Alexandre Kojève
Recent papers in Alexandre Kojève
The article aims to undertake an immanent critique of the two heterodox interpretations of Stalin, by Alexandre Kojève and Boris Groys, and their contextualisation in terms of recent theoretical debates on the idea of communism.
University of Sydney English Honours Thesis
Deleuze and Guattari’s conception of desire stands at the heart of their criticisms of psychoanalysis and the political program they develop in Anti-Oedipus. Although this notion is clearly divorced from a commonsense understanding in... more
George Grant began his philosophical career as a believer in Hegelian progress. However, an exposure to the thought of Leo Strauss contributed to making him less optimistic about the progress of history and its fulfillment in the... more
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History begins in a struggle producing two figures, Master and Slave. It ends in a ‘‘universal and homogeneous state’’, an Empire. Revolution with its inevitable terror is the central point in this history. Kojeve himself had experienced... more
It is curious that Hegel's Phenomenology, a text that explicitly embraces philosophy as a system and aims to “sublate” the thinking of representation, ends with a literary image borrowed from Schiller's poetry. Many authors have tried to... more
A summary of Kojeve's "anthropological" reading of Hegel that analyzes the influential sections of Kojeve's "Introduction to the Reading of Hegel," particularly those that establish the subject as a desiring negativity or void that... more
Translation of an unpublished manuscript from the BNF Bataille archives containing the table of contents and one completed part of an introduction to a never published (or completed) book on Hegel by Alexandre Kojève, circa 1950-54.... more
Departing from the question of 'absence as
Since the nineteenth-sixties the concept of desire has played a significant role in investigating politics and the nature of political subjects. Through the readings of Machiavelli, Hobbes and Spinoza, to Nineteenth century political... more
My aim is to lay out the main tenets of the philosophical dialogue engaged in by Alexandre Kojève and Trần Đức Thảo concerning the importance to be attributed to Hegel’s dialectic. After the publication of Kojève’s Introduction to the... more
This essay from 2003 began as a reading of one work, Frantz Fanon's Black Skin, White Mask, which became an investigation into the tension between two separate themes: one from an early chapter entitled "The Fact of Blackness" and the... more
Indagar cómo Lacan lee permite avanzar en la pregunta por cómo leerlo. Esta es la intuición que guía este ensayo: en el modo en que Lacan comenta a Freud, a Sófocles o a Platón; en su abierta preferencia por una cierta filosofía; y en los... more
'The explanatory power of the concept of the Other has led to its broad adoption in cultural and social criticism. Like all concepts the concept of the Other can illuminate, but it can also obscure meaning. Routine application of a... more
Review of Alexandre Kojève, L’idea di determinismo nella fisica classica e nella fisica moderna, Adelphi, Milano 2018
Translation of Lettre de Kojève à Bataille du 28 juillet 1943, in Correspondance Bataille, NAF 15853 – Ambrosino-Kojève, n° 579, reproduced in A. Kojève, « Lettres à Georges Bataille, » in Textures, n° 6, 1970, pp. 61-65. Translation... more
El presente trabajo analiza la concepción del capitalismo de Gilles Deleuze, en el marco de la discusión suscitada por autores que reducen la dimensión política de su obra a una indagación ética. Sostenemos que el pensamiento político... more
Cet article retrace les références au léninisme qui traversent la philosophie politique de Carl Schmitt. S'il mobilise plusieurs penseurs marxistes, Lénine est à la fois celui pour lequel il témoigne le plus d'intérêt et celui qu'il... more
Онтологическо-темпоральный дуализм, развиваемый Кожевом в оппозиции онтологии Гегеля и «антропологии» Хайдеггера, сопровождается разделением людей на «не-философов», «философов» и «мудрецов». Отличие между ними состоит в разных... more
This paper will analyze the evolution and the key aspects of René Girard's critique of the Hegelian " struggle for recognition " and the master-slave dialectic. Through a discussion of Girard's views on Identity, Difference, Violence,... more
Marx'ın diyalektik metodolojisinin en ergin olduğu dönem, Hegel'in ''Köle-Efendi Diyalektiği'' ile kapıyı açtığı çatışkı ile gündeme gelmektedir. Zira, Hegel'in tam karşısında yer alacak olan Marx, ''burjuva-proletarya'' çelişkisi... more
Впервые на русском языке исследуется «Заметка о Гегеле и Хайдеггере» Александра Кожева. Анализируется попытка Александра Кожева обосновать взаимную переводимость философии Гегеля и философии Хайдеггера. Изучены аргументы Кожева о единстве... more
Kojeve's reading of Hegel, emphasizing the importance of the concept of death, juxtaposed with Rosenzweig's implicit use of Hegel's philosophy in The Star of Redemption, focusing on the notion of life.
Extracts from Seth Benardete's discussion of the theoretical high point of Plato's Sophist, with reference to the Strauss-Kojeve debate concerning the "community of ideas" (Strauss and Benardete had discussed the Sophist in depth in the... more
Poderíamos afirmar que a Filosofia de Hegel independe da alteridade para o seu desenvolvimento? É possível compreendermos a alteridade como um estatuto fundamental para o pensamento hegeliano? Trata-se de perguntas que ingressam em... more
This articles examines the relation between time and concept in Hegel, with a particular attention to the final pages of Phenomenology of Spirit where the cancellation of time is discussed. The main objective of my analysis is to... more
The article presents a critique of Kojéve’s interpretation of Hegel’s “end of history” that can be found in the works of Paul Ricoeur, Eric Weil and Daniel Berthold-Bond. Although there is no doubt that their studies are solid and... more
Savaş dönemleri insanlık tarihinin en büyük yıkımları ve aynı zamanda en çağrıcı düşüncelerinin ortaya çıktığı kaotik zamanları temsil etmektedir. Böyle bir dönemi yansıtan ve faşist tutumlar karşısında toplumsal yaşamın nasıl... more
An extract from
Jacques Lacan: A Critical Introduction
by Martin Murray
Jacques Lacan: A Critical Introduction
by Martin Murray
This article first appeared in Philosophy Now, Issue 106, out now. Please visit
Nous sommes tous la pègre. Les années 68 de Blanchot, Paris, Minuit, coll. «Paradoxe », 2018.