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Albert Bastardas-Boada
  • Department of General Linguistics
    University of Barcelona
    Gran Via, 585
    08007 Barceona
  • 34 93 4035657
Although the initial inspiration for the formulation of a linguistic ecology came more directly from the ecology developed fundamentally from the biological field -given the easy analogy between 'language' and 'species'- it does not... more
Although the initial inspiration for the formulation of a linguistic ecology came more directly from the ecology developed fundamentally from the biological field -given the easy analogy between 'language' and 'species'- it does not escape anyone that human linguistic codes are very different phenomena of sets of biological individuals. This has led us to explore formulations from other disciplines that could help in a conceptualization perhaps more appropriate to linguistic phenomena than the one purely inspired by bioecology. Here we have discovered that we were at a point of crystallization of a new (quasi) paradigm, more holistic, which was going to offer us the opportunity to enrich and broaden perspectives and conceptualizations. An interesting transdisciplinary movement was taking place to go beyond systems theory, which had been previously proposed, to what would now be called  'complexity sciences' or 'complexical perspectives', driven from many different angles and with the aspiration of offering more adequate theoretical and methodological perspectives and tools for many complex phenomena, still pending scientific understanding. Sociolinguistics and Language policy and planning take on a new light from this perspective, which can offer ideas and actions with a significant impact on the revitalization and sustainability of minoritized languages.
A comprehensive grasp of the phenomena of language maintenance, shift and revitalization needs to take into account the different levels involved (i.e., cognitive-emotional, interactional, group-specific, demographics, economics, the... more
A comprehensive grasp of the phenomena of language maintenance, shift and revitalization needs to take into account the different levels involved (i.e., cognitive-emotional, interactional, group-specific, demographics, economics, the media and politics) and it must do so simultaneously in an integrated and processual manner. These domains continually interrelate with one another in the sociolinguistic reality, resulting in situations that evolve much as ecosystems or complex adaptive systems do. The need, therefore, is to understand these phenomena in their horizontality and in their multidimensional transversality, like a polyphonic or orchestral score. As humankind becomes increasingly interdependent and societies face the need for polyglottisation, general principles of linguistic organisation are called for to enable us to reconcile the normal maintenance of the languages of different groups with broader issues of human intercommunication. We need new concepts and principles, such as “linguistic sustainability”, "linguistic restoration", or “linguistic subsidiarity”, as a basis for a new organisation of human languages.
Drawing on the perspectives more inspired by systems thinking and complexity and yet obviously not ignoring advances in bio-ecology itself, this book is devoted to conceive of an ecology of language contact grounded in a... more
Drawing on the perspectives more inspired by systems thinking and complexity and yet obviously not ignoring advances in bio-ecology itself, this book is devoted to conceive of an ecology of language contact grounded in a psycho-sociologico-political approach that is multidimensional and dynamic, and can give an account of the intertwinings and interdependencies of levels and factors that influence and/or co-determine the evolution of language forms and varieties involved. This interdisciplinary collaboration, inspired in a general, holistic approach, is the best way of being able to grasp the phenomena arising in the evolution of situations of language contact. This approach, like the constitution of a general (bio)ecology, steers clear of fragmentation and specialization by taking the opposite road, integrating elements from vastly different sociocultural disciplines that are nevertheless useful and necessary to understand human sociolinguistic ecosystems and their whole-part interrelations.
Following in the footsteps of  bio-ecology, the book also propose adopting the concept of ‘sustainability’ within the fields of sociolinguistics and language policy in order to respond to the escalating rise in language contact, pushed strongly by the spread of English and other major languages in the context of globalization. The goal is to rethink the linguistic organization of humanity – and, therefore, to make language continuity possible – in a frame marked by a clear increase in human polyglotism. How to make compatible the maintenance and development of most of human language communities and the individual plurilingualism that can enable their inter-communication – this is the big question. From this approach, a sustainable linguistic contact will be that which does not produce linguistic exposure or linguistic use in allochthonous language at a speed and/or pressure so high as to make impossible the stable continuity of the autochthonous languages of human groups.
The application of metaphors or theoretical images from ecology, complexity and figurational or processual sociology in understanding language and sociocommunication phenomena is of great use. By visualizing, for instance, the different levels of linguistic structure not as separate entities but rather as united and integrated within the same theoretical frame, by seeing their functional interdependencies, by situating them in a greater multidimensionality that includes what for a long time was considered ‘external’ – the individual and his mind-brain, the sociocultural system, the physical world, etc. – and expanding in this way our classical view, we should be able to make important, if not essential, theoretical and practical advances.
The fundamental ideas that this book contains can help us to gain a better understanding of processes of language contact – especially those involving minoritization and revitalization or normalization – and be useful not only for human communities aspiring to reverse language shift but also in the attainment of a linguistic organization of humanity marked by greater justice, sustainability and solidarity.
Human linguistic phenomenon is at one and the same time an individual, social, and political fact. As such, its study should bear in mind these complex interrelations, which are produced inside the framework of the sociocultural and... more
Human linguistic phenomenon is at one and the same time an individual, social, and political fact. As such, its study should bear in mind these complex interrelations, which are produced inside the framework of the sociocultural and historical ecosystem of each human community. Understanding this phenomenon is often no easy task, due to the range of elements involved and their interrelations. The absence of valid, clearly developed paradigms adds to the problem and means that the theoretical conclusions that emerge may be unclear on certain points. It is true that in the last fifty years sociolinguistic studies have advanced considerably, and today we have access to an impressive set of data and a wide variety of theoretical reflections. But as a discipline sociolinguistics does not yet have unified, powerful theoretical models able to account rigorously and clearly for the phenomena it studies. Sociolinguistic studies are today a diverse set of contributions in which certain and theoretical schools and lines of research emerged; but as is to be expected in a relatively new field, there is not enough communication between the various schools and they cannot yet be said to be integrated in terms of their conceptual and theoretical postulates. Against this background, our work aims to contribute to the overall, integrated understanding of the processes of language contact. Via an interdisciplinary, eclectic approach, it also aims to aid the theoretical grounding and integration of a unified, common sociolinguistic paradigm. Our strategy will not be merely to combine the contributions from ongoing research lines, but to address the question from a more global viewpoint which, together with the more innovative contemporary scientific disciplines, permits a harmonious integration of the various sociolinguistic perspectives in a broad, deep and unitary approach to the reality. The materials used to construct this unified approach are taken from many sources: Theoretical physics, ecology, the philosophy of science and mind, anthropology, phenomenological and process sociology, cognitive sciences, political science, pragmatics, history, systems theory, approaches to complexity and obviously sociolinguistics, are all involved in a dialogue in this desire for integration. Unlike the traditional perspective that separates linguistic varieties from their bio-psycho-socio-politico-cultural contexts and makes of them specialized objects existing in a vacuum, the eco-sociolinguistic perspective is based on the fact that linguistic structures do not live in isolation from their social functions – the existence of matter is indissoluble from its activity, says Einstein. Equally, linguistic structures must be situated ecologically in relation with the sub- and supra-systems that determine their existence if we are to understand their vicissitudes – the unit of survival is the organism-in-its-environment, says Bateson. So our proposal aims to provide the basis of an integrative focus from the perspective of complexity – distinguer sans disjoindre (Morin) – which draws on the contributions of traditional approaches to the study of language systems, but goes beyond them to establish a vision that is more interrelated with the other coexisting sociocultural factors, thus permitting a better understanding of the linguistic phenomenon as a whole.
Teoría y práctica se dan aquí la mano para brindarnos una muy importante aportación reflexiva que constituye un avance sustancial tanto para la conceptualización efectiva de los procesos de revitalización lingüística como para el... more
Teoría y práctica se dan aquí la mano para brindarnos una muy importante aportación reflexiva que constituye un avance sustancial tanto para la conceptualización efectiva de los procesos de revitalización lingüística como para el desarrollo de las necesarias actuaciones sobre el terreno. En esta gran panorámica teórica después de la práctica, la autora contrasta y discute grandes temas como las orientaciones que priman en las investigaciones más académicas o cientificistas, o bien las más preocupadas por la recuperación sostenible del uso de las lenguas. Igualmente se posiciona en el debate entre las intervenciones más centradas en la realización de programas institucionales de educación bilingüe y la creación de gramáticas y diccionarios, o bien en las que enfocan las actuaciones desde el punto de vista de las costumbres y de las emociones de las personas en sus comunidades vitales.
Human linguistic phenomenon is at one and the same time an individual, social, and political fact. As such, its study should bear in mind these complex interrelations, which are produced inside the framework of the sociocultural and... more
Human linguistic phenomenon is at one and the same time an individual, social, and political fact. As such, its study should bear in mind these complex interrelations, which are produced inside the framework of the sociocultural and historical ecosystem of each human community.

Understanding this phenomenon is often no easy task, due to the range of elements involved and their interrelations. The absence of valid, clearly developed paradigms adds to the problem and means that the theoretical conclusions that emerge may be unclear on certain points. It is true that in the last fifty years sociolinguistic studies have advanced considerably, and today we have access to an impressive set of data and a wide variety of theoretical reflections. But as a discipline sociolinguistics does not yet have unified, powerful theoretical models able to account rigorously and clearly for the phenomena it studies.  Sociolinguistic studies are today a diverse set of contributions in which certain and theoretical schools and lines of research emerged; but as is to be expected in a relatively new field, there is not enough communication between the various schools and they cannot yet be said to be integrated in terms of their conceptual and theoretical postulates.

Against this background, our work aims to contribute to the overall, integrated understanding of the processes of language contact. Via an interdisciplinary, eclectic approach, it also aims to aid the theoretical grounding and integration of a unified, common sociolinguistic paradigm. Our strategy will not be merely to combine the contributions from ongoing research lines, but to address the question from a more global viewpoint which, together with the more innovative contemporary scientific disciplines, permits a harmonious integration of the various sociolinguistic perspectives in a broad, deep and unitary approach to the reality. The materials used to construct this unified approach are taken from many sources: Theoretical physics, ecology, the philosophy of science and mind, anthropology, phenomenological and process sociology, cognitive sciences, political science, pragmatics, history, systems theory, approaches to complexity and obviously sociolinguistics, are all involved in a dialogue in this desire for integration.

Unlike the traditional perspective that separates linguistic varieties from their bio-psycho-socio-politico-cultural contexts and makes of them specialized objects existing in a vacuum, the eco-sociolinguistic perspective is based on the fact that linguistic structures do not live in isolation from their social functions – the existence of matter is indissoluble from its activity, says Einstein. Equally, linguistic structures must be situated ecologically in relation with the sub- and supra-systems that determine their existence if we are to understand their vicissitudes – the unit of survival is the organism-in-its-environment, says Bateson. So our proposal aims to provide the basis of an integrative focus from the perspective of complexity – distinguer sans disjoindre (Morin) – which draws on the contributions of traditional approaches to the study of language systems, but goes beyond them to establish a vision that is more interrelated with the other coexisting sociocultural factors, thus permitting a better understanding of the linguistic  phenomenon as a whole.
This chapter presents the preliminary results of an exercise in reading certain contributions to the study of biological diversity from a 'linguistic' viewpoint. Though a firm believer in transdisciplinariety and the mutual nurturing of... more
This chapter presents the preliminary results of an exercise in reading certain contributions to the study of biological diversity from a 'linguistic' viewpoint. Though a firm believer in transdisciplinariety and the mutual nurturing of knowledge I am nonetheless aware that an uncritical transfer of ideas and concepts from one field to another is unacceptable. We must explore the immense potential of the concept of interdisciplinariety but without falling into a blind mimetism which, instead of helping us to describe and understand more accurately the phenomena that interest us, could lead to the construction of theoretical scenarios which have their own internal logic but are not entirely suited to the ontology of the facts we are examining.
If  biological objects are controlled fundamentally by genetic chance and the  biosphere, linguistic objects are also controlled by the sociocultural experiences of their speakers; this fact differentiates clearly between the reproductive aspects of the two. In their struggle to survive through history organisms are affected by their natural environments, while linguistic systems are additionally affected by the socioeconomic and politicocultural conditions of individuals, who are able to decide personally on the language to be transmitted to their successors. Similarly, given the greater flexibility of cultural reproduction, language change will be faster than genetic change. Since linguistic varieties are the products of human social mechanisms, they may be constricted to the decisions  –conscious or unconscious– of humans, in the framework of their personal autonomy, whereas non-human biological species will be in general much more subject to instinctive programming. The reproduction of biological diversity is a matter in which the protagonists –the species – have little say, controlled as they are by contextual conditions. But in the reproduction and preservation of linguistic diversity the main actors are human beings themselves, humans endowed with awareness and emotions who, confronted with change in their sociocultural context, have to take decisions which will ultimately affect the continuity or demise of the linguistic diversity that has built up over human history. The existence of important differences between natural and cultural objects does not necessarily mean that we cannot find interfaces of connection between the two theoretical fields or useful conceptual suggestions or adaptations for a fuller understanding of the nature of the level of language and communication.
One of the key features of the vision of biological conservation and revitalization is the concept of “ecological niche”, the habitat seen from the perspective of what a species needs to survive (Brown, 1995, p. 35). The vision is based... more
One of the key features of the vision of biological conservation and revitalization is the concept of “ecological niche”, the habitat seen from the perspective of what a species needs to survive (Brown, 1995, p. 35). The vision is based on the fact that species do not live in a vacuum, but are fully involved in their natural context and are interdependent inside it. In a similar way, the continuity of linguodiversity depends on
the degree of disturbance of the traditional sociocultural habitats. The current era is characterized by a high increase in linguistic contact. The great challenge, therefore, appears to be not so much to avoid this contact, which is inevitable in the vast majority of cases, but how to manage it to ensure that it does not destroy a large part of the linguistic diversity. In many cases, the level of contact that has been reached requires the creation of a “restoration ecology” (Allen & Hoekstra, 1992, p. 265) to reinstate the lost equilibrium and thus to ensure a sustainable continuity of linguistic diversity.
It seems clear that it must not be the simple fact of bi- or multilingualization and asymmetric distribution of functions what can lead to intergenerational language shift,
but rather the socio-politico-economic context in which this bi- or multilingualization takes place and the meanings and representations that its protagonists associate with it.
Therefore, the restorative and sustainable multidimensional intervention must be conducted from a holistic perspective, (almost) simultaneously done at the social and personal levels. More specifically, it is argued it should be based on the following seven factors:
(1) convince the community (cognition/emotion);
(2) increase and restore the social functions of language, which includes introducing new interpersonal habits (interactional), ensuring intergenerational language transmission, and convincing new families not to leave the code, or get it to talk to their children;
(3) reach a growing collective consensus and group identification with the language, valuing differentiation and singularization (collective identity);
(4) language and economy: ensuring occupational uses (earn a living, very important) (economic utility);
(5) use all available media to spread the language and make positive associations with modernity (not just make something ‘folk’);
(6) political authorities’ support in their speech practices, and in the administration, education, linguistic landscape;
(7) sustainable distribution of functions with the other languages in presence.
In sum, this article provides evidence for the subsidiarity principle: everything that the local language can (reasonably) do should not be done by the more general one.

Timothy F. A., A., & Hoekstra, T.W. (1992). Toward a Unified Ecology. New York: Columbia University Press.
Brown, J. H. (1995). Macroecology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
The most important contributions of linguistic ecology to our understanding of contact between ‘majority’ and ‘minority/minoritized’ language groups are the result of the broad, dynamic perspective that the ecosystemic view can give.... more
The most important contributions of linguistic ecology to our understanding of contact between ‘majority’ and ‘minority/minoritized’ language groups are the result of the broad, dynamic perspective that the ecosystemic view can give. Research should focus on the application of the principle of ‘subsidiarity’ in the field of linguistic communication (a more ‘global’ language should not do anything a ‘local’ language can do). From this approach, a sustainable contact will be that which does not produce linguistic use in allochthonous language at a speed and/or pressure so high as to make impossible the stable continuity of the autochthonous languages of human groups.
En el desarrollo de la ecología lingüística probablemente se pueden distinguir –aunque no separar- tres grandes áreas o aproximaciones, según si se inspiran más directamente de la ‘manera de pensar’ de la ecología teorética o bien si se... more
En el desarrollo de la ecología lingüística probablemente se pueden distinguir –aunque no separar- tres grandes áreas o aproximaciones, según si se inspiran más directamente de la ‘manera de pensar’ de la ecología teorética o bien si se acercan más a las metáforas provenientes de la bio-ecología. Dentro de este segundo subgrupo quizás cabría también distinguir los trabajos más motivados por la estricta comprensión científica de los fenómenos de los más preocupados también por el mantenimiento de la linguodiversidad y más cercanos, pues, al activismo y a la intervención política en la transformación de las evoluciones sociolingüísticas. Al final, no obstante, las tres líneas producen aportaciones no muy distintas que se iluminan mutuamente, y son varios los autores que transitan de una a otra. Además, desde el punto de vista teórico, la perspectiva de la ecología lingüística general informa y orienta cada vez más frecuentemente los estudios sociolingüísticos del contacto, que adoptan perspectivas holísticas y de conjunto, con lo cual se produce en la práctica una deseable interinfluencia de las dos orientaciones. La consciencia cada vez mayor de la necesidad de enfoques interdisciplinares y compléxicos para avanzar en la comprensión de las interdependencias causales y de las dinámicas evolutivas de los contactos lingüísticos promueve la integración de los campos, la interpenetración de los niveles macro y micro, y la útil fusión de las miradas científicas generales.
The 21st century has led us to polylingual metropolises where populations that have already been bilingualized – being integrated into states in which another language is predominant – live day to day alongside many people with different... more
The 21st century has led us to polylingual metropolises where populations that have already been bilingualized – being integrated into states in which another language is predominant – live day to day alongside many people with different first languages, who come from the rest of the same national territory and/or places all over the world. In more developed societies, there is also a growing trend towards the knowledge and use of major international languages, due to the fact that many companies and organisations participate in continental or global techno-economic networks. This huge increase in linguistic contacts represents a very significant change in the regional socio-cultural ecosystems in which different human groups have traditionally developed their languages. If we fail to learn how to manage these new situations properly, then sociolinguistic trends could have future effects that are not exactly positive for human language diversity.
A perspectiva ecológica para os estudos linguísticos vem se monstrando eficaz, principalmente nos estudos sobre a diversidade e o contato de línguas, já que nos leva a uma ampliação teórica e conceitual no âmbito desta ciência e também ao... more
A perspectiva ecológica para os estudos linguísticos vem se monstrando eficaz, principalmente nos estudos sobre a diversidade e o contato de línguas, já que nos leva a uma ampliação teórica e conceitual no âmbito desta ciência e também ao aumento da consciência social quanto à preservação, aceitação e normalização da diversidade linguística dos humanos. Neste artigo, após ser apresentada a perspectiva ecológica para a linguística, serão discutidos os aspectos multidimensionais para a análise do contato de línguas, estando relacionados com a temática do sociocognitivismo, da dinamicidade e processualidade, oferecendo, desta maneira, uma visão integradora para os estudos linguísticos que é a da 'diversidade linguística'.
El artículo hace un repaso histórico del inicio y desarrollo contemporáneo de los trabajos sociolingüísticos inspirados en la ecología y en la sostenibilidad lingüísticas, y se destacan las ideas y conceptualizaciones más importantes. De... more
El artículo hace un repaso histórico del inicio y desarrollo contemporáneo de los trabajos sociolingüísticos inspirados en la ecología y en la sostenibilidad lingüísticas, y se destacan las ideas y conceptualizaciones más importantes. De manera especial se profundiza en estos campos desde la perspectiva transdisciplinaria y multidimensional de la complejidad sociocognitiva, que permite comprender más adecuadamente los fenómenos dinámicos del cambio y de la sustitución o extinción lingüísticas. Así, se detallan algunos de los principios básicos de la aproximación compleja y se propone la imagen de una metáfora orquestal o polifónica para visualizar la comprensión multinivelada y ecosistémica de las vicisitudes de las formas lingüísticas. La sostenibilidad lingüística, como evolución proactiva del pensamiento ecológico, es vista como el intento de construir la convivencia lingüística humana en base a una conciliación equilibrada del mantenimiento y desarrollo de los códigos específicos de cada grupo humano y del conocimiento y uso de otras lenguas más generales de intercomunicación.
1. Introducción
2. La perspectiva ecológica
3. Una aproximación desde la complejidad socio-cognitiva
4. Una propuesta multidimensional e integradora para el estudio del contacto lingüístico
5. Dinamicidad y procesualidad
6. Una nueva propuesta: la ‘sostenibilidad lingüística’
7. Hacia ecosistemas multilingües sostenibles 
8. Conclusión""
From ecology to language sustainability: From theoretical frameworks to practical proposals. Professor Albert Bastardas bases this paper on the lecture he gave at the Seminar Hizkuntzaekologia eta lurralde euskaldunak (Language Ecology... more
From ecology to language sustainability: From theoretical frameworks to practical proposals.
Professor Albert Bastardas bases this paper on the lecture he gave at the Seminar Hizkuntzaekologia eta lurralde euskaldunak (Language Ecology and Basque Territories) organised by ueMA (Association of Basque-speaking Town Councils) and the Sociolinguistics Cluster. In it the professor presented the main aspects of language ecology, and explained the difficulties and strong points that one may encounter on the road between language ecology and language sustainability. In his paper he explains what fails and how the language management situation can be compared with the biodiversity management situation. •
En el plano teórico, quizás la gran virtud que tiene la analogía ecológica para la sociolingüística es el de darnos instrumentos conceptuales para plasmar de una manera más operativa aquello que llamamos habitualmente el "contexto". La... more
En el plano teórico, quizás la gran virtud que tiene la analogía ecológica para la sociolingüística es el de darnos instrumentos conceptuales para plasmar de una manera más operativa aquello que llamamos habitualmente el "contexto". La aproximación sistémica de la ecología biológica nos facilita la posibilidad de pensar las formas y códigos lingüísticos en tanto que elementos ineluctablemente integrados en su "hábitat" sociocultural. Las formas y códigos lingüísticos viven ecosistémicamente interrelacionados con otros objetos como las ideas que los individuos tienen sobre la realidad, los significados sociales que otorgan a formas y códigos, la categorización socioeconómica de los individuos, las representaciones grupales, las situaciones políticas, etc. Como diría Morin, las formas lingüísticas están en la sociedad y en la cultura que, a la vez, están en las formas lingüísticas.
We explore the consequences of the globalization process, which forms a new sociolinguistic situation. Specifically, this article explains the tendency of society to be bilingual or polyglot socially and the linguistic impact caused by... more
We explore the consequences of the globalization process, which forms a new sociolinguistic situation. Specifically, this article explains the tendency of society to be bilingual or polyglot socially and the linguistic impact caused by the displacement of a majority language group to another area where there is another stablished code. Of these two consequences and all derived from globalization, public institutions are the responsible ones to deal with linguistic needs and problems. This article also presents the utility of the complex and ecological perspective to solve problems arising from language contact. Finally, we propose the principle of subsidiarity and calls for linguistic sustainability, which international organizations must support within an ethical framework.
Research Interests:
Would there be some way of transferring the procedures and the conciliating conceptualisation of ‘sustainability’ to the language field, and combine the competence and use both of languages of greater communicative scope and group... more
Would there be some way of transferring the procedures and the conciliating conceptualisation of ‘sustainability’ to the language field, and combine the competence and use both of languages of greater communicative scope and group tongues? An ecological and egalitarian perspective on linguistic diversity would have aim to stop and reverse expansionist and dominating ideologies. To put an end to the value hierarchy implied by the belief in linguistic superiority/inferiority is equally urgent and just. Passing into another historical phase of humankind where the predominant vision would be one of recognising the equal dignity of all languages and linguistic groups is, clearly, an aim that cannot be put off. To paraphrase Ramon Folch, we could say that lingüístic sustainability should be a process of gradual transformation from the current model of the linguistic organisation of the human species, a transformation whose objective would be to avoid that collective bilingualism or polyglottism of human beings must require theabandonment by different cultural groups of their own languages. Basically, the ideology opposed to this would come from the negative human tendency for dichotomous thinking: black or white, one language or the other. Today, however, from the paradigma of complexity we know that there are other possibilities. We can imagine new concepts and design new principles of organisation.
Would there be some way of transferring the procedures and the conciliating conceptualisation of ‘sustainability’ to the language field, and combine the competence and use both of languages of greater communicative scope and group... more
Would there be some way of transferring the procedures and the conciliating conceptualisation of ‘sustainability’ to the language field, and combine the competence and use both of languages of greater communicative scope and group tongues? An ecological and egalitarian perspective on linguistic diversity would have aim to stop and reverse expansionist and dominating ideologies. To put an end to the value hierarchy implied by the belief in linguistic superiority/inferiority is equally urgent and just. Passing into another historical phase of humankind where the predominant vision would be one of recognising the equal dignity of all languages and linguistic groups is, clearly, an aim that cannot be put off. To paraphrase Ramon Folch, we could say that lingüístic sustainability should be a process of gradual transformation from the current model of the linguistic organisation of the human species, a transformation whose objective would be to avoid that collective bilingualism or polyglottism of human beings must require theabandonment by different cultural groups of their own languages. Basically, the ideology opposed to this would come from the negative human tendency for dichotomous thinking: black or white, one language or the other. Today, however, from the paradigma of complexity we know that there are other possibilities. We can imagine new concepts and design new principles of organisation.
Would there be some way of transferring the procedures and the conciliating conceptualisation of ‘sustainability’ to the language field, and combine the competence and use both of languages of greater communicative scope and group... more
Would there be some way of transferring the procedures and the conciliating conceptualisation of ‘sustainability’ to the language field, and combine the competence and use both of languages of greater communicative scope and group tongues? An ecological and egalitarian perspective on linguistic diversity would have aim to stop and reverse expansionist and dominating ideologies. To put an end to the value hierarchy implied by the belief in linguistic superiority/inferiority is equally urgent and just. Passing into another historical phase of humankind where the predominant vision would be one of recognising the equal dignity of all languages and linguistic groups is, clearly, an aim that cannot be put off. To paraphrase Ramon Folch, we could say that lingüístic sustainability should be a process of gradual transformation from the current model of the linguistic organisation of the human species, a transformation whose objective would be to avoid that collective bilingualism or polyglottism of human beings must require theabandonment by different cultural groups of their own languages. Basically, the ideology opposed to this would come from the negative human tendency for dichotomous thinking: black or white, one language or the other. Today, however, from the paradigma of complexity we know that there are other possibilities. We can imagine new concepts and design new principles of organisation.
ENGLISH: As an interdisciplinary field that is still young, sociolinguistics has had to find its theoretical representation schemes. In this exploration of models of reality and images of phenomena, we have been working for some years... more
ENGLISH: As an interdisciplinary field that is still young, sociolinguistics has had to find its theoretical representation schemes. In this exploration of models of reality and images of phenomena, we have been working for some years with the systemic conceptualization of biological phenomena that we know popularly as 'Ecology’. As much as this may be useful, we must not forget, however, the metaphorical nature of this modeling and the danger of oblivion of individuals in the model, and the fact that these cultural "species" are, in the long run, a product and function of human cognitive-communicative activity.

CATALAN: Camp interdisciplinari encara jove, la sociolingüística ha hagut d'anar trobant els seus esquemes de representació teòrica on ha pogut i on ha sabut. En aquesta exploració de models de la realitat i d'imatges dels fenòmens ens ha acompanyat des de fa uns anys la conceptualització sistèmica sobre els fenòmens biològics que coneixem popularment com a 'Ecologia'. Tant com això pot ser-nos útil no ens hem d'oblidar, però, del caràcter metafòric de la modelització i del perill de l'oblit dels individus en el model i del fet que aquestes 'espècies' culturals són, al capdavall, producte i funció de l'activitat cognitivo-comunicativa humana.
"Diversitats. Llengües, espècies i ecologies" és un llibre divers que aplega aquests sis treballs: «Diversitat biològica i diversitat lingüística: algunes pistes transdisciplinàries per a una socioecologia de les llengües», pel... more
"Diversitats. Llengües, espècies i ecologies" és un llibre divers que aplega aquests sis treballs: «Diversitat biològica i diversitat lingüística: algunes pistes transdisciplinàries per a una socioecologia de les llengües», pel sociolingüista A. Bastardas; «Formes de la diversitat en la cultura: l’argument de la diferenciació», per l’antropòleg Claudi Esteve i Fabregat; «Lingüística genètica», per l’antropòloga lingüística M. Carme Junyent i Figueras; «De la destrucció de la diversitat lingüística i d’algunes raons per a evitar-la», pel lingüista Joan A. Argenter; «Valoracions ètiques i polítiques de la diversitat des de l’ecologia», per l’ecòleg Jaume Terradas, i «Valoracions ètiques i polítiques de la diversitat des de la filosofia», pel filòsof Josep M. Terricabras.
As a sort of intellectual provocation and as a lateral thinking strategy for creativity, this paper seeks to determine what the study of the dynamics of biodiversity can offer linguists. In recent years, the analogical equation "language... more
As a sort of intellectual provocation and as a lateral thinking strategy for creativity, this paper seeks to determine what the study of the dynamics of biodiversity can offer linguists. In recent years, the analogical equation "language = biological species" has become more widespread as a metaphorical source for conceptual renovation, and, at the same time, as a justification for the defense of language diversity. Language diversity would be protected in a way similar to the mobilization that has taken place to protect endangered species. Nevertheless, one must be careful when uncritically transferring conceptualizations and theoretical frameworks from one field to another, since obviously, these two phenomena are quite different in the real world. The environment plays a fundamental role in the direction of evolution, since the "the survival of the fittest is, in actuality, the survival of those who fit into the context (Allen and Hoekstra)". A proposal is made here to explore the ideas of "exclusive functions" and "non-hierarchical functional distribution" for codes in situations where there is high contact and a danger of disuse.A proposal is made here to explore the ideas of "exclusive functions" and "non-hierarchical functional distribution" for codes in situations where there is high contact and a danger of disuse.(FULL ENGLISH VERSION: "Biological and linguistic diversity: Transdisciplinary explorations for a socioecology of languages", in: Bastardas-Boada, A., From language shift to language revitalization and sustainability. A complexity approach to linguistic ecology. Barcelona: Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2019, pp. 243-268.
CATALÀ: A mode de provocació intel·lectual i com a estratègia de “pensament lateral” (lateral thinking) per a la creativitat, el treball es proposa veure què pot suggerir als lingüistes l’estudi de la dinàmica de la diversitat biològica. En aquests darrers anys l’equació analògica “llengua = espècie biològica” s’ha anat estenent com a font metàforica de renovació conceptual i alhora de justificació per a la defensa de la linguodiversitat, a la manera com es duu a terme la mobilització per a la protecció de les espècies. No obstant això, cal anar amb compte amb la transferència acrítica de conceptualitzacions i de marcs teòrics d’un camp a l’altre, per tal com òbviament es tracta de fenòmens ben distints en la realitat. ¿De quin tipus de nínxol (sòcio)ecològic mínim hauria de disposar una llengua si volguéssim assegurar la seva reproducció habitual? El medi jugarà un paper fonamental en la direcció de l’evolució, ja que “la supervivència dels millors dotats és, de fet, la supervivència dels que encaixen en el context” (Allen & Hoekstra), la qual cosa ens farà veure després la gran importància dels contextos politicoeconòmics en el cas de les llengües. Igualment, els moviments migratoris seran, també, una de les grans variables determinants de l’extinció de la bio- i de la linguodiversitat. L’espècie i l’hàbitat formen la unitat existencial bàsica, i això serà el punt de vista central per entendre el problema de la conservació i recuperació de les espècies o llengües.  L’”ecologia restauradora” ens pot ajudar també aquí. Poder arribar a solucions sostenibles per a la diversitat lingüística implica el coneixement aprofundit de les dinàmiques de determinació dels usos lingüístics en situacions de contacte. Es proposa aquí explorar les idees de “funcions exclusives” i de “distribució funcional no-jeràrquica” per als codis en situació d’alt contacte i de perill de desús.  Cal continuar impulsant una perspectiva socio-ecològica autònoma dedicada a la comprensió dels fenòmens lingüístics, que parteixi del paradigma de complexitat, tot situant els éssers humans en el centre de la seva teorització.
As a sort of intellectual provocation and as a lateral thinking strategy for creativity, this paper seeks to determine what the study of the dynamics of biodiversity can offer linguists. In recent years, the analogical equation "language... more
As a sort of intellectual provocation and as a lateral thinking strategy for creativity, this paper seeks to determine what the study of the dynamics of biodiversity can offer linguists. In recent years, the analogical equation "language = biological species" has become more widespread as a metaphorical source for conceptual renovation, and, at the same time, as a justification for the defense of language diversity. Nevertheless, one must be careful when uncritically transferring conceptualizations and theoretical frameworks from one field to another, since obviously, these two phenomena are quite different in the real world.

The dialogue with bioecologists starts by asking about the formation of diversity, i.e., about speciation. Regarding the continuity of species or languages, one can also observe the decisive role of intragroup relations. The staying power of linguistic varieties will increase in direct proportion to the intensity of the relationship among the components of the subset. On the other hand, if exotic elements are introduced, especially if these elements are aggressive in nature, the alteration of the ecological niche may turn out to be fatal for the continuity of the previously existing forms.

As regards change, this phenomenon is seen as an inherent element in the tendency of life to create new developments, which may or not be accompanied by an adaptation to changing environmental conditions. It is pointed out that, similar to what happens in biology, much of linguistic innovation stems from a systemically reorganized mixture of solutions from different codes. Extinction, whether it be of languages or of species, is caused in most cases "by a combination of demographic processes and environmental changes". Thus, the environment plays a fundamental role in the direction of evolution, since the "the survival of the fittest is, in actuality, the survival of those who fit into the context".

Species and habitat form the basic unit of existence, and this is the major point of departure for understanding the problem of the preservation and recovery of species or languages. Given the increase in the degree of linguistic contact, the continuity of language diversity depends on determining, as exactly as possible, as Prigogine, the physicist, would say, what precise conditions of imbalance may prove to be stable.

The general conclusion is that linguistics is still terminologically and conceptually ill prepared to deal with the dynamic character of human languages. The world and our objects must be conceived of as elements in a state of flux, as changing systems in an unstable equilibrium. With respect to language policy, it would be necessary to make an effort to manage to establish some general principles regarding the linguistic organization of the human species that would make it possible for local linguistic diversity and communication on a planetary scale, which must necessarily take place, to be compatible with each other. Such a perspective would be based on a paradigm of complexity, and would, at the same time, place human beings at the center of its theoretical underpinnings.
We have to become aware of the potential dangers of an excessive reification of systems of linguistic communication, since there is always the risk of neglecting individuals when using this model. The chapter explores some theoretical,... more
We have to become aware of the potential dangers of an excessive reification of systems of linguistic communication, since there is always the risk of neglecting individuals when using this model. The chapter explores some theoretical, ethical and political differences between a bioecology and a linguoecology, that we should bear in mind. We suggest the adoption of a perspective more based on the theory of complexity as mainly developed by Edgar Morin, in order to build a socio-cognitive ecology centered on human beings.
Though a firm believer in transdisciplinariety and the mutual nurturing of knowledge I am nonetheless aware that an uncritical transfer of ideas and concepts from one field to another is unacceptable. We must explore the immense potential... more
Though a firm believer in transdisciplinariety and the mutual nurturing of knowledge I am nonetheless aware that an uncritical transfer of ideas and concepts from one field to another is unacceptable. We must explore the immense potential of the concept of interdisciplinariety but without falling into a blind mimetism which, instead of helping us to describe and understand more accurately the phenomena that interest us, could lead to the construction of theoretical scenarios which have their own internal logic but are not entirely suited to the ontology of the facts we are examining.
If  biological objects are controlled fundamentally by genetic chance and the  biosphere, linguistic objects are also controlled by the sociocultural experiences of their speakers; this fact differentiates clearly between the reproductive aspects of the two. In their struggle to survive through history organisms are affected by their natural environments, while linguistic systems are additionally affected by the socioeconomic and politicocultural conditions of individuals, who are able to decide personally on the language to be transmitted to their successors. Similarly, given the greater flexibility of cultural reproduction, language change will be faster than genetic change. Since linguistic varieties are the products of human social mechanisms, they may be constricted to the decisions  –conscious or unconscious– of humans, in the framework of their personal autonomy, whereas non-human biological species will be in general much more subject to instinctive programming. The reproduction of biological diversity is a matter in which the protagonists –the species – have little say, controlled as they are by contextual conditions. But in the reproduction and preservation of linguistic diversity the main actors are human beings themselves, humans endowed with awareness and emotions who, confronted with change in their sociocultural context, have to take decisions which will ultimately affect the continuity or demise of the linguistic diversity that has built up over human history. The existence of important differences between natural and cultural objects does not necessarily mean that we cannot find interfaces of connection between the two theoretical fields or useful conceptual suggestions or adaptations for a fuller understanding of the nature of the level of language and communication.
This paper presents the preliminary results of an exercise in reading certain contributions to the study of biological diversity from a 'linguistic' viewpoint.
In recent years, in order to answer the fundamental questions in the field of language policy and planning, we have made metaphorical use of the conceptualization and organization of biological phenomena into systems, known popularly as... more
In recent years, in order to answer the fundamental questions in the field of language policy and planning, we have made metaphorical use of the conceptualization and organization of biological phenomena into systems, known popularly as ecology. Of course, sociolinguistic objects are not fundamentally (or exclusively) biological; they belong to a different, emerging order of phenomena. Nonetheless the analogies we construct, the concepts we adapt, the questions we raise, and, above all, the paradigm we seek to produce-by considering languages as cultural 'species' living in a particular environment with their own ecosystems-are likely to be illuminating and suggestive for language sustainability. However, there is always the risk of neglecting individuals inside the model and of forgetting the fact that these cultural 'species' are, in the final analysis, the product and function of the cognitive and communicative activity of human beings.
Norbert Elias strongly recommended distinguishing between the individual intentions of humans in carrying out their actions and what resulted collectively on the social plane, which were facts that could present their own and autonomous... more
Norbert Elias strongly recommended distinguishing between the individual intentions of humans in carrying out their actions and what resulted collectively on the social plane, which were facts that could present their own and autonomous dynamics. In Elias’ figurations — or processual organizations — as in a dance, the forms they take are to some extent independent of the specific individuals who hold them in a given circumstance. And that is why we can find them in other places and times, following similar rules and processes, just as the formalizations of network theory can help us to understand several systems with different protagonists.
If we treat what we traditionally call languages as simple and decontextualized objects, we can advance in understanding some of their more mechanical aspects, but we can completely ignore their conditions of existence, functionality, maintenance, variation, change or disappearance. One of the first tasks we have is to realize the difficulty of being able to say a reality that is dynamic, processual and changing, in terms of our languages that are based on a rather static and stable view of the phenomena of the world. We must move, in fact, from a ‘noun’ science to a 'verb' science.
The complexity perspectives promoted, for example, by Edgar Morin encourage this integrated vision to account for what happens autonomously at the level of interactions and situations of the agents. Thus, we see at the same time how all these factors are dynamically intertwined and inter-influenced, as occurs in the political, ideological, economic, and technological contexts in which individuals live.
As a result of the appearance of cybernetics and computers, not only are there theoretical ideas about how a complex perspective should be articulated, but new forms of research and thought are beginning to appear that take advantage of the new computational potentialities, especially using modeling and simulation. The sciences of complexity do not, therefore, only have a philosophical and epistemological aspect but also another that is renewing the forms of scientific work.
Computational modeling seems adequate to take into account the adaptive changes that result from the model itself, that is, the changes that correspond to the conditions and rules initially programmed in the software. However, what the software cannot predict is maybe the appearance of new meanings in a situation, much less the introduction of external events that can influence it.
In this ideological-political and interpretive field, the self-representations of linguistic groups play an important role. These are derived from the sociopolitical and economic history of each group. For example, within the linguistic area in which Catalan is used in its various variants, we find significant differences that can help shed light in this regard. The comparison between Catalonia and the Valencian Community shows how important it is to introduce the historical element when examining linguistic behaviors in contact situations and studying such situations case by case.
From the sociocomplexity perspective, a complex, eco-co-dependent and processual vision of socio-communicative facts —languages are in societies/cultures and in brains/minds that are in languages— can help us make great progress in their general understanding.
We study some aspects involved in the linguistic organization of mixed-language families. To obtain real data, semi-structured interviews have been carried out with people who have children and whose first language is different from that... more
We study some aspects involved in the linguistic organization of mixed-language families. To obtain real data, semi-structured interviews have been carried out with people who have children and whose first language is different from that of their partner, i.e. who live in a mixed-language environment.
The data obtained shows that family language organization is not always the result of a conscious decision but also often the result of a spontaneous self-organized process. Moreover, it may be variable over time, depending on the changes at the individual level or in the family environment. These results are relevant to language policy, as these mechanisms of interpersonal linguistic habits should be taken into account.
Regarding the medium-sized languages, data shows a tendency to use a major language in interaction with a partner but this does not mean that the medium-sized language is not transmitted to children. This is an important fact because it has a direct influence on medium-sized language skills of new generations.
This article also presents a theoretical approach from the standpoint of complexity. In addition, it points out the advantages and disadvantages of considering the family language organization as a “bottom-up” or “top-down” phenomenon, as well as the accuracy and appropriateness of the term "family language policy".
The current processes of globalisation and internationalisation under modern capitalism show a nuanced scenario in which many medium-sized languagecommunities (MSLCs) are striving both to maintain their languages in everyday communication... more
The current processes of globalisation and internationalisation under modern capitalism show a nuanced scenario in which many medium-sized languagecommunities (MSLCs) are striving both to maintain their languages in everyday communication and to use them in high prestige domains. Family language policy is a growing research field, and an especially interesting one in that it encompasses macroscopic and structural social aspects (mainly the uneven distribution of power in society) as well as microscopic aspects, namely emotional, psychological and personal factors, which are not mutually impervious. While the nine chapters do not adopt exactly the same focus, the overall picture gives a variegated insight into the challenges and prospects – the vulnerability and sustainability – of several medium-sized linguistic communities in Europe. Most chapters analyse language ideologies and language behaviour in multilingual families in Spain. Three chapters, however, discuss this family multilingualism in three other medium-sized linguistic communities, namely Denmark, Lithuania and Czech Republic.
Undoubtedly one of the most frequently recurring situations in which the phenomena of identity and the awareness of language group differences might appear is that characterised by the presence of a majority group and that of one or more... more
Undoubtedly one of the most frequently recurring situations in which the phenomena of identity and the awareness of language group differences might appear is that characterised by the presence of a majority group and that of one or more minorities. Above all in cases of a historical group or groups that have been settled for a long period in a given land, and who have become ‘minority groups’ —often against their will— because of their political integration in states where a different demographically superior group holds sway, these peoples may become particularly sensitive to the unequal treatment handed out to their code in official and political spheres. If this difference in treatment occurs — a not infrequent occurrence it would seem — then the situation might be perceived as unjust or humiliating, in particular if there are or there have been other historical conflicts or differences between the groups in question. This would mean that the reality might tend to be interpreted in the light of this historic tension, and the differences in the way the codes are dealt with might be considered to be socio-significant and emotionally important.
No només hem de centrar l’atenció en una dimensió —com ara la del propi codi lingüístic per se— sinó en totes aquelles altres que hi concorren i que constitueixen el que, de moment, posem sota el rètol general de context. El context serà... more
No només hem de centrar l’atenció en una dimensió —com ara la del propi codi lingüístic per se— sinó en totes aquelles altres que hi concorren i que constitueixen el que, de moment, posem sota el rètol general de context. El context serà imprescindible per a entendre i explicar les emissions lingüístiques, ja que els éssers humans interpretem i definim de forma continuada les nostres situacions, percepcions i objectius socials, i és només en la unió de les emissions i els contextos on emergeix la significació. Desbrossar, categoritzar, classificar, ordenar, relacionar, és a dir, intentar comprendre tot el que passa en aquest pla complex de la comunicació verbal humana és una tasca difícil i ingent, a la qual Rosa Artigas aporta la seva contribució de manera rigorosa i aprofundida.
As the sociologist Norbert Elias pointed out, there is a need of new procedural models to get to grasp the complex functioning of human-beings-in-society. An ecological complexity approach could be useful to advance our knowledge. How... more
As the sociologist Norbert Elias pointed out, there is a need of new  procedural models to get to grasp the complex functioning of human-beings-in-society. An ecological complexity approach could be useful to advance our knowledge. How can we think of a sociolinguistic «ecosystem»? What elements do we need to put in such an ecosystem and what analogies could be applied? The (bio)ecological inspiration is a metaphorical exercise to proceed toward a more holistic approach in dynamic sociolinguistics. However, a language is not a species and, therefore, we need to make our complex ecology socio-cognitive and multidimensional. We need to create theories and represent to ourselves how language behaviour is woven together with its contexts in order to maintain language diversity and, at the same time, foster general human intercommunication on a planetary scale.
"As the sociologist Norbert Elias pointed out, there is a need of new procedural models to get to grasp the complex functioning of human-beings-in-society. An ecological complexity approach could be useful to advance our knowledge. How... more
"As the sociologist Norbert Elias pointed out, there is a need of new
procedural models to get to grasp the complex functioning of human-beings-in-society. An ecological complexity approach could be useful to advance our knowledge. How can we think of a sociolinguistic “ecosystem”? What elements do we need to put in such an ecosystem and what analogies could be applied? The
(bio)ecological inspiration is a metaphorical exercise to proceed toward a more holistic approach in dynamic sociolinguistics. However, a language is not a species and, therefore, we need to make our complex ecology socio-cognitive and multidimensional. We need to create theories and represent to ourselves how
language behaviour is woven together with its contexts in order to maintain language diversity and, at the same time, foster general human intercommunication on a planetary scale."
Intermediate phenomena of reality present particular characteristics of systemic self-organization, multilevel interrelations, recursivity, emergence of new «objects» with properties different from those of the elements that form them,... more
Intermediate phenomena of reality present particular characteristics of systemic self-organization, multilevel interrelations, recursivity, emergence of new «objects» with properties different from those of the elements that form them, and evolutionary dynamics, that probably need the formulation of new theoretical concepts and different paradigm principles. The sciences or perspectives of complexity, or the «complex» thinking, try to respond adequately to this complexity of reality. This approach adopts a multidimensional, integrated and dynamic view of reality: the world is made up of overlapping levels of different elements which produce new properties or new organizations at higher levels. If we conceive what we call languages as simple and decontextualized objects, we can understand some of the more mechanical aspects but we will ignore their conditions of existence, functionality, maintenance, variation, change and extinction.
Contact between culturally distinct human groups in the contemporary world is much greater than at any point in history. And the difficulties we face today in organising this coexistence and the relations between different national and... more
Contact between culturally distinct human groups in the contemporary world is much greater than at any point in history. And the difficulties we
face today in organising this coexistence and the relations between different
national and language groups are acquiring even greater urgency in an
age that is marked by significant technological and economic changes, and
by major migratory movements. Thus the challenge we face is the identification
of the most convenient ways to organise the coexistence of different
human language groups in order that we might promote their solidarity as
members of the same culturally developed biological species.
(ENGLISH TRANSLATION published as a chapter in: Massip-Bonet, A., & A. Bastardas-Boada (eds.), Complexity perspectives on language, communication and society, 2013). As the sociologist Norbert Elias pointed out, there is a need of new... more
(ENGLISH TRANSLATION published as a chapter in: Massip-Bonet, A., & A. Bastardas-Boada (eds.), Complexity perspectives on language, communication and society, 2013).
As the sociologist Norbert Elias pointed out, there is a need of new procedural models to get to grasp the complex functioning of human-beings-in-society. An ecological complexity approach could be useful to advance our knowledge. How can we think of a sociolinguistic «ecosystem»? What elements do we need to put in such an ecosystem and what analogies could be applied? The (bio)ecological inspiration is a metaphorical exercise to proceed toward a more holistic approach in dynamic sociolinguistics. However, a language is not a species and, therefore, we need to make our complex ecology socio-cognitive and multidimensional. We need to create theories and represent to ourselves how language behaviour is woven together with its contexts in order to maintain language diversity and, at the same time, foster general human intercommunication on a planetary scale.

CATALÀ: El sociòleg Norbert Elias assenyalava que les ciències socials es trobaven en una cruïlla que havien de saber superar. Per una banda, havien de distanciar-se de les categories conceptuals corrents de la vivència quotidiana de les persones  -tot i que, és clar, havien de ser tingudes en compte-  i per l’altra havien potser de ser crítiques i anar en compte si adoptaven els models de ‘cientificitat’ que els oferien les més experimentades ciències de la matèria, ja que aquests podien ser inadequats per al tipus de realitat que hom volia tractar d’entendre i explicar. Elias era ja conscient de la necessitat de noves eines de pensament i de nous models processuals si algun dia volíem arribar a capir el funcionament força complex dels éssers-humans-en-societat.
Durant la segona meitat del segle XX especialment, des de distints camps han anat sorgint diverses eines conceptuals i noves imatges que sembla que ens poden fer avançar en la direcció que demanava Elias. Autors com ara Gregory Bateson, Edgar Morin, David Bohm, o Fritjof Capra, entre d’altres, obren perspectives capaces d’anar produint una comprensió més adequada dels fenòmens sociomentals humans, basades en l’ecologia sistèmica. Altres autors, centrats més en la modelització de xarxes i dels sistemes dinàmics no-lineals des de perspectives més generals, van aportant també noves possibilitats de representació i comprensió d’aquest tipus de fenòmens. És a tot això que hem anat convenint d’anomenar perspectives o teories de la ‘complexitat’, tot cercant un rètol general que ens permeti integrar el conjunt d’aquestes innovacions. L’aplicació d’aquests enfocaments a la comprensió de diversos fenòmens socials, comunicativo-cognitius i lingüístics, resulta, doncs, plenament adequada ja que ens permet visualitzar molt més encertadament esdeveniments quotidians com ara les converses i, en general, la interacció social, les interrelacions lingüístiques de grups humans diferents, l’ús i el desús social de formes i varietats lingüístiques, el canvi històric d’aquestes, o bé els seus sociosignificats segons els distints grups i subgrups socioculturals. Alhora, podem construir una imatge multidimensional molt més integrada i coherent del propi sistema lingüístic tot connectant-lo, tal com cal, amb els individus i les seves cognicions i els seus comportaments socials, dins de l’ecosistema físicosocial en què tots aquests elements existeixen. La ‘mirada complexa’ se’ns ofereix com un camí per explorar, engrescador i plenament útil per a l’avenç dels nostres coneixements del nivell humà.
Conferència d'Albert Bastardas-Boada dins el curs 'Un ésser viu anomenat llenguatge' del CosmoCaixa a Barcelona, 2009. As the sociologist Norbert Elias pointed out, there is a need of new procedural models to get to grasp the complex... more
Conferència d'Albert Bastardas-Boada dins el curs 'Un ésser viu anomenat llenguatge' del CosmoCaixa a Barcelona, 2009.
As the sociologist Norbert Elias pointed out, there is a need of new procedural models to get to grasp the complex functioning of human-beings-in-society. An ecological complexity approach could be useful to advance our knowledge. How can we think of a sociolinguistic «ecosystem»? What elements do we need to put in such an ecosystem and what analogies could be applied? The (bio)ecological inspiration is a metaphorical exercise to proceed toward a more holistic approach in dynamic sociolinguistics. However, a language is not a species and, therefore, we need to make our complex ecology socio-cognitive and multidimensional. We need to create theories and represent to ourselves how language behaviour is woven together with its contexts in order to maintain language diversity and, at the same time, foster general human intercommunication on a planetary scale.
Vivimos en esta circunstancia histórica un aumento exponencial del contacto lingüístico. Los estados tradicionales se han integrado en unidades político-económicas más amplias, tienen a la vez que reorganizarse internamente para dar... more
Vivimos en esta circunstancia histórica un aumento exponencial del contacto lingüístico. Los estados tradicionales se han integrado en unidades  político-económicas más amplias, tienen a la vez que reorganizarse internamente para dar cuenta de la propia diversidad de sus grupos humanos constituyentes, se exponen a las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación, y reciben migraciones importantes de procedencia muy distinta, y todo en el marco de una conciencia superior de la unidad de la especie y, simultáneamente, de su diversidad cultural y de las crisis de la bio- y de la linguodiversidad. Desde el plano lingüístico, lo que tenemos específicamente encima de la mesa es el problema de la organización lingüística de la humanidad, es decir de una especie biológicamente única pero culturalmente diversa a causa fundamentalmente de su dispersión y fragmentación históricas y, a la vez, de su enorme potencial de creatividad. ¿Cómo re-unirnos de nuevo en un espacio comunicativo común, asegurando la intercomunicación, y a la vez, manteniendo lo que ya hemos construido en la diversidad de situaciones en que nos hemos tenido que desarrollar? La gran cuestión deviene, pues, ¿cómo hacer posible la comunicación entre todos los humanos y a la vez el mantenimiento de la diversidad lingüística, que también amamos y que nos define grupalmente?
"In the framework of the vision of the language phenomenon as a complex rather than an «object», the sociolinguistic approach focuses on language and its eco-socio-cognitive contexts. Thus, the sociolinguistic perspective is unavoidably... more
"In the framework of the vision of the language phenomenon as a complex rather than an «object», the sociolinguistic approach focuses on language and its eco-socio-cognitive contexts. Thus, the sociolinguistic perspective is unavoidably constituted from an interdisciplinary and a transdisciplinary perspective.Clearly, it sits astride a crossroads, where it must link varying routes and perspectives. Nevertheless, even today, sociolinguistics is a fragmented area, with many lines of study that are badly linked and poorly integrated. In this search for general unifying elements there is one notion that could act, at the vary least, as a cohesive force: the notion that refers to the extragrammatical phenomenon of sociosignificance, or 'social meaning', having to do with the diversity of «how we humans say things». Thus, in societies where various languages are present, to say something using one language or another may be felt as being significant for the interlocutors, just as may occur in the case where distinct geodialectal or sociodialectal varieties, which may be valued differently by the inhabitants, converge. Furthermore, to a greater extent on the interpersonal level, the selection of adequate linguistic and paralinguistic forms is crucial if, for example, we wish to indicate anger or happiness and a festive mood.

The discipline that we have agreed to call «language policy and planning» sees to the study of decision-making processes and public intervention in the linguistic organization of society. It also studies the structures that such an organization may adopt and its evolutionary effects on sociomeanings and language behaviors, both public and private. Ideally, it would differentiate itself from sociolinguistics in the sense that sociolinguistics would project a global perspective on the phenomena being studied, while language policy and planning could be an applied, more pared down, perspective, specializing in the most political aspects of the situation.

Contrary to the predominant tradition,we must stress the need to apply a comprehensive eco-socio-significant vision in this field also. Such a view would include all the factors that contribute to the determination and development of the phenomena dealt with here, going beyond a «technocratic» conception. «Eco» — from «ecology» — to indicate an ecosystemic vision of the facts observed, in order to overcome a purely legalistic or a purely linguistic perspective. «Socio» to indicate that clearly, at the center of the phenomen of language planning and policy are human beings and their sociocultural organization. «Significant», in order to remind us, as we have already indicated for sociolinguistics, that we must not move forward with a mindless sociology, and to alert us to the great importance of processes and structures for the representation of reality in deciding human behaviors. "
The migrations of recent years pose new challenges for the social use of Catalan. It behoves institutions to create foundation for the Catalan population to understand and accept these phenomena so as to facilitate the integration of... more
The migrations of recent years pose new challenges for the social use of Catalan. It behoves institutions to create foundation for the Catalan population to understand and accept these phenomena so as to facilitate the integration of these new citizens. The case of Canada indicates that an open attitude on the part of the  population is essential for integration. Every year since 1990, this country has received about 200,000 immigrants, most of whom are of Asian origin. Sociolinguistic analyses indicate that while typically the first generation does not do a good job of learning the country's languages, English and French, the second generation has already developed a mastery of them. The degree of mastery depends on the social level and the size of the ethnic group. In the case of the Chinese, for example, there is a greater degree of language maintenance because they tend to congregate in closed groups that function in Chinese. In the specific case of Quebec, while a majority of the students who reached the province before turning 15 adopt French as their lingua franca, English wins out among the adult population. The Quebec government has control over immigration and can give preference to French-culture immigrants in order to facilitate their integration. In Catalonia, it is important for the Generalitat (the Autonomous Government of Catalonia) to have jurisdiction over immigration matters in order for few citizens to understand the reality of the Catalan sociolinguistic situation. The necessary conditions must be created to allow these new citizens to acquire knowledge of both official languages. The Catalan situation is less favourable than that of Quebec because in Catalonia, Catalan is often not the language of interaction on the street.
Continguts: conflicte lingüístic, minorització lingüística, normalització lingüística, planificació lingüística, política lingüística, sociolingüística, subordinació lingüística, substitució lingüística, ús. [Articles on Sociolinguistics... more
Continguts: conflicte lingüístic, minorització lingüística, normalització lingüística, planificació lingüística, política lingüística, sociolingüística, subordinació lingüística, substitució lingüística, ús. [Articles on Sociolinguistics from the Dictionary of Linguistics. Contents: language conflict, language minoritization, linguistic normalization, language planning, language policy, sociolinguistics, language subordination, language shift, language use]
Government language policy measures aimed at promoting the maintenance of specific languages pose a special challenge when the speakers of a specific language group living amongst other language groups in a given territory constitute a... more
Government language policy measures aimed at promoting the maintenance of specific languages pose a special challenge when the speakers of a specific language group living amongst other language groups in a given territory constitute a minority.

The current sociolinguistic situation in Catalonia is no longer a typical case of what has traditionally been referred to as "language normalization", but, rather, a complex situation in which the coexistence of two large language groups has become a factor that shall determine the outlook and future development of the situation. Consequently, one must complement traditional approaches with other perspectives based on similar cases, the main point of commonality being the territorial coexistence of two different language groups. These cases should also be framed in such a way that both groups have official recognition for their languages and the public authorities implement language equality policies.

An example of this situation may be found in Francophone Canada outside of Quebec. There, the language rights of the French-speaking population are guaranteed by the Constitution. However, the majority of the Francophone population outside Quebec is integrated in societies and commercial and media environments which are predominately Anglo. A close look at this situation shows that the weakening of the integenerational continuity of French in these areas cannot be understood without taking into account the fundamental role of social relationships.

Speaking of the continuity of the Catalan language community, the author maintains that one cannot ignore informal language behaviours and at the same time expect language policy measures to ensure the future and guarantee the stability of Catalan use.
En l’examen comparatiu dels diferents casos de contacte lingüístic, en un sentit ampli, on el factor polític és el més desencadenant – a part que després n’hi pugui haver o no d’altres que fins i tot portin al contacte directe i freqüent... more
En l’examen comparatiu dels diferents casos de contacte lingüístic, en un sentit ampli, on el factor polític és el més desencadenant – a part que després n’hi pugui haver o no d’altres que fins i tot portin al contacte directe i freqüent entre les poblacions – sorprèn, malgrat moltes evolucions coincidents, l’existència de casos que presenten processos divergents dels majoritàriament observats. Així, trobem històricament situacions en què el grup en contacte ha evolucionat cap a l’abandonament de la varietat lingüística pròpia en la comunicació amb els seus fills – i, en conseqüència, l’adopció de la varietat usada de forma generalitzada en les comunicacions que Corbeil anomena « institucionalitzades » – i d’altres que es caracteritzen per la permanència força o molt estabilitzada de la varietat o varietats pròpies en aquesta funció comunicativa. Aquests últims casos semblen desafiar, per tant, la hipòtesi general que afirmaria que els grups humans massivament bilingüitzats i amb una plena o total ocupació de funcions públiques per part d’una varietat estàndarditzada estructuralment allunyada o clarament basada en un sistema lingüístic diferent evolucionen intergeneracionalment cap a l’extinció dels seus codis nadius, donada la interrupció habitual de la transmissió de les seves varietats vernaculars a les generacions posteriors. Simplificant, podríem dir que l’interrogant sorgeix en comparar les situacions anomenades de « substitució lingüística » amb les catalogades com de « diglòssia » (en la terminologia i sentit de Ferguson). ¿Com és que, malgrat distàncies interlingüístiques considerables – com ara en el cas grec o el suís-alemany – i una clara distribució de funcions dites « altes » i « baixes » no es produeix el fet de l’abandonament intergeneracional de les « baixes » en favor de les « altes »? No és precisament això el que ocorre en molts casos de « substitució lingüística »? Per què, doncs, ocorre en uns casos i no en uns altres? Què fa que situacions superficialment semblants des del punt de vista del contacte lingüístic puguin evolucionar de manera tan crucialment diferent?
Human societies contain elements which favor persistence in cultural and linguistic behavior - especially intra-generationally- and elements which favor change -more likely to evolve inter-generationally. Which elements help us to... more
Human societies contain elements which favor persistence in cultural and linguistic behavior - especially intra-generationally- and elements which favor change -more likely to evolve inter-generationally. Which elements help us to understand the dynamics of processes and to carry out sociolinguistic planning in order to ensure, for example, maximum use of a language in recession both in institutionalized and individualized communications? At least three important, complementary aspects should be considered. here: persistence, resistance and change itself. Human behavior shows a tendency towards functional persistence. The subconscious is responsible for a large part of human behavior, and so once a certain behavior has shown its efficiency and functionality in everyday life it becomes routine and occurs without the subject being aware of it, until a new behavior becomes the norm. Many norms in language behavior have this characteristic, which may explain the sociological observation that many types of behavior persist even though the conditions which led to such behavior disappear. The concept which perhaps most adequately explains this phenomenon is that of habitus, from Pierre Bourdieu.
The Catalan situation is representative regarding the birth of the linguistic usage norm in inter-group meetings. The norm will be the product both of the conditions of the moment and situation themselves, as of the past history of... more
The Catalan situation is
representative regarding the birth of the linguistic usage norm
in inter-group meetings. The norm will be the product both
of the conditions of the moment and situation themselves, as of
the past history of the different human groups in contact. The
linguistic competence developed up till then by the individuals
involved, the representation of reality as a result of their
previous experiences, and the global power relationships existing
between both groups, will determine the election and the
evolution of the inter-communal linguistic behaviour. If headway
is made towards a deep and stable social integration, this norm
will in all probability have effects on the direction of the
linguistic changes which will take place in the future in the new
society of plural origins. To later change the norm initially
adopted on a majority basis, and further consecrated by means of
daily routine usage, will not be an easy rapid process of direct
intervention on the individuals themselves, but rather on the
contrary: it will be a slow, painstaking enterprise which will
probably only end in massive success by means of intergenerational
substitution of the population.
It is increasingly common to find the two elements 'language' and 'identity' united in a single discourse, one in which they appear as an increasingly common syntagm. In the past this was commonplace in the context of minoritized groups... more
It is increasingly common to find the two elements 'language' and 'identity' united in a single discourse, one in which they appear as an increasingly common syntagm. In the past this was commonplace in the context of minoritized groups or migration, usually within the most subordinate group, but nowadays it is also appearing in the discourse of majority groups or those in a position of superiority. This is clearly a result of the greater contact between human groups produced by technological and economic globalization, a process which is extending the traditional areas of inter-relationship not only to a continental but also to a planetary level. As a consequence, groups that previously would not have recognised and/or would have given short shrift to the claims of sub-groups within their nation state over language and identity, now find themselves obliged to take on board these discourses, since the new situation in which they find themselves can begin to seem unsettling in this regard. Thus, the ‘defence’ of language and identity has entered international debate as never before, particularly as regards the spread of English as the language of global relations, but also with respect to the new political and economic unions that cross individual state borders. The new ‘fears over identity’ aroused through globalization, and their association with language, rest fundamentally on the dual social function of language, namely communication and identification (or identity-building).
(Text based on the plenary speech for the X Linguapax Congress on 'Linguistic diversity, sustainability and peace', Forum 2004, Barcelona). Previously published in Glossa. An Ambilingual Interdisciplinary Journal (Puerto Rico, 2007), and... more
(Text based on the plenary speech for the X Linguapax Congress on 'Linguistic diversity, sustainability and peace', Forum 2004, Barcelona). Previously published in Glossa. An Ambilingual Interdisciplinary Journal (Puerto Rico, 2007), and in Sustainable Multilingualism / Darnioji Daugiakalbystė 5 (Lithuania 2014).
Just as sustainable development does not negate the development and the desire for material improvement of human societies but at one and the same time wants to maintain ecosystemic balance with nature, so linguistic sustainability accepts polyglottisation and intercommunication among groups and persons yet still calls for the continuity and full development of human linguistic groups. Just as in the general sustainability framework we think and act in ways intended not to destroy our very biospheric context and intended to save the natural resources we depend on, in linguistic sustainability we want to develop ourselves and intercommunicate with each other without destroying the linguistic and cultural resources that identify us. From a sustainability ethics, the diversity of the ways different groups of the species communicate is clearly a value to protect, and not as an ‘anthropological’ curio but because of the intrinsic and inalienable dignity of human persons and societies.
We are aware that even though the aims and principles of the philosophy of sustainability are by nature universal, their application must be differentiated according to given situations, their particular constrictions, and their evolutionary moments. Certainly, linguistic sustainability will require different actions according to the degree of, for example, the group’s techno-industrial development, its political organisation, the composition of its populations, collective self-images, the general force of the languages present, etc. But for each case we are sure that we can go forward towards creating ‘good practices’ that will lead us to the application of a sustainable multilingualism. Probably the priorities will be different: in economically underdeveloped groups, for example, swift action would be necessary to keep their own languages from falling into discredit with their own speakers. But in groups with greater economic development but with an already important loss of their language it might be necessary to intervene in the intergenerational transmission still capable of being saved. And in other small countries with a strong presence of an international language, it may turn out to be necessary to replace the functions of the latter in order to halt its abusive and unbalancing uses, etc. Much work still remains to be done to be able to reach a clear assessment of the models, their phases, the different situations to which they correspond, the priorities and interventions, and the most adequate action and evaluation strategies.
The authors propose the concept of medium-sized languages for those communities with large enough demographic dimensions (between 500,000 and 25 million speakers) to be able to have administrative, academic, communicative, and political... more
The authors propose the concept of medium-sized languages for those communities with large enough demographic dimensions (between 500,000 and 25 million speakers) to be able to have administrative, academic, communicative, and political resources, which are totally or not independent. From this categorization, Catalan is not a small language. For this reason, its situation is compared with other similar European languages (such as Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Czech, Lithuanian, Estonian, etc.).

The choice of languages at home, within families, is one of the keys to the linguistic socialization of the new generations, and this is the topic of five chapters of the book. The data collected indicate that in Catalonia, Catalan first language speakers have considerable subjective ethnolinguistic vitality, as evidenced by the fact that the majority maintain the use of Catalan in raising their children. There are even cases of L1 Spanish-speakers who adopt Catalan (they are new speakers) as the main language of the family, while Spanish is still used. On the other hand, research on intergenerational language transmission in other Catalan-speaking territories is more discouraging: Spanish predominates in bilingual families, a tendency that contributes to general use of Spanish both in the Valencian cities and in the Bay of Palma de Mallorca.

In this context, language policies are of major importance to continue or reverse the loss of the uses of minoritized languages. The question still becomes more complex with the current process of globalization, which affects societies and can bring into crisis the traditional ecosystems in which human language diversity exists. This book also studies language policy in depth in the academic field and highlights the importance of micro actions as a tool to promote interpersonal uses.

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Los autores proponen el concepto de lenguas medianas (medium-sized languages) para aquellas comunidades con dimensiones demográficas bastante amplias (entre 500.000 y 25 millones de hablantes) como para poder disponer de recursos administrativos, académicos, comunicativos y políticos, sean o no totalmente independientes. Desde esta categorización, el catalán no es una lengua pequeña, razón por la cual se compara su situación con la de otras lenguas europeas similares (como el danés, el holandés, el finés, el noruego, el sueco, el checo, el lituano, el estonio, etc.).

La elección de lenguas en el hogar, en el seno de las familias, constituye una de las claves de la socialización lingüística de las nuevas generaciones, y de ello se ocupan cinco capítulos del libro. Los datos recogidos señalan que en Cataluña los hablantes de catalán como primera lengua tienen una considerable vitalidad etnolingüística subjetiva, como lo prueba el hecho de que la mayoría mantienen el uso del catalán en la crianza de los hijos. Incluso se observan casos de castellanohablantes de origen que adoptan el catalán (son nuevos hablantes) como lengua principal en la familia, al tiempo que se mantiene el castellano. En cambio, las investigaciones sobre transmisión lingüística intergeneracional en los otros territorios de lengua catalana son más desalentadoras: el castellano predomina en las familias bilingües, tendencia que contribuye a la castellanización generalizada tanto en las ciudades valencianas como en la bahía de Palma.

En este contexto, las políticas lingüísticas toman una importancia primordial para continuar o para revertir la pérdida de los usos de las lenguas minorizadas. La cuestión aún se hace más compleja con el actual proceso de globalización, que internacionaliza las sociedades y puede hacer entrar en crisis los ecosistemas tradicionales en que se solía mantener la linguodiversidad humana. El libro también estudia a fondo las políticas lingüísticas en el ámbito académico y destaca la importancia de las actuaciones micro como herramienta para impulsar los usos interpersonales.
El siglo XXI nos ha llevado a metrópolis polilingües, en que a menudo poblaciones ya bilingüizadas, por el hecho de estar integradas en estados en los que otra lengua es predominante, conviven con numerosas personas de lengua inicial... more
El siglo XXI nos ha llevado a metrópolis polilingües, en que a menudo poblaciones ya bilingüizadas, por el hecho de estar integradas en estados en los que otra lengua es predominante, conviven con numerosas personas de lengua inicial diferente procedentes del mismo territorio estatal y/o de diversos lugares del planeta. En las sociedades más desarrolladas, a eso se añade una tendencia creciente al conocimiento y al uso de las grandes lenguas internacionales, por la participación de muchas empresas y organizaciones en las redes continentales o globales. Este gran aumento de los contactos lingüísticos constituye un cambio muy importante en los ecosistemas socioculturales territoriales en los que tradicionalmente los distintos grupos humanos habían ido desarrollando sus lenguas. Si no aprendemos a gestionar bien las nuevas situaciones, las evoluciones sociolingüísticas podrían tener efectos futuros no precisamente positivos para la linguodiversidad humana.
One crucial aspect of a sustainability approach to linguistic diversity is the distinction between the causes of bilingualisation and those of the intergenerational language shift. As the Canadian sociologist Stanley Lieberson already... more
One crucial aspect of a sustainability approach to linguistic diversity is the distinction between the causes of bilingualisation and those of the intergenerational language shift. As the Canadian sociologist Stanley Lieberson already observed many years ago, probably they are not exactly the same ones. Bilingualisation is perhaps a condition that is necessary but not sufficient to explain the evolution towards the intergenerational disuse of the local varieties.
If we compare language shift processes with the cases of stable balance, such as for example the diglossia typical of German Switzerland, we find that very probably the reason for the relative stability of the cases of diglossic distribution must be sought inthe politico-cognitive dimension. The perception of dependence and, in consequence, of self-deprecation, taking a group or foreign cultural elements as a main referent of behaviour and of values, simply doesn’t need to take place.
In order to be able to avoid or to act on the abandonment of languages by its bilingual or polyglot speakers, the main need will be to achieve an impact on their representations of reality. In cases where the speakers have arrived at an interiorising of negative evaluations regarding their L1, they will need to be exposed to a discourse and a situation that present alternatives which promote and dignify their language and their group.To promote the linguistic sustainability of a language in already bilingualized groups requires the maintenance and development of a language’s normal functions within its own geo-social space so that those who speak it retain a highly positive image and feel assured and rewarded as regards their identity.
One of the basic principles underlying linguistic sustainability could be funcional subsidiarity, i.e., whatever can be done by the local or group language should not be done by another one which is more global. In other words, the native languages of human communities should, by default, carry out the majority of daily functions, while only those functions of a strictly supra-group nature should be addressed through more widely shared languages. From this point of view, the sustainable character of a massive bilingualisation comes from the comparison between the degree of valuation and functions of the Language that is not originally that of the group (L2) and that of the language that is originally that of the group (L1). If the first is lower, the contact massive and the bilingualisation are sustainable. If it is greater, the bilingualisation is not sustainable and the language original to the group will degrade and disappear in a few decades.
One of the dangers that we should be aware of when we study issues of language policy and planning is the fragmentary perspective by which they can be approached. Reality, by contrast, is interrelated and overlapping. This is why a... more
One of the dangers that we should be aware of when we study issues of language policy and planning is the fragmentary perspective by which they can be approached. Reality, by contrast, is interrelated and overlapping. This is why a complexity perspective stresses the importance of studying the contexts of phenomena, that is to say, their external relations. The direction to be followed here leads towards a better understanding of reality as a set of open systems that are in continuous exchange with the surrounding ecosystem, bearing in mind always that any apparent stability is the result of a dynamic equilibrium. Making headway towards an interdisciplinary approach is therefore necessary and imperative.
Headings such as status/normative/institution vis-à-vis others such as solidarity/normal/individual seem to imply a basic distinction in the definition of sociocultural reality. To discover and understand the dynamics of the interaction between these two major categories is, in fact, one of the most important subjects waiting to be addressed by language planning and policy strategies and more broadly by sociolinguistics. An interrelated set of guiding questions for the field could thus be stated as follows: What group or organisation, in pursuit of what overall objective or intention, wants to achieve what, where, how and when; and what do they actually achieve, and why? With this approach, even if how a group or organisation obtains its desired goal – that is, its actual intervention – is included as one of the main elements in a piece of research, the research will not focus exclusively on this topic, but will frame the intervention and identify how it is interrelated with all the other elements involved globally in this phenomenon, trying to establish a clear theoretical understanding of the entire interwoven set of events and processes.
Contact between culturally distinct human groups in the contemporary ‘glocal’ -global and local- world is much greater than at any point in history. The challenge we face is the identification of the most convenient ways to organise the... more
Contact between culturally distinct human groups in the contemporary ‘glocal’  -global and local- world is much greater than at any point in history. The challenge we face is the identification of the most convenient ways to organise the coexistence of different human language groups in order that we might promote their solidarity as members of the same culturally developed biological species in the globalization era.

Processes of economic and political integration currently in motion are seeing increasing numbers of people seeking to become polyglots. Thus, English is establishing itself as the usual world supra-language, although it coexists with other lingua francas that are widely used in certain parts of the globe.

All this communicative reorganization of the human species may very well pose new problems and aggravate existing tensions as regards language and identity. It would seem that these processes comprise at least four major conceptual dimensions which must be taken into account above all else, as they are both widespread and, left unaddressed, may lead to significant social instability. These dimensions concern linguistic recognition, communicability, sustainability and integration.

While accepting the utility of having an inter-national language, the keystone of the system is clearly that it must ensure the linguistic sustainability of each group. The basic principle is likely to be functional subsidiarity, i.e., whatever can be done by the local language should not be done by another one which is more global. As in the quote from Paracelsus  --“the dose alone makes the poison”-- contact between languages is not ‘poisonous’ per se, but when the correct dose is exceeded it can prove harmful to the language whose position is weaker. A multilingual and communicated humanity is possible.
Vivimos en esta circunstancia histórica un aumento exponencial del contacto lingüístico. Los estados tradicionales se han integrado en unidades político-económicas más amplias, tienen a la vez que reorganizarse internamente para dar... more
Vivimos en esta circunstancia histórica un aumento exponencial del contacto lingüístico. Los estados tradicionales se han integrado en unidades  político-económicas más amplias, tienen a la vez que reorganizarse internamente para dar cuenta de la propia diversidad de sus grupos humanos constituyentes, se exponen a las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación, y reciben migraciones importantes de procedencia muy distinta, y todo en el marco de una conciencia superior de la unidad de la especie y, simultáneamente, de su diversidad cultural y de las crisis de la bio- y de la linguodiversidad. Desde el plano lingüístico, lo que tenemos específicamente encima de la mesa es el problema de la organización lingüística de la humanidad, es decir de una especie biológicamente única pero culturalmente diversa a causa fundamentalmente de su dispersión y fragmentación históricas y, a la vez, de su enorme potencial de creatividad. ¿Cómo re-unirnos de nuevo en un espacio comunicativo común, asegurando la intercomunicación, y a la vez, manteniendo lo que ya hemos construido en la diversidad de situaciones en que nos hemos tenido que desarrollar? La gran cuestión deviene, pues, ¿cómo hacer posible la comunicación entre todos los humanos y a la vez el mantenimiento de la diversidad lingüística, que también amamos y que nos define grupalmente?
El pleno reconocimiento oficial, digno e igualitario, del catalán -y de las otras lenguas de los colectivos nacionales distintos- por parte de la propia Constitución española y del conjunto de las instituciones y administraciones... more
El pleno reconocimiento oficial, digno e igualitario, del catalán -y de las otras lenguas de los colectivos nacionales distintos- por parte de la propia Constitución española y del conjunto de las instituciones y administraciones estatales generales es una asignatura pendiente de la democracia española. Los principios actualmente vigentes, que han hecho posible la oficialización del catalán en las instituciones autonómicas y locales, se quedan cortos -al menos tal como se han aplicado hasta ahora- en hacer visible a los ciudadanos de Catalunya que las instituciones generales del Estado son también suyas, que son mantenidas también con sus impuestos y que les pertenecen, y que además acogen felizmente su diferencia lingüística para desarrollarla y darle futuro, en un clima de solidaridad y cooperación.
España constituye hoy uno de los estados plurilingües occidentales más importantes y complejos. Aproximadamente un cuarenta por ciento de la población vive en zonas con doble oficialidad lingüística y al menos un veinte por ciento usa... more
España constituye hoy uno de los estados plurilingües occidentales más importantes y complejos. Aproximadamente un cuarenta por ciento de la población vive en zonas con doble oficialidad lingüística y al menos un veinte por ciento usa habitualmente alguna de las lenguas no castellanas. La Constitución Española de 1978 estableció un modelo lingüístico ambivalente, como fruto que fue del pacto y la negociación características de todo proceso constituyente, y especialmente, como fue el caso, cuando éste tuvo lugar después de una larga dictadura. Valdría la pena ahora poder encaminarse hacia una estructuración más avanzada del reconocimiento oficial de la diversidad lingüística en España. Habría llegado la hora de aprender de la experiencia de las democracias plurilingües occidentales (como, por ejemplo, Canadá, Bélgica, Finlandia o Suiza) y de construir un modelo propio español de gestión del multilingüismo. El contraste con estas otras experiencias existentes de regulación más igualitaria de la diversidad lingüística en estados compuestos hace ver que el caso español tiene aún camino para poder mejorar y para poder llegar a niveles de acomodación más satisfactoria del plurilingüismo.
The extraordinary tendency of human beings to think in terms of dichotomies could be the root of the problem. In the past, and even nowadays, this tendency to think in terms of dichotomies seems to have dominated the view of language... more
The extraordinary tendency of human beings to think in terms of dichotomies could be the root of the problem. In the past, and even nowadays, this tendency to think in terms of dichotomies seems to have dominated the view of language contact, thus making it impossible for all groups concerned to live in more harmonious contentment. The vast majority of states seem to find it impossible or very difficult to structure themselves politically in a way that would permit both the continuity of the linguistic life of their constituent groups and the intercommunication necessary for common living between these groups. The great majority seem to choose one over the other: they either impose a single official language for all groups, without recognizing the diversity (and often explicitly against this), or the existing linguistic groups are recognised but the matter of intercommunication is not resolved satisfactorily. It is hard to believe that either option can have a future in the current era of mankind: against the background of positive growth of the democratic and egalitarian conscience of human groups and the dignity of each and every one of these,historical groups that have been thus far subordinated will not sit back and allow the introduction of solutions condemning them to a reduced linguistic existence when this could be full and normal. Moreover, a political and linguistic organisation that does not consider the forms of intercommunication between its components in the best possible way is not sustainable.Thus, there is no alternative but to explore imaginatively other forms of political and linguistic organisation that could make the two objectives above compatible: preserving the linguistic diversity and dignity of all historical linguistic groups, while ensuring fluent intercommunication and a feeling of solidarity among our species.
One of the errors that can be frequently spotted in the study of the policy and planning of language matters is the fragmentary perspective in which they are created. Reality is, on the contrary, interrelated and overlapping. This is why... more
One of the errors that can be frequently spotted in the study of the policy and planning of language matters is the fragmentary perspective in which they are created. Reality is, on the contrary, interrelated and overlapping. This is why the ecological perspective stresses the importance of the study of the contexts of the phenomena, that is to say, of their external relations. The direction to be followed is towards an understanding of reality as a set of open systems with a continuous interchange with the ecosystem of which they are part, being aware of the fact that the apparent stability is always the result of a dynamic balance. The advance towards an interdisciplinary mode is therefore necessary and peremptory. Headings such as status / normative / institution vis-à-vis others such as solidarity / normal / individual seem to imply a basic distinction of the definition of sociocultural reality. To discover and understand the dynamics of the interaction between these two great categorical orders is, in fact, one of the most important subjects waiting to be addressed by language planning and political strategies, and, in general, by sociolinguistics, as well. The fundamental macroquestion of the field could thus be stated in the following terms: what group or organization, and with what aim, wants to obtain what, where, how, when, and obtains what and why? This way, even if how they obtain the desired goal -that is, the actual intervention- is included as one of the main elements, the research does not exclusively devote itself to this topic, but rather frames it and interrelates it with all the other elements that globally participate in this phenomenon, trying to establish a clear theoretical understanding of the corresponding events and processes.
En el examen comparativo de los diferentes casos de contacto lingüístico en qué el factor político es el más desencadenante, encontramos históricamente situaciones en qué el grupo en contacto ha evolucionado hacia el abandono de la... more
En el examen comparativo de los diferentes casos de contacto lingüístico en qué el factor político es el más desencadenante, encontramos históricamente situaciones en qué el grupo en contacto ha evolucionado hacia el abandono de la variedad lingüística propia en la comunicación con sus hijos, y otros casos que se caracterizan por la permanencía bastante o muy estabilizada de la variedad o variedades propias en esta función comunicativa. Estos últimos casos parecen desafiar, por tanto, la hipótesis general que afirmaría que los grupos humanos masivamente bilingüizados y con una plena o total ocupación de funciones públicas por parte de una variedad estandarizada estructuralmente distante o basada claramente en un sistema lingüístico diferente evolucionan intergeneracionalmente hacia la extinción de sus códigos nativos. El interrogante surge, pues, cuando comparamos las situaciones llamadas de « sustitución lingüística » con las catalogadas como de « diglosia » (según el sentido de Ferguson).

Si fuese cierta ineluctablemente la hipótesis de que las sociedades con bilingüismo masivo y distribución de funciones sociales -frecuentemente entre institucionalizadas e individualizadas- de variedades estructuramente bastante o muy distintas evolucionan generalmente hacia la selección de un solo código para todas las funciones, incluso las de comunicación intergeneracional, el futuro de la linguodiversidad del planeta podría parecer ya sentenciado, dado el actual proceso de extensión a nivel planetario de las áreas tradicionales de comunicación facilitado por las nuevas tecnologias de la comunicación y el hecho de la globalización de las relaciones económicas.

En las situaciones habitualmente designadas como « diglosias », sin poder llegar a afirmar la inmutabilidad y perennidad de éstas, sí se puede observar, en general, que muchos de estos casos llevan persistiendo -o, en todo caso, sin que registren evoluciones negativas para las variedades vernaculares- periodos similares a los que han necesitado otras situaciones para cambiar radicalmente. Quizás el ejemplo más claro de esta tipología sea, como ya indicó el mismo Ferguson, el caso suízo-alemán, aunque según el mismo autor encontraríamos unos doscientos casos más que encajarían en la noción clásica de diglosia que él mismo estableció.

De hecho, como señaló también el propio Ferguson, la característica fundamental de su tipología de diglossia es el hecho de la distribución radical de las funciones, en que nunca la variedad estándar es usada por ningún grupo social para la comunicación informal cotidiana. Con la intervención de esta categorización claramente separada de las variedades y de sus funciones, las modalidades orales no son cuestionadas ni por los grupos de más alto estatus social y conservan todo su prestigio con respecto al estándar oficial, el cual no es adoptado nunca en las comunicaciones individualizadas.
Si esto es así, ¿cómo podremos asegurar adecuadamente la comunicación lingüística entre el conjunto dela humanidad y a la vez continuar disponiendo de índice aceptable de diversidad lingüística?
Las decisiones que en materia lingüística adopte el poder político tienen consecuencias de gran importancia para el ecosistema sociolingüístico existente hasta el momento. De hecho, la regulación espontánea y, frecuentemente, incluso... more
Las decisiones que en materia lingüística adopte el poder político tienen consecuencias de gran importancia para el ecosistema sociolingüístico existente hasta el momento. De hecho, la regulación espontánea y, frecuentemente, incluso acéntrica de las formas de la comunicación social habitual se verá afectada por la superposición de los nuevos factores de influencia. Los hablantes de las variedades vernaculares existentes entrarán en contacto con modelos lingüísticos de los que diferirán en mayor o menor grado según la distancia estructural. El conocimiento y la adopción para determinadas funciones públicas del código o códigos seleccionados por el estado para estos fines podrá repercutir en diferente intensidad sobre las variedades existentes. Los hablantes de algunos vernáculos podrán hacer evolucionar éstos gradualmente hacia formas y sentidos más próximos a la variedad oficializada pero conservando aún importantes rasgos propios, mientras que otros pueden llegar a abandonar totalmente sus hablas propias y adoptar en la vida cotidiana una variedad simplemente coloquial del código público instaurado. En los casos en que además de distancia lingüística estructural existe conciencia de colectivo diferenciado históricamente y esta diferencia, no vivida negativamente, no ha sido reconocida por el estado en su organización lingüística, sus hablantes pueden optar por aprender y usar la lengua oficializada sólo en aquellas funciones estrictamente necesarias, mientras conservan plenamente el uso de sus variedades propias -más o menos interferidas por las formas de la variedad oficial- en el resto de sus actividades cotidianas.
One of the errors that can be frequently spotted in the study of the politics and planning of language matters is the fragmentary perspective in which they are created. Reality is, on the contrary, interrelated and overlapping. This is... more
One of the errors that can be frequently spotted in the study of the politics and planning of language matters is the fragmentary perspective in which they are created. Reality is, on the contrary, interrelated and overlapping. This is why the ecological perspective stresses the importance of the study of the contexts of the phenomena, that is to say, of their external relations. The direction to be followed is towards an understanding of reality as a set of open systems with a continuous interchange with the ecosystem of which they are part, being aware of the fact that the apparent stability is always the result of a dynamic balance. The advance towards an interdisciplinary mode is therefore necessary and peremptory. Headings such as status / normative / institution vis-à-vis others such as solidarity / normal / individual seem to imply a basic distinction of the definition of sociocultural reality. To discover and understand the dynamics of the interaction between these two great categorical orders is, in fact, one of the most important subjects waiting to be addressed by language planning and political strategies, and, in general, by sociolinguistics, as well. The fundamental macroquestion of the field could thus be stated in the following terms: what group or organization, and with what aim, wants to obtain what, where, how, when, and obtains what and why? This way, even if how they obtain the desired goal -that is, the actual intervention- is included as one of the main elements, the research does not exclusively devote itself to this topic, but rather frames it and interrelates it with all the other elements that globally participate in this phenomenon, trying to establish a clear theoretical understanding of the corresponding events and processes.
El libro recoge las ponencias presentadas al simposio "Estado y población plurilingüe" celebrado en 1991 en la Universidad de Barcelona. La obra se centra en la regulación de los usos lingüísticos en los órganos centrales comunes del... more
El libro recoge las ponencias presentadas al simposio "Estado y población plurilingüe" celebrado en 1991 en la Universidad de Barcelona. La obra se centra en la regulación de los usos lingüísticos en los órganos centrales comunes del estado en los países de población multilingüe. Además de la introducción de los coordinadores -Albert Bastardas y Emili Boix- incluye los siguientes capítulos: -William F. Mackey, La ecología de las sociedades plurilingües. -Pete Van de Craen, El papel de la legislación lingüística o la regulación del pluralismo lingüístico en Bélgica. -Kenneth McRae, El establecimiento de una política lingüística en sociedades plurilingües: cinco dimensiones cruciales. -Rudolf Viletta, El plurilingüismo en los ámbitos federales de la confederación suiza. -Jaume Vernet i Llobet, La regulación del plurilingüismo en la administración española. -Rafael L. Ninyoles, España como país plurilingüe: líneas de futuro. -Oriol Ramon i Mimó, Plurilingüismo en las comunidades europeas.
We define as linguístic normalization - the descriptive term conceived by Lluís V. Aracil (1965) - those processes which certain linguistic communities, politically dominated over a long period of history, adopt in order to create the... more
We define as linguístic normalization  - the descriptive term conceived by Lluís V. Aracil (1965) -  those processes which certain linguistic communities, politically dominated over a long period of history, adopt in order to create the necessary conditions for ensuring in full their normality and stability as a human gro up with a distinct language of their own. This process generally entails the supplanting of the alien language, viz. that of the dominant national group, by a linguistic code of their own, derived from the autochtonous community itself, as the vehicle for serving all the internal functions which the other language had until then monopolized by reason of the political dependence of the subject community. These communicative functions, carried out in the linguistic code of the alien national group wielding political and military power, generally correspond to those which, being of a public nature, can more easily be kept under the control of the established political institutions. Thus, the use of the alien tongue and the exclusion of the autochtonous language is often the habitual norm in these cases as regards the conduct of affairs in governmental spheres (political authorities, administrative offices, etc.), organized education, the mas s media, business correspondence, and public announcements and notices in general, etc. Thereafter, its use can extend, depen ding on circumstances, to areas of a more private nature, such as written personal intercommunication, literary works and even to informal oral exchanges with other persons - at first of alien origin and subsequently within the subordinate national group itself.
En l'estudi comparatiu dels diversos casos de planificació del multilingüisme, i més concretament dels emmarcats dins del sistema de vida occidental, les situacions de Quebec, Catalunya i del País Basc semblen tenir -malgrat les seves... more
En l'estudi comparatiu dels diversos casos de planificació del multilingüisme, i més
concretament dels emmarcats dins del sistema de vida occidental, les situacions de Quebec, Catalunya i del País Basc semblen tenir -malgrat les seves obvies diferencies- força punts de similitud i coincidencia. Aquests tres casos poden constituir -juntament amb d'altres de semblants condicions estructurals- una tipologia caracteritzada per dos grans factors:
a) la seva subordinació política a un estat central dominat per un altre grup lingüístic,
majoritari en els territoris que a nivell global conté aquesta organització sobirana; i
b) la presencia en el territori autòcton d'un important contingent d'individus pertanyents
lingüísticament al grup majoritari del conjunt de l'estat (com a conseqüència d'assentaments
històrics, de migracions recents o de substitució lingüística en la pròpia comunitat
Contact between culturally distinct human groups in the contemporary ‘glocal’ -global and local- world is much greater than at any point in history. The challenge we face is the identification of the most convenient ways to organise the... more
Contact between culturally distinct human groups in the contemporary ‘glocal’  -global and local- world is much greater than at any point in history. The challenge we face is the identification of the most convenient ways to organise the coexistence of different human language groups in order that we might promote their solidarity as members of the same culturally developed biological species.

Processes of economic and political integration currently in motion are seeing increasing numbers of people seeking to become polyglots. Thus, English is establishing itself as the usual world supra-language, although it coexists with other lingua francas that are widely used in certain parts of the globe.

All this communicative reorganization of the human species may very well pose new problems and aggravate existing tensions as regards language and identity. It would seem that these processes comprise at least four major conceptual dimensions which must be taken into account above all else, as they are both widespread and, left unaddressed, may lead to significant social instability. These dimensions concern linguistic recognition, communicability, sustainability and integration.

While accepting the utility of having an inter-national language, the keystone of the system is clearly that it must ensure the linguistic sustainability of each group. The basic principle is likely to be functional subsidiarity, i.e., whatever can be done by the local language should not be done by another one which is more global. As in the quote from Paracelsus  --“the dose alone makes the poison”-- contact between languages is not ‘poisonous’ per se, but when the correct dose is exceeded it can prove harmful to the language whose position is weaker. A multilingual and communicated humanity is possible.

-See the English version: http://www.academia.edu/2380117/Language_and_identity_policies_in_the_glocal_age_New_processes_effects_and_principles_of_organization
Què pot dir un sociolingüista als mestres i professors que es disposen a fer un nou 'projecte lingüístic de centre'?
Text basat en la intervenció en la taula rodona sobre 'L'abast, les possibilitats i els límits de les polítiques lingüístiques' , 25è Col·loqui Lingüístic de la Universitat de Barcelona (CLUB 25), 17-11-2017. Escrit el març del 2019.... more
Text basat en la intervenció en la taula rodona sobre 'L'abast, les possibilitats i els límits de les polítiques lingüístiques' , 25è Col·loqui Lingüístic de la Universitat de Barcelona (CLUB 25), 17-11-2017. Escrit el març del 2019.

Also published in: Llengües i dialectes. Esperances per al català, gallec i basc (E. Boix-Fuster i M. P. Perea, eds., 2020).
La situació sociolingüística de tota l'àrea catalanòfona és avui encara més complexa que abans, amb actituds més aviat hostils per part dels poders de l'Estat, amb més població d'orígens diferents, amb més impacte de les tecnologies... more
La situació sociolingüística de tota l'àrea catalanòfona és avui encara més complexa que abans, amb actituds més aviat hostils per part dels poders de l'Estat, amb més població d'orígens diferents, amb més impacte de les tecnologies mediàtiques que vehiculen produccions que no són en català, amb més control internacional de l'economia, amb índexs importants d'atur, i amb una persistència encara alta de la preferència per l'ús del castellà en les relacions intergrupals per part de moltes persones. A això hi hem d'afegir les conseqüències -encara poc conegudes- que en el camp dels comportaments lingüístics hagin pogut tenir o tindran els esdeveniments polítics i jurídics relacionats amb l'intent d'arribar a la independència, que poden haver produït un augment dels fenòmens d'identització potser contraris al català. Malgrat, doncs, les polítiques favorables al català en el sistema educatiu -especialment en la primària- i en els usos oficials dependents del govern autònom, la situació sociolingüística té punts foscos i els usos socials no són tan optimistes com potser hom hauria pogut esperar. No es tracta, doncs, només de comprendre els factors i dinàmiques de les situacions sinó imaginar, dissenyar i valorar les accions legislatives i governamentals que caldria executar.
Un fet que encara avui sorprèn a moltes persones és saber que el nombre d'individus que saben parlar el català s’acosta molt als que saben parlar el txec, i que són més dels que saben parlar l’hebreu, l’eslovac, el danès, el finès, el... more
Un fet que encara avui sorprèn a moltes persones és saber que el nombre d'individus que  saben parlar el català s’acosta molt als que saben parlar el txec, i que són més dels que saben parlar l’hebreu, l’eslovac, el danès, el finès, el lituà, l’eslovè, o el letó, per exemple. El català no és, doncs, cap llengua comparativament menor. Per altra banda, però, comprovem que les comunitats de llengua mitjana disposen d’elements que no acaba de tenir el català, i que certament hauria d’aspirar a tenir, com ara: — ús més habitual en les comunicacions oficials i no-oficials en el país, és a dir, del conjunt de les administracions i de la justícia, així com de les empreses, el comerç i la publicitat. — ple reconeixement oficial a nivell estatal (ser llengua d’Estat, i no només de subestat). — reconeixement com a llengua oficial a la UE. — més oferta de canals de televisió. — ús generalitzat (compartit o sol) en l’etiquetatge i en la retolació comercial. — més ús com a idioma de relació intergrupal habitual amb les persones de llarga residència. — més aprenentatge i ús per part de les persones que tenen una altra llengua inicial diferent i ja han nascut a l’àrea catalanòfona. — una transmissió intergeneracional més assegurada.
Albert Bastardas té una llarga trajectòria, des del 1987, en la docència universitària de la sociolingüística.  Aquesta breu entrevista intenta reflectir una part de la seva obra, molt més ambiciosa i explicativa.
Capítol basat en l’informe redactat com a president de la comissió del Consell Social de la Llengua Catalana que va elaborar el document «Recomanacions al Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya pel que fa a polítiques de foment del català... more
Capítol basat en l’informe redactat com a president de la comissió del Consell Social de la Llengua Catalana que  va elaborar el document «Recomanacions al Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya pel que fa a polítiques de foment del català entre la joventut», aprovat  per aquest organisme el 2009. Malgrat això, la difusió d’aquest informe ha estat pobra, i el cas que se n’ha fet des dels diferents governs de la Generalitat de Catalunya, més aviat minso. Per això sembla útil de divulgar-lo per a una discussió pública més extensa, dins d’aquesta crida en favor especialment del que podríem anomenar «micropolítiques». Bàsicament, les idees que s’hi exposen estan pensades per a la situació de Catalunya, tot i que, evidentment, amb les adaptacions oportunes, poden ser traslladables a la resta dels territoris de la llengua catalana.
Les polítiques i intervencions dutes a terme fins ara mostren els seus límits, i cal de manera urgent estudiar i reflexionar sobre les causes d’aquesta evolució, i ser imaginatius en la invenció de noves estratègies que poguessin facilitar i promoure un grau més alt d’ús del català que en el moment present. Fruit d’aquesta preocupació surt la necessària distinció entre macro i micropolítiques, i proposo que aquesta darrera aproximació sigui imaginada, estudiada, experimentada i duta a la pràctica
en general, si volem intentar avançar a partir de la situació actual. Vol dir això que no només s’ha de fer atenció a les comunicacions «institucionalitzades» –les de les organitzacions oficials i no oficials– sinó també a les «individualitzades» –les que tenen lloc entre els individus particulars en la vida diària. De fet és aquí on es juga l’augment o la reducció dels usos de les llengües i, per tant, ha de ser el centre d’intervenció prioritària.
The authors propose the concept of medium-sized languages for those communities with large enough demographic dimensions to be able to have administrative, academic, communicative, and political resources, which are totally or not... more
The authors propose the concept of medium-sized languages for those communities with large enough demographic dimensions  to be able to have administrative, academic, communicative, and political resources, which are totally or not independent. From this categorization, Catalan is not a small language. For this reason, its situation is compared with other similar European languages (such as Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Czech, Lithuanian, Estonian, etc.).

The choice of languages at home, within families, is one of the keys to the linguistic socialization of the new generations, and this is the topic of five chapters of the book. The data collected indicate that in Catalonia, Catalan first language speakers have considerable subjective ethnolinguistic vitality, as evidenced by the fact that the majority maintain the use of Catalan in raising their children. There are even cases of L1 Spanish-speakers who adopt Catalan (they are new speakers) as the main language of the family, while Spanish is still used. On the other hand, research on intergenerational language transmission in other Catalan-speaking territories is more discouraging: Spanish predominates in bilingual families, a tendency that contributes to general use of Spanish both in the Valencian cities and in the Bay of Palma de Mallorca.

In this context, language policies are of major importance to continue or reverse the loss of the uses of minoritized languages. The question still becomes more complex with the current process of globalization, which affects societies and can bring into crisis the traditional ecosystems in which human language diversity exists. This book also studies language policy in depth in the academic field and highlights the importance of micro actions as a tool to promote interpersonal uses.

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Los autores proponen el concepto de lenguas medianas (medium-sized languages) para aquellas comunidades con dimensiones demográficas bastante amplias  como para poder disponer de recursos administrativos, académicos, comunicativos y políticos, sean o no totalmente independientes. Desde esta categorización, el catalán no es una lengua pequeña, razón por la cual se compara su situación con la de otras lenguas europeas similares (como el danés, el holandés, el finés, el noruego, el sueco, el checo, el lituano, el estonio, etc.).

La elección de lenguas en el hogar, en el seno de las familias, constituye una de las claves de la socialización lingüística de las nuevas generaciones, y de ello se ocupan cinco capítulos del libro. Los datos recogidos señalan que en Cataluña los hablantes de catalán como primera lengua tienen una considerable vitalidad etnolingüística subjetiva, como lo prueba el hecho de que la mayoría mantienen el uso del catalán en la crianza de los hijos. Incluso se observan casos de castellanohablantes de origen que adoptan el catalán (son nuevos hablantes) como lengua principal en la familia, al tiempo que se mantiene el castellano. En cambio, las investigaciones sobre transmisión lingüística intergeneracional en los otros territorios de lengua catalana son más desalentadoras: el castellano predomina en las familias bilingües, tendencia que contribuye a la castellanización generalizada tanto en las ciudades valencianas como en la bahía de Palma.

En este contexto, las políticas lingüísticas toman una importancia primordial para continuar o para revertir la pérdida de los usos de las lenguas minorizadas. La cuestión aún se hace más compleja con el actual proceso de globalización, que internacionaliza las sociedades y puede hacer entrar en crisis los ecosistemas tradicionales en que se solía mantener la linguodiversidad humana. El libro también estudia a fondo las políticas lingüísticas en el ámbito académico y destaca la importancia de las actuaciones micro como herramienta para impulsar los usos interpersonales.
In this article, phenomena involved in the linguistic organization of mixed-language families are studied. To obtain real data, semi-structured interviews have been carried out with people who have children and whose first language is... more
In this article, phenomena involved in the linguistic organization of mixed-language families are studied. To obtain real data, semi-structured interviews have been carried out with people who have children and whose first language is different from that of their partner, i.e. who live in a mixed-language environment.
The  data  obtained  shows  that  family  language  organization  is  not  always  the  result  of  a  conscious decision but also often the result of a spontaneous self-organized process. Moreover,  it may be variable over time, depending on the changes at the individual level or in the family environment. These results are relevant to language policy, as these mechanisms of interpersonal linguistic habits should be taken into account. Regarding the medium-sized languages, data shows a tendency to use a major language in interaction with a partner but this does not mean that the medium-sized language is not transmitted to children. This is an important fact because it has a direct influence on medium-sized language skills of new generations.This  article  also  presents  a  theoretical  approach  from  the  standpoint  of  complexity.  In addition, it points out the advantages and disadvantages of considering the family language organization as a “bottom-up” or “top-down” phenomenon, as well as the accuracy and appropriateness of the term "family language policy".
ENGLISH: In general terms, according to different studies, young people are the most qualified to use Catalan in all spheres and contexts but they are also, on the whole, the social group that uses this language the least. In metropolitan... more
ENGLISH: In general terms, according to different studies, young people are the most qualified to use Catalan in all spheres and contexts but they are also, on the whole, the social group that uses this language the least. In metropolitan areas, where the majority of Catalonia’s population lives, the use of Catalan by young people is even lower. Everything seems to indicate, therefore, that the current school model has little influence on the most individualised language uses. In this context, the Catalan Government commissioned the Social Council for the Catalan Language to prepare a report on possible measures to strengthen the use of the language. The Council’s conclusions state that action should be taken with priority on the habits of intergroup and social use through the sociolinguistic training of primary and secondary school teachers. Furthermore, schools with a complex demolinguistic composition should become acutely aware of their role in the effective development of an L2 or second language. CATALÀ: El fet que a l’escola els individus de llengua inicial no-catalana puguin aprendre i fer servir el català com a idioma formal d’escolarització no significa que de forma automàtica adoptin aquesta llengua per a d’altres usos socials, especialment els informals i quotidians. Aquests, sobretot en els casos de gran concentració de població de la mateixa llengua inicial, tendiran a continuar essent realitzats per l’idioma d’origen d’aquestes persones. Això només canvia en les situacions en què les proporcions demolingüístiques són molt favorables al conjunt receptor i/o en aquelles en què és molt clara la pressió social, política i econòmica a favor de l’adopció de la llengua de la societat d’acollida, factors que ara com ara es donen en poca intensitat a la Catalunya contemporània. El sistema educatiu és central en una situació com la catalana en què s’ha modificat tant i tant la composició de la població. Degut a la desproporció que ha anat prenent la població immigrada –la d’abans més la d’ara- respecte de la d’origen autòcton, l’escola ha de ser el gran instrument comú de socialització lingüística. Abans, fins i tot en ple franquisme, els factors demolingüístics podien fer aquesta tasca de bilingüització oral en català de la població desplaçada. Avui, el llindar de la bilingüització ‘espontània’ s’ha depassat de totes totes i ha de ser l’organització educativa del país la que faciliti el desenvolupament adequat dels coneixements lingüístics comuns de la població que avui resideix a Catalunya.
Una prioritat fonamental en les actuacions sobre el futur del català és optimitzar els recursos de què ja es disposa. Cal avaluar críticament les polítiques concretes que fins ara s’han desplegat, veient-ne els resultats --positius i... more
Una prioritat fonamental en les actuacions sobre el futur del català és optimitzar els recursos de què ja es disposa. Cal avaluar críticament les polítiques concretes que fins ara s’han desplegat, veient-ne els resultats --positius i negatius-- i concebent-hi possibles actuacions alternatives. Això va des dels diferents Departaments i organismes de l’Administració autònoma fins als mitjans de comunicació i les activitats econòmiques i laborals públiques i no-públiques passant òbviament per tot el sistema educatiu i del lleure extraescolar. Igualment cal valorar de manera realista els impactes sobre els usos socials i interpersonals de les llengües en els diferents grups socials, amb especial atenció als aspectes evolutius (transmissió intergeneracional, usos per edats i per orígens, etc.).
El fet que a l’escola els individus de llengua inicial no-catalana puguin aprendre i fer servir el català com a idioma formal d’escolarització no significa que de forma automàtica adoptin aquesta llengua per a d’altres usos socials,... more
El fet que  a l’escola els individus de llengua inicial no-catalana puguin aprendre i fer servir el català com a idioma formal d’escolarització no significa que de forma automàtica adoptin aquesta llengua per a d’altres usos socials, especialment els informals i quotidians. Aquests, sobretot en els casos de gran concentració de població de la mateixa llengua inicial, tendiran a continuar essent realitzats per l’idioma d’origen d’aquestes persones. Això només canvia en les situacions en què les proporcions demolingüístiques són molt favorables al conjunt receptor i/o en aquelles en què és molt clara la pressió social, política i econòmica a favor de l’adopció de la llengua de la societat d’acollida, factors que ara com ara es donen en poca intensitat a la Catalunya contemporània.
El sistema educatiu és central en una situació com la catalana en què s’ha modificat tant i tant la composició de la població. Degut a la desproporció que ha anat prenent la població immigrada –la d’abans més la d’ara- respecte de la d’origen autòcton, l’escola ha de ser el gran instrument comú de socialització lingüística. Abans, fins i tot en ple franquisme, els factors demolingüístics podien fer aquesta tasca de bilingüització oral en català de la població desplaçada. Avui, el llindar de la bilingüització ‘espontània’ s’ha depassat de totes totes i ha de ser l’organització educativa del país la que faciliti el desenvolupament adequat dels coneixements lingüístics comuns de la població que avui resideix a Catalunya.
L’organització dels comportaments lingüístics interpersonals no és determinada directament per les disposicions polítiques sinó que emergeix de forma autoorganitzada a través de les predisposicions individuals, de les interaccions, i de... more
L’organització dels comportaments lingüístics interpersonals no és determinada directament per les disposicions polítiques sinó que emergeix de forma autoorganitzada a través de les predisposicions individuals, de les interaccions, i de les interpretacions sociosignificatives que els parlants atorguen a les formes lingüístiques que senten i usen en els seus contextos. Les formes lingüístiques que utilitzen els mestres, per exemple, no tenen perquè ser adoptades de forma automàtica per part dels alumnes en les seves interaccions personals amb els seus companys, o amb altres individus amb qui es puguin trobar. Les determinacions poden ser més complexes, i han de ser compreses per tal de poder tractar d’intervenir-hi, si cal.
A part d'aconseguir el reconeixement pendent del català en els plans espanyol i europeu, quins podrien ser els principis que haurien de guiar l'organització lingüística d'una societat complexa com la catalana actual? Com que una de les... more
A part d'aconseguir el reconeixement pendent del català en els plans espanyol i europeu, quins podrien ser els principis que haurien de guiar l'organització lingüística d'una societat complexa com la catalana actual? Com que una de les característiques presents és la barreja de les poblacions, alguns dels principis clàssics de l'organització de les societats multilingües -com ara el de territorialitat a l'estil suís- són potser menys aplicables al cas català. Si, per contra, postulem el de la personalitat estricta -en què és sempre el ciutadà el que pot triar l'una o l'altra llengua en el marc d'un bilingüisme institucional i públic complet- , ens trobem aleshores que la característica de la comunitat catalana de viure políticament integrada en un Estat en què és majoritari l'altre grup lingüístic amb qui conviu al seu territori, i de qui ha de saber també el seu idioma, pot generar una bilingüització generalitzada del grup minoritari i, en canvi, en molt menys intensitat en el majoritari. L'organització lingüística de la societat catalana pot ser, doncs, una de les qüestions més controvertides i que més debats pot generar. Com podem conciliar el plurilingüisme personal, el reconeixement de la pluralitat lingüística social i l'assegurament de la continuïtat i el desenvolupament de la llengua en situació de minorització?
La majoria de la població de les terres de llengua catalana pot tenir encara la percepció errònia del català com a llengua ‘petita’ o ‘minoritària’, poc important en el context europeu. Des d’aquest punt de vista, un fet que encara avui... more
La majoria de la població de les terres de llengua catalana pot tenir encara la percepció errònia del català com a llengua ‘petita’ o ‘minoritària’, poc important en el context europeu. Des d’aquest punt de vista, un fet que encara avui sorprèn a molts conciutadans és saber que el nombre de les persones que la saben parlar s’acosta molt als que saben parlar el txec, i que són més de les que saben parlar l’hebreu, l’eslovac, el danès, el finès, el lituà, l’eslovè, o el letó, per exemple. El català no és, doncs, cap llengua comparativament menor.
En aquests moments, però, el català té més persones que el tenen com a llengua segona que no pas inicial, cosa que produeix una diferència substancial respecte de les altres llengües mitjanes europees. El català, això no obstant, disposa d’uns 5.300.000 parlants que el tenen com a llengua inicial, xifra que l’acosta als que tenen com a llengua primera el danès, i supera als que tenen el finès, l’hebreu, l’eslovè, l’estonià, o el letó, per exemple.
El fet que els successius desplaçaments de població de llengua inicial no catalana, del s. XX i de l’actual, hagin produït aquest canvi en la configuració sociolingüística de les terres catalanòfones, demana polítiques eficaces de promoció de l’ús social del català per tal de contrarestar i equilibrar les grans influències existents a favor del castellà, tant en el pla oficial com mediàtic, comercial, publicitari, tecnològic, etc.
Les darreres dades disponibles sobre el coneixement de la llengua catalana per part dels immigrants castellanoparlants a Catalunya mostren, en general, un avenç en l'adquisició receptiva del català, però en canvi un desenvolupament més... more
Les darreres dades disponibles sobre el coneixement de la llengua catalana per part dels immigrants castellanoparlants a Catalunya mostren, en general, un avenç en l'adquisició receptiva del català, però en canvi un desenvolupament més baix en el cas de l'habilitat emissora en aquest idioma. Aquests resultats, així, caracteritzen una primera generació d'immigrants en la qual un 25% d'individus manifesten encara dificultats en la comprensió oral del català, un 47% l'entén però no el sap parlar, i un 28% ha adquirit la comprensió i ha desenvolupat molt o bastant l'expressió en la llengua de la comunitat autòctona. En l'estricta segona generació d'aquests immigrants (població entre 5-14 anys) la tendència, segons dades del 1981, és d'avenç total en la comprensió del català, però, en canvi, d'estancament o de costós desenvolupament de la competència emissora, per tal com és només un 25% el nombre d'individus d'aquesta edat que saben parlar en català, fet igualment confirmat, en general, pels individus de 1r curs de BUP i de FP el 1982. Aquesta mateixa tendència de bona part de la segona generació immigrant de no desenvolupar els mecanismes d'expressió del català és confirmada fins i tot en localitats de majoria catalana, on tradicionalment els fills de castellanoparlants havien estat bilingüitzats perfectament. Sembla poder concloure's, doncs, que el poder de la variable demogràfica que, en les anteriors migracions rebudes per Catalunya durant la primera meitat d'aquest segle, havia fet possible per simple òsmosi social la bilingüització completa, si més no, de la segona generació dels immigrats, és força més dèbil en l'actualitat. (1991)
Igual com els antropòlegs aplicats ja van advertir fa temps que el reformador social ha d’actuar coneixent les propietats dels seus objectes –subjectes, en aquest cas– si vol tenir èxit en la seva empresa, aquell ha de tenir també present... more
Igual com els antropòlegs aplicats
ja van advertir fa temps que el reformador
social ha d’actuar coneixent les
propietats dels seus objectes –subjectes,
en aquest cas– si vol tenir èxit en
la seva empresa, aquell ha de tenir
també present de respectar i d’aprofitar
les tendències noves que es dibuixin
en la societat i conduir-les, en la
mesura en què sigui possible, cap als
objectius que cerca d’aconseguir. Si les
tendències socioculturals són fortes i
ben arrelades pot ser més contraproduent
anar-hi en contra que no pas
aprofitar-les. Com que tot és en canvi constant i en reequilibris dinàmics, les
modificacions tecnològiques, ideològiques,
polítiques, econòmiques, demogràfiques, etc., han de ser utilitzades
intel•ligentment per a afaiçonar el nou
equilibri sortint. Cal, doncs, una alerta
constant i una disposició a la innovació
discursiva. Si el món canvia i hom es
queda quiet, de fet es va enrere.
Per al futur del català, una prioritat fonamental és optimitzar els recursos de què ja es disposa. Cal avaluar críticament les polítiques concretes que fins ara s’han desplegat, veient-ne els resultats --positius i negatius-- i... more
Per al futur del català, una prioritat fonamental és optimitzar els recursos de què ja es disposa. Cal avaluar críticament les polítiques concretes que fins ara s’han desplegat, veient-ne els resultats --positius i negatius-- i concebent-hi possibles actuacions alternatives.  Un segon camí és, mentre no es disposi d’un estat propi, influir al màxim políticament en les competències i actuacions de l’Estat espanyol per tal d’augmentar el reconeixement i els serveis disponibles en català, tot impugnant la desigualtat actual. La tercera pota és la potenciació de la recerca i de la creativitat en els dissenys de les actuacions macro i micro. Experimentació de noves estratègies imaginatives per a la col·loquialització oral i per al creixement de l’ús interpersonal del català.
Phenomena involved in the linguistic organization of mixed-language families are studied in the chapter. To obtain real data, semi structured interviews have been carried out to people who have children and whose first language is... more
Phenomena involved in the linguistic organization of mixed-language families are studied in the chapter. To obtain real data, semi structured interviews have been carried out to people who have children and whose first language is different from the one of their partner, i.e. who live in a mixed-language environment.
The obtained data shows that the language family organization is not only a result of a conscious decision but also often from a spontaneous and self-organized process. Moreover it may be variable over time, depending on the changes at the individual level or in the family environment. These results are relevant to language policy because these mechanisms of linguistic interpersonal habits must be taken into account.
Regarding the medium-sized languages, data shows a tendency to use a major language in interaction with a partner but this does not mean that the medium-sized language is not transmitted to children. This is an important fact because it has a direct influence on medium-sized language skills of new generations.
The chapter also presents a theoretical approach from the point of view of complexity. In addition, it points the advantages and disadvantages of considering the familiar political organization as a 'bottom-up' or 'top-down' phenomenon, as well as the accuracy and appropriateness of the term ' family language policy '.
La sostenibilitat lingüística reconeixeria el fet –sovint ineluctable– de l'augment del plurilingüisme i de la intercomunicació, però alhora reclamaria les condicions necessàries per garantir la continuïtat i el desenvolupament dels... more
La sostenibilitat lingüística reconeixeria el fet –sovint ineluctable– de l'augment del plurilingüisme i de la intercomunicació, però alhora reclamaria les condicions necessàries per garantir la continuïtat i el desenvolupament dels diferents grups. El segle xxi ens ha portat a metròpolis polilingües, on sovint poblacions ja bilingüitzades, pel fet d'estar integrades en estats en què una altra llengua és predominant, conviuen quotidianament amb nombroses persones de llengua inicial diferent procedents de la resta del mateix territori estatal i/o de diversos llocs del planeta. En les societats més desenvolupades, a això s'hi afegeix una tendència creixent al coneixement i ús de les grans llengües internacionals, per la participació de moltes empreses i organitzacions en les xarxes tecnoeconòmiques continentals o globals. Aquest gran augment dels contactes lingüístics constitueix certament un canvi molt important en els ecosistemes socioculturals territorials en què tradicionalment els distints grups humans havien anat desenvolupant les seves llengües. Si no aprenem a gestionar bé les noves situacions, les evolucions sociolingüístiques podrien tenir efectes futurs no precisament positius per a la linguodiversitat humana.
Per assolir l’èxit en els objectius de la política lingüística a Catalunya cal disposar dels millors recursos del país i integrar-hi les millors ments. Cal aprofitar el saber de totes les ciències socials i polítiques i del dret per poder... more
Per assolir l’èxit en els objectius de la política lingüística a Catalunya cal disposar dels millors recursos del país i integrar-hi les millors ments. Cal aprofitar el saber de totes les ciències socials i polítiques i del dret per poder energitzar creativament el projecte col·lectiu, cal debatre públicament les opcions possibles, i cal demanar també eficàcia i responsabilitat als representants i autoritats polítics. Aquests, especialment els que tenen càrrecs executius, han de saber concitar la complicitat de tots els sectors socials —econòmics, mediàtics, laborals, acadèmics, etc.—i han de dotar els diversos òrgans que intervenen en accions de política lingüística des de les distintes conselleries, dels recursos humans i materials necessaris perquè puguin dur a terme la seva tasca de manera òptima. Alhora—i també és important— han de tenir cura de no caure en l’error de desaprofitar els recursos humans amb què les administracions i altres organismes públics ja compten. Superant els defectes de l’estructura empresarial jeràrquica clàssica, han d’aprofitar més la potència creativa del seu personal —que és el que sovint més coneix els problemes pràctics reals i el que ha pensat en possibles solucions eficaces. Per a tot això, doncs, cal arribar a consensos políticament amplis, traient la qüestió lingüística del debat partidista, i veient en conjunt també les necessitats comunicatives de les noves generacions en un món més interdependent i mòbil.
Jordi Manent: En els seus llibres, vostè parla dels conceptes de "principi de funcionalitat" i "glocalització". Expliqui'ns què signifiquen i com hi encaixa, aquí, la llengua catalana. -Albert Bastardas: El terme 'glocalització', que... more
Jordi Manent: En els seus llibres, vostè parla dels conceptes de "principi de funcionalitat" i "glocalització". Expliqui'ns què signifiquen i com hi encaixa, aquí, la llengua catalana.
-Albert Bastardas: El terme 'glocalització', que prenc d'un sociòleg anglès, m'agrada perquè crec que recull el que serà l'esdevenidor. Ni serà totalment global ni totalment local. De fet, ja és el present. Vivim físicament en territoris 'locals' però alhora amb presència constant d'elements que són 'globals'  -productes de tot tipus, pel·lícules, webs, notícies, opinions, idees, etc.-, els quals elements són interpretats i usats d'acord amb les idiosincràsies locals, que poden justament alhora ser transformades pel contacte amb tots aquests elements inicialment forasters i d'abast internacional.
Research Interests:
In general terms, according to different studies, young people are the most qualified to use Catalan in all spheres and contexts but they are also, on the whole, the social group that uses this language the least. In metropolitan areas,... more
In general terms, according to different studies, young people are the most qualified to use Catalan in all spheres and contexts but they are also, on the whole, the social group that uses this language the least. In metropolitan areas, where the majority of Catalonia’s population lives, the use of Catalan by young people is even lower. It is likewise known that the achievement of competence in oral expression in Catalan by the end of the first cycle of compulsory secondary education is not a generalised phenomenon.
Everything seems to indicate, therefore, that the current school model has little influence
on the most individualised language uses. In this context, the Catalan Government commissioned the Social Council for the Catalan Language to prepare a report on possible measures to strengthen the use of the language. The Council’s conclusions state that action should be taken with priority on the habits of intergroup and social use through the sociolinguistic training of primary and secondary school teachers. Furthermore, schools with a complex demolinguistic composition should become acutely aware of their role in the effective development of an L2 or second language.
Likewise, the Council recommends that language policies should not ignore the cognitive-emotional functioning of individuals and that these policies should be accompanied by integrative legitimating discourses. In order to increase the perception of usefulness and function-
ality of the Catalan language, it is crucial to see that it becomes the most common language at the workplace, to which end the intervention on the socioeconomic sphere is of maximum importance. At the same time the Government should seek to influence the recreational and media sphere of children and young people as a whole, since today’s generations are fully integrated into the world of technology.
Per a moltes persones, la manera de mirar, a Catalunya, la realitat sociolingüística -i, en conseqüència, també la política lingüística que se'n desprèn- deriva fonamentalment encara de les idees i aspiracions que s'estengueren a partir... more
Per a moltes persones, la manera de mirar, a Catalunya, la realitat sociolingüística -i, en conseqüència, també la política lingüística que se'n desprèn- deriva fonamentalment encara de les idees i aspiracions que s'estengueren a partir de la dècada dels 60 del segle passat. Encara en plena dictadura, alguns intel.lectuals i activistes van anar elaborant un discurs reivindicatiu que, tot passant per les controvèrsies ideològico-terminològiques del 'bilingüisme' versus la 'diglòssia' i de l'ensenyament en la llengua de l'Estat versus la 'llengua materna', va anar cristal.lizant en el procés dit de 'normalització lingüística' en què ara ens trobem immersos. És des d'aquesta perspectiva de fons que, amb un concepte de 'bilingüisme' dimonitzat -per la seva suposada automàtica evolució cap a la 'substitució'- i amb l'ensenyament en 'llengua materna' més aviat sacralitzat, s'han anat construint les bases d'una organització lingüística pública que paradoxalment pot arribar ser, però, problemàtica i contraproduent sinó es va adaptant als canvis que el nostre context político-econòmico-tecnològic va experimentant.

And 26 more

El conreu de línies que es qualifiquen directament de «complexes» ha pres darrerament un impuls excepcional amb la incorporació convençuda de científics provinents de la física, la biologia, la matemàtica i la computació, que aporten... more
El conreu de línies que es qualifiquen directament de «complexes» ha pres
darrerament un impuls excepcional amb la incorporació convençuda de científics provinents de la física, la biologia, la matemàtica i la computació, que aporten
nous models i eines conceptuals molt vàlids per a avançar en la comprensió
de determinats sistemes fisicoquímics, biològics i neurològics. Així, l’estudi de
l’arquitectura de les xarxes que defineix la interacció entre gens, individus o
neurones ha revelat sorprenents similituds entre sistemes aparentment molt
dispars. El coneixement d’aquesta arquitectura ens permet de comprendre el
funcionament de molts sistemes, com aconsegueixen d’organitzar-se i quins
són els seus punts febles, i ens confirma de nou la necessitat d’abandonar una
perspectiva reduccionista i d’abordar la complexitat del món sota una visió sistèmica
i complèxica.
Una de les classes de fenòmens més característics d’aquest pla, per exemple,
és la formada pel triangle «llengua-comunicació-societat» que presenta trets
singulars que desafien les aproximacions tradicionals i les més formalitzadores,
ja que demana clarament enfocaments complèxics, transdisciplinaris i qualitatius
integrats si hom vol avançar en el coneixement del seu funcionament. Cal,
doncs, avançar amb força cap a la construcció d’un cos teòric i metodològic
adequat a les propietats característiques dels fenòmens del pla humà, és a dir,
d’una sociocomplexitat cognitivoemotiva.  ENGLISH: The cultivation of lines that qualify directly as "complex" has taken
recently an exceptional boost with the convinced incorporation of scientists from physics, biology, mathematics and computing, who contribute
new models and very valid conceptual tools to advance understanding
of certain physicochemical, biological and neurological systems. Thus, the study of
the architecture of the networks that defines the interaction between genes, individuals or
neurons has revealed surprising similarities between apparently very diferent systems. Knowledge of this architecture allows us to understand the
operation of many systems, how they manage to organize themselves, and which
are its weak points, and it confirms to us again the need to abandon a
reductionist perspective and to approach the complexity of the world under a systemic and complexical vision. One of the most characteristic classes of phenomena of this plan, for example, is the one formed by the "language-communication-society" triangle that presents singular features that challenge traditional and more formal approaches.
It clearly calls for complex, transdisciplinary and qualitative integrated approaches
if one wants to progress in the knowledge of its dynamics. We must,
therefore, move strongly towards the construction of a theoretical and methodological body appropriate to the characteristic properties of the phenomena of the human plane, that is to say of a socio-cognitive-emotional complexity.
Las contribuciones de la llamada complejidad ‘restringida’ han llegado también a determinados aspectos del plano lingüístico como la evolución de las lenguas, el contacto y el cambio . Los trabajos realizados hasta ahora se basan... more
Las contribuciones de la llamada complejidad ‘restringida’ han llegado también a determinados aspectos del plano lingüístico como la evolución de las lenguas, el contacto y el cambio . Los trabajos realizados hasta ahora se basan fundamentalmente en el uso de las técnicas computacionales conocidas como autómatas celulares y modelos multi-agentes. Basándose en las ideas compléxicas de autoorganización y de emergencia estos modelos de sistemas complejos intentan simular y visualizar dinámicamente los resultados organizacionales producidos por las interacciones entre sus agentes, como por ejemplo el mayor o menor grado de uso de una lengua respecto de otra con la que esté en contacto. No obstante, deben reconocerse también los límites de los sistemas complejos adaptativos como estrategias computacionales en la búsqueda de una mejor comprensión de los procesos dinámicos y evolutivos típicos de los seres humanos. Sin duda, será útil para los sociolingüistas familiarizarse con las contribuciones de los físicos de orientación cuantitativa del campo del modelado, ver sus frutos y su aplicación en nuestras disciplinas e intentar explotarlos de manera coherente e integrada.  Sin embargo, creo que también debemos ser conscientes de las peculiaridades de las acciones humanas, que se caracterizan por la existencia no solo de propósito y regularidad en el control del comportamiento, sino también por el grado significativo de autonomía cognitiva e interpretativa de los agentes y por la influencia poderosa de la dimensión emocional.
The proposed transdisciplinary field of ‘complexics’ would bring together all contemporary efforts in any specific disciplines or by any researchers specifically devoted to constructing tools, procedures, models and concepts intended for... more
The proposed transdisciplinary field of ‘complexics’ would bring together all contemporary efforts in any specific disciplines or by any researchers specifically devoted to constructing tools, procedures, models and concepts
intended for transversal application that are aimed at understanding and explaining the most interwoven and dynamic phenomena of reality. Our aim needs to be, as Morin says, not “to reduce complexity to simplicity, [but] to translate complexity into theory”.
New tools for the conception, apprehension and treatment of the data of experience will need to be devised to complement existing ones and to enable us to make headway toward practices that better fit complexic theories. New mathematical and computational contributions have already continued to grow in number, thanks primarily to scholars in statistical
physics and computer science, who are now taking an interest in social and economic phenomena.
Certainly, these methodological innovations put into question and again make us take note of the excessive separation between the training received by researchers in the ‘sciences’ and in the ‘arts’. Closer collaboration between these two subsets would, in all likelihood, be much more
energising and creative than their current mutual distance.  Human complexics must be seen as multi-methodological, insofar as necessary combining quantitative-computation methodologies and more qualitative methodologies aimed at understanding the mental and emotional world of people.
In the final analysis, however, models always have a arrative running behind them that reflects the attempts of a human being to understand the world, and models are always interpreted on that basis.
'Complexics' as a meta-transdisciplinary field would bring together all contemporary efforts devoted to constructing tools, procedures, models and concepts intended for understanding and explaining the most interwoven and dynamic... more
'Complexics' as a meta-transdisciplinary field would bring together all contemporary efforts devoted to constructing tools, procedures, models and concepts intended for understanding and explaining the most interwoven and dynamic phenomena of reality. Our aim needs to be, as Morin says, not " to reduce complexity to simplicity, [but] to translate complexity into theory ". New mathematical and computational contributions have already continued to grow in number, thanks primarily to scholars in statistical physics and computer science. However, human complexics must be seen as multi-methodological, combining quantitative-computation methodologies and more qualitative methodologies aimed at understanding the mental and emotional world of people.
‘Complexics’ denotes the meta-transdisciplinary field specifically concerned with giving us suitable cognitive tools to understand the world’s complexity. Additionally, the use of the adjective ‘complexical’ would avoid the common... more
‘Complexics’ denotes the meta-transdisciplinary field specifically concerned with giving us suitable cognitive tools to understand the world’s complexity. Additionally, the use of the adjective ‘complexical’ would avoid the common confusion caused by the adjective ‘complex’, which belongs to everyday usage and already has its own connotations of complication and confusion. Thus, ‘complexical’ thinking and ‘complexical’ perspective would provide clearer terms, be freer of confusion, and refer more precisely to epistemic elements in contrast to the ‘complexity’ typical of many phenomena of reality. In short, the world would be ‘complex’, but our way of looking at the world would be ‘complexical’.

As a meta-transdiscipline, ‘complexics’ would carry on the perspective of cybernetics: “Cybernetics deals with all forms of behaviour insofar as they are regular, or determinate, or reproducible. The materiality is irrelevant…  The truths of cybernetics are not conditional on their being derived from some other branch of science. Cybernetics has its own foundations” (Ashby, 1956:1). Thus, it has a distinctly transdisciplinary mission to provide concepts, schema and possibilities of thinking and representation able to express the multidimensional and systemic interwovenness and interdependence of the many, highly significant phenomena of reality that have these characteristics. 

On the level of theory, complexics needs to provide a set of principles, concepts and conceptual landscapes that can be applied transversally to distinct areas of knowledge and phenomena of reality, enabling us to gain a much firmer grasp of the complex aspects of their existence than we currently have. For this reason, our aim needs to be, as Morin says, not “to reduce complexity to simplicity, [but] to translate complexity into theory” (1994:315).
Historical processes exert an influence on the current state and evolution of situations of language contact, brought to bear from different domains, the economic and the political, the ideological and group identities, geo-demographics,... more
Historical processes exert an influence on the current state and evolution of situations of language contact, brought to bear from different domains, the economic and the political, the ideological and group identities, geo-demographics, and the habits of inter-group use. Clearly, this kind of phenomenon requires study from a complexical and holistic perspective in order to accommodate the variety of factors that belong to different levels and that interrelate with one another in the evolving dynamic of human languaging. Therefore, there is a need for the restricted and general complexity approaches to come to a meeting of the minds, and take steps toward a mutual integration based on the acceptance of the shortcomings of each approach, achieving progress through a non-contradictory complementarity of perspectives. It must be conceded that the practical and methodological applications of basic complexical ideas need to be developed much farther in order to apply them to specific research. At the same time, the limits of complex adaptive systems as computational strategies must be accepted in the pursuit of a better understanding of the dynamic and evolutionary processes typical of human beings. New tools for the conception, apprehension and treatment of the data will need to be devised to complement existing ones and to enable us to make headway toward practices that better fit complexical perspectives. It seems obvious that human complexics must be seen as multi-methodological, insofar as necessary combining quantitative-computation methodologies and more qualitative methodologies aimed at understanding the historical mental and emotional world of people.
Based on the acknowledgment that many phenomena in human life are complex, there have been attempts to re-examine the conception of reality. Interdisciplines such as complex thinking, sciences of complexity or complex perspectives try to... more
Based on the acknowledgment that many phenomena in human life are complex, there have been attempts to re-examine the conception of reality. Interdisciplines such as complex thinking, sciences of complexity or complex perspectives try to provide the “old” concepts with a new meaning. The complexity researches imply the restudy of reality, and they have cybernetics as precedent and partly as foundation: a
transdisciplinary focus to explore the structures, restrictions and possibilities of regulatory systems. It intends to provide concepts, schemata and possibilities of thought and representation capable of expressing the interweaving and the multidimensional and systematic interdependence of the many phenomena of reality. Linguistics is one of the fields of knowledge that is making great progress under the new paradigm of complexity. The amount of contributions from physics and other scientific disciplines to linguistics is large, under which natural language has been addressed with theoretical and practical methods, both quantitative and qualitative. However, the conceptual resources and tools that are available nowadays are not completely suitable to perform all the tasks. Due to this, it is necessary to keep developing new theoretical and methodological tools that help understanding the dynamic interrelations of linguistic and sociocultural events. Simultaneously, the lines of inter and transdisciplinary research that transcend the communicative and linguistic phenomenon, and that connect them and interrelate them with life and the world must be strengthened.
This book offers insights on the study of natural language as a complex adaptive system. It discusses a new way to tackle the problem of language modeling, and provides clues on how the close relation between natural language and some... more
This book offers insights on the study of natural language as a complex adaptive system. It discusses a new way to tackle the problem of language modeling, and provides clues on how the close relation between natural language and some biological structures can be very fruitful for science. The book examines the theoretical framework and then applies its main principles to various areas of linguistics. It discusses applications in language contact, language change, diachronic linguistics, and the potential enhancement of classical approaches to historical linguistics by means of new methodologies used in physics, biology, and agent systems theory. It shows how studying language evolution and change using computational simulations enables to integrate social structures in the evolution of language, and how this can give rise to a new way to approach sociolinguistics. Finally, it explores applications for discourse analysis, semantics and cognition.
Throughout most of the 20th century, analytical and reductionist approaches have dominated in biological, social, and humanistic sciences, including linguistics and communication. We generally believed we could account for fundamental... more
Throughout most of the 20th century, analytical and reductionist approaches have dominated in biological, social, and humanistic sciences, including linguistics and communication. We generally believed we could account for fundamental phenomena in invoking basic elemental units. Although the amount of knowledge generated was certainly impressive, we have also seen limitations of this approach. Discovering the sound formants of human languages, for example, has allowed us to know vital aspects of the ‘material’ plane of verbal codes, but it tells us little about significant aspects of their social functions. I firmly believe, therefore, that alongside a linguistics that looks ‘inward’ there should also be a linguistics that looks ‘outward’, or one even that is constructed ‘from the outside’, a linguistics that I refer to elsewhere as ‘holistic’ though it could be identified by a different name. My current vision is to promote simultaneously the perspective that goes from the part to the whole and that which goes from the whole to the parts, i.e., both from the top down and from the bottom up.
This goal is shared with other disciplines which recognize that many phenomena related to life are interwoven, self-organising, emergent and processual. Thus, we need to re-examine how we have conceived of reality, both the way we have looked at it and the images we have used to talk about it. Several approaches now grouped under the label of complexity have been elaborated towards this objective of finding new concepts and ways of thinking that better fit the complex organisation of facts and events.
As figurational sociologists and sociolinguists, we need to know that we currently find support from other fields in our efforts to construct a sociocultural science focused on interdependencies and processes, creating a multidimensional... more
As figurational sociologists and sociolinguists, we need to know that we currently find support from other fields in our efforts to construct a sociocultural science focused on interdependencies and processes, creating a multidimensional picture of human beings, one in which the brain and its mental and emotional processes are properly recognised. The paradigmatic revolutions in 20th-century physics, the contributions made by biology to our understanding of living beings, the conceptual constructions built around the theories of systems, self-organization, and complexity implore that we reflect on social sciences paradigms in the light of the great changes in the other disciplines.
The application of metaphors or theoretical images of complexity and figurational sociology in understanding language and sociocommunication phenomena is of great use, since language is not an ‘object’, but a ‘complex’; it exists simultaneously in and among different domains. ‘Languaging’ and interaction are co-phenomena. The former exists within the latter, and the latter within the former.
By visualizing, for instance, the different levels of linguistic structure not as separate entities but rather as united and integrated within the same theoretical frame, by seeing their functional interdependencies, by situating them in a greater multidimensionality that includes what for a long time was considered ‘external’ – the individual and his mind-brain, the socio-cultural system, the physical world, etc. – and expanding in this way our classical view, we should be able to make important, if not essential, theoretical and practical advances.
The “language-communication-society” triangle defies traditional scientific approaches. Rather, it is a phenomenon that calls for an integration of complex, transdisciplinary perspectives, if we are to make any progress in understanding... more
The “language-communication-society” triangle defies traditional scientific approaches. Rather, it is a phenomenon that calls for an integration of complex, transdisciplinary perspectives, if we are to make any progress in understanding how it works. The highly diverse agents in play are not merely cognitive and/or cultural, but also emotional and behavioural in their specificity. Indeed, the effort may require building a theoretical and methodological body of knowledge that can effectively convey the characteristic properties of phenomena in human terms.

New complexity approaches allow us to rethink our limited and mechanistic images of human societies and create more appropriate emo-cognitive dynamic and holistic models. We have to enter into dialogue with the complexity views coming out of other more ‘material’ sciences, but we also need to take steps in the linguistic and psycho-sociological fields towards creating perspectives and concepts better fitted to human characteristics.

Our understanding of complexity is different – but not opposed – to the one that is more commonly found in texts written by people working in physics or computer science, for example. The goal of this book is to extend the knowledge of these other more ‘human’ or socially oriented perspectives on complexity, taking account of the language and communication singularities of human agents in society.
The recognition that many phenomena relating to life are ‘complex’ in nature – i.e., that they are interwoven, self-organising, emergent and processual – has prompted us to re-examine how we have conceived of reality, both the way we have... more
The recognition that many phenomena relating to life are ‘complex’ in nature – i.e., that they are interwoven, self-organising, emergent and processual – has prompted us to re-examine how we have conceived of reality, both the way we have looked at it and the images we have used. The theoretical and conceptual innovations in this vein can be grouped under headings such as ‘complex thinking, ‘sciences of complexity’, ‘complex perspectives’, ‘complex [adaptive] systems’, and so on. In turn, these can be brought together into a more overarching field, one that I propose calling ‘complexics’. This transdisciplinary field would bring together all contemporary efforts in any specific disciplines or by any researchers specifically devoted to constructing tools, procedures, models and concepts intended for transversal application that are aimed at understanding and explaining the most interwoven and dynamic phenomena of reality. The task of building, in a coordinated and integrated manner, a new transdiscipline such ‘complexics’ requires progress on both the theoretical and the methodological levels.
On the one hand, the more epistemological and philosophical contributions lead us to postulate the inevitability of taking into the account the brain/mind and everything that arises bio-cognitively from it in order to understand complex human behaviours. On the other hand, the proposals put forward by physics and computer science move in the opposite direction, postulating the selection of a few ‘practical’ parameters that can computationally ‘explain’ the observed facts.  It must be conceded that the practical and methodological applications of general complexic ideas need to be developed much farther in order to apply them to specific research. At the same time, the limits of complex adaptive systems as computational strategies must be accepted in the pursuit of a better understanding of the dynamic and evolutionary processes typical of human beings.

(Whole English translation: https://www.academia.edu/11118078/Toward_Complexics_as_a_Transdiscipline)
The “language-communication-society” triangle defies traditional scientific approaches. Rather, it is a phenomenon that calls for an integration of complex, transdisciplinary perspectives, if we are to make any progress in understanding... more
The “language-communication-society” triangle defies traditional scientific approaches. Rather, it is a phenomenon that calls for an integration of complex, transdisciplinary perspectives, if we are to make any progress in understanding how it works. The highly diverse agents in play are not merely cognitive and/or cultural, but also emotional and behavioural in their specificity. Indeed, the effort may require building a theoretical and methodological body of knowledge that can effectively convey the characteristic properties of phenomena in human terms.

New complexity approaches allow us to rethink our limited and mechanistic images of human societies and create more appropriate emo-cognitive dynamic and holistic models. We have to enter into dialogue with the complexity views coming out of other more ‘material’ sciences, but we also need to take steps in the linguistic and psycho-sociological fields towards creating perspectives and concepts better fitted to human characteristics.

Our understanding of complexity is different – but not opposed – to the one that is more commonly found in texts written by people working in physics or computer science, for example. The goal of this book is to extend the knowledge of these other more ‘human’ or socially oriented perspectives on complexity, taking account of the language and communication singularities of human agents in society.
(Traducción libre al castellano del texto original en catalán "Complexitat i fenomen (socio)lingüístic", publicado en la revista LSC-Llengua, societat i comunicació / Language, society & communication n. 11 (2013). Intermediate phenomena... more
(Traducción libre al castellano del texto original en catalán "Complexitat i fenomen (socio)lingüístic", publicado en la revista LSC-Llengua, societat i comunicació / Language, society & communication n. 11 (2013).
Intermediate phenomena of reality present particular characteristics of systemic self-organization, multilevel interrelations, recursivity, emergence of new «objects» with properties different from those of the elements that form them, and evolutionary dynamics, that probably need the formulation of new theoretical concepts and different paradigm principles. The sciences or perspectives of complexity, or the «complex» thinking, try to respond adequately to this complexity of reality. This approach adopts a multidimensional, integrated and dynamic view of reality: the world is made up of overlapping levels of different elements which produce new properties or new organizations at higher levels. If we conceive what we call languages as simple and decontextualized objects, we can understand some of the more mechanical aspects but we will ignore their conditions of existence, functionality, maintenance, variation, change and extinction.
Los fenómenos del nivel intermedio de la realidad presentan unas características particulares de autoorganización sistémica, de interrelación polinivelada, de recursividad, de emergencia de nuevos «objetos» con propiedades distintas a las de los elementos que los forman, y de dinamicidad evolutiva, que necesitan probablemente la formulación de nuevas concepciones teóricas y de principios paradigmáticos distintos. A esa «complejidad» de la realidad es a lo que intenta dar respuesta adecuada lo que se ha venido llamando perspectivas o ciencias de la complejidad o también pensamiento complejo. Esta aproximación adopta una manera multidimensional, integrada y dinámica de ver la realidad: el mundo está constituido por la sobreposición emergente de distintos elementos que van produciendo entrelazadamente nuevas propiedades o nuevas organizaciones a medida que se va complexificando en niveles más altos. Si tratamos lo que llamamos lenguas como si fueran objetos simples y descontextualizados, podemos avanzar en la comprensión de algunos de sus aspectos más mecánicos pero podemos ignorar totalmente sus condiciones de existencia, funcionalidad, mantenimiento, variación, cambio o desaparición.
Historical processes exert an influence on the current state and evolution of situations of language contact, brought to bear from different domains, the economic and the political, the ideological and group identities, geo-demographics,... more
Historical processes exert an influence on the current state and evolution of situations of language contact, brought to bear from different domains, the economic and the political, the ideological and group identities, geo-demographics, and the habits of inter-group use. Clearly, this kind of phenomenon requires study from a complexical and holistic perspective in order to accommodate the variety of factors that belong to different levels and that interrelate with one another in the evolving dynamics of human languaging.
Therefore, there is a need for the restricted and general complexity approaches to come to a meeting of the minds, and take steps toward a mutual integration based on the acceptance of the shortcomings of each approach, achieving progress through a non-contradictory complementarity of perspectives. It must be conceded that the practical and methodological applications of basic complexical ideas need to be developed much farther in order to apply them to specific research. At the same time, the limits of complex adaptive systems as computational strategies must be accepted in the pursuit of a better understanding of the dynamic and evolutionary processes typical of human beings.
New tools for the conception, apprehension and treatment of the data will need to be devised to complement existing ones and to enable us to make headway toward practices that better fit complexical perspectives. It seems obvious that human complexics must be seen as multi-methodological, insofar as necessary combining quantitative-computation methodologies and more qualitative methodologies aimed at understanding the historical mental and emotional world of people.
Una de las cuestiones más problemáticas de la globalización puede ser cómo hacer compatibles dos hechos aparentemente contradictorios: la permanencia de la diversidad lingüística creada por la humanidad por medio de su diáspora por todo... more
Una de las cuestiones más problemáticas de la globalización puede ser cómo hacer compatibles dos hechos aparentemente contradictorios: la permanencia de la diversidad lingüística creada por la humanidad por medio de su diáspora por todo el mundo, y la necesidad de intercomunicación entre estos grupos de individuos lingüísticamente diversos en la nueva era –glocal– de reunificación positiva de las especies. Parece claro que deberíamos alejarnos de la visión dicotómica que nos forzaría a resolver la antinomia optando por un lado o por el otro de la ecuación. La humanidad es diversa lingüísticamente, y los grupos humanos entienden y apoyan la permanencia de esta diversidad. Estos mismos grupos humanos también advierten que están destinados a vivir juntos en solidaridad en este planeta llamado Tierra. El problema puede ser la manera en la que percibimos la realidad, y no la realidad misma. La dificultad estriba en el cambio conceptual y de pensamiento, y no en la noción de que sería imposible realizarlo.
Los fenómenos vinculados a la lengua, la comunicación y la sociedad se han visto empequeñecidos desde las ópticas tradicionales y reduccionistas de la ciencia e incluso desde algunas ramas de la lingüística, esto ha resultado en que se... more
Los fenómenos vinculados a la lengua, la comunicación y la sociedad se han visto empequeñecidos desde las ópticas tradicionales y reduccionistas de la ciencia e incluso desde algunas ramas de la lingüística, esto ha resultado en que se pueda avanzar poco en el entendimiento de la diversidad cognitiva y cultural de los seres humanos, así como en sus comportamientos y emociones. Dada esta carencia a nivel teórico y metodológico surge la compléxica, una propuesta inspirada en los presupuestos teóricos del pensamiento complejo de Morin, Maturana y Varela en el área social, y de Bohm desde las ciencias de la naturaleza. La compléxica tiene como objetivo dar cuenta de cómo las partes que interaccionan en un sistema complejo dan lugar a un comportamiento colectivo y la manera en que este sistema interacciona con su entorno. Desde esta perspectiva emerge Complèxica. Cervell, societat i llengua des de la transdisciplinarietat (Compléxica. Cerebro, sociedad y lengua desde la transdisciplinariedad), una obra que pone en relieve las aplicaciones del pen-samiento complejo en diferentes campos. En esto radica la importancia de este texto, ya que a través de sus diferentes capítulos justifica la necesidad de un cambio de paradigma en las diversas áreas del conocimiento. La novedad es lo que lleva a Massip y Bastardas a explicar en su introducción el porqué de la acuñación de un nuevo término para lo que comúnmente llamamos complejidad; explican que este primer término muchas veces nos remite a una cualidad de la realidad más que a una perspectiva científica. La compléxica, en cambio, debe remitirnos a un campo transdisciplinario que tenga como objeto la investigación de formulaciones y metodologías capaces de ha-cernos entender mucho mejor la imbricada complejidad de la realidad.
The paradigmatic revolutions in 20th-century demand that we reflect on our own paradigms in the light of the great changes in the other disciplines. The elements must not be represented as being outside those of the others, separate and... more
The paradigmatic revolutions in 20th-century demand that we reflect on our own paradigms in the light of the great changes in the other disciplines. The elements must not be represented as being outside those of the others, separate and independent, since the interdependencies and integrations are the foundation of reality. We need a dynamic ‘ecologization’ and 'complexification' of thinking, in order to consider the contexts of phenomena in an integrated manner with the phenomena themselves. We are unlikely to be able to understand human behaviour if we do not bring the mind-brain into the foreground of our analyses, as it is where reality is perceived, processed cognitively and emotively, and where – consciously or otherwise – the courses of action that an individual takes are decided. A science that sees language not as an ‘object’ but from a (socio)complexity perspective has a much greater chance of succeeding in the task of making linguistic and communicative phenomena intelligible.
This article shows how some conceptual instruments and perspectives given by the new ecological, chaological, holistic or complexity paradigms may support research in Linguistics and Communication Sciences and/or may support on a... more
This article shows how some conceptual instruments and perspectives given by the new ecological, chaological, holistic or complexity paradigms may support research in Linguistics and Communication Sciences and/or may support on a scientific basis certain routes already initiated within the discipline. Therefore, we propose an integrated research program that may construct the discipline, not so much from form but from meaning – the other side of the saussurean token. We should then start from the cognitive whole in a socio-mental frame, and from there see how they are implicitly or eco-co-dependently contained into the form and the included communicants in the various levels of the system. This perspective implies a multidimensional transversalization and an ecologization of the focus of the researches.
The 'complexity' approach can be positive and very helpful for General Linguistics theory because departs from: a) the idea that knowledge or meaning can exist without a being who produces them, b) the fragmented and reductionist view of... more
The 'complexity' approach can be positive and very helpful for General Linguistics theory because departs from: a) the idea that knowledge or meaning can exist without a being who produces them, b) the fragmented and reductionist view of reality and its too mechanistic oriented images, c) the 'linear' causality
models, d) the tendency to dichotomise the categories about reality, e) the 'third excluded' Aristotelian principle (binary logic: if something is here it is not there), f) the disappearance of the mind in some 'higher' social sciences, g) an inadequate approach of the relationships between the whole and its parts, and, h) a
perspective on creativity too much based on logic and not on 'artistic' intuition and imagination in science.
Concebir el fenómeno lingüístico empezando por la totalidad que constituyen los seres-humanos-en-sociedad-dentro-de-un-mundo e ir desplegando las distintas dimensiones y los diferentes elementos que subyacen entrelazadamente en este todo... more
Concebir el fenómeno lingüístico empezando por la totalidad que constituyen los seres-humanos-en-sociedad-dentro-de-un-mundo e ir desplegando las distintas dimensiones y los diferentes elementos que subyacen entrelazadamente en este todo parece una tarea entusiasmante. Re-unir los distintos planos más desarrollados hasta ahora por los lingüistas y por los (psico)sociólogos en una partitura orquestal o polifónica común e integradora, dando cuenta de los distintos fenómenos de emergencia de nuevas propiedades y funciones que aparecen en las combinaciones armónicas de los mismos debe ser una de las tareas fundamentales de la lingüística del siglo XXI.
La 'complejidad' de Morin desarrolla caminos ya iniciados por Gregory Bateson y es también superior a otras propuestas con similar denominación dado que postula un holismo con conciencia de las partes y a la vez, dada su procedencia de... more
La 'complejidad' de Morin desarrolla caminos ya iniciados por Gregory Bateson y es también superior a otras propuestas con similar denominación dado que postula un holismo con conciencia de las partes y a la vez, dada su procedencia de las ciencias humanas y socioculturales, capaz de integrar la mente y sus producciones. Morin parte, así, de la necesidad de ecologizar toda perspectiva, de situar en su contexto cualquier fenómeno. Reconoce asimismo la necesidad de distinguir entre los elementos de la realidad a fin de intentar proceder a su comprensión, pero a la vez  postula la no-separación de esta realidad, es decir, distinguer sans disjoindre. Aplicada esta perspectiva a la esfera lingüístico-comunicativa está claro que podemos concebir una visión ecodependiente del mensaje verbal. Las emisiones lingüísticas existen en el marco de las intenciones interaccionales y de las situaciones sociocognitivas, entorno, pues, que podrá ejercer un importante grado de influencia en la selección de los elementos lingüísticos de la emisión y en la  propia interpretación de los mismos por parte de los interlocutores o simplemente espectadores de la relación comunicativa. Algunas líneas de la Lingüística contemporánea explotan ya con gran acierto y profundidad esta perspectiva clásica.

También el físico David Bohm ejemplifica en su conceptualización del orden implicado la realidad como fluyente y dinàmica. No se hace muy difícil llegar a ver que la interacción comunicativa entre los humanos necesita también ser entendida desde estos parámetros, dado que un movimiento comunicativo visto como separado de su situación y de los movimientos precedentes  puede resultar incomprensible y absurdo. Es en el flujo conversacional y social donde  pueden entenderse -y, entonces, tratar de ser explicadas- las construcciones verbales -y no-verbales- de los humanos. Es en las reverberaciones de unos turnos conversacionales con otros, de unas formas lingüísticas con otras, o de unos sonidos y de unas entonaciones con otros, y en la transversalidad auto-eco-organizativa entre las  propias partes, y las partes y la totalidad producida, donde desde el orden implicado y la complejidad ecológica, podemos tratar de entender mejor los mecanismos de la comunicación humana cotidiana.
El objetivo de este pequeño trabajo es comunicar algunas de las preguntas y reflexiones que saltan a la cabeza de un lingüista cuando éste lee -al principio con sorpresa y luego con enorme fascinación- a los físicos contemporáneos,... more
El objetivo de este pequeño trabajo es comunicar algunas de las preguntas y reflexiones que saltan a la cabeza de un lingüista cuando éste lee -al principio con sorpresa y luego con enorme fascinación- a los físicos contemporáneos, mientras se interroga sobre las consecuencias que para la Lingüística General debieran tener estas nuevas aportaciones del pensamiento. Irónicamente han tenido que ser los físicos los que nos empezaran a legitimar la necesaria e imprescindible investigación de los fenómenos mentales. Si la física incorpora al observador, ¿porque la lingüística no puede incorporar al "significador"? ¿Qué relaciones cabría descubrir entre los hechos tradicionalmente categorizados como "sociales" y los considerados como "lingüísticos"? ¿Qué cambios deberíamos incorporar a los paradigmas centrales de la sociología y de la lingüística? La integración en la lingüística de aportaciones teóricas y conceptuales del resto de las ciencias socio-culturales aparece hoy diáfana e imprescindible. La toma en consideración, fundamentalmente, de elementos de las ciencias cognitivas, de la sociología y de la antropología -sin olvido de las bases biológicas- permitiría avanzar no sólo hacia una deseable integración interdisciplinar sino finalmente hacia una teoría unificada de la lingüística, capaz de dar cuenta tanto del aspecto de las formas y de su organización como -y, en especial- del del significado y del uso social.
La comprensió global del fenomen lingüístic ens ha de portar a interrelacionar- lo estretament amb el fenomen mental i el fenomen sociocultural. Molt probablement, en aquesta línia interdisciplinària i integradora podem trobar pistes,... more
La comprensió global del fenomen lingüístic ens ha de portar a interrelacionar-
lo estretament amb el fenomen mental i el fenomen sociocultural. Molt probablement, en aquesta línia interdisciplinària i integradora podem trobar
pistes, qüestions i respostes d'enorme interès, capaces de dur-nos a nous
avenços teòrics i aplicats al servei d'una comprensió més aprofundida i real dels
fets lingüístics. El que es planteja és, simplement, la necessitat d'adaptar els nostres
enfocaments teòrics i organitzatius a la realitat complexa i interrelacionada
— i no esperar pas que pugui ser a l'inrevés. Potser aquesta presa en consideració
en la lingüística d'elements pertinents de les ciències cognitives, de la fenomenologia,
de la sociologia i de l'antropologia —sense oblidar-nos de les bases biològiques—
permetria avançar no solament cap a una desitjable integració de les
ciències humanes sinó també —seguint l'exemple del programa unificador
d'Einstein per a la física— cap a una teoria global del llenguatge humà, que pugui
donar compte dinàmicament tant de les formes i de la seva organització com
també —i potser de manera fonamental— del fenomen de la significació i del de
l'ús social. En la perspectiva, doncs, de la teoria de sistemes, que ens permet el
tractament unificat de la complexitat, potser podríem aplicar amb èxit al fenomen
lingüístic l'aproximació holística que considera l'univers «com una teranyina dinàmica
d'esdeveniments relacionats entre si. Cap de les propietats de qualsevol
part d'aquesta teranyina és fonamental; totes segueixen l'exemple de les propietats
de les altres parts, i la consistència total de les seves interrelacions mútues
determina l'estructura de tot l'entramat» (CAPRA, 1975:324).
S ens dubte, les Jornades sobre l'ús interpersonal s'han mostrat com una immillorable ocasió per tal de reflexionar sobre una qüestió vital per al devenir de la llengua catalana. Tanmateix, si les consideracions... more
S ens dubte, les Jornades sobre l'ús interpersonal s'han mostrat com una immillorable ocasió per tal de reflexionar sobre una qüestió vital per al devenir de la llengua catalana. Tanmateix, si les consideracions aportades-esbossades de manera succinta en les conclusions i desenvolupades en el con-junt de ponitncies que conformen el monografic de TSC que el lector té a les mans-no arriben al gruix de la societat, l'esforg cívic i intelelectual que s'ha esmerqat no passara de ser un conjunt de cavil+lacions desades al calaix dels mals endre~os. És fonamental, doncs, que els ciutadans i els governants, societat civil i poder, prenguin consciencia i actu'in en conseqiiencia davant el repte que suposa treure la llengua catalana de la deriva incerta a que el nou context sociopolític l'ha menada. L'herencia d'un passat hostil, de repressió de la llengua i la cultura pro-pies, ens va llegar, instaurada la democrhcia, un ecosistema comunicatiu on la preeminenc...
Research Interests:
(Catalan) La preocupació social respecte els efectes que poden tenir els contiguts televisius en el comportament dels més joves es tradueix soviet en la demanda d’una educació audiovisual a les escoles. S’intenta així vetllar perquè els... more
(Catalan) La preocupació social respecte els efectes que poden tenir els contiguts televisius en el comportament dels més joves es tradueix soviet en la demanda d’una educació audiovisual a les escoles. S’intenta així vetllar perquè els mitjans de comunicació no tinguin una influència negativa, sobretot en temes en què els adolescents peden ser més vulnerables, com la violencia i el sexe. Tanmateix, per tal que l’educació en mitjans de comunicació sigui útil, cal partir del coneixement de la relació dels adolescents amb la televisió. És per això que aquest llibre se centra a explicar els resultats de l’observació sistemàtica d’aquesta relació en una mostra d’adolescents de 12 a 16 anys. Al llarg d’aquesta observació es descobreix la complexitat i diversitat de la forma en què els joves interpreten els contiguts televisius, i es posa de manifest la seva condició de receptors actius i no de víctimes passives. El que diuen els adolescents sobre la seva experiencia televisiva respecte els continguts de violencia i de sexe és el punt de partida d’una reflexió que ha de servir per orientar futurs materials educatius, i també polítiques d’actuació quant a l’educació en mitjans de comunicació i a l’educació sexual a les escoles. Castellano La preocupación social respecto a los efectos que pueden tener los contenidos televisivos en el comportamiento de los más jóvenes se traduce a menudo en la demanda de una educación audiovisual en las escuelas. Se intenta con ello velar por que los medios de comunicación no tengan una influencia negativa, sobre todo en temas en que los adolescentes pueden ser más vulnerables, como la violencia y el sexo. Sin embargo, para que la educación en medios de comunicación sea útil, es preciso partir del conocimiento de la relación de los adolescentes con la televisión. Por eso, este libro se centra en explicar los resultados de la observación sistemática de esta relación en una muestra de adolescentes de 12 a 16 años. A lo largo de esta observación se descubre la complejidad y diversidad del modo en que los jóvenes interpretan los contenidos televisivos, y se pone de manifiesto su condición de receptores activos y no de víctimas pasivas. Lo que dicen los adolescentes sobre su experiencia televisiva respecto a los contenidos de violencia y de sexo es el punto de partida de una reflexión que ha de servir para orientar futuros materiales educativos, y también políticas de actuación en cuanto a la educación en medios de comunicación y la educación sexual en las escuelas. Índice Sumario Prólogo a esta edición ¿Por qué un libro como éste? I. Mirar 1. ¿Cómo mirar? 2. ¿Qué mirar? 3. ¿A quién mirar? II. Ver 4. ¿Qué, cuándo y por qué ven la televisión? 5. Violencia de ficción y violencia real 6. El sexo y la televisión (y los amigos, los padres y la escuela) III. Pensar y hacer 7. ¿Qué nos han dicho los jóvenes? 8. La educación en medios de comunicación 9. ¿Por qué utilizar los medios de comunicación para trabajar la educación sexual en las escuelas? 10. Consideraciones finales Referencias bibliográficas
... ment. Els estudis en el camp 'eco-lingüístic' o de l''ecologia de les llengües', fins ara s'havien inspi-rat fonamentalment en la bioe-cologia i en la ideologia 'ecolo-gista' (Mühlhäusler, 1995;... more
... ment. Els estudis en el camp 'eco-lingüístic' o de l''ecologia de les llengües', fins ara s'havien inspi-rat fonamentalment en la bioe-cologia i en la ideologia 'ecolo-gista' (Mühlhäusler, 1995; Mu-fwene and Moshi, 1993) . Però ...
La comunicacio i la interdependencia creixents dels grups humans del planeta propies de l’epoca contemporania causen un augment del contacte linguistic i van estenent considerablement la consciencia de la diversitat cultural i linguistica... more
La comunicacio i la interdependencia creixents dels grups humans del planeta propies de l’epoca contemporania causen un augment del contacte linguistic i van estenent considerablement la consciencia de la diversitat cultural i linguistica humana. Aquesta nova situacio interroga amb forca les pressuposicions ideologiques que han sostingut fins ara l’organitzacio comunicativa de la humanitat i, en especial, les idees de jerarquitzacio i de menysvaloracio de les llengues dels grups humans subordinats politicament i/o economicament. La problematica fonamental de la nova situacio es defineix a) d’una banda pel creixement exponencial del contacte a escala planetaria, ja sigui per la via politica, economica o tecnomediatica, o per la de desplacament de poblacions d’una area cultural a una de diferent, i b) d’una altra, per la consciencia de la desaparicio de multitud de formes de parlar en els mes diversos indrets del planeta. La maxima preocupacio, per tant, se centra en aquesta importantissima tendencia a la reduccio de la diversitat linguistica historicament construida. Aquest tipus de questions ens porta cap a la necessitat d’aprofundir el nostre coneixement dels processos de substitucio en el terreny linguistic per tal de poder veure amb claredat com aquests podrien ser evitats i/o reinvertits, tot tenint clar que el que sera probablement impossible es retornar a les situacions anteriors dels habitats socioculturals que durant tant de temps han alimentat la diversitat fins ara existent. La gran questio passa a ser, doncs, com mantenir la diversitat linguistica en el marc d’una bi- o multilinguitzacio generalitzada dels individus i de les societats humanes . La continuitat de la diversitat linguistica es un afer de les asimetries de poder relatiu entre els conjunts humans en contacte. La intervencio per al manteniment de la diversitat linguistica es una accio clarament politica, car es des d’aquest nivell col.lectiu que les societats humanes poden influir en una reconduccio de les actuals situacions, tot tractant de modificar adequadament el conjunt dels diferents factors que intervenen en la causacio de les actuals dinamiques negatives. S’imposa una actuacio internacional coordinada que, des dels organismes comuns que la Humanitat comenca a tenir fins als poders publics mes locals, impulsi una presa de consciencia clara de la crisi de la linguodiversitat i faci emprendre a cada nivell de govern les accions possibles per tal que puguin ser modificades les inadequades condicions actuals. A Europa, malgrat l’existencia de discursos positius respecte de la diversitat en alguns Estats -Suissa com a maxim exemple- en d’altres les resistencies ideologiques son fortes i enormement arrelades en les ments de la poblacio, llargament educada en la valoracio jerarquica de la llengua oficial -simbol de l’Estat- i alhora en el menyspreu i denigracio dels grups linguistics distints -Franca, com a paradigma. Les institucions europees comunes han de difondre, per tant, els valors d’acceptacio i dignificacio de la diversitat linguistica historica, i ajudar a l’adopcio per part dels Estats de politiques no pas contraries sino plenament favorables a la diversitat linguistica dels seus grups historics minoritzats. El continent europeu exemplifica potser mes be que cap altre les tres grans tematiques que ara afecten la diversitat linguistica: el manteniment i normalitzacio dels grups linguistics subordinats , la intercomunicacio en l’espai europeu , tant de les institucions com dels ciutadans, i els desplacaments de les poblacions . Malgrat, pero, la importancia segura dels plans mundial i continental en el futur de l’evolucio de la diversitat linguistica, el nivell estatal ha estat i es encara avui l’espai que mes afecta aquesta evolucio. Establerts de fa temps principis com ara els de ‘territorialitat’ o ‘personalitat’ com a fonamentadors de l’organitzacio del plurilinguisme de les poblacions en el si d’un mateix Estat, existeix, aixo no obstant, la necessitat d’ampliar-los i d’actualitzar-los. Em pregunto si no caldria introduir un tercer principi, el de ‘funcionalitat’ basat en la possibilitat d’una distribucio no jerarquica de funcions en el si d’una poblacio bi- o multilinguitzada, a l’estil luxemburgues, per exemple. Acceptada la no-completesa de funcions -si mes no parcial- per a les llengues propies en un mon futur molt mes interdependent, caldria passar, doncs, a una estrategia de supervivencia basada en la ‘diglossia positiva’ o no estrictament jerarquica, es a dir, en una distribucio adequada de la funcionalitat de les llengues en concurrencia. En el proxim futur una de les grans questions que es plantejara sera com aturar l’ us abusiu de les llengues de comunicacio general. Una vegada poliglotitzada la poblacio, la temptacio dels grans grups linguistics d’ocupar el maxim de funcions i de dificultar l’us de les llengues dels grups menors o mitjans -com ja s’esta veient ara- creixera i augmentara amb forca. Es aqui on…
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The migrations of recent years pose new challenges for the social use of Catalan. It behoves institutions to create foundation for the Catalan population to understand and accept these phenomena so as to facilitate the integration of... more
The migrations of recent years pose new challenges for the social use of Catalan. It behoves institutions to create foundation for the Catalan population to understand and accept these phenomena so as to facilitate the integration of these new citizens. The case of Canada indicates that an open attitude on the part of the indigenous population is essential for integration. Every year since 1990, this country has received about 200,000 immigrants, most of whom are of Asian origin. Sociolinguistic analyses indicate that while typically the first generation does not do a good job of learning the country's languages, English and French, the second generation has already developed a mastery of them. The degree of mastery depends on the social level and the size of the ethnic group. In the case of the Chinese, for example, there is a greater degree of language maintenance because they tend to congregate in closed groups that function in Chinese. In the specific case of Quebec, while a majority of the students who reached the province before turning 15 adopt French as their lingua franca, English wins out among the adult population. The Quebec government has control over immigration and can give preference to French-culture immigrants in order to facilitate their integration. In Catalonia, it is important for the Generalitat (the Autonomous Government of Catalonia) to have jurisdiction over immigration matters in order for few citizens to understand the reality of the Catalan sociolinguistic situation. The necessary conditions must be created to allow these new citizens to acquire knowledge of both official languages. The Catalan situation is less favourable than that of Quebec because in Catalonia, Catalan is often not the language of interaction on the street. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
An academic directory and search engine.
An academic directory and search engine.
... SUBJECT(S): Català, Catalunya, normalització lingüística, política lingüística, planificació lingüística, ecologia de les llengües, perspectiva ecosistèmica, dinàmica sociolingüística, Catalan, Catalonia, language policy, language... more
... SUBJECT(S): Català, Catalunya, normalització lingüística, política lingüística, planificació lingüística, ecologia de les llengües, perspectiva ecosistèmica, dinàmica sociolingüística, Catalan, Catalonia, language policy, language planning, ecology of languages, linguistic ecology ...
ABSTRACT El artículo hace un repaso histórico del inicio y desarrollo contemporáneo de los trabajos sociolingüísticos inspirados en la ecología y en la sostenibilidad lingüísticas, y se destacan las ideas y conceptualizaciones más... more
ABSTRACT El artículo hace un repaso histórico del inicio y desarrollo contemporáneo de los trabajos sociolingüísticos inspirados en la ecología y en la sostenibilidad lingüísticas, y se destacan las ideas y conceptualizaciones más importantes. De manera especial se profundiza en estos campos desde la perspectiva transdisciplinaria y multidimensional de la complejidad sociocognitiva, que permite comprender más adecuadamente los fenómenos dinámicos del cambio y de la sustitución o extinción lingüísticas. Así, se detallan algunos de los principios básicos de la aproximación compleja y se propone la imagen de una metáfora orquestal o polifónica para visualizar la comprensión multinivelada y ecosistémica de las vicisitudes de las formas lingüísticas. La sostenibilidad lingüística, como evolución proactiva del pensamiento ecológico, es vista como el intento de construir la convivencia lingüística humana en base a una conciliación equilibrada del mantenimiento y desarrollo de los códigos específicos de cada grupo humano y del conocimiento y uso de otras lenguas más generales de intercomunicación.
Actuar sobre el futur implica realitzar algun tipus de prospectiva sobre com serà -o com sembla que serà- aquest futur. L'anticipació respecte dels fets que han d'ocórrer en la mesura que puguin ser previstos- i l'adequació... more
Actuar sobre el futur implica realitzar algun tipus de prospectiva sobre com serà -o com sembla que serà- aquest futur. L'anticipació respecte dels fets que han d'ocórrer en la mesura que puguin ser previstos- i l'adequació dels discursos i les accions a les tendències que es dibuixen com a majoritàries en la societat són fonamentals per a l'èxit d'una acció transformadora.Ara com ara tot sembla indicar que ens dirigim cap a un futur 'glocal', és a dir, en part global i en part local. Molt probablement anirà creixent la interdependènciatecnoeconòmica de les societats humanes i la influència dels grans emissors tecnomediàtics sobre els més petits encara augmentarà més. Les possibilitats d'acció sobre la determinació dels usos lingüístics per part dels grups humans demogràficament poc extensos i/o políticament subordinats tendiran probablement a disminuir més que no pas a augmentar.Les representacions s'internacionalitzaran i passarem a una etapa &#...
Per a moltes persones, la manera de mirar, a Catalunya, la realitat sociolingüística i, en conseqüència, també la política lingüística que se'n desprèn- deriva fonamentalment encara de les idees i aspiracions que s'estengueren a... more
Per a moltes persones, la manera de mirar, a Catalunya, la realitat sociolingüística i, en conseqüència, també la política lingüística que se'n desprèn- deriva fonamentalment encara de les idees i aspiracions que s'estengueren a partir de la dècada dels 60. Encara en plena dictadura, alguns intel.lectuals i activistes van anar elaborant un discurs reivindicatiu que, tot passant per les controvèrsies ideològico-terminològiques del 'bilingüisme' versus la 'diglòssia' i de l'ensenyament en la llengua de l'Estat versus la 'llengua materna', va anar cristal.lizant en el procés dit de 'normalització lingüística' en què ara ens trobem immersos. És des d'aquesta perspectiva de fons que, amb un concepte de 'bilingüisme' dimonitzat -per la seva suposada automàtica evolució cap a la 'substitució'- i amb l'ensenyament en 'llengua materna' més aviat sacralitzat, s'han anat construint les bases d'una organitza...
Research Interests:
PUB DATE 86 NOTE 144p. PUB TYPE Reports -Research/Technical (143) EDRS PRICE mr0l/pco6 Plus Postage. ABSTRACT A study of the process of bilingualization of second-generation immigrants to Catalonia, a region of Spain, is described and... more
PUB DATE 86 NOTE 144p. PUB TYPE Reports -Research/Technical (143) EDRS PRICE mr0l/pco6 Plus Postage. ABSTRACT A study of the process of bilingualization of second-generation immigrants to Catalonia, a region of Spain, is described and summarized. The study looks at the interrelationships between (1) linguistic context, all sources of messages in natural speech; (2) linguistic behavior, the real communicative use the individual makes of his expressive faculties in the language; and (3) linguistic competence, the combination of knowledge and capacity allowing the individual to undevstand and utter messages in the language. These variables are examined as they relate to the acquisition of Catalan by Castilian-speaking immigrants' children. The report begins with a general geographic and demographic background and a description of the study's design. The second chapter presents information on the demography and the three linguistic variables examined in the town under study. The...
Research Interests:
The 'complexity' approach can be positive and very helpful for General Linguistics theory because departs from: a) the idea that knowledge or meaning can exist without a being who produces them, b) the fragmented and reductionist... more
The 'complexity' approach can be positive and very helpful for General Linguistics theory because departs from: a) the idea that knowledge or meaning can exist without a being who produces them, b) the fragmented and reductionist view of reality and its too mechanistic oriented images, c) the 'linear' causality models, d) the tendency to dichotomise the categories about reality, e) the 'third excluded' Aristotelian principle (binary logic: if something is here it is not there), f) the disappearance of the mind in some 'higher' social sciences, g) an inadequate approach of the relationships between the whole and its parts, and, h) a perspective on creativity too much based on logic and not on 'artistic' intuition and imagination in science.
Research Interests:
El artículo hace un repaso histórico del inicio y desarrollo contemporáneo de los trabajos sociolingüísticos inspirados en la ecología y en la sostenibilidad lingüísticas, y se destacan las ideas y conceptualizaciones más importantes. De... more
El artículo hace un repaso histórico del inicio y desarrollo contemporáneo de los trabajos sociolingüísticos inspirados en la ecología y en la sostenibilidad lingüísticas, y se destacan las ideas y conceptualizaciones más importantes. De manera especial se profundiza en estos campos desde la perspectiva transdisciplinaria y multidimensional de la complejidad sociocognitiva, que permite comprender más adecuadamente los fenómenos dinámicos del cambio y de la sustitución o extinción lingüísticas. Así, se detallan algunos de los principios básicos de la aproximación compleja y se propone la imagen de una metáfora orquestal o polifónica para visualizar la comprensión multinivelada y ecosistémica de las vicisitudes de las formas lingüísticas. La sostenibilidad lingüística, como evolución proactiva del pensamiento ecológico, es vista como el intento de construir la convivencia lingüística humana en base a una conciliación equilibrada del mantenimiento y desarrollo de los códigos específico...
Research Interests:

And 15 more