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Most scenarios on instruments limiting global warming in line with the 1.5 °C temperature limit of the Paris Agreement rely on overshooting the emissions threshold, thus requiring the application of negative emission technologies later... more
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      Climate ChangeBiodiversityEnvironmental Law and Human RightsEthics of Geoengineering
Solar geoengineering has been proposed as a means to cool the Earth by increasing the reflection of sunlight back to space, for example, by injecting reflective aerosol particles (or their precursors) into the lower stratosphere. Such... more
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      Climate ChangeGeoengineering/Climate Engineering
The emerging narrative of the Anthropocene has created a new space for changes in global environmental change (GEC) science. On the one hand, there is a mounting call for changing scientific practices towards a solution-oriented... more
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      TransdisciplinarityVotingSustainability ScienceEarth System Science
In recent years, the idea of geoengineering, understood as large-scale interventions in the planet's climate to counteract anthropogenic climate change, has steadily increased its visibility. Presented explicitly as an approach to climate... more
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      Climate ChangeHistory of TechnologyEnvironmental HistoryHistory of Science
A new satellite remote sensing method is described whereby the sensitivity of thermal infrared wave resonance absorption to small ice crystals is exploited to estimate cirrus cloud ice-particle number concentration N, effective diameter D... more
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      Earth SciencesRemote SensingClimate ChangeAtmospheric Science
Geoengineering is a proposed response to anthropogenic global warming (AGW). Conventionally it consists of two strands: Solar Radiation Management (SRM), which is fast-acting, incomplete but inexpensive, and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR),... more
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      GeoengineeringClimate EngineeringGeoengineering/Climate EngineeringBlockchains
The online video-sharing website YouTube is extremely popular globally, also as a tool for information on science and environmental topics. However, only little is known about what kind of information users find when they are searching... more
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      AlgorithmsScience CommunicationClimate ChangeRecommender Systems
Proposed ways of governing climate engineering have most often been supported by narrowly framed and unreflexive appraisals and processes. This article explores the governance implications of a Deliberative Mapping project that, unlike... more
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      Technology AssessmentCarbon dioxide removalGeoengineeringSolar Radiation Management
The development of climate engineering research has historically depended on mostly western, holistic perceptions of climate and climate change. Determinations of climate and climate change as a global system have played a defining role... more
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      Climate ChangeHistory of ScienceEnvironmental HumanitiesClimate modeling
The climatic effects of climate engineering - or geoengineering - via cirrus cloud thinning are examined. Thinner cirrus clouds can allow more outgoing longwave radiation to escape to space, potentially cooling the climate. The cloud... more
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      CloudsGeoengineering/Climate Engineering
Faced with the urgency of climate change, Climate Engineering has been framed as a fast and feasible technological solution. At the same time, however, critique against it is getting increasingly louder. This paper articulates a critical... more
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      DeGrowthConvivialityGeoengineering/Climate Engineering
It is increasingly recognised that meeting the obligations set out in the Paris Agreement on climate change will not be physically possible without deploying large-scale techniques for either removing greenhouse gases already in the... more
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      Ethics of GeoengineeringCarbon dioxide removalGeoengineeringSolar Radiation Management
Current climate engineering proposals do not come close to addressing the complex and contested nature of conceivable 'climate emergencies' resulting from unabated greenhouse-gas emissions. Continuing business-as-usual with regards to... more
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      Climate ChangeEnvironmental Health, Climate Change , Hand Hygiene and Disasters /EmergenciesGeoengineering/Climate Engineering
Fears of a moral hazard effect deterring mitigation have dogged solar radiation management (SRM) research since before 2006. Researchers have debated the significance and relevance of this concern from multiple disciplines and... more
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    • Geoengineering/Climate Engineering
Among proposed mechanisms for counteracting global warming through solar radiation management is the deliberate injection of sea salt acting via marine cloud brightening and the direct effect of sea-salt aerosols. In this study, we show... more
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      Aerosols - clouds - climate interactionsGeoengineering/Climate Engineering
Nation states need to incentivize negative emissions technologies if they are to take the decarbonization of whole energy systems seriously. This incentivization must account for public values and interests in relation to which... more
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      Climate change policyCarbon dioxide removalGeoengineeringNegative Emissions
In recent work, Joshua Horton and David Keith argue on distributive and consequentialist grounds that research into solar radiation management (SRM) geoengineering is justified because the resulting knowledge has the potential to benefit... more
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      Environmental EthicsJusticeEthics of GeoengineeringGeoengineering
The feckless response of the world community to the mounting threat of climate change has led to a growing interest in climate geoengineering research. In early 2015, the us National Academy of Sciences released two major reports on the... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate change policyClimate change adaptation measuresGeoengineering/Climate Engineering
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation StrategiesAbrupt Climate ChangeGeoengineering
There is increasing urgency for large-scale deployment of carbon-removal approaches to help avoid passing critical climatic thresholds.Given the severe risks of many terrestrial methods at extremely large scales, there is a compelling... more
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      Climate ChangeCarbon dioxide removalGeoengineering/Climate Engineering
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      Climate ethicsClimate JusticeClimate EngineeringGeoengineering/Climate Engineering
The possibility of altering the world's climate through intentional stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI)—or indeed through any other solar radiation management (SRM) technology—brings with it not just a new technology for humans to... more
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      Climate ethicsGeoengineering/Climate Engineering
Chapter 6 (“Multilevel Policy Incentives for BECCS in Sweden”) builds on the high potential for BECCS in Sweden identified in chapter 4, summarizing the current policy incentives for BECCS research, development, demonstration, and... more
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      Climate change policyBioenergyEthics of GeoengineeringCarbon dioxide removal
After more than two decades of UN negotiations, global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions continue to rise, with current projections indicating the planet is on a pathway to a temperature increase of approximately 3.2°C by 2100, well beyond... more
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    • Geoengineering/Climate Engineering
Supplementary Material
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      El Nino-Southern OscillationGeoengineering/Climate EngineeringTropical PacificSolar Geoengineering
This white paper resulted from a risk dialogue project with climate scientists and experts on the subject of climate engineering – conducted by the neutral and independent Risk-Dialogue Foundation St. Gallen between April 2016 and March... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate change policyClimate JusticeClimate Politics
Many feel a sense of aversion and tragedy about proposals for engineering the climate. Precautionary concerns only partly explain these feelings. For a fuller understanding, we need a thicker conception of the values and ends of political... more
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      Climate ChangePolitical TheoryAristotleVirtue Ethics
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationClimate change policyClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation Strategies
The climate geoengineering is already inevitable to avoid imminent global climate disasters. Even extremely cautious approach is not enough for any grand-scale practices of climate geoengineering as we never understand the complex global... more
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      Climate change policyClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation StrategiesEthics of GeoengineeringCO2 capture and storage
Recent assessments of the international community’s ability to hold the increase of global average temperature to well below 2°C, while pursuing efforts to limit that increase to 1.5°C, indicate that this goal is unlikely to be achieved... more
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    • Geoengineering/Climate Engineering
Chapter 5 (“Governing BECCS: “Slippery Slope” or “Uphill Struggle”?”) highlights how BECCS and other large-scale interventions in the Earth’s climate system, proposed to moderate anthropogenic global warming, are commonly portrayed as... more
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      Climate change policyEthics of GeoengineeringCarbon dioxide removalGeoengineering
Warnings about climate change often come wrapped in apocalyptic language and scenarios, often as a rhetorical strategy to convey the sense of urgency with which action is required. Similarly, technologies that promise to deliver us from... more
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      Environment & Religion studiesReligious StudiesClimate EngineeringEnvironment and Religion
There is a growing literature on public surveys regarding solar geoengineering, but the spatial coverage has been mostly limited to the Western societies. However, the non-Western voices are paramount to climate engineering governance... more
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    • Geoengineering/Climate Engineering
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      DemocracyClimate EngineeringGeoengineering/Climate Engineering
Poster's note : discusses the potential for hostile use of geoengineering technologies in interplanetary warfare. Preview available, showing most of the article text. http://www.jbis.org.uk/paper.php?p=2015.68.150 Deliberate Destruction... more
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      AstrobiologyExoplanetsAstrophysicsEthics of Geoengineering
Both of energy conservation and carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) are needed to stop the global warming. Coal is not only abundant in the proven deposits, but although there exist 10 to 100 times as much deep unminable coal deposits.... more
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      Energy ConservationCoalClean Coal TechnologiesPeak Oil
A new geoengineering scheme (”air-CCS in the remote regions”) is proposed to assure the long-term safety of the carbon storage and to overcome the energy penalty for the carbon capture and injection. Because of the concentration of... more
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      Ocean EngineeringCarbon DioxideCO2 capture and storageGlobal Warming
The presence of experts holding patents and simultaneously providing policy advice on areas where they hold patents pose several normative questions. Through a comparative study of several IPCC reports, this article documents the scope of... more
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      Business EthicsPhilosophyEthicsApplied Ethics
The latest emissions data from the International Energy Agency suggest that our current methods for dealing with climate change have not worked. This means we will have to adapt to climate change, for example by selecting crops more... more
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      Ocean acidificationGeoengineering/Climate Engineering
Presenation on climate engineering and sustainability.
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      Environmental SustainabilityGeoengineeringClimate EngineeringGeoengineering/Climate Engineering
The concept of climate engineering (CE, also: geoengineering) is discussed as a “plan B” against climate change. This makes CE an alternative to low-carbon energy approaches which help to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and therefore... more
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      GeoengineeringClimate EngineeringGeoengineering/Climate Engineering
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      GeoengineeringGeoengineering/Climate Engineering