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Paper concerns mainly the discussion on the brooch of Idrija type found in a female grave on the cemetery of the Przeworsk Culture at Gołębiewo (former Taubendorf) in NE Poland.
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      Roman PeriodArchaeology of Germanic tribes (Roman period)Early Iron AgeSocial Structure
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      Przeworsk cultureAncient Weapons and Warfare
B. Niezabitowska-Wiśniewska (red.), Puławy-Włostowice. Wielokulturowe stanowisko z zachodniej Lubelszczyzny, Lublin 2018 (ISBN 978-83-7825-059-3).
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      ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithicRoman Period
MA Thesis. In the presented thesis is documented and analyzed a finding fund that was obtained from ARCHAIA Olomouc, o. p. s from Opava-Dolní dvůr and Opava-Kylešovice. Also were monitored finding circumstances of the individual contexts.... more
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      Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)Ceramics (Archaeology)Roman PeriodArchaeology of Germanic tribes (Roman period)
Jak wyglądało życie twórców społeczności, której relikty nazywamy kulturą przeworską? Dzięki szerokopłaszczyznowym badaniom wykopaliskowym realizowanym przy okazji dużych inwestycji, np. budowach autostrad, można obecnie stwierdzić, że na... more
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      Roman PeriodArchaeology of Germanic tribes (Roman period)Przeworsk cultureAncient Weapons and Warfare
The article concerns 23 ancient coins (8 Greek, 1 Numidian, and 14 Roman) from the museum collection in Inowrocław. One coin comes from archaeological excavations (a Trajanic denarius type RIC 6), the rest from donations and purchases.... more
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      Roman coinsCoins finds as archaeological artefactsRoman Provincial CoinageCoin Collections
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Prehistory of Ukraine (Prehistoric Archaeology)Roman PeriodBarbaricum
During the excavation research in 2007 on the Przeworsk Culture’s cemetery at Osiek (Jarocin county), there were discovered barrow grave relics. The area of 60 ares were excavated so far, containing 211 graves all of them cremation... more
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      Przeworsk cultureBarrow Gravefibula of A2 typeFibula with Animal Head
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      Archaeology of Germanic tribes (Roman period)Przeworsk cultureRömische KaiserzeitRoman Iron Age
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      Burial (Ritual)Archaeology of Germanic tribes (Roman period)Przeworsk cultureAncient Weapons and Warfare
Częściowa publikacja pracy licencjackiej - Agnieszka Kozera, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach.
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      GeologyGeomorphologyPrehistoryPrzeworsk culture
In 2006 and 2007 the expedition of the Department of Archaeology, University of Wrocław, has excavated the multi-cultural site at Wrocław–Zakrzów. Among numerous features from different periods, four cremation graves of the Przeworsk... more
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      Settlement PatternsFunerary ArchaeologyRoman PeriodPrzeworsk culture
We wczesnym okresie wpływów rzymskich kultury środkowo-europejskiego Barbaricum charakteryzowały się znaczną unifikacją. Wynikało to z wcześniej-szych integrujących wpływów kultury lateńskiej, a następnie z oddziaływań rzymskich.... more
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      BarbaricumPrzeworsk cultureWielbark Culture
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      ArchaeologyIron AgeRoman PeriodArchaeology of Germanic tribes (Roman period)
The article presents several Late Roman features excavated in the middle Torysa region on settlements in Veľký Šariš – Kanaš, Prešov-So- livar, Župčany and Prešov, Sídlisko II and evaluates them in the context of the region mentioned... more
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      Przeworsk cultureHistory of SlovakiaSettlement of the Germanic tribes
Funde der Przeworsk-Kultur in ihrem sekundären Verbreitungsgebiet werden seit der erstmaligen Entdeckung als Hinweise auf eine Wanderungsbewegung aus Polen nach Westen gedeutet. In drei Regionen finden sich kleine Gräberfelder, auf denen... more
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      Migration StudiesPrzeworsk cultureChronologiePre-Roman Iron Age
Książka - monografia stanowiska Puławy-Włostowice, z autorskim udziałem: / Book - monography of the Puławy-Włostowice site with author's participation: Monica Abreu-Głowacka, Dariusza Gałązka, Mariusz Glapiński, Zdzisław Hensel, Anna... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyInterdisciplinarityPalaeolithic Archaeology
Analysis of the effectiveness of conservation methods of iron archaeological artefacts: examples from the Przeworsk culture in Kamieńczyk, Nadkole and Oblin After analysing conservation documentation created during the last thirty years,... more
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      ArchaeologyMetal conservationHeritage ConservationArcheologia
The paper deals with the basis of the Pre-Roman Iron Age chronology in Southern Scandinavia. It was established during the 1950'es as a typologically based three-period system with an almost findless middle period. While from the 1950'es... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Prehistoric weaponsIron Age (Archaeology)
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      SpearheadsPrzeworsk culture
This article discusses ten previously unknown Roman coin finds, eight of which have ended up in the collections of the Historical Museum in Sanok. Discovered accidentally in the Upper San River basin, these coins are dated to between the... more
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      Roman coinsArchaeology of Germanic tribes (Roman period)Przeworsk cultureArqueología romana / Roman archeology
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      ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Landscape ArchaeologyCelts (Archaeology)
The Vandals is a Germanic tribe that not only migrated across Europe and the Roman empire during the first half of the first millenium AD but also played a part in Early 20th century geopolitics - besides become a word of shame. This... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMigration StudiesNationalism and ArchaeologyArchaeology of ethnicity
Until recently the aggregate number of Celtic coins found within Poland’s borders, including items constituting parts of hoards, was ca. 100 coins from 26 sites. At present it exceeds 440 coins from at least 60 sites. Most of the new... more
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      ArchaeologyCeltic StudiesNumismaticsNumismatic
The innovation of iron production is one of the major technological developments in history. The ability to transform certain ‘stones’ into objects of nearly any shape had an enormous influence on the economic and social development of... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyIron Age Germany (Archaeology)ArchaeometallurgyIron Age (Archaeology)
Relics of pottery kilns identified in the La Tène Culture settlement at Nowa Cerekwia, Upper Silesia, and in sites of the Tyniec Group in the Krakow region document local production of wheel-made pottery. The youngest finds of wheel-made... more
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      ArchaeologyCeramic TechnologyCeramics (Ceramics)Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)
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      Roman PeriodBarbaricumPrzeworsk cultureWielbark Culture
The subject of this study are gold coins, formerly attributed to the coinage of the Menapii, which in the seventies of the 20th century Karel Castelin referred to as staters of the Cracovian type, struck by Celts near Kraków. When the... more
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      ArchaeologyCeltic StudiesNumismaticsNumismatic
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      Celtic ArchaeologyIron AgeEarly Iron AgeBarbaricum
The article discusses glass counters found at archaeological sites from the Roman Iron Age in Poland. These items have not yet been fully investigated upon. Glass counters are mainly found at cemeteries, and most of them were discovered... more
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      Ancient GlassRoman GlassBarbaricumPrzeworsk culture
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      Iron AgeAncient MetallurgyPrzeworsk culture
The submitted collection of studies was planned as the first series of monographs aimed at presenting the results of the excavations carried out at the site Kwiatków 11/20, Brudzew commune. The Kwiatków site was discovered at the end of... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyPrehistoryPrzeworsk cultureJastorf culture
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      Landscape ArchaeologySettlement archaeologyRoman PeriodBarbaricum
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      TechnologyBone and AntlerCraft production (Archaeology)Prehistory
Stone circles registered in early 1920s in Czarcie Kościoły (English: Devil's Churches) at Osieck, situated at the high right-bank terrace of the Vistula near Garwolin, in south-eastern Mazovia are discussed. The constructions themselves... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyRoman PeriodArchaeology of Germanic tribes (Roman period)Barbaricum
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      Przeworsk cultureLong-houses
This paper presents the trilobate arrowhead of Sarmatian origin found in 2014 in Podlesie, Oleśnica district, site 6 by the expedition of the Institute of Archaeology at the University of Warsaw, conducted under the guidance of Artur... more
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      Baltic StudiesEurasian NomadsBaltic archaeologyBow and Arrow Technology
The article introduces materials from the new burial with weapons of Przeworsk culture discovered in Pidpechery village of Tysmennytsia district in Ivano-Frankivsk region. It was a cremation in urn that was carried out at a depth of... more
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      ArchaeologyBarbariansBarbaricumPrzeworsk culture
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      Celtic ArchaeologyBarbaricumPrzeworsk cultureLaTene culture
The vast cemetery of the Przeworsk Culture at Kleszewo yielded over 100 graves dated to the Late Pre-Roman Period and ca. 150 graves dated to the Early Roman Period. What is striking is the fact that only four burials were... more
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      Death and Burial (Archaeology)Burial Practices (Archaeology)Late Iron Age (Archaeology)Iron Age
The term Germanic was given by Greco-Roman authors of antiquity. However, the so-called Germanic groups had no common Germanic identity. In antiquity, the Germanic tribes were stylized as a powerful opponent by Caesar. In the written... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyLate Antique ArchaeologyArchaeological Method & TheoryLate Antiquity
The subject of this study is a stater found in Masłów (Lower Silesia) in 1704: the oldest documented find of a Celtic coin from the area of the present-day Poland. The coin, which has been regarded as missing until recently, was... more
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      ArchaeologyArchival StudiesHistorical ArchaeologyCeltic Studies
Papers from an international conference on the chronology of the Pre-Roman Iron Age held at University of Copenhagen 1992. With contributions from Poland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Contributors: Ryszard Wolagiewicz, Horst... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyIron Age (Archaeology)PrehistoryIron Age
Based on technical studies of spear heads from Switzerland, Poland, Sweden and Denmark, it can be demonstrated that the blacksmith tradition which forms the basis for the large quantities of standardized weapons in the Danish sacrificial... more
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      Przeworsk cultureApprenticeship LearningEarly Iron Age, Late Iron Age, Roman period, Late Antiquity, typology, chronology, distribution, function, fibulae, weapons, tools, harness, metal vessels, writing equipment, balances and weights, small findsResearching Early Blacksmithing Techniques
Chief Editor: Przemysław Urbańczyk; Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences; Editor of Volume 4: Aleksandra Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz; ISBN: 978-83-63760-91-5; Warsaw 2016 As far as Polish archaeology is... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyLate Antique ArchaeologyLate Antiquity
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyFuneral PracticesIron AgeEarly Iron Age
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      Archaeological ProspectionSettlement archaeologyIron AgeFunerary Practices
The paper aims at demonstrating a southeast European origin of the Gundestrup cauldron and at giving its origin and way to Denmark a context. It is argued that the cauldron was brought to its final resting place along routes that have... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMigration StudiesMigrations (Archaeology)Black Sea region
From preface: "It is the children, childhood and the archaeology of childhood that are the main themes explored in this book. In November 2012, the author of these words organized a Workshop of the Archaeology of Childhood in Małkocin... more
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      ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyArchaeology of ChildhoodNeolithic Archaeology
Der Artikel widmet sich einer Bronzemünze von Sauromates II., dem Herrscher des Bosporanischen Königreichs (174/175–210/211 n. Chr.). Das Stück wurde bei einer archäologischen Untersuchung der Siedlung Trębaczów (Fundstelle 2), Kazimierza... more
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      Roman PeriodArchaeology of Germanic tribes (Roman period)Bosporan KingdomGreek and Roman Coinage, Roman Provincial coins