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ABSTRACT Lean Six Sigma Executive Overview (Case Study) Templates are a guide to Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, and Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Projects. Lean Six Sigma Practitioners use the DMAIC (Define,... more
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      BusinessManagementBusiness AdministrationEngineering
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      KaizenLEAN SERVICEKanbanTPS
O mercado de seguros brasileiro cresce a cada ano oferecendo produtos e serviços que mitigam os riscos do patrimônio de pessoas físicas e jurídicas de direito privado no país, e acompanhando este crescimento as corretoras de seguro que... more
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      Kaizen5SLean Office
In today's conditions where intense competition conditions are experienced and customer expectations are increasing rapidly, companies have had to constantly increase quality, ensure profitability and reduce costs in all processes.... more
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      Computer ScienceKaizen
Currently the industry is trying to improve its competitiveness. This makes the manufacturingindustry needs to adapt the Lean-Kaizen concept. Lean-Kaizen means eliminating waste through small improvements made on an ongoing basis. This... more
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      Lean ManufacturingProductivityProduction economicsKaizen
Present study deals with the various principles of Lean Construction where the concepts of POKA-YOKE, Visual Management, Just-In-Time, Total Quality Management, Employee Involvement, KAIZEN, KANBAN, 6S, Last Planner System (LPS), Value... more
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W pierwszej części artykuł syntetyczne ujmuje teorię innowacji z jej definicjami oraz podziałem. W kolejnym rozdziale przedstawia specyfikę zarządzania innowacją w przedsiębiorstwach wraz z najważniejszymi etapami i warunkami wdrażania.... more
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      Lean ThinkingManagement of InnovationLean ManagementKaizen
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      Lean ManufacturingKaizen
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      KaizenSigmaLast Planner SystemKanban
Lean Six Sigma Measure Phase Tollgate Templates are a guide to Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, and Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Projects. Lean Six Sigma Practitioners use the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze,... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationEngineeringStatistics
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    • Kaizen
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      Lean ManufacturingKaizen
Globalization, global and intense competition environment, economic and technological changes and developments has affected the hospitality industry as well as all sectors and have resulted in the loss of control over the price of... more
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      Cost AccountingKaizenKaizen costingMinimization of Costs
Due to the increase in business competition, firms are now working hard to design and implement such strategies that can provide them competitive advantage over others and fulfill all international and local standards that can satisfy the... more
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      EngineeringQuality ManagementCustomer SatisfactionContinuous Improvement
—At a time of economic uncertainty, the most successful and effective organizations offer the market predictability. In order to achieve predictability in project outturn, risk management is given equal importance alongside cost and... more
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      Knowledge ManagementProject ManagementQuantity SurveyingProject Risk Management
Download: https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv5cg94w The automotive sector represents more than a simple industry. Since the late nineteenth century, it has embodied the economic and technological power of nations, the lifestyle, the dynamics of... more
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      BusinessManagementEngineeringMechanical Engineering
In-plant training is one of the requirements for the award of the Degree in Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering of Maharashtra Institute of Technology. As such, students are required to write and submit reports at the end of... more
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      Instrumentation EngineeringMechanical EngineeringComputer Aided EngineeringDesign
Tra gli studiosi che si sono occupati maggiormente di come rendere più efficace il processo di Knowledge Management all'interno delle organizzazioni, spicca il nome di Ikujiro Nonaka, professore alla Barkley University e precursore di una... more
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      ManagementKnowledge ManagementKaizenDonald Schon
"...Process cycle time reduction to increase Productivity, Quality and Efficiency of G-435cc diesel engine assembly line at Greaves cotton Ltd...' The project was successful as the required target was achieved. Some of the achievements... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringErgonomicsProductionLean Manufacturing
Tematem niniejszej pracy stała się japońska koncepcja Kaizen, jej analiza na podstawie wybranych przykładów z badań własnych. Celem pracy było przywołanie filozofii pod kątem teoretycznym, ale również praktycznym opierając się na... more
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      ManagementQuality ManagementProject ManagementLean Construction
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      KaizenSigmaLast Planner SystemKanban
Pozycja autorstwa dra Marka Krasińskiego stanowi odpowiedź na pytania praktyki gospodarczej o sposoby skutecznego i trwałego wprowadzania lean management w polskich przedsiębiorstwach. Publikacja zawiera uporządkowany opis popularnych... more
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      Organizational CultureIntercultural ManagementJapanLean Management
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      Computer ScienceQualityProductivityBusiness Management
This paper deals with Implementation of 5S Methodology in one of the small-scale manufacturing industry Niraj Thermo Pvt. Ltd, D-63, MIDC Ambad, Nashik, Maharashtra, which is one of the leading manufacturer and exporter of thermocol... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringTPMIndustrial EngineeringQuality Control
This paper aims to present Jidoka (autonomation, intelligent automation, automation with a human touch) as one of the logistics process improvement concepts with reference to processes supporting the production process. Firstly, the... more
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      Lean Production (Production)Lean ThinkingLogisticsLean Manufacturing
Kaizen es una de las metodologías más usadas para gestionar la mejora continua en las empresas maquiladoras localizadas en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México; sin embargo, frecuentemente se implementa sin obtener los resultados esperados.... more
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      Factor analysisKaizenConfirmatory factor analysis
Ejemplo de un kaizen en la industria automotriz; finalista del premio Kaizen award
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      Lean six sigmaKaizenRegressionKaizen, Six sigma, 5s
This is a presentation about one of the most prestigious awards in quality, The Deming Prize(DM). Many Indian companies have adopted the arduous journey of TQM . More tahn 32 Indian companies have been awarded DP.
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      Total Quality Management (TQM)TQM and Business ExcellenceBusiness ExcellenceKaizen
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      Industrial EngineeringIndiaKaizenBahasa Indonesia
Source: Institute of Productivity, Research, Innovation and Development for Fisheries (iPRIDE4Fish)
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My thesis states that the Bible is a Quality Control Manual for holiness and sanctification. This is written for all the people out there that are part of an organization that is quality certified or has a process in place for quality and... more
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      Quality ManagementNew TestamentOld TestamentTotal Quality Management (TQM)
Nel caso del turismo la qualità non rappresenta solamente un elemento costituente dell’offerta di prodotto o del sistema di produzione ma assume una forte valenza commerciale, permettendo di completare e rafforzare la strategia di... more
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      KaizenTurismoQualità TotaleMiglioramento Continuo
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      ManagementHuman Resource ManagementHuman ResourcesBusiness Management
Certificación, Mantenimiento e Inspección de Puentes grúa y Aparejos.
Descripción de trabajos realizados. Equipos de Izaje. Puertos, Mineria, Aeropuertos, Papeleras
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      KaizenGestión de la calidadISO 9001-2008Mantenimiento Industrial
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      MarxismMedievalismArthurian StudiesAuthenticity
Garments industry is playing the pioneering role in improving Bangladesh economic condition. It was started in late 1970’s and now the leading foreign currency earner for Bangladesh. It is no dubiousness to say that, the Bangladesh... more
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      Lean ManufacturingKaizenProductivity improvementPareto Analysis
5S is a Japanese technique for keeping the workplace in order, clean and deploy a self-discipline routine. Properly implemented 5S method can establish a visual control system in the workplace which will be vital to tackle the 8 wastes of... more
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      Lean ManufacturingKaizenJust-in-time (JIT)Lean Manufacture /JİDOKA
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      Industrial EngineeringKaizenCellular Manufacturing
Continuous quality improvement (CQI) is both a management philosophy and a management method. It offers an approach, a set of tools, and a way of thinking about how to transform clinical ow and operations to achieve better results for... more
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      Information SystemsQuality ManagementPatient SafetyLearning and Teaching
АBSTRАK PT X merupakan perusahaan joint venture antara beberapa perusahaan yang didirikan pada 1994 dan beroperasi di kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Pada 2014 kepemilikan PT X beralih pada MHPS, LTD (MHPS). PT X bergerak dalam... more
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      International BusinessKaizenJoint VenturesStrategic, Operations and Organization Management; Corporate Business Entrepreneurship, Cost-down and CI (Kaizen) Management
73 Halaman / 166 Referensi
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      KaizenPenaeus MonodonSystem of Rice Intensification
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      BusinessInformation SystemsManagementMarketing
El Kaizen representa una filosofía desarrollada originalmente en Japón, cuyo propósito es que no debe pasar un día sin que se haya hecho algún mejoramiento en algún lugar de la planta de producción, y que además estos cambios se... more
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      KaizenProcesos de mejora continua
For any Company's economy, the industry cost, production time, total quality management and waste reduction have great impact. The investments consumed by the company by eradicating non value added production work and time are very... more
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      Lean ManufacturingKaizenValue Stream MappingLine Balancing
KAİZEN Kaizen'in özü basit ve açıktır: Kaizen "iyileştirme" demektir. Kaizen yöneticilerden işçilere herkesi içeren sürekli iyileştirmedir. Kaizen felsefesi işyerinde olsun, sosyal ilişkilerde veya aile yaşantısında olsun, yaşam tarzının... more
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    • Kaizen
The main aim of this dissertation is to critically analyze the main operations management approaches and the level of success they have in their application within the Bulgarian software industry. The interest of the author is to find out... more
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      Operations ManagementContinuous ImprovementOperations research and OptimizationSoftware Project Management
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      Educational LeadershipLeadershipKaizen
This paper discusses the different issues that spurred an on-going debate between Japan’s kaizen and the US’ quantum leap improvement (QLI). It begins by presenting the definition and concept of kaizen, its framework as well as the... more
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      BusinessManagementContinuous ImprovementJapanese Management System
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      BusinessManagementQuality ManagementProject Management