien Shan and Aoying Zhou (2015). NUMA-Aware Scalable and Efficient In-Memory Aggregation on Large Domains, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 27:4, (1071-1084), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2015.
  304. ACM
    Cilku B, Kammerer R and Puschner P (2015). Aligning single path loops to reduce the number of capacity cache misses, ACM SIGBED Review, 12:1, (13-18), Online publication date: 27-Mar-2015.
  305. ACM
    Tan Z, Qian Z, Chen X, Asanovic K and Patterson D DIABLO Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, (207-221)
  306. ACM
    Chaker H, Cudennec L, Dahmani S, Gogniat G and Sepúlveda M Cycle-based Model to Evaluate Consistency Protocols within a Multi-protocol Compilation Tool-chain Proceedings of the 2015 International Workshop on Code Optimisation for Multi and Many Cores, (1-10)
  307. ACM
    Fox A and Patterson D (2015). Do-it-yourself textbook publishing, Communications of the ACM, 58:2, (40-43), Online publication date: 28-Jan-2015.
  308. ACM
    Lazarescu M and Lavagno L (2015). Interactive Trace-Based Analysis Toolset for Manual Parallelization of C Programs, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 14:1, (1-20), Online publication date: 21-Jan-2015.
  309. Gadouleau M and Riis S (2015). Memoryless computation, Theoretical Computer Science, 562:C, (129-145), Online publication date: 11-Jan-2015.
  310. Kiran D, Gurunarayanan S, Misra J and Nawal A (2015). Global scheduling heuristics for multicore architecture, Scientific Programming, 2015, (18-18), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2015.
  311. ACM
    Riemens D, Gaydadjiev G, Zeeuw C and Strydis C (2014). Towards scalable arithmetic units with graceful degradation, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 13:4, (1-26), Online publication date: 5-Dec-2014.
  312. Son Y, Seongil O, Yang H, Jung D, Ahn J, Kim J, Kim J and Lee J Microbank Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, (1059-1070)
  313. ACM
    Kaligirwa N, Leal E, Gruenwald L, Zhang J and You S Parallel QuadTree encoding of large-scale raster geospatial data on multicore CPUs and GPGPUs Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Analytics for Big Geospatial Data, (30-39)
  314. ACM
    Yalcin G, Ergin O, Islek E, Unsal O and Cristal A (2014). Exploiting Existing Comparators for Fine-Grained Low-Cost Error Detection, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, 11:3, (1-24), Online publication date: 27-Oct-2014.
  315. ACM
    Aziz A, Cireno M, Barros E and Prado B Balanced Prefetching Aggressiveness Controller for NoC-based Multiprocessor Proceedings of the 27th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design, (1-7)
  316. ACM
    Segulja C and Abdelrahman T What is the cost of weak determinism? Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on Parallel architectures and compilation, (99-112)
  317. ACM
    Hrbacek R and Sekanina L Towards highly optimized cartesian genetic programming Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, (1015-1022)
  318. Shoukourian H, Wilde T, Auweter A and Bode A (2014). Predicting the Energy and Power Consumption of Strong and Weak Scaling HPC Applications, Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations: an International Journal, 1:2, (20-41), Online publication date: 9-Jul-2014.
  319. ACM
    Pirk H, Petraki E, Idreos S, Manegold S and Kersten M Database cracking Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware, (1-8)
  320. ACM
    Mühlbauer T, Rödiger W, Seilbeck R, Kemper A and Neumann T Heterogeneity-conscious parallel query execution Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware, (1-10)
  321. ACM
    Lazarescu M, Cohen A, Guatto A, Lê N, Lavagno L, Pop A, Prieto M, Terechko A and Sutii A Energy-aware parallelization flow and toolset for C code Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems, (79-88)
  322. ACM
    Raghavendra K, Warrier T and Mutyam M SAMO Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Computing Frontiers, (1-10)
  323. ACM
    Piro G, Abadal S, Mestres A, Alarcón E, Solé-Pareta J, Grieco L and Boggia G Initial MAC Exploration for Graphene-enabled Wireless Networks-on-Chip Proceedings of ACM The First Annual International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication, (1-9)
  324. Valero M, Moreto M, Casas M, Ayguade E and Labarta J (2014). Runtime-Aware Architectures, Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations: an International Journal, 1:1, (29-44), Online publication date: 6-Apr-2014.
  325. Titmus M, Gurtowski J and Schatz M (2014). Answering the demands of digital genomics, Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience, 26:4, (917-928), Online publication date: 25-Mar-2014.
  326. Liu J, Bouganis C and Cheung P Image progressive acquisition for hardware systems Proceedings of the conference on Design, Automation & Test in Europe, (1-6)
  327. Tsoutsos N and Maniatakos M HEROIC Proceedings of the conference on Design, Automation & Test in Europe, (1-6)
  328. ACM
    Sahu A and Ramakrishna S Creating heterogeneity at run time by dynamic cache and bandwidth partitioning schemes Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (872-879)
  329. ACM
    Fang J, Sips H, Zhang L, Xu C, Che Y and Varbanescu A Test-driving Intel Xeon Phi Proceedings of the 5th ACM/SPEC international conference on Performance engineering, (137-148)
  330. ACM
    Patterson D (2014). How to build a bad research center, Communications of the ACM, 57:3, (33-36), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2014.
  331. Bhattacharya A, Banerjee A and Sur-Kolay S Energy-Aware H.264 Decoding Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology - Volume 8337, (200-211)
  332. Benner P, Ezzatti P, Quintana-Ortí E and Remón A On the Impact of Optimization on the Time-Power-Energy Balance of Dense Linear Algebra Factorizations Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, (3-10)
  333. ACM
    Bardizbanyan A, Själander M, Whalley D and Larsson-Edefors P (2013). Designing a practical data filter cache to improve both energy efficiency and performance, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, 10:4, (1-25), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2013.
  334. ACM
    Fauzia N, Elango V, Ravishankar M, Ramanujam J, Rastello F, Rountev A, Pouchet L and Sadayappan P (2013). Beyond reuse distance analysis, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, 10:4, (1-29), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2013.
  335. ACM
    Cicotti P, Carrington L and Chien A Toward application-specific memory reconfiguration for energy efficiency Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Energy Efficient Supercomputing, (1-8)
  336. Seo S, Lee J, Jo G and Lee J Automatic OpenCL work-group size selection for multicore CPUs Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Parallel architectures and compilation techniques, (387-398)
  337. ACM
    Choi J, Kwak J, Jhang S and Jhon C Data filter cache with word selection cache for low power embedded processor Proceedings of the 2013 Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems, (422-427)
  338. ACM
    Martínez H, Tárraga J, Medina I, Barrachina S, Castillo M, Dopazo J and Quintana-Ortí E A dynamic pipeline for RNA sequencing on multicore processors Proceedings of the 20th European MPI Users' Group Meeting, (235-240)
  339. Hossain S and Steihaug T (2013). Sparse matrix computations with application to solve system of nonlinear equations, WIREs Computational Statistics, 5:5, (372-386), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2013.
  340. Schindewolf M, Rocker B, Karl W and Heuveline V Evaluation of two formulations of the conjugate gradients method with transactional memory Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Parallel Processing, (508-520)
  341. ACM
    Bhatia M, Kiran D, Misra J and Gurunarayanan S Fine grain thread scheduling on multicore processors Proceedings of the 6th ACM India Computing Convention, (1-6)
  342. ACM
    Altinigneli M, Plant C and Böhm C Massively parallel expectation maximization using graphics processing units Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, (838-846)
  343. ACM
    Song X, Shi J, Chen H and Zang B Schedule processes, not VCPUs Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems, (1-7)
  344. ACM
    Xu T, Liljeberg P, Plosila J and Tenhunen H MMSoC Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, (67-74)
  345. ACM
    Son Y, Seongil O, Ro Y, Lee J and Ahn J (2013). Reducing memory access latency with asymmetric DRAM bank organizations, ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News, 41:3, (380-391), Online publication date: 26-Jun-2013.
  346. ACM
    Cook H, Moreto M, Bird S, Dao K, Patterson D and Asanovic K (2013). A hardware evaluation of cache partitioning to improve utilization and energy-efficiency while preserving responsiveness, ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News, 41:3, (308-319), Online publication date: 26-Jun-2013.
  347. ACM
    Son Y, Seongil O, Ro Y, Lee J and Ahn J Reducing memory access latency with asymmetric DRAM bank organizations Proceedings of the 40th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, (380-391)
  348. ACM
    Cook H, Moreto M, Bird S, Dao K, Patterson D and Asanovic K A hardware evaluation of cache partitioning to improve utilization and energy-efficiency while preserving responsiveness Proceedings of the 40th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, (308-319)
  349. ACM
    Szymanski T Low latency energy efficient communications in global-scale cloud computing systems Proceedings of the 2013 workshop on Energy efficient high performance parallel and distributed computing, (13-22)
  350. Soliman M (2013). Design, implementation, and evaluation of a low-complexity vector-core for executing scalar/vector instructions, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 73:6, (836-850), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2013.
  351. ACM
    Neela G and Draper J An asymmetric adaptive-precision energy-efficient 3DIC multiplier Proceedings of the 23rd ACM international conference on Great lakes symposium on VLSI, (269-274)
  352. ACM
    Nanavati M, Spear M, Taylor N, Rajagopalan S, Meyer D, Aiello W and Warfield A Whose cache line is it anyway? Proceedings of the 8th ACM European Conference on Computer Systems, (141-154)
  353. ACM
    Ltaief H, Luszczek P and Dongarra J (2013). High-performance bidiagonal reduction using tile algorithms on homogeneous multicore architectures, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 39:3, (1-22), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2013.
  354. ACM
    Li S, Ahn J, Strong R, Brockman J, Tullsen D and Jouppi N (2013). The McPAT Framework for Multicore and Manycore Architectures, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, 10:1, (1-29), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2013.
  355. Hong S and Kim S AVICA Proceedings of the Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe, (65-70)
  356. ACM
    Huang Y, Ienne P, Temam O, Chen Y and Wu C Elastic CGRAs Proceedings of the ACM/SIGDA international symposium on Field programmable gate arrays, (171-180)
  357. ACM
    Park H and Choi K Position-based weighted round-robin arbitration for equality of service in many-core network-on-chips Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Network on Chip Architectures, (51-56)
  358. ACM
    Zhang J and You S CudaGIS Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoStreaming, (101-108)
  359. ACM
    Zhang J, You S and Gruenwald L High-performance online spatial and temporal aggregations on multi-core CPUs and many-core GPUs Proceedings of the fifteenth international workshop on Data warehousing and OLAP, (89-96)
  360. ACM
    Zhang J, You S and Gruenwald L U2STRA Proceedings of the 2012 ACM workshop on City data management workshop, (5-12)
  361. ACM
    Haque M, Ragel R, Ambrose A, Radhakrishnan S and Parameswaran S DIMSim Proceedings of the eighth IEEE/ACM/IFIP international conference on Hardware/software codesign and system synthesis, (151-160)
  362. ACM
    Bournoutian G and Orailoglu A Dynamic transient fault detection and recovery for embedded processor datapaths Proceedings of the eighth IEEE/ACM/IFIP international conference on Hardware/software codesign and system synthesis, (43-52)
  363. ACM
    Tu C, Hung S and Tsai T (2012). MCEmu, ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, 17:4, (1-25), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2012.
  364. ACM
    Menon J, De Kruijf M and Sankaralingam K (2012). iGPU, ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News, 40:3, (72-83), Online publication date: 5-Sep-2012.
  365. ACM
    Zhang J, Kamga C, Gong H and Gruenwald L U2SOD-DB Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Workshop on Urban Computing, (163-171)
  366. ACM
    Wang Y, Zhang C, Yu H and Zhang W Design of low power 3D hybrid memory by non-volatile CBRAM-crossbar with block-level data-retention Proceedings of the 2012 ACM/IEEE international symposium on Low power electronics and design, (197-202)
  367. ACM
    Edwards J and Vishkin U Brief announcement Proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual ACM symposium on Parallelism in algorithms and architectures, (190-192)
  368. Menon J, De Kruijf M and Sankaralingam K iGPU Proceedings of the 39th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, (72-83)
  369. Hart S, Frachtenberg E and Berezecki M Predicting memcached throughput using simulation and modeling Proceedings of the 2012 Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation - DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium, (1-8)
  370. Habermaier A and Knapp A On the correctness of the SIMT execution model of GPUs Proceedings of the 21st European conference on Programming Languages and Systems, (316-335)
  371. ACM
    Ahn J, Jouppi N, Kozyrakis C, Leverich J and Schreiber R (2012). Improving System Energy Efficiency with Memory Rank Subsetting, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, 9:1, (1-28), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2012.
  372. Nie P and Duan Z (2012). Efficient and scalable scheduling for performance heterogeneous multicore systems, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 72:3, (353-361), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2012.
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Ruay-Shiung Chang

Moore's law states that the number of transistors that can be placed on an integrated circuit (IC) doubles approximately every two years. This exponential growth in IC technology has led to advancements in everything digital, from central processing units (CPUs) and memory to digital cameras. Since computers are made up of CPUs, memory, and input/output (I/O) devices, it is a logical consequence that computers have also experienced tremendous improvements. This drastic change in computers makes it difficult-if not impossible-for a textbook on computer architecture to include every new technology. Often, when a computer architecture textbook hits the counter, it is already out of date. Therefore, it is no wonder that this book is in its fifth edition. The main part of the book contains six chapters. The focus is on parallelism. Besides a chapter on the fundamentals of quantitative methods and a chapter on memory hierarchy, the other four chapters deal with parallelism at various levels. It is explained as it relates to cloud computing in chapter 6, "Warehouse-Scale Computers to Exploit Request-Level and Data-Level Parallelism." However, not everyone will agree with the authors' decisions regarding which topics to include or exclude. For example, traditional computer architecture textbooks would include designs of CPU, memory, and I/O. In this book, I/O systems are rarely touched on at all. Moore's law tells us that computer industries and technologies are still quickly evolving. To chase the newest technology in a textbook is unrealistic. Going back to the basics may be the solution. We have to teach computer science students the basic principles that have applied since the computer was invented. Online Computing Reviews Service

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