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Gewalt besitzt, wie alle sozialen Phänomene, eine zeitliche Struktur. Sie hat eine Vorgeschichte, einen Ablauf und später auftretende Folgen nicht nur für die Opfer und Täter, sondern auch für ganze Gruppen und Gesellschaften.... more
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      SociologySocial AnthropologyHistoriographyWar Studies
По специальности 09.00.03 - История философии. Томск, Изд-во ТГУ, 2016. - 33 с.
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      Analytic PhilosophyHistory of Analytic PhilosophyLegal HistoryLegal Theory
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsFilosofia Del Lenguaje
In his late 'A Plea for Excuses', John L. Austin suggests labelling his philosophy 'linguistic phenomenology'. This article examines which idea of phenomenology Austin had in mind when he coined this term and what light this sheds on his... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageHistory of Analytic PhilosophyPhenomenologyMaurice Merleau-Ponty
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      Discourse AnalysisPhilosophy Of LanguageEmpiricismCritical Discourse Studies
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      Philosophy Of LanguageBertrand RussellRudolf CarnapGottlob Frege
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      PragmaticsJohn R. SearleSpeech Act TheoryIntercultural Pragmatics
Este libro ofrece una introducción indirecta a la obra filosófica de Stanley Cavell.
This book offers an indirect introduction of Stanley Cavell's philosophical work.
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      EpistemologyScepticismStanley CavellWittgenstein
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      SemioticsPragmaticsJohn R. SearleSpeech Act Theory
I am planning a history of the notion of philosophical nonsense and naturally difficult historical and exegetical questions have come up.  Charles Pigden has argued that the notion goes back at least as far as Hobbes and that Locke,... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy Of LanguageMetaphilosophyPhilosophy Of Religion
My book "The Forces of Speech. A Radical Pragmatics" (Силите на речта. Радикала прагматика) is published by East-West Publishing house in Bulgarian (Sofia, 2021). Here you can find into English its Contents as well as its Introduction.... more
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      PragmaticsStanley CavellDonald DavidsonRichard Rorty
J.L. Austin Od lat '60 XX w., czyli od momentu publikacji Jak działać słowami Johna L. Austina wiadomo, że obok wypowiedzi konstatujących istnieją też takie, które mają moc sprawczą. Są to tzw. performatywy. Wypowiadając je, spełniamy... more
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      OdpowiedzialnośćJohn L. Austin
Seit jeher tauchen in verschiedenen Wissensdiskursen Tiere als Beispiele auf. Das gilt für die Hunde oder die Bienen in der politischen Theorie Platons oder Aristoteles’ ebenso wie für die mittelalterlichen Bestiarien in der Tradition des... more
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      Cultural StudiesLiteratureMedieval StudiesCritical Animal Studies
معناداری زبان دین یکی از مسائل مهم فلسفه دین است که با طرح دیدگاه بازی های زبانی در اوایل قرن بیستم وارد مرحله ی نوینی شد. دیدگاه افعال گفتاریِ آستین، با تکیه بر دیدگاه ویتگنشتاین متأخر و با نگاه کارکردگرایانه، ماهیت زبان را ، فعل و کنش... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguagePhilosophy Of ReligionContextualism
Since Austin and Searle, performatives are taken to be crucial for the construction of social reality. More recently, performatives have been proposed to be essential for the construction of personal identities, too. I intend to analyze... more
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      Language and IdeologyPerformativityThe SelfJudith Butler
Peut-on espérer dire la vérité sur le monde si ce que nous disons n’est pas du même ordre que ce que nous percevons ? L’affirmation du silence des sens, qu’il soit le nom de leur mutisme, comme chez le philosophe d’Oxford John L. Austin,... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguagePhenomenologySilenceMaurice Merleau-Ponty
This paper analyzes how social network users engaged in discussions under a public post contribute to knowledge dissemination through their verbal behavior in the light of an Austin-based speech-act theoretical framework. We first argue... more
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      Online social networksSpeech actsIllocutionary ActsKnowledge dissemination
Cet article s’intéresse à la façon dont le juriste et anthropologue victorien Henry Sumner Maine (1822–1888) rend un hommage critique à la théorie impérativiste du droit, défendue par John Austin. Bien que Maine considère comme correcte... more
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      AnthropologieThéorie du droitComparative JurisprudenceHenry Sumner Maine
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      Philosophy Of LanguageExperimental philosophyPerformativesConstatives
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    • John L. Austin
Meu objetivo no ensaio é apresentar três abordagens a respeito da relação de erro moral, censura e desculpas. O ponto de partida é analisar as contribuições de John L. Austin sobre o tema e esclarecer outras duas abordagens sobre as... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageJustifications and ExcusesMoral BlameMoral
В коллективной монографии впервые в отечественной и зарубежной научной литературе представлен историко-философский анализ этапов становления и развития Аристотелевского общества в Великобритании как сообщества философов и ученых,... more
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      Alfred North WhiteheadGilbert RyleAlfred AyerAnscombe
In this article, beginning with a fresh analysis of Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex, I address the problem of the status of the eyewitness and his or her speaking out, or better, his or her “truth-telling” as a specific act of language, especially... more
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      TestimonyMichel FoucaultLiterature and PhilosophySophocles
Карелин В. М. "Нарекаю этот корабль именем "Товарищ Сталин" (некоторые замечания о политической прагматике перформативных высказываний // Вестник РГГУ. — 2011. — № 15. — С. 39–50.
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryPragmaticsPerformative Propaganda
Speech, Law, Theology & Culture Seminar Series, Faculty of Law/Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, University of Lund, 23 November 2021.
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      Law and ReligionRitual TheoryJohn R. SearleSpeech Act Theory
Przedmiotem rozważań podjętych w artykule jest rola języka w tworzeniu powinności moralnej. W nawiązaniu do klasycznej teorii aktów mowy J. Austina i J. Searle' a, autorka, na przykładzie czynności obiecywania, bada, na czym polega... more
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      John R. SearlePerformatywnośćJohn L. AustinPowinność