Recent papers in Anacreon
Im Zentrum des Buches steht die textnahe Interpretation dreier Gedichte aus verschiedenen Schaffensphasen Eduard Mörikes: Sehnsucht, Bildniß der Geliebten und Erinna an Sappho. Dabei spielen die bislang übersehene Adaptationen... more
Collected and translated from Ancient Greek into Turkish with an introduction, notes, glossary, and indices, an anthology of Archaic Greek Poetry to exemplify the archaic aesthetic, including Homeric Hymns, Archilochus, Callinus,... more
¿En la antigua Macedonia se impartían clases sobre la historia de Argantonio y las aventuras de los griegos en Tartessos? Argantonios, el rey de Tartessos que reinó durante 150 años en un ostracon griego contemporáneo. Georgeos... more
The phrase imperishable fame in the subtitle is taken from Ibycus' Ode to Polycrates (v. 47), where the poet is addressing Polycrates, predicting him imperishable fame (κλέος ἄφθιτον). Generally, the reason for Polycrates' imperishable... more
Article-review of G.M. Leo, Anacreonte: i frammenti erotici. Testo, commento e traduzione ("Quaderni di seminari romani"), Roma (Quasar)
2015 (248 p.).
2015 (248 p.).
L’analisi di Hor. carm. I 27 dimostra l’imitazione da parte di Orazio dell’intero fr. 356/11a-b Page (= 33 Gent.) di Anacreonte e non, come si è finora pensato, della sola seconda parte di esso. L’anello di congiunzione è costituito dai... more
Archilochus' relationship to Thasos has long troubled scholars. The poet, numerous ancient sources attest, was involved in the Parian settlement of Thasos, an island 400 km away at the other end of the Aegean. As such, he is not only our... more
В данной статье рассматриваются взгляды Михаила Ломоносова на роль поэта и поэзии. Он подробно высказал их в своем поэтическом цикле "Разговор с Анакреонтом", который соответственно подвергается в статье анализу. Он показывает, что так... more
Sepulchral epigrams of poets, in the Palatine Anthology, frequently use paradoxical rhetoric to underline the dead poet’s greatness, in contrast to the smallness of what remains of him after his death. If the rhetorical features are... more
In this article, I present all elegiac fragments from Anacreon of Teos in an annotated translation. This translation attempts to recreate, to some degree, the rhythm from the greek elegiac couplet.
Das Altgriechische hat wie das Lateinische seine Funktion als Literatursprache mit dem Ende der Antike nicht verloren, sondern wurde vor allem seit der Renaissance in Europa und darüber hinaus wieder als solche verwendet. Allerdings war... more
Resumo. A imagem que temos dos poetas gregos está intimamente ligada às histórias atribuídas a eles e às leituras que os antigos fizeram de sua poesia. A fim de delinear minimamente a imagem de Anacreonte, apresento uma tradução poética... more
O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar as imagens construídas pelo poeta mélico arcaico Anacreonte (ativo em c. 550 a.C.) na representação do deus Eros e da experiência erótica em 14 de seus fragmentos, dada a destacada relevância... more
RESUMO: O livro VII da Antologia Grega, epigrammata epitymbia, abarca epitáfios fictícios, cujos protagonistas são ilustres " mortos " como Homero, Safo e Anacreonte, o qual recebeu doze epitáfios compilados em sequência, sendo metade... more
Der silberne Klang - oder: wenn Münzen singen, in: Fl. Leitmeier - D. Shehata - O. Wiener (Hrsg.): MUS-IC-ON! Klang der Antike. Begleitband zur Ausstellung im Martin von Wagner Museum der Universität Würzburg, 10. Dezember 2019 bis 12.... more
Abstract: Attraverso l’analisi di una serie di passi tratti dai frammenti del P.Oxy. 3722 (hypomnema ad Anacreonte) si tentano nuove strade nell’interpretazione e nella comprensione testuale, ricorrendo anche a nuovi supplementi o ipotesi... more
In this article, we go to rescue the A. Querol, M. Corchado, J. Manterola and V. Colorado’s translations that were made in the seventieth of 19th Century. These versions aren’t very known because they were published in different magazines... more
English abstract of
Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica, n.s. 120. 3, 2018, pp. 153-176
Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica, n.s. 120. 3, 2018, pp. 153-176
In this paper, I argue that Greekness was a main characteristic of (some of) the Anacreontics at some stage of their ancient reception, alongside wine, love and revel. First, I point out the proximity between Anacreont. 8 and 4 West,... more
This paper provides a stylistic and philological reconsideration of the poem. Points of vocabulary as well as a more accurate reading of the relevant papyrus militate against an ironic interpretation of the woman’s lament, which most... more
Parler du sage Anacréon, du doux Anacréon, n’a pas permis de citer tous ses fragments connus. Certains se laissent malaisément classer, comme ces incipit d’un papyrus du iie siècle après J.-C., où nous ne savons pas toujours ce qui... more
Anacréon (Le numéro des fragments est celui des Poetae melici Graeci ou du Supplementum lyricis Graecis de D. L. Page. On trouvera dans l’édition de D. A. Campbell, p. 248-257, une table permettant d’utiliser aussi les éditions de Th.... more
The theme of the old lover possibly has its oldest source in the Archaic poets Mimnermus, Theognis, Ibycus, and Anacreon. The attitude of these poets to elderly lovers is negative in that they present a cultural outlook which sees old age... more
This paper focuses on poetic mobility throughout the Greek world down to the middle of the fifth century BC. The aim of the enquiry is to ascertain the importance of a singer’s social promotion as a reason for traveling, and to account... more
The purpose of this paper is to recall from oblivion and analyze the translations of the Anacreontea that were published by some members of a literary group called the “Mexican Arcadia” at the start of the 19th Century in El Diario de... more
O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar as imagens construídas pelo poeta mélico arcaico Anacreonte (ativo em c. 550 a.C.) na representação do deus Eros e da experiência erótica em 14 de seus fragmentos, dada a destacada relevância... more
L’articolo offre una breve ricognizione dei caratteri della poesia anacreontica nel Settecento e del suo impiego nella teoria letteraria e traduttiva dell’epoca. Si concentra poi sulla funzione che la poesia anacreontica svolge, in quanto... more
El propósito de este artículo consiste en estudiar las modificaciones que lleva a cabo Francisco de Quevedo en su paráfrasis Anacreón castellano (1609), las cuales suponen la introducción de elementos elocutivos ajenos a las Anacreónticas... more
Review of: Anacreón castellano, de Francisco de Quevedo, edición crítica y anotada de Elena Gallego Moya y J. David Castro de Castro, A Coruña, SIELAE, 2018. ISBN 978-84-09-07700-7, 561 pages.
This talk is part of the panel "Social Mobility as a Consequence of the Spatial Mobility from Sixth to Fourth Century Greece", organised by Dr. Laura Loddo at the CA Conference 2018. ABSTRACT OF THE PANEL: The papers presented in... more