Theory of Action
Recent papers in Theory of Action
Giuseppe Sciortino The Structure of Social Action's «Missing» Chapter on Simmel: An Introduction AND Talcott Parsons Georg Simmel and Ferdinand Tonnies: Social Relationships and the Element of Action BOTH IN Gabriele Pollini and Giuseppe... more
In the present article I discuss, in confrontation with the most recent studies on Husserl's phenomenology of acting and willing, the taxonomy of action that is collected in the volume 'Wille und Handlung' of the Husserliana edition... more
Der Beitrag erweitert den bisherigen Geltungsbereich der sozial- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Theorien der Fremdheit, indem er die theoretisch-analytische Grenzkategorie des maximal Fremden postuliert. Diese Kategorie soll in... more
There has been a resurgence of interest lately within philosophy of mind and action in the category of mental action. Against this background, the present paper aims to question the very possibility, or at least the theoretical... more
Die Soziologie der Mitgliedschaft legt einen besonderen Anschnitt bei der Untersuchung der klassischen soziologischen Grundbegriffe Rolle, Status, Erwartungen und soziale Gruppe. Er besteht darin, dass sie im Hinblick auf die... more
El presente trabajo ofrece, por primera vez, un estudio completo y unitario de las funciones que la facultad del juicio desempeña en el sistema ético de Kant. Esta perspectiva permite resolver algunas aporías inherentes a la aplicación de... more
Our successful engagement with the world is plausibly underwritten by our sensitivity to affordances in our immediate environment. The considerable literature on affordances focuses almost exclusively on affordances for bodily actions... more
Traducción del año 2010 con una amplia y sugerente introducción de 200 páginas, a cargo de uno de los mejores especialistas de Filosofía antigua en habla hispana.
In this paper, I seek to show that one of the primary counterarguments to Robert Nozick’s theory undermines or displaces a necessary conception of individual responsibility, and therefore fails to convince. First, I define and describe... more
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The aim of this chapter is to discuss the central role of the notion of " habit " (Gewohnheit) in Hegel's theory of " embodiment " (Verleiblichung) and to show that the philosophical outcome of the Anthropology is that habit, understood... more
Este artículo estudia las interpelaciones entre ética, teoría de la decisión racional y teoría de la acción.
El propósito de este texto es explorar la conjetura de Tom Ford según la cual la manera accidentalista de concebir las acciones intencionales es errada. Para este se pretende especificar cuáles propuestas en el ámbito de la filosofía de... more
This article questions the theoretical background to Jean-Paul Sartre’s thesis, formulated in Anti-Semite and Jew, that antisemitism is “a free and total choice of oneself” by arguing against interpretations that emphasize the everyday... more
Il fine di questo lavoro è di evidenziare alcuni tratti del percorso «culturale» di Alfred Schutz . Secondo il sociologo austriaco le scienze sociali sono scienze della cultura perché il mondo è dotato di senso. Egli pone le basi per una... more
Contra aquellas lecturas formalistas de la filosofía práctica de Kant, se asume una lectura de su propuesta ética a partir del concepto de máxima. Al referirnos a la moral kantiana como una moral de máximas, se postula un modelo... more
This paper aims to present some shared aspects of Kant's and Hegel's conception of intentional action. Such aspects, I claim, form the basis of other well known divergences between them. Since Kant's and Hegel's conception of intentional... more
The question of freedom is recurrent in the theory of habitus. In this paper I propose that the notion of freedom is an essential and necessary component for the coherence of the analyses which mobilize habitus both in terms of their... more
This paper proposes a specific approach to understanding the nature of technology that encompasses the entire field of technological praxis, from the making of primitive tools to using the Internet. In that approach, technology is a... more
Abstract The paper aims at positioning two branches of the 20th century’s non-representationalist paradigms of thought, namely, pragmatic naturalism and philosophical hermeneutics, by discussing the pertaining views of John Dewey and... more
The following article engages the problem of agency in actor-network theory, working towards a foundation for an ANT-based theory of action. The problem of agency in contemporary sociology concerns questions about material objects in... more
Análisis de la teoría culturalista de la acción de Max Weber, y del momento en el que la misma se transforma en una teoría sociológica de los ordenamientos sociales.
Fragmento del capítulo II de mi tesis doctoral, del año 2011.
Fragmento del capítulo II de mi tesis doctoral, del año 2011.
The main aim of the conference is to present the new approaches to the problem of consciousness and rationality and to provide an effective dialog between disciplines and the different fields of philosophy, which can be fruitful for the... more
Cet article est consacré à la présentation de certains éléments d'une théorisation en cours, concernant l'action didactique, conçue comme action conjointe centrée sur le savoir objet des transactions didactiques. L'objectif... more
There is stock argument against libertarianism: that the indeterminism it postulates makes human choice a matter of chance and this is no better as a basis for practical rationality and moral responsibility than the most rigid... more Le cognitivisme localise les phénomènes mentaux (conscience, connaissances, émotions, etc.) dans le cerveauesprit dans lequel fonctionne une compétence (= savoir agir) qui mobilise ou transfère... more
In the framework of the MANCEPT Workshops 2021, this event brought together a variety of scholars to discuss new forms, configurations, and practices of authoritarianism.
This essay critically analyses the arguments developed by the Italian Constitutional Court in the famous “Cappato case”, showing that some of those arguments are inconclusive or mutually inconsistent. The essay argues that these... more
Investigate the development of temporal markers as used by 2 to 4 years-old children in a task of free play action. On the basis of a free-play using little wooden animais, a categorisation of children's actions points out a difference... more