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Piotr Juchacz

    Piotr Juchacz

    Z młodzieżą o różnorodności refleksji filozoficznej
    The following article begins with recalling Habermasian interpretation of Kant‟s three kinds of imperatives and of a post-metaphysical shift that thanks to them happened in his practical philosophy. The usage of Kantian imperatives to the... more
    The following article begins with recalling Habermasian interpretation of Kant‟s three kinds of imperatives and of a post-metaphysical shift that thanks to them happened in his practical philosophy. The usage of Kantian imperatives to the description of discursive will-formation seems to us an important key in understanding models of the public sphere applied and examined by CIDEL. That is why in the next step we analyse CIDEL‟s three models of the public sphere elucidating their interrelations with the problematics of pre-political values, political culture and Euro-citizens‟ identity. Our standpoint, which we are elaborating in the paper, is that the post-metaphysical – it means: „discursively constructed” – European identity is possible to achieve, however under premises of a “never-ending story of justification” political and legal principles and also of a correlated with it civic education fostering democratic competences of Euro-citizens in order to spark the general (European...
    Poland has a long tradition in doctoral education, dating back to the 15 Century when such degrees were awarded at Jagiellonian University in Cracow. At present doctoral education takes place in both public and private universities, with... more
    Poland has a long tradition in doctoral education, dating back to the 15 Century when such degrees were awarded at Jagiellonian University in Cracow. At present doctoral education takes place in both public and private universities, with over 33,000 students studying. There is a continuing academic tradition, emanating originally from Germany, of having two scientific degrees: the Doctorate and the ‘Habilitation’. The future of this tradition however is subject to debate in the context of pressures for European harmonization specifically the Bologna process. Indeed, Poland like so many other countries in Europe and beyond faces significant transformation in the coming years as pressures to redfine the doctorate and its purposes and outcomes are addressed.
    The concept of justice takes a central position in practical philosophy from the birth of philosophical reflection in the ancient Greece to contemporary discussions in political, social, and moral philosophy. This article presents a... more
    The concept of justice takes a central position in practical philosophy from the birth of philosophical reflection in the ancient Greece to contemporary discussions in political, social, and moral philosophy. This article presents a genealogy and development of the Greek concept of dikaiosyne (δικαιοσύνη). It starts with the first poetical appearances of a term dike (δίκη) in Homer’s poetry, continues with the analysis through its more sophisticated application by Hesiod, and finally it reaches the pivotal philosophical transformations of dike into dikaiosyne in The Histories of Herodotus.
    The main objective of the paper is to present a model of the good practices of deliberative cooperation in a parliamentary setting. This goal is achieved through applying the three functions of the deliberative system—epistemic, ethical... more
    The main objective of the paper is to present a model of the good practices of deliberative cooperation in a parliamentary setting. This goal is achieved through applying the three functions of the deliberative system—epistemic, ethical and democratic (Mansbridge et al. 2012)—to an analysis of cooperation between different stakeholders during the work of a Polish Parliamentary Subcommittee. They are used as an evaluative tool for analysing the cooperation of MPs, members of the public and representatives of the government (promoters of the bill). The paper analyses a concrete example of the work of the Permanent Subcommittee on the government bill amending the Act on Public Benefit Activity and Voluntary Work in the Polish Parliament. This concrete example is presented asa model of good practices when it comes to deliberative cooperationbetween representatives of the authorities and citizens aiming at the development of shared practical judgement. The paper consists of three parts. ...
    In the article author states and justifies three theses on the lay judges and their participation in the exercise of justice in Poland. First thesis claims that the statement about the lack of integration in the community of lay judges in... more
    In the article author states and justifies three theses on the lay judges and their participation in the exercise of justice in Poland. First thesis claims that the statement about the lack of integration in the community of lay judges in Poland is not true any longer and it is possible to observe the beginning of a process of its integration and cooperation connected with the recent establishment and  activity of the Association National Council of Lay Judges. The second thesis states, that it is necessary to broaden the participation of citizens in the exercise of justice as a remedy for a low level of legitimacy and credibility of the judiciary. According to the third thesis Poland is presently in need of a widespread public debate concerning the reform of the institution of lay judges which should lead to a real fulfilment of the constitutional right of citizens to participate in the exercise of justice.
    Artykuł zawiera się w obszarze refleksji określanym mianem filozofii publicznej i stanowi przykład normatywnej analizy funkcjonowania instytucji wysłuchania publicznego wprowadzonej do Polskiego porządku demokratycznego w 2006 roku.... more
    Artykuł zawiera się w obszarze refleksji określanym mianem filozofii publicznej i stanowi przykład normatywnej analizy funkcjonowania instytucji wysłuchania publicznego wprowadzonej do Polskiego porządku demokratycznego w 2006 roku. Wysłuchanie publiczne zaprezentowane jest jako dynamiczny proces składający się z trzech faz, z których każda posiada odmienne metody, zakres i cel. Analizie poddana zostaje druga faza – wysłuchanie publiczne przed komisją sejmową: kluczowe zagadnienie rozważań poświęconych drugiej fazie stanowi struktura dyskursu . dominująca podczas wysłuchania publicznego. W szczególności rozważone zostają następujące kwestie: A) problem braku możliwości dyskusji i odnoszenia się do wypowiedzi innych; B) używania przez osoby uczestniczące w wysłuchaniu publicznym z jednej strony języka fachowego, z drugiej zaś języka potocznego; C) wyzwania natury psychicznej związane z występowaniem publicznym; D) zagadnienie sformułowania podsumowania wysłuchania publicznego; E) zjawisko ‘trzech kręgów partycypacji i wpływu’, czyli braku równego dostępu uczestników wysłuchania publicznego do procesu legislacyjnego; F) kontekst polityczny; G) warunki efektywnego wysłuchania publicznego. W części ostatniej artykułu, po rozważaniu zalet i wad wysłuchania publicznego zostaje ono uznane za przykład partycypacji antagonistycznej.An article falls into the area of reflection called public philosophy and it is an example of normative analysis of functioning of the institution of public hearing introduced to Polish democratic order in 2006. Public hearing is presented as a dynamic process which consists of the three phases, with different methods, scope and purpose. The analysis focuses on the second phase – the public hearing during the parliamentary committee meeting: a key issue related to the second phase is discourse structure that dominates during the public hearing. In particular, the following aspects are considered: A) lack of opportunities of undertaking a discussion and referring to the statements made by others; B) the professional language vs. everyday language, C) psychological challenges associated with performing in public; D) the problem of formulating the conclusions of the public hearing; E) the phenomenon of ‘three circles of participation and influence’, namely the lack of equal access of the participants of the public hearing to the legislative process; F) the political context, G) the conditions of an effective public hearing. Finally, after careful consideration of it’s flaws and good points the public hearing is identified as an example of the adversarial participation
    Contents: Karolina M. Cern/Bartosz Wojciechowski: Postmetaphysical approach to moral autonomy and justification of the thesis of the necessary relations between the legal and moral discourse - Marco Antonio Oliveira de Azevedo: Commands... more
    Contents: Karolina M. Cern/Bartosz Wojciechowski: Postmetaphysical approach to moral autonomy and justification of the thesis of the necessary relations between the legal and moral discourse - Marco Antonio Oliveira de Azevedo: Commands and Claims - Maciej Pichlak: The Autonomy from Morality as a Moral Claim: on Some Paradox of Legal Positivism - Martin Skop: Legal Rules, Moral Norms and Arbitrariness - Barbara Weber: Between Rationality (Habermas) and Sympathy (Rorty): Two Pragmatic Perspectives on Human Rights - Sebastian Sykuna/Jerzy Zajadlo: Towards a New Theory of Hard Cases - Massimo Leone: Citizens of a Lesser God - Religious Minorities and the Legal Discourse of Multi-Cultural Democracies: the Case of Canada - Marta Soniewicka: How Dangerous Can the Sterilized Needle Be? Torture, Terrorism, and the Self-Refutation of the Liberal-Democratic State - Paul Bouissac: The Legal Status of Animals: From Perpetrators of Wrongs to Victims of Abuses - Piotr W. Juchacz: Public Hearing: On the Dangers of Adversarial Participation - Jose Manuel Aroso Linhares: Law in/as Literature as an alternative humanistic discourse. The Unavoidable Resistance to Legal Scientific Pragmatism or the Fertile Promise of a Communitas Without Law? - Leszek Leszczynski: Legal Certainty and Legal Discretion in the Statutory Legal Law - Lin Yuchuan: Confucianism and the Localization of Chinese Political Democracy - Agnieszka Chodun: Influence of Internationalisms on communicativeness of legal discourse - Romina Amicolo: Legal Rules in the Name of Democracy and Democracy in the Name of Legal Rules: Parallel Deaths of Socrates and Julius Caesar.
    The debate Why do we need human rights? took place on April 10th, 2013 at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. It was a part of the conference Philosophy is changing the world! organized under the auspices... more
    The debate Why do we need human rights? took place on April 10th, 2013 at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. It was a part of the conference Philosophy is changing the world! organized under the auspices of Public Philosophy…