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Computer games became more popular among the children with the wide use of internet, and its popularity brought about some criticisms along with it. Among these criticisms are the issues and problems regarding sociality. In this research,... more
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      Computer Games TechnologyComputer Games EducationComputer GamesAcademic achievement
V seriji člankov bomo v naslednjih tednih orisali kako je potekalo vsakdanje življenje v Ljubljani v prvih dveh desetletjih po 2. svetovni vojni. Tokrat predstavljamo gostilne in kavarne.
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      SocialismCafesLjubljanaSocial life
Ukunchik: la naturaleza del cuerpo y la salud en el mundo andino / Luis Mujica Bermúdez; prólogos de Augusto Castro, Timothy M. Thomson. – Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de Ciencias de la Naturaleza, Territorio... more
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      Medical AnthropologyLanguages and LinguisticsLinguistic AnthropologyMedical Anthropology/ antropología médica
Özet: Bu çalışmada 1923-1928 yılları arasında Türkiye'de Sosyal hayata dair bilgi ve bulgular tarih ve sosyolojik açılardan irdelenerek genel bir manzara ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Sosyolojinin sosyal hayat ve topluma dair görüşleri... more
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      TurkeyModern TurkeyHistory of Modern TurkeyTürkiye
Public Square is one of the main pillars in social life that has effects on the social quality of the urban public space, and improving the level of social interactions of the citizens. Considering the effect of public space in quality of... more
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      Urban HistorySocial InteractionUrban PlanningIranian Studies
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      Armenian StudiesSocial lifeşanlı Urfa
Abstract – Cemeteries are built to serve as the homes for the dead. In the Philippines, these cemeteries are also home to the living. This research aspires to explore the social well-being of the families residing in the cemeteries as it... more
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      Social lifeFamily StructureHuman Behavior in Organization
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      Sociolinguistics20th Century German LiteratureSocial DramaSocial life
Hindistan’da yabani olarak yetişen bitkinin birçok sıcak ülkede kültürü yapılmaktadır. Beş metreye kadar uzayabilen fülfül (karabiber), yaprak dökmeyen tırmanıcı bir bitkidir. Odunsu ve çok yıllık olan bitkinin yaprakları yürek biçiminde... more
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      Divan EdebiyatıSocial lifeDivan LiteraryİMge
Goffman: Reality as Self-Fulfilling Expectation and the Theatre of Interiority A critical exposition, in Spanish, of Erving Goffman's theories on the semiotic organization of social reality and on the structure of subjectivity and... more
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Öz XIX. yüzyılının ikinci yarısından itibaren getirilen düzenlemelerle birlikte idari yapıda meydana gelen değişiklikler Osmanlı Devleti’nin tüm vilayetlerine yansımıştır. Kosova vilayetinin önemli merkezlerinden İpek sancağı da böyle bir... more
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      KosovaSocial lifeİdari YapıSosyal Hayat
Përmbajtja/Contents: 1. Tariq M. Aziz "Një perspektivë islame mbi ekonominë politike: Pikëpamjet e Muhammed Bakir es-Sadr"/ "An Islamic Perspective on Political Economy: The Views of Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr" UDC 330.342.14:28 2. Sayyid... more
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      Political EconomyIslamic MysticismRitual PuritySocial life
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      ArchitectureUrban StudiesProxemicsSocial life
Individuals are at risk when they use the Internet. Video gamers playing online games are at risk when they play too much. What is too much? The amount of time is often used for assessing the border between a safe and a potentially... more
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      Social SciencesVideo GamesQuality of Life (Social Sciences)Leisure Studies
أهميــة هذا البحث أنه يتناول الخطـاب الإسـلامي المعاصـر بـشأن الثوابـت الإسلاميــة؛ التي لا يمكن للحضارة الإسلاميـــة، والأمـة ‏‏الإسلاميــة، بطبيعـة تكوينها العقدي والحضاري، أن تنهض وتنمو وتزدهر، ما لم تتمثلـها وتلتزمهــا أساسـاً حقيقياً... more
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      Islamic Contemporary StudiesDiscourseIslamic StudiesUmmah Studies
A new suprageneric classification of the Foraminifera is here presented based on fundamentally new concepts of their evolution and classification. The predominant significance is given to the shell morphology as the most conservative... more
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      TaxonomyEcologyZoogeographySocial life
أهمية هذا البحث أنه يتناول الخطاب الإسلامي المعاصر بشأن الثوابت الإسلامية؛ التي لا يمكن للحضارة الإسلامية، والأمة ‏الإسلامية، بطبيعة تكوينها العقدي والحضاري، أن تنهض وتنمو وتزدهر، ما لم تتمثلها وتلتزمها أساساً حقيقياً عملياً لحياتها... more
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      Islamic Contemporary StudiesDiscourseIslamic StudiesUmmah Studies
Özet Osmanlı Devleti'nin son iki asrında yapılan Huzur-ı Hümayun Dersleri, devrin en önemli âlimleri ile sultanların buluştuğu meclistir. Bu meclislerde zaman zaman sultanlara tavsiyede bulunan açık sözlü âlimler olmuştur. Bunlardan... more
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      HistoryEducationAdministrationSocial life
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      BusinessEducationSocial SciencesAddiction
Toplumların en büyük özellikleri olarak; ortak tarihi ve kültürel değerleri, yaşadıkları coğrafya veiklim koşullarına bağlı benzerlikleri, dini inanışları, ahlak yapıları ve dünya görüşleriyle şekillenenortak etik değerleri,... more
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      Social StructurePublic spacesSocial lifeTürkiye'de Toplumsal Yapı
19. yüzyıl dünya genelinde değişim ve dönüşümlerin yaşandığı bir dönemdir. Bu dönemde Tanzimat’ın ilanıyla birlikte Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda önemli gelişmelerin yaşandığı görülmektedir. Sanayileşmiş devletler hammadde ve pazar arayışına... more
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      Ottoman EmpireTanzimatOsmanlı Sosyo-Ekonomik TarihiSocial life
Ушбу мақолада “очиқ жамият” концепцияси моҳияти, унинг асосчилари яратган асарлар ва уларда илгари сурган ғоялар тадқиқ этилган. Шунингдек, ушбу концепциянинг давлат ва жамият бошқарувида тутган ўрни ҳамда сиёсий плюрализмни... more
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      HistorySocial SciencesPolitical SciencePolitics
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      MigrationPoliticsHistory of SlaverySocial life
The concept of space can be defined as, what the individual percieves and experiences on an object plane, through the relationship that he/she establishes with the space. The acquired knowledge is a real life experience gathered by the... more
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      CreativitySpaceYaratıcılıkTheories of Space
Considering vicinity as a mere prerequisite but not an ample cause needed for creation of a relationship, the paper investigates the interfering factors playing a significant role in social life of residential complexes habitats.Data for... more
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      Cultural StudiesHousing & Residential DesignMultifamily Residential DesignCommunity Development
Global food systems are no longer sustainable for health, the environment, animal biodiversity and wellbeing, culinary traditions, socioeconomics, or small farmers. The increasing massive consumption of animal foods has been identified as... more
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      Animal WelfareBiodiversityEnvironmental SustainabilityEnvironmental Pollution
Spatial design is a multi-dimensional volume that encompasses all life with its wide size and can define any open or closed area where individual or social life is staged. When considering large scale spatial design city examples we find... more
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      Sustainable Urban DesignUrban SpaceSocial lifeGreen Public Spaces
Retirement is the time in a person’s life when he is no longer employed. The retirement age varies and generally lies between 55 to 60 years. This study was conducted to explore the lifestyles of retired people as well... more
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      PsychologyPsychological AssessmentEconomicsDepression
The article's subject discusses love, mercy, and social justice from the perspective of Christian personalism presented by Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński. The author's interpretation of source materials aims to present the above values as... more
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      Social JusticeLovePostmodernismSocial Justice Issues
El presente texto pretende ofrecer una escueta descripción de los elementos que merecen ser tomados en cuenta al momento de recrear la fiesta ateniense del siglo V a.C., conocida con el nombre de Grandes Dionisias. Así mismo, se intenta... more
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      Dramatic LiteratureDramaCityCities
Sense of community and social life are two key concepts related to social cohesion, which have been the subject of extensive studies in several disciplines including sociology, psychology and built environment. Social life studies have... more
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      ArchitectureSuburbsBuilt EnvironmentNeighborhood Design (Architecture)
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      Social lifeDisabilty
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      CultureYeşilçam SinemasıSocial life
يتناول عدداً من القضايا المهمة التي تؤسس للإصلاح الإسلامي الإنساني، تستعيد بها الأمة مكانة العقل ‏والتفكير المنهجي في تحقيق مقاصد الشريعة، وتعيد بناء مناهج التربية التعليم لتحقيق الأصالة الإسلامية ‏المعاصرة.‏‎ ‎كما بقدم إعادة نموذجية... more
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      Islamic Contemporary StudiesDiscourseIslamic StudiesUmmah Studies
Are people who spend more time with others always happier than those who spend less time in social activities? Across four studies with more than 250,000 participants, we show that social time has declining marginal utility for subjective... more
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      PsychologyPositive PsychologySocial PsychologyEmotion
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      MusicMusicologyBiblical StudiesSocial History
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      ReligionIslamic StudiesIslamSocial life
This study comments on the relevance of inclusive educational theories and policies within English higher education (HE), with reference to disabled international students' experiences. The project is both timely and appropriate as there... more
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      Disability StudiesHigher EducationPublic TransportPedagogy
Literature reflects the artistic form of various elements such as intellectual, empirical, imaginative and art-intellectual. A sophisticated form of these elements reflected in various literary forms is 'lyrical literature.' As well as... more
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      AssamSocial lifeSongRudra Baruah
As the nation's largest mass housing project of the country, the Mehr Housing Project was initiated using the experience of the mass housing in the Western countries after World War II through modeling cheap and fast-building projects to... more
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      PathologyIdentificationSocial lifeMehr housing
In 2018, the journal Sociološki Pregled/Sociological Review celebrated its 80th anniversary. The first Serbian sociological journal Društveni Život/ Social Life was published in Belgrade in 1920 and 1921, and then renewed in 1930 in Novi... more
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      SociologyPeriodicalsSociological theory/analysis, qualitative research methods, social anthropology, political sociology, social movements, democratization, State-society relations, civil society role in developing countriesSocial life
I was invited by Professor Karen Wells to contribute a chapter to the book 'Teen Lives around the World: A Global Encyclopedia'. This 2-volume encyclopaedia published by ABC-CLIO is intended for USA high school students and... more
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      ReligionEducationYouth CultureSocial life
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      PatternsScriptSocial lifeCemetery
Marriage is ubiquitous in human societies. But any examination of marriage in ancient Egyptian society requires us to disengage from modern social and theological norms and reconsider the role of the state in aspects of everyday life.... more
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      EgyptologyAncient EgyptSocial lifeDiplomatic marriage
This paper points out the potential of using sport for the analysis of society. Cultivated human movement is a specific social and cultural subsystem (involving sport, movement culture and physical culture), yet it becomes a part of wider... more
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      Sociology of SportRenaissance StudiesVisual CulturePhilosophy of Sport
Computer games became more popular among the children with the wide use of internet, and its popularity brought about some criticisms along with it. Among these criticisms are the issues and problems regarding sociality. In this research,... more
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      Computer Games TechnologyComputer Games EducationComputer GamesAcademic achievement
Spatial design is a multi-dimensional volume that encompasses all life with its wide size and can define any open or closed area where individual or social life is staged. When considering large scale spatial design city examples we find... more
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      Sustainable Urban DesignUrban SpaceSocial lifeGreen Public Spaces
‘Law must be stable and yet it cannot stand still. Hence all thinking about law has struggled to rec­oncile the con­flicting de­mands of the need of stability and the need of change. The social in­terest in the ge­neral security has led... more
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      Critical Legal TheoryLegal TheoryLegal interpretationRoscoe Pound
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      Migration StudiesFriendshipSocial lifeHighly Skilled Immigrants
This paper reports the findings from a research project that examines the relationship between urban design and the physical environment, and aspects of social and communal life in suburbs. Australian suburbs are perceived to be lacking... more
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      GeographyNeighbourhood DevelopmentNeighborhood Design (Architecture)Pavement design and analysis