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The mid-Holocene (ca. 8200-4200 cal BP) brought about important climatic changes and environmental shifts to land and coastal systems , globally. Many of the human groups existing at that time were affected in various degrees by such... more
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      Shellfish Ecology and FisheriesMarine sedimentsMid-HoloceneShell middens
The present study deals with quantification of accumulated toxic heavy metals in sediments of Mithi River of Mumbai. The study was performed at three different sampling locations along the flow of Mithi River for two years from 2009-12.... more
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      Environmental ScienceWaterEnvironmental StudiesWater quality
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      Disturbance EcologyPuerto RicoBenthic EcologyFish Ecology
Purpose Plastic pollution in the world has led to an abundance of microplastics (MPs) and has been identified as a potential factor that can lead to serious environmental problems, especially in oceans and seas. Information on the current... more
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      FTIR spectroscopyAdriatic SeaEnviromental ScienceMontenegro
The wetland of Thane Creek, located at Thane, Mumbai, India, has attracted much attention of environmental biologists over the last few decades, as this creek has been subjected to a lot of pollution from the Asia's biggest Thane–Belapur... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental StudiesTrace MetalsMARINE POLLUTION
Thane Creek is one of the most important ecosystems around Mumbai and Thane, and the mangroves surrounding the ecosystem form the vital green lung for the residents. It is also an important feeding and breeding ground for fishes. Locals... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental StudiesMARINE POLLUTIONEnvironmental Chemistry
Thirteen persistent organic pesticides were investigated in the sediments of Vasai Creek near Mumbai to evaluate their pollution levels and potential risks. It was observed that ΣOCPs level was in the range of 597–1538 ng/g dw, with an... more
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      Mumbai, IndiaPesticidesMarine sedimentsPersistent Organic Pollutants (POPs
The activities of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K were measured using gamma ray spectrophotometer in the marine sediments at industrial regions along the Red Sea coast; oil and gas industry at Rasel Behar and phosphate mining, milling and shipping... more
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      RadiationPetroleumGamma RaysMarine sediments
The Engineering-geological research relates to the development of concepts for the reconstruction and extension of an existing harbor for small vessels on St. Anastasia Island in order to protect the water area from dangerous geological... more
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      QuaternaryUpper CretaceousMarine sedimentsEngineering Geological Conditions
Sedimentological studies have been used to decipher the provenance of the sediment samples. Granulometric analysis of sediments in the region from Kanyakumari coast, eight sandy beaches have been selected and studied for analyzing the... more
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      Marine sedimentsDepositional EnvironmentsSeasonal Variations
In this study, we analysed metagenomes along with biogeochemical profiles from Skagerrak (SK) and Bothnian Bay (BB) sediments, to trace the prevailing nitrogen pathways. NO 3 − was present in the top 5 cm below the sediment-water... more
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      Computational ModellingNitrogen CycleMetagenomicsMarine Biogeochemistry
The granulometric characteristics, the bio-available heavy metals and the natural radionuclide activities in the surface sediments were investigated semi-annually in Timsah Lake at the middle district of the Suez Canal, Egypt. The average... more
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      LakesMarine sedimentsRadioactivityHeavy Metals Pollution
One sentence summary: This study gives insight into the bacterial community composition related to iron-cycling in suboxic marine sediments based on 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing. ABSTRACT To gain insight into the bacterial communities... more
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      GeomicrobiologyMicrobial EcologyBaltic Sea Region StudiesMarine Microbial Ecology
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      Earth SciencesGeologySedimentologyGeochronology
The aim of this study is to elucidate the characteristics of marine environmental geochemistry from Ha Tinh-Quang Nam (60-100m water depth) based on analysis of geochemical parameters of seawater and surface sediments. Surface sediments... more
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      Chemical oceanography,Environmental and Marine GeochemistryMarine sedimentsSeawaterMarine Environment
The present study is concerned with the pollution load monitoring along Vasai Creek of Mumbai with reference to the physico-chemical parameters of sediments. The study was carried for a span of two years from 2009-11 at four sampling... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental StudiesMARINE POLLUTIONEnvironmental Chemistry
Stable Pb isotope ratios (206Pb/207Pb, 208Pb/206Pb), 210Pb, Pb, Al, Ca, Fe, Mn and Si concentrations were measured in 7 sediment cores from the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula to assess the Pb contamination throughout the last 200... more
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      Marine sedimentsPb isotopesAnthropogenic impact
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      Earth SciencesBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesMarine sediments
Many studies have investigated the impacts of marine cage fish farming on seabed sediments. Most of these studies have focused on organic loading or toxic chemicals used for the treatment of disease, normally for a single or a small... more
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      Marine EcologyMetadataAquaculturePhD Thesis
Numerous radiocarbon (14C) dating organic material of mollusk and bottom sediments were made. Objective of the research was absolute age determinination for geocatastrofic occurense and the beginning of sapropele formation. It took place... more
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      Radiocarbon Dating (Earth Sciences)Black SeaRadiocarbon DatingMarine sediments
This study investigated the levels, sources and potential risks of 17 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediment samples collected along the Mithi River of Mumbai. The concentration level of ΣPAHs found in the present study was... more
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      Mumbai, IndiaSedimentsMarine sedimentsPolycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediment
Phosphorus (P) is often a limiting nutrient within freshwater and estuarine systems, thus excess inputs of P from anthropogenic activities (dominantly agriculture) can induce eutrophication in receiving water bodies. The sequestration of... more
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      GeochemistryX-Ray Absorption SpectroscopyPhosphorusMarine sediments
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      Marine sedimentsLand FillingENVIRONMENTAL DEFECT
Petroleum hydrocarbon profiles of water and sediment samples of Algoa Bay in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa were assessed using standard analytical procedures. Water (from surface and bottom levels) and sediment samples were... more
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      Environmental Analytical ChemistryFood AnalysisDrug analysisMarine sediments
Marine sediments are an association from the authochtonic components (solutions, gases, biochemical solid substances and organism), formed under specific conditions of the sedimentation media and allochtonic components (runoff of the... more
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      MARINE POLLUTIONBlack Sea regionBlack SeaMarine sediments
Sediment samples were collected from Kallar, Korampallam creek and Punnakayal estuaries of Tuticorin coast for assessing the level of contamination by trace elements in these estuarine sediments. The trace element concentration, calcium... more
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      Heavy Metal PollutionMarine sediments
This bachelor's thesis is intended to lay the ground for future osteological documentation and analysis of the skeletal remains from the naval ship Mars, and is conducted with the project Skeppet Mars (1564). The main purpose of this... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyBioarchaeology
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      Antibiotic ResistanceActinomycetesMarine sedimentsChromium Reduction
The problems that exist in Semarang waters are erosion and deposition. This is related to current flow patterns that are closely related to sediment transport patterns. An alternative solution to this problem is to study the sediment... more
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      Ocean WavesMarine sedimentsSemarangOcean Currents
The geological and geomorphological research is related to the construction of the fishing port "Karantinata", located in Asparuhovo district in the southern part of Varna Gulf. It is confirmed that in connection with the construction of... more
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      Quaternary Sedimentology and GeomorphologyMioceneMarine sediments Varna gulf
Globally, seagrass ecosystems are considered major blue carbon sinks and thus indirect contributors to climate change mitigation. Quantitative estimates and multi-scale appraisals of sources that underlie long-term storage of sedimentary... more
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      Western Indian OceanSeagrass ecologyMarine sedimentsCarbon sinks
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      SedimentologySediment transportMarine sedimentsContinental shelf
Mangrove swamps have unique biogeochemical interaction between the plant and the underlying sediments. The bioactive heavy metals; Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Ni, Cd and Co were measured using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) in the bulk... more
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      MangrovesHeavy metalsRed SeaMarine sediments
The regeneration of pore water (PW) nutrients was investigated and the contribution of benthic nutrient fluxes to the overlying bottom water (BW) was examined. Dissolved inorganic nutrients ( 2 NO− , 3 NO− , 3 4 PO − and 44 SiO − ) were... more
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      EgyptMarine sedimentsAlexandriaNutrient Fluxes
The geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of pelagic sediments collected from the Interoceanmetal Joint Organization (IOM) claim area, located in the eastern part of the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCFZ; eastern tropical... more
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      GeologyGeochemistrySedimentologyMarine Geology
Multivariate geostatistical methods were employed to describe the local facies of surface pelagic sediments from the Interoceanmetal IOM H11 and H22 perspective areas. Using these methods, we analyze spatial variability in seafloor... more
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      SedimentologyMarine GeologyGeostatisticsInterpolation (Geostatistics)
The present paper deals with assessment of physico-chemical properties of sediments samples collected along Mithi River of Mumbai. The study was carried for the period of two years i.e. 2009-10 and 2010-11 at three different sampling... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental StudiesMARINE POLLUTIONRivers
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      PaleoceanographyPaleoclimateTropical Climate VariabilityRainfall Climatology
Holocene Black Sea basin sediments were formed in our opinion in happened geocatastrofic event on the border Pleistocene-Holocene (8-9 thousand years ago). As a result on the Upper Pleistocene lake sediments occur organogenicmineral... more
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      Sedimentary geology and stratigraphyBlack SeaMarine sedimentsPleistocene-Holocene transition
Abstract Chlorinated compounds pose environmental concerns due to their toxicity and wide distribution in several matrices. Microorganisms specialized in leading anaerobic reductive dechlorination (RD) processes, including Dehalococcoides... more
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      BiodegradationKinetics of Biodegradation/bioremediationMarine sedimentsChlorinated Solvents
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      Isotope Ratio Mass SpectrometryX-Ray Absorption SpectroscopyLake SedimentsIron Oxide
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      BioengineeringBioinformaticsMicrobiologyMolecular Biology
Identification of Tsunami deposits has long been a controversial issue among geologists. Although there are many identification criteria based on the sedimentary characteristics of unequivocal Tsunami deposits, the concept still remains... more
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      TsunamiMarine sedimentsPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Petroleum hydrocarbon profiles of water and sediment samples of Algoa Bay in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa were assessed using standard analytical procedures. Water (from surface and bottom levels) and sediment samples were... more
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      MultidisciplinaryEnvironmental Analytical ChemistryFood AnalysisEnvironmental public health
Sediments are solid, fragmented particulate matter (silt, sand, and gravel), which are transported and deposited by physical processes such as water, wind, and ice. Sediments consist of loose, solid particles originating from the... more
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      Cyclicity in sedimentsProvenance of Marine sedimentsBiostabilization of sedimentsLake Sediments
Sediment samples were collected from 12 beaches affected by the 2004 Asian Tsunami in the south-east coast of India between Vanagiri and Nagoor. The objective of the present study is to delineate the microbial diversity in preand... more
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      Microbial diversityTsunami impactMarine sediments
Permeable sediments are highly bioactive compartments in coral reefs. The associated dense microbial communities sustain fast degradation of organic matter, thereby playing a key role in nutrient recycling within the reef. Besides... more
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      Red SeaBiological Nitrogen FixationMarine sediments
Abstract: Florida Bay is a shallow lagoonal estuary divided into basins by a latticework of mud banks, which exert a disproportionate influence on the bay ecosystem. Prevailing northeasterly winds resulted in distinct sheltered and... more
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      Marine BiologyMarine EcologyNational ParksMarine Science
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The long biological half lives, non-biodegradable nature and accumulative properties of trace and toxic heavy metals in aquatic environment has attracted great attention of environmental scientists and ecologist in recent years.... more
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      Environmental ScienceSoil ScienceEnvironmental StudiesTrace Metals