Enrique Dussell
Recent papers in Enrique Dussell
This article is about the philosophy of Enrique Dussel and its project of “liberation”. It argues for the relevance of the category of “exterioridad” from the figure of “poor” in Dussel's thought, both in its early stage as in its... more
Apresentação que compôs o 8º Seminário de Filosofia Intercultural da ALAFI (Associação Latino Americana de Filosofia Intercultural), que ocorreu em outubro de 2019 na FFLCH-USP.
Some of the most promising advances in recent social and sociological theory have happened in connection with historical sociology, including the ‘multiple’ or ‘entangled’ modernity as well as the civilizational approaches, despite their... more
Leftists have often received the ethical phenomenology of Emmanuel Levinas with suspicion, on the grounds that it seems to lack a political appreciation of exploitation. While Levinas’s thought includes strong considerations of cultural... more
La Ética de la Liberación discute con la mayoría de nuestras creencias sociales y políticas, postulando principios que van en contra de distintas formas de fundamentar la ética. Es aquí donde radica su igualdad con muchas otras éticas... more
https://www.amazon.com.mx/dp/8411140008/ref=cbw_us_mx_dp_narx_gl_book_web Kant para el siglo XXI de Lutz Alexander Keferstein, no aborda al filósofo ilustrado por excelencia desde la perspectiva tradicional, sino que demuestra la... more
Esse artigo é uma crítica aos estudos em daoísmo, assim, é uma metateoria desse campo de estudos, e não se trata de um artigo diretamente sobre o daoísmo. Nosso objetivo é refletir sobre as mudanças históricas do campo dos estudos em... more
Which conceptions of solidarity will help subjugated, oppressed groups pose liberatory challenges to the regimes under which they suffer? Activists and scholars concerned with liberation err by constraining solidarity to the parameters... more
Résumé Après avoir situé la démarche spécifique d’une « éthique interculturelle », cet article tente d’esquisser une alternative entre d’un côté, une approche sous-tendue par un postulat général de symétrisation des expériences... more
Ética de la liberación Dussel (1)
Après avoir situé la démarche spécifique d'une « éthique interculturelle », cet article tente d'esquisser une alternative entre d'un côté, une approche sous-tendue par un postulat général de symétrisation des expériences culturelles,... more
Esta entrevista aborda la obra del lósofo Enrique Dussel a la luz de sus contribuciones al pensamiento crítico contemporáneo, con especial énfasis en las transferencias de conocimientos entre Europa y América Latina. Discutiendo la... more
This paper explores the links between international law, race and colonial capitalism through the Spanish and Portuguese Conquests of the Americas. Turning to the early modern philosophers of the School of Salamanca, Bohrer argues that... more
Resumen: este artículo presenta dos argumentos. El primero sugiere que Aníbal Quijano podría ser considerado el último gran teórico latinoamericano del siglo xx. Ello, a partir de una mirada que ve a la teoría de la "colo-nialidad del... more
[English translation of the text available on the website of the journal Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World 1:1 (2011)] En este capítulo se presenta la filosofía de la liberación de... more
José Gandarilla dixit: En estricta correspondencia a esa imagen, se naturaliza o eterniza una visión según la cual un complejo civilizatorio (que ha de ser denominado Europa, o que luego corresponderá al eurooccidente noratlántico)... more
Una revisión del concepto de pueblo a partir de las obras de Laclau, Dussel y Ranciere y la propuesta del concepto de clase pueblo para acercarse a los procesos de subjetivación política en los subalternos.
El presente artículo se aproxima al tema de los fines depredadores de la instrumentalización, colonial y neocolonial, de la fe con base cristiana, la antropología, la ecología, y la política. Se propone el neologismo Necroecoteología y la... more
This article explores the usefulness of Latin American philosopher Enrique Dussel's work for film-philosophy, as the field increasingly engages with a world of cinemas. The piece concludes with an analysis of two films with an ecological... more
Being in Prague means being engaged in cases and causes, feeling anxious, excited and alert, trying to convince others of your points and ideals, constantly arguing, attempting to gain a foothold in various hierarchies and networks, while... more
Cartesianism is deified as the mythical beginnings of Modern Western Philosophy. This paper draws on the evaluations of the epistemology and colonial context of Cartesianism from Latin American philosophers to show how the Cartesian... more
"Can the Undocumented Immigrant Speak? Exploring Decolonial Thinking in Latinx Literature and Cinema" focuses on young undocumented immigrant students by primarily analyzing nonfiction texts: Joshua Davis’s Spare Parts: Four Undocumented... more
Esta entrevista aborda la obra del filósofo Enrique Dussel a la luz de sus contribuciones al pensamiento crítico contemporáneo, con especial énfasis en las transferencias de conocimientos entre Europa y América Latina. Discutiendo... more
El presente trabajo busca pensar la relación entre lo religioso y lo político desde América Latina en clave emancipatoria. A su vez pretende expresar interrogantes de los caminos que la coyuntura social y política del continente ha... more
El concepto de “pueblo” en la obra de Dussel, es un concepto pivote que liga las concepciones políticas y filosóficas del autor. Esto es, su comprensión permite adentrarse en aspectos centrales de su aportación filosófica. Esta... more
When is it OK to lie about the past? If history is a story, then everyone knows that the 'official story' is told by the winners. No matter what we may know about how the past really happened, history is as it is recorded: this is what... more
Actes du colloque organisé autour du travail de Daniel Giovannangeli
It is one thing to consider what human rights have been and another to inquire into what they could be. In this essay, I present a history of human rights vis-à-vis decolonization. I follow the scholarship of Samuel Moyn to suggest that... more
In this article I explore how philosophical thinking about God, reason, humanity and history has shaped ideas of Europe, focusing on Hegel. For Hegel, Europe is the civilisation that, by way of Christianity, has advanced the spirit of... more