Eco Umberto
Recent papers in Eco Umberto
İlk baskısı 1977 yılında yapılan Tez Nasıl Yazılır adlı eserde Umberto Eco altı bölüm halinde bir mezuniyet tezinin nasıl yazılacağını ve bu yazma sürecinin ince, zorlu ve özenli bir iş olduğunu anlatmaktadır. Eco, eserini mezuniyet tezi... more
The paper discusses the relation between Luigi Pirandello's L'umorismo and Umberto Eco's and Richard Rorty's diverging versions of irony. The article highlights genealogical, as well as rhizomatic relations between modernist humour and... more
Il comico, l’umorismo, l’ironia sono dei concetti abbastanza simili tra loro ma che sembrano sfuggire a ogni tentativo di classificazione “scientifica”. Molti autori fanno confusione, e usano questi termini, spesso impropriamente, come... more
Umberto Eco (1975; 1985) has invariantly maintained that specular images have no semiosic status, basically because they stand in front rather than instead of an object. In his Kant and the Platypus (1997), Eco returns offering reasons to... more
Conferenza tenuta in lingua italiana all’ Università degli studi d’Aquila per il "dottorato di ricerca in comparatistica", Aprile 2001
This article examines the production of the literary myth from the perspective of semiosis and perceptive semiosis according to Um-berto Eco. It shows that, though the referent is always modified by the occurrences and the different kinds... more
En este texto realizamos una lectura desde la estética y la teoría literaria guarda Umberto Eco. Proponemos una lectura comunicativa de la teoría literaria y estética de Eco. Repasamos la caracterización del mensaje estético en varias de... more
Semiotics (sometimes spelled “semeiotic”) is the name first given by John Locke, and later reprised by Charles S. Peirce, for the “doctrine of signs,” or the study of how some things can stand for other things to still other things. This... more
Esta Lección es un texto didáctico que introduce a la obra de Umberto Eco y de manera particular a su concepto de comunicación. El título de la Lección es un guiño a dos de sus obras. Con la alusión de la primera queremos tomar distancia... more
In this encyclopedic entry, the key points of Umberto Eco's career as a philosopher, novelist and intellectual, are analysed and discussed. The article was published in Literary Encyclopedia, 01/08/2019. Link:... more
Este trabajo analiza los aspectos de la ‘proto-ilustración’ en la obra de Umberto Eco como iniciación del proceso que ya tomaba forma en la baja edad media. Se analizan los personajes, la trama, y el argumento, en un ámbito donde los... more
Análisis semiótico de dos obras pictóricas, el símbolo según U. Eco.
1) Frida Khalo “La Columna Rota”
2) Eduard manet “Olympia”
1) Frida Khalo “La Columna Rota”
2) Eduard manet “Olympia”
Questa tesi è un’indagine sul cambiamento in atto nel mondo editoriale finalizza alla realizzazione di una semiotica del progetto, ovvero di un modello semiotico a supporto della progettazione di nuovi artefatti di lettura. Nel primo... more
En esta obra se hace una introducción a la obra de Umberto Eco en el que se revisan sus conceptos principales en materia de teoría de comunicación y semiótica. Se ve la relación entre la teoría semiótica y las contribuciones a las teorías... more
The thesis seeks to identify the roots of the young Viktor Shklovsky's "literary theory" in Potebnja's understanding of the difference between poetry and prose
(The Name of the Rose, from bestseller meta-novel brought to canon, to neo-gothic niche movie) This paper analyses from four different perspectives a notorious and long debated novel, Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose. Comparing it with... more
In un discorso pubblico segnato da pulsioni nazionaliste e sentimenti di ostilità, l'analisi delle decisioni delle Commissioni territoriali per il riconoscimento della protezione internazionale e della giurisprudenza restituisce la crisi... more
Necrologio per la morte di Umberto Eco
Every efficient society (every dictator) that believes at some point that it has transformed man and his entire society into an efficient anthill, fails because it has not studied (believing itself God) and has not observed either ants or... more
Nous nous proposons ici d’explorer les notions de mythe et de réécriture en les mettant en relation avec la littérature potentielle et la traduction. Ces deux derniers concepts entretienent un rapport étroit : alors que la traduction est... more
Las características de la narración tradicional se ven radicalmente alteradas por la irrupción del concepto de postmodernidad, del que la Escuela de Frankfurt, a la que pertenece Umberto Eco, es uno de sus principales exponentes. En... more
Kapitlet »Mellan raderna? Till frågan om textens appellstruktur» syftar till att belysa aspekter av text och läsning som är relevanta i den litteraturvetenskapliga undervisningen för att utveckla en uppmärksam, nyanserad och kritiskt... more
The Biblical World is a comprehensive guide to the contents, historical settings, and social context of the Bible. This new edition is updated with several new chapters as well as a new section on biblical interpretation. Contributions... more
• Citazioni possibili e impossibili ne “Il nome della rosa” di Umberto Eco, in, 13/09/2021: Citazioni possibili e impossibili ne “Il nome della rosa” di Umberto Eco (
Theoretically translation seems to be impossible. The difference between languages lies in every aspect of them and makes utopian the transfer of the same meaning from one language to another. On the other hand, translation is a matter of... more
Goethes Konzept der Weltliteratur - Pascale Casanovas Interpretation von Goethes Weltliteratur.- Fritz Strichs Forschung zu Goethes Weltliteratur- Erich Auerbachs 'Philologie der Weltliteratur'- Edward Said und Auerbach... more
Questo breve saggio è dedicato a Numele trandafirului, spettacolo teatrale del regista romeno Grigore Gonţa andato in scena per la prima volta nel 1998 presso il Teatro Nazionale di Bucarest e basato sul volume di Umberto Eco Il nome... more
Review: Umberto Eco novels "The Name of the Rose", "Foucault's Pendulum" and "The Island of the Day Before"
The Biblical World is a comprehensive guide to the contents, historical settings, and social context of the Bible. This new edition is updated with several new chapters as well as a new section on biblical interpretation. Contributions... more
Among the numerous Facebook group pages to which I subscribe, some focus exclusively on issues of concern to members of Jewish communities throughout the world. A few of the Facebook pages serve as forums for specifically children and... more
"Representation" is one of those Janus-faced terms that seems blatantly obvious when used in a casual or pre-theoretic manner, but which reveals itself far more slippery when attentively studied. Any allusion to "metarepresentation," it... more
This note focuses on two essays: 'La sfida al labirinto' by Italo Calvino and 'Del modo di formare come impegno sulla realtà' by Umberto Eco (henceforth 'Sfida' and 'Modo', respectively). Both essays were published in the Turin-based... more