Tim Ingold
Most downloaded papers in Tim Ingold
This paper critically reviews the current status of the concept of distance in human geography in order to argue that recent experimentally-driven work in construal-level theory offers ample opportunities for recasting distance as a key... more
This is an essay about the connections between the passage of time and the condition of archaeological knowledge. It revisits Tim Ingold’s 1993 paper ‘The Temporality of the Landscape’, considering its relationship with the... more
The first part of the paper develops the argument that geographers should learn to decompose human memory into its constituent parts because then and then alone will we become attuned to the full range of ways in which we incorporate... more
This paper crosses the borders of human geography to bring back two related bodies of work from experimental psychology that investigate, in an unusual and refreshingly precise way, long-standing human geographical concerns with... more
This essay explores Tim Ingold’s anthropological theory following his references to Merleau-Ponty and the concept of interanimality/interagentivity. It poses some ideas of Ingold’s “poetics of dwelling”, which he highlights from... more
This paper argues that, in order to take place, space and scale more seriously in the study of our discipline, we have to complement the pervasive understanding of geography as a tradition of thought or an extended conversation with an... more
The Siberian Northeast shows striking parallels between the cosmologies of hunters and reindeer herders. What may this tell us about the transformation from hunting to pastoralism? This article argues for a structural identity between... more
The chapter introduces a simple theoretical framework called "recursive cartographies" and applies it to the analysis of the social and environmental conflict surrounding the plans for gold mining in the village of Rosia Montana, Romania.
This paper was presented as a keynote lecture at the international conference Designing and Planning the Built Environment for Human Well-Being, held at the University of Oulu in Finland, 23-25 October 2014. It is an expanded version of a... more
In Breaking the Surface, Doug Bailey offers a radical alternative for understanding Neolithic houses, providing much-needed insight not just into prehistoric practice, but into another way of doing archaeology. Using his years of... more
In this essay, I question current models of central European Neolithic societies that are informed by concepts of sedentarism and cultural homogeneity. Based on pottery styles, they miss out two fundamental conditions of human life: the... more
This chapter introduces Boundary Line Type (BLT) mapping, a vector GIS based cross-culturally and diachronically comparative method, used for mapping the socio-spatial significance of urban built environments. This new research method is... more
Rolando Silla * I Los antropólogos tenemos una relación de doble vínculo con tres de las áreas más importantes del pensamiento y la práctica actual: las ciencias naturales, la psicología y el arte.
In this paper I offer critical attention to the notion of atmosphere in relation to music. By exploring the concept through the case study of the Closed Brethren worship services, I argue that atmosphere may provide analytical tools to... more
In 1766, Thomas Cochran entered the Edinburgh classroom of Joseph Black (1728-1799) to learn chemistry for the first time. Cochran was studying medicine and, like so many of Black’s students, he dutifully recorded several diagrams in his... more
Thinking posthumanly – from a post-Enlightenment, critical, new materialist perspective – things, including concepts, become more permeable and topological – they leak and stretch. Freed from limiting notions of agency, things behave.... more
The author shows how houses in the northern Baltic were constructed using two realities: the reality of timber and the equally potent reality of spirits supporting and controlling the fate of structures. Excavations in seventeenthcentury... more
Um evento como acontecimento. Um livro como ruína de um evento que aspira a reativar e renovar o acontecimento por outros meios. Um livro como campo aberto de experimentação, não do que foi, mas do que os corpos podem ao se compor com as... more
explores the material flows running through landscapes, showing how these are deeply enmeshed with mobilities of people and animals.
Introduction. Dwelling approaches life as a process of being-in-theworld which is open to the world. Human and nonhuman life is read as an immediate, yet also enduring, relational process of bodies-in-environment (space and place) which... more
Review of Biosocial becomings by Tim Ingold and Gisli Palsson
A reply to comments by Laurent Olivier, Matt Edgeworth and Tim Ingold on the paper "The Temporality of the Landscape Revisited"
In The Perception of the Environment (2000), Ingold has argued that differences in cultural knowledge are more a matter of variation in embodied skills than in discursive knowledge. These skills develop through the practitioners’... more
This article blends insights from gender, technology, and development studies with Ingold's concept of taskscape to examine the interrelated nature of farming, food, and craft manufacture practices in Banda, Ghana during the last three... more
Na antropologia e em outras disciplinas, "etnografia" tornou-se um termo tão sobreutilizado a ponto de ter perdido boa parte do seu sentido. Argumenta-se que atribuir "etnograficidade" aos encontros com aqueles entre os quais se realiza a... more
Forum debate with Veronica Strang, Jeanne Feaux de la Croix and Hugh Raffles.
This study concerns field recordings, location audio gathered from unscored and unexpected sounds, which retain an indexical relationship to their origin in the natural world. The term “environmental music” describes aesthetic works that... more
Opening night at the theater and the stage is awash with color and spectacle, an awe-inspiring display of set and costume extravagance. Fast-forward eighteen months: this wondrous design has transformed itself into a mountainous ruin,... more
This article examines the work of a group of scientists who contributed to influential climate policy approaches while taking part in groundbreaking research on climate transformations. The scientists promoted a policy approach known as... more
It is readily acknowledged that built environment configurations are shaped by the outer lines of the features it consists of. Yet, these boundary lines are not typically utilised in our theorisation of the built environment to further... more
This book defines theatricality and performativity through metaphors of texture and weaving, drawn mainly from anthropologist Tim Ingold and philosopher Stephen C. Pepper. Tracing the two concepts' various relations to practices of seeing... more
This PhD dissertation concerns the challenges of cataloguing volatile art-works and vast collections. In 2011, KUNSTEN Museum of Modern Art in Denmark acquired Danish artist Mogens Otto Nielsen’s (b. 1945) mail art archive with material... more
This paper recounts the excavation of a pottery production site in terms of taskscapes, flowscapes and ceramiscenes.
Resumo A partir de uma revisão bibliográfica do antropólogo britânico Tim Ingold, procuraremos nos debruçar no debate que emerge na antropologia a respeito da dualidade entre natureza e cultura. O percurso que faremos procurará... more
"What is holding back service design from making a distinct departure from a product-centred to a socio-material human-centred framework? We have a concern for co-designing that is often discussed as a generic method to develop empathetic... more
second draft. forthcoming chapter in 'Click & Kin: Transnational Identity and Quick Media', eds May Friedman & Silvia Schultermandl. This chapter discusses recent shifts toward 'avatar' online identities from the lens of post-humanist... more
Este trabalho apresenta uma etnografia da relação entre os Potiguara e a paisagem. Buscamos compreender as formas como concebem, percebem e vivenciam o ambiente no cotidiano e as tensões envolvidas diante de projetos de paisagem de outros... more