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In opdracht van het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek en Documentatie Centrum Ministerie van Justitie © 2009 WODC, Ministerie van Justitie. Auteursrechten voorbehouden.
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    • European consumer law
In the context of current pandemic crisis due, social distancing and quarantine measures were imposed by states due to the high risk of infection by going out of the house for buying the goods and services that are required. Naturally,... more
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      European LawContract LawEuropean Union LawConsumer Protection (Law)
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      After-Sales ServiceEuropean consumer lawConsumer Contractsconsumer rights directive
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      European LawContract LawConsumer Protection (Law)European consumer law
PREFÁCIO É com muita alegria que recebi, honrada, o convite dos coordenadores Dennis Verbicaro, Camille Ataíde e Carlos André Acioli para prefaciar esta célebre obra intitulada “Provocações Contemporâneas no Direito do Consumidor”... more
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      Consumer BehaviorConsumer ResearchConsumer Protection (Law)Consumer Law
La Direttiva 2019/2161/Ue (c.d. “Direttiva Omnibus”) prevede numerose novità sul fronte delle tutele dei consumatori che accedono al mercato unico digitale. In particolare, vengono apportate modifiche ed integrazioni alle discipline in... more
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      Remedies (Law)Consumer Protection (Law)Digital ConsumerEuropean consumer law
The article discusses critically pros and cons of branch specific arbitration proceedings as organized and financed by industry associations like the federal association of public banks with an independent Ombudsman according to its rules... more
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      Contract LawArbitrationArbitration LawBanking Law
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      Consumer Protection (Law)Consumer LawEuropean consumer law
FR : Cette thèse vise à opérer une confrontation entre la manière dont les droits nationaux appréhendent la question des contrats liés (sous différentes terminologies) et l’écho que trouvent ces problématiques en droit européen. Ce... more
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      Contract LawConsumer LawEuropean contract lawLaw of Contract
Italian Abstract: I Principles of European Contract Law (PECL) costituiscono una grande opera di “diritto scientifico”. Essendo stati redatti come black letter rules, essi possono servire per l’interpretazione del diritto nazionale e... more
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      European LawContract LawPrivate International LawLaw of Obligations
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      Private International LawPrivate lawConsumer Protection (Law)Consumer Law
Sommario:-1.Il consumatore 'debole' e la sua tutela.-2. Dal consumatore 'protetto' al 'consum-attore.'.-3. Verso un consumatore 'evoluto': 'conosci te stesso'.-3.1. Il nuovo 'consumatore digitale'.-3.2. Gli strumenti di empowerment.-4.... more
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      ConsumerDigital ConsumerEuropean consumer lawNudge
On 18 June 2013 the following documents were published: Directive 2013/11/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004... more
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      Online Dispute ResolutionConsumer Protection (Law)Consumer LawEuropean consumer law
This REJUS Casebook on the impact of fundamental rights on consumer protection was drafted on the basis of collaboration between academics and judges from various European countries. This collaboration combines rigorous methodologies with... more
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      European LawConsumer Protection (Law)Consumer LawConsumer protection law
يشهد العالم منذ أواخر القرن الماضي قفزات علمية وتكنولوجية أدت إلى تحولات هامة في شتى المجالات، أبرزها تنامي دور شبكة الإنترنت في مختلف نواحي الحياة، إذ أصبح المستهلك يبرم عقودا عبرها لاقتناء حاجاته من سلع وخدمات، نظرا لما تتميز به من سرعة... more
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      Consumer LawEuropean consumer lawE-Commerce
This chapter examines the roles of empirical research in consumer law. It does so form a contemporary perspective, taking into account the increased recourse to empirical data both in legal scholarship and in policy-making in conjunction... more
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      Consumer BehaviorEmpirical Legal ResearchConsumer LawEuropean consumer law
Προστασία των καταναλωτών. Καταναλωτική πίστη. Έλεγχος του καταχρηστικού χαρακτήρα των
ρητρών. Μη παράσταση του καταναλωτή στη δίκη.
Έκταση της εξουσίας του δικαστή. Προδικαστική
παραπομπή. Αυτεπάγγελτος έλεγχος καταχρηστικών ρητρών
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      Consumer Protection (Law)European consumer lawBrussels I Regulation
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      European LawEuropean private lawDiritto InternazionaleDiritto Internazionale
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      European StudiesEuropean UnionEuropean Union LawEuropean consumer law
1. II diritto privato e la globalizzazione - 2. I c.d. contratti del consumatore: verso una definizione dogmatica del principio della buona fede - 3. La categoria dei contratti d'impresa nel codice civile
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      ContractsContract LawConsumer LawLaw of Contract
Several studies have shown nickel and cobalt release from jewellery by using spot tests, but the metal composition of jewellery is largely unknown. To evaluate the metal composition of a large worldwide sample of mainly inexpensive... more
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      European LawConsumer Protection (Law)Contact allergyAllergy
Il pacchetto di riforme approvato o approvando in orbita Digital Single Market strategy offre l'occasione per avviare una discussione sulla perdurante modernità del diritto dei consumi in Italia. L'esame dei punti essenziali della... more
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      Consumer Protection (Law)Consumer protection lawEuropean consumer law
Does the acquisition of ownership form a strict barrier to the application of EU consumer contract law rules? In particular: does the acquisition of ownership prevent a national court from reviewing unfair terms in a mortgage agreement?... more
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      Property LawEuropean consumer law
"Conferencia de Clausura" da "II Jornada Internacional sobre el marco jurídico de la ciencia de datos: 'Nuevos retos de los derechos digitales'", organizada pela "Universitat Politècnica de València", Espanha. Dia 19 de novembro de 2021.... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceContract LawPERSONAL DATA PROTECTIONEuropean Union Law
O presente artigo, através do método dedutivo e de pesquisa teórica e jurisprudencial, pretende demonstrar que a decisão do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, no julgamento do tema repetitivo 952 e com base no REsp 1.568.244/RJ, a pretexto de... more
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      Consumer BehaviorConsumer ResearchConsumer Protection (Law)Consumer Law
This article aims to critically analyse the two proposals for Directives that the European Commission launched on 9 December 2015: the Online Sales Directive and the Digital Content Directive. Both proposals are part of the Digital Single... more
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      Consumer Protection (Law)European consumer lawE-Consumer Law
European Court ruling C-11/11. Feb 26, 2013 – right to compensation solely depending on delayed arrival at final destination – no collision between Regulation (EC) 261/2004 and the Montreal Convention
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      Civil LawEuropean LawContract LawTravel & Tourism
This chapter introduces the reader to the basic behavioural concepts and their importance for consumer law. The analysis is organized on three levels, the descriptive, the axiological and the prescriptive. The focus is primarily on... more
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      Behavioural ScienceInterdisciplinarityLegal TheoryEuropean private law
Conferência / Palestra nos DDES - Diálogos sobre Desenvolvimento, Empresa e Sociedade, promovidos pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da Universidade de Marília, Brasil. Dia 8 de julho de 2020.
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      Artificial IntelligenceContract LawConsumer RightsPERSONAL DATA PROTECTION
A case note on CJEU C-154, 307 & 308/15, Francisco Gutiérrez Naranjo v. Cajasur Banco SAU; Ana María Palacios Martínez v. Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA (BBVA) and Banco Popular Español SA v. Emilio Irles López and Teresa Torres... more
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      European LawComparative Private LawEuropean Union LawEuropean contract law
Collaborative/sharing economy is considered as an extraordinary opportunity of economic growth and it could not be ignored by legislators across the world and in the EU as well. Among its main positive aspects, it allows underutilised... more
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      European Union LawConsumer LawEU Competition LawEuropean consumer law
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      ContractsContract LawContractConsumer Protection (Law)
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      European contract lawEuropean consumer lawHarmonization of European Contract Law
this paper delves into the consequences of Brexit upon EU consumer law. After Brexit, in fact, fears that all the legal (along with economic, political and social) achievements within the EU could have been com- promised were, and – to... more
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      Comparative LawComparative Private LawConsumer Protection (Law)European consumer law
The paper adopts the perspective of “law and literature” studies to investigate how the French novel ‘Lives others than my own (D’autres vies que la mienne)’ by Emmanuel Carrère addresses the evolutions of European Union law on unfair... more
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      Contract LawSocial JusticePhilosophy Of LawLaw and Literature
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      Civil LawConsumer Protection (Law)Consumer LawEuropean consumer law
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    • European consumer law
In the context of current pandemic crisis due, social distancing and quarantine measures were imposed by states due to the high risk of infection by going out of the house for buying the goods and services that are required. Naturally,... more
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      European LawContract LawEuropean Union LawConsumer Law
Il contributo analizza i più recenti sviluppi a livello dell'Unione europea in materia di nozione di consumatore e della sua tutela collettiva, traendo spunto dalla sentenza Schrems v. FB Vol. II - Causa C-498/16. A tal fine, in primo... more
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      Comparative LawPrivate International LawEuropean Procedural LawEuropean private law
The aim of this paper is to compare the regulation of the right of withdrawal in US and European Law. Both coincide in granting the right of withdrawal to a special category of individuals, namely consumers, due to the situation of... more
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      Consumer protection lawEuropean consumer law
1. The precedents in the EC-Law. - 2. The aim of the norm. - 3. The duty of information and its concerns. - 4. The substantive rule. - 5. The violation of the norm and the reponsbility of Member States.
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      ContractsContract LawContractConsumer Protection (Law)
One of the key objectives of Directive 2013/11/EU (the Consumer ADR Directive) has been to promote high quality ADR entities through the creation of a certification scheme for ADR providers. In parallel, the Directive has also established... more
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      Civil LawConsumer LawAlternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)European consumer law
The text tries to identify and structure the newly-arising phenomena in the sphere of formal requirements, triggered by the European private law. It deals, in particular, with EU rules on consumer contracts - the broadest and the most... more
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      Civil LawPrivate lawEuropean private lawConsumer Protection (Law)
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    • European consumer law
The article offers an additional rationale and argumentation model for compensation in case of delayed connecting flights where the delay of each of the flight segments does not exceed the three-hour delay threshold but where the final... more
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      Civil LawEuropean LawTravel & TourismAviation
A loan contract in the judicial practice of ordinary Polish courts // The report from an empirical study, carried out in the Institute of Justice (Instytut Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości) in Warsaw in 2015–2016 (empirical part) and in 2017–2018... more
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      Consumer BehaviorConsumer Protection (Law)Consumer LawPayday Loans Online
The internationalisation of higher education remains one of the major challenges faced by universities with the increasing mobility and rising expectations of a highly diversified student community worldwide. With the competitiveness of... more
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      Political ScienceEuropean consumer law