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Geographers have long debated on the topic of landscape, confronting the ideas of other disciplines and policymakers, always contributing to a positive discussion even for juridical purposes, but never forgetting the necessity to behold... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceHabitabilityCrew
This paper discusses operational lessons learnt from the 2013 Euro\-Moon\-Mars-B (MDRS crew 125) analogue campaign for future habitat operations on the Moon and Mars. The two-week campaign conducted a series of geologic, technological,... more
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      Corporate GovernancePolitical ScienceEvaluationLandscape
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      Space SciencesSpace Habitat Module Design
I show in the present work some artifacts from the Roman Era up to the 17th century related to the name of the days in a critical way. In each of them there are the 7 planetary Gods of Mediterranean culture related to the days of the... more
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    • Planet
This paper discusses operational lessons learnt from the 2013 Euro\-Moon\-Mars-B (MDRS crew 125) analogue campaign for future habitat operations on the Moon and Mars. The two-week campaign conducted a series of geologic, technological,... more
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      EngineeringPhilosophy of AgencyDesignArchitecture
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      Urban StudiesSpace and SocietyTerritoriology
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringPsychologyActa Astronautica
La localidad de Capilla del Monte, en Córdoba, es centro de un área de turismo espiritual de la New Age. El monte Uritorco que domina el paisaje local es un lugar de visita obligado para quienes se proponen recargar energías, comunicarse... more
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      IndigenismoSociologíaNew AgeCiencias Sociales
This paper will use 'space syntax' as a tool in analysing the spatial structure of Dhaka City. 'Space syntax' is a theory and method for investigating the society-space relation, which takes account of the underlying difficulty in... more
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      HistoryDhaka CitySpace and Society
The history of Dhaka exhibits great changes in its morphological structure. The present spatial structure of Dhaka has evolved from a small Hindu trading centre to a ‘Megacity’. The city has primarily grown organically and a number of... more
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      Dhaka CitySpace and SocietyOrganic CityHistory of Evolutionism
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      IndigenismoSociologíaNew AgeCiencias Sociales
Habitability is one aspect of long-duration missions that becomes more impor-tant as the mission length increases. The impact of a poorly designed switch or lack of stowage area is different for a mission of six months compared to a... more
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      SpaceNew TechnologyData CollectionEvaluation Model
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    • Computer Science
This essay is the afterword in the book, Bioinformation: Worlds and Futures, edited by Silvia Posocco and EJ Gonzalez-Polledo. This book sets out to define and consolidate the field of bioinformation studies in its transnational and... more
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    • Psychology
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    • Geography
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This research is focused on requirements and methods for supporting human life in space. One of the primary issues investigated is the range of life support consumables (e.g., water, oxygen, and food) needed to support active humans on... more
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In light of the renewed international interest in lunar exploration, including plans for setting up a permanent human outpost on the Moon, the need for next generation earth-based human space mission simulators has become inevitable and... more
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      EngineeringDesignDesign MethodsPlanetary exploration
Ausgehend vom Begriff der Gegenöffentlichkeit nach Martin Büsser sucht der Essay das kritische Potenzial des sogenannten Offspaces als emanzipatorischen Gegenläufer zum mainstreaming musealer Institutionen darzulegen. Nach einer... more
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      SubculturesTheory of SpaceCounter CultureArt Theory and Politics
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    • Engineering
Este artículo tiene como objetivo contribuir al debate y la reflexión sobre los vínculos entre espacio y religiosidad a partir del análisis de una de sus múltiples expresiones: la de la relación entre religiosidad y residencia. Para ello,... more
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      New Age spiritualityLifestyle MigrationSpace and SocietyUrban Sociabilities
We studied concepts for a minimal Moon-Mars habitat, focussing on the system aspects and as an evolving architecture. We validated experimentally the Habitat and Laboratory ExoHab concept constraints during EuroGeoMars campaign in Utah... more
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The question of representation in the definition of landscape is arguably at the nexus of important theoretical issues in the social sciences and humanities, and is in evident need of clarification. A key but largely overlooked concept in... more
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      Human GeographyCultural Geographies
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      DesignDesign MethodsPlanetary explorationSpace Architecture
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      DesignDesign MethodsPlanetary explorationSpace Architecture
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Space crews venturing beyond low Earth orbit will experience unprecedented levels of autonomy and unpredictable challenges. Mission success will require effective teamwork. How do teamwork capabilities change over time in isolation and... more
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Obiettivo del servizio è ricomporre alcuni frammenti della ricca eredità lasciataci da Giancarlo De Carlo a quindici anni dalla sua scomparsa. I contributi raccolti guardano, da diverse prospettive, ai percorsi di ricerca che l’architetto... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban DesignArchitecture and Urban PlanningSpace and Society
With the prospect of extended manned space-flight looming in the near future, and the ever increasing costs of such endeavours, the possibilities offered by running simulated missions on the ground should be seriously considered for... more
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      Human SpaceflightSimulationSocial Isolation
A dolgozat a bős-nagymarosi vízlépcsőkonfliktusról szóló esettanulmány, amely mellőzi a téma szokásos jogi, környezetvédelmi, politikai megközelítéseit, ehelyett Bős mint lokalitás diskurzusait igyekszik feltárni. A terepmunka során... more
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      Space and PlaceSocial and Cultural AnthropologySocialismSpace and Society
Colonization of Moon, and later of Mars, challenges state-of-the-art technology and makes international cooperation obviously inevitable. The latter implies an imperative of international space crews. Moreover, with the growing number of... more
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      PsychologyIntercultural CommunicationCreativityHuman Factors
This thesis focuses on creating and testing a design-build strategy for community-based projects.It poses questions on how to create work that is locally relevant, place sensitive and site specific in the contexts of working ‘for’ and... more
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      DesignParticipatory DesignSpace and PlaceConstruction
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      AnthropologySpace and Society
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      LandscapeCrisis of Landscape
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The research here presented involved a group of Italian and migrant people living in the town of Montebelluna (Northeastern Italy), with the objective of exploring their relationship with everyday places and the meanings attributed to the... more
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      MigrationLandscapesense of belonging to place
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    • Space and Society
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    • Human performance in extreme environments
Perception landscape by local communities is a key aspect that provides guidelines for possible sustainable development of places in continuity with history and local traditions. For this reason,The European Landscape Convention... more
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      LandscapeSmart Cities
Cities are the mirror of globalization; they reproduce and anticipate the same trends and contradictions from the inside. The controversial notion of urban landscape is here explored in connection with the commons paradigm, those... more
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      Urban GeographyCommonsLandscapeUrban Landscape
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Few human endeavors present as much of a planning and scheduling challenge as space flight, particularly manned space flight. Just on the operational side of it, efforts of thousands of people across hundreds of organizations need to be... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceAI Planning (Artificial Intelligence)Collaborative SystemsAutomated reasoning