Tim Ingold
Recent papers in Tim Ingold
Thinking posthumanly – from a post-Enlightenment, critical, new materialist perspective – things, including concepts, become more permeable and topological – they leak and stretch. Freed from limiting notions of agency, things behave.... more
Traduzione dei testi antologici per la quarta edizione di Ugo Fabietti, Storia dell'antropologia, Zanichelli, 2020.
I testi tradotti sono di Marilyn Strathern, Janet Carsten, Aihwa Ong, Clara Han, Alfred Gell e Tim Ingold.
I testi tradotti sono di Marilyn Strathern, Janet Carsten, Aihwa Ong, Clara Han, Alfred Gell e Tim Ingold.
This introductory chapter outlines theatricality and performativity by way of their tensions and paradoxes – between seeing and doing, novelty and normativity – and argues for a more perspectival approach with notions of ‘texture,’... more
M. Caravan, personnage principal mis en scène dans la nouvelle En famille de Maupassant, semble tout avoir du pauvre diable malgré lui assujetti au comique : incapable de prendre sa place dans tous les lieux qu’il fréquente, il est... more
Wandering as Pathscaping, by Vanessa Grasse, presents a practical and theoretical enquiry into a walking and drawing practice grounded in a somatic and dance improvisation informed approach. This is articulated through the author’s... more
Este es el trabajo final que escribí en 2019 para la Cátedra, Humanidad, evolución y ecología a cargo de Rolando Silla y Debora Swistun. La consigna era escribir una especie de Ensayo relacionando algo que hayamos visto con los autores... more
O curso dedica-se ao estudo intensivo da obra de Timothy Ingold, antropólogo britânico bastante difundido atualmente em diversos campos, com propostas arrojadas em alguns domínios onde questões fundamentais para a antropologia se colocam,... more
L'entretien qui suit a été réalisé le 27 mai 2017, à Aberdeen, à la fin d'une semaine de rencontres du réseau européen Knowing from the inside, qui rassemble tant des praticiens que des théoriciens autour de la question d'une connaissance... more
Weaving an Open World / Experiencing Urban Utopias Theoretical Foundations for Urban Experiments in the Spirit of Tim Ingold Referring to Reinhart Koselleck and his arguments, this article discus- ses the changing nature of utopias in... more
This project builds on James' Scott synthesis of “reactive statelessness” theory (famously beginning with Pierre Clastres), in which he argues that pastoralism, nomadism, and foraging were often secondary forms of adaptation in response... more
This paper was presented as a keynote lecture at the international conference Designing and Planning the Built Environment for Human Well-Being, held at the University of Oulu in Finland, 23-25 October 2014. It is an expanded version of a... more
„Ta pusta moja małżowina / pomnik na łóżku” – pisał w jednym ze swoich wierszy Białoszewski, opisując odciśniętą w pościeli wklęsłą rzeźbę, jaką pozostawia po sobie każdego poranka. Unieobecnienie samego siebie pozwalało mu uczynić... more
This chapter introduces Boundary Line Type (BLT) mapping, a vector GIS based cross-culturally and diachronically comparative method, used for mapping the socio-spatial significance of urban built environments. This new research method is... more
towards an archaeology of gesture in Kurt schwitters' 'Pointless' collage (or how I 'learned' about schwitters' work through painting leftovers) abstract This article will discuss how an analysis of the readable gestures within the work... more
Paperback Edition: ISBN 978-1-78570-377-5 Digital Edition: ISBN 978-1-78570-378-2 (epub) A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library and the Library of Congress All rights reserved. No part of this book may be... more
Call me wolfing. I was murdered in Lancashire (now a part of Cumbria) in 1390CE, by some pre-enlightened gentlemen. It was just before the perceptual turning point from Theos to Mechanos; from a transcendent God to little ghosts in your... more
Historians, anthropologists, architecture theorists research the rites of construction, the rituals of the city's foundation to find the origins of architecture. They believe that the base of the architectural form is a certain order of... more
Link para compartilhar esta publicação: https://bit.ly/ebook_ibarra Como citar: Ibarra, María Cristina. Design como correspondência: antropologia e participação na cidade. Recife: Ed. UFPE, 2021. Este livro investiga a relação do... more
Este verbete, publicado na Enciclopédia de Antropologia do Departamento de Antropologia da Universidade de São Paulo, versa sobre o livro "Estar vivo-Ensaios sobre movimento, conhecimento e descrição" (2011). Trata-se de uma coletânea de... more
Qual è l’attendibilità storica dei vangeli? Come si sono formati e su quali informazioni si basavano? Come si è arrivati ai diversi racconti orali e scritti della straordinaria vicenda di Gesù? Per rispondere a queste domande, nella... more
By adopting posthuman ecology as its methodological framework, the author of this paper examines how British environmental artist Andy Goldsworthy's conceptualization of nature can radically undermine the nature/culture dichotomy. To do... more
Yo adhiero a esa escuela de pensamiento que sostiene que la antropología social o cultural, la antropología biológica y la arqueología forman una unidad necesaria -que son todas partes de la misma empresa intelectual. No estoy preocupado... more
The first thing you need to know about this book is that, far from being merely a repository of knowledge about the four "A"s of Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Architecture, it is rather a key that can be used to open them up. Making... more
This PhD dissertation concerns the challenges of cataloguing volatile art-works and vast collections. In 2011, KUNSTEN Museum of Modern Art in Denmark acquired Danish artist Mogens Otto Nielsen’s (b. 1945) mail art archive with material... more
Based on nine years of research, this is the first book to offer an in-depth ethnographic study of a transnational environmentalist federation and of activists themselves. The book presents an account of the daily life and the ethical... more
Para ler uma versão atualizada da tese, leia o e-book "Design como correspondência: antropologia e participação na cidade": https://bit.ly/ebook_ibarra Esta tese investiga a relação do design e da antropologia por meio da experiência... more
In this paper I offer critical attention to the notion of atmosphere in relation to music. By exploring the concept through the case study of the Closed Brethren worship services, I argue that atmosphere may provide analytical tools to... more
Publius Ovid’s (43 BC-17/18 AD) describes in his Metamorphoses Niobe’s transformation into a weeping rock. Niobe’s transformation incorporates the form and matter of the medium of sculpture. According to the humanist paragone debate,... more
The following is a a review of the anthropologist Tim Ingold's book Correspondences (2021), which consists of short pieces relating to, or, in Ingold's terminology, 'corresponding' with various exhibitions and artworks. I first sketch his... more
The author shows how houses in the northern Baltic were constructed using two realities: the reality of timber and the equally potent reality of spirits supporting and controlling the fate of structures. Excavations in seventeenthcentury... more
aproximações a perspectivas latinoamericanas para praticar e
experimentar design.
aproximações a perspectivas latinoamericanas para praticar e
experimentar design.
This is an essay about the connections between the passage of time and the condition of archaeological knowledge. It revisits Tim Ingold’s 1993 paper ‘The Temporality of the Landscape’, considering its relationship with the... more
Introduction. Dwelling approaches life as a process of being-in-theworld which is open to the world. Human and nonhuman life is read as an immediate, yet also enduring, relational process of bodies-in-environment (space and place) which... more
Um evento como acontecimento. Um livro como ruína de um evento que aspira a reativar e renovar o acontecimento por outros meios. Um livro como campo aberto de experimentação, não do que foi, mas do que os corpos podem ao se compor com as... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
The story of Enlightenment literacy is often reconstructed from textbooks and manuals, with the implicit focus being what children were reading. But far less attention has been devoted to how they mastered the scribal techniques that... more
In 1766, Thomas Cochran entered the Edinburgh classroom of Joseph Black (1728-1799) to learn chemistry for the first time. Cochran was studying medicine and, like so many of Black’s students, he dutifully recorded several diagrams in his... more
This study concerns field recordings, location audio gathered from unscored and unexpected sounds, which retain an indexical relationship to their origin in the natural world. The term “environmental music” describes aesthetic works that... more
It is widely known that Joseph Black's late eighteenth-century chemistry lectures were extremely popular for the hundreds of students who studied science, medicine and the arts at the University of Edinburgh. When his students attended... more
This paper critically reviews the current status of the concept of distance in human geography in order to argue that recent experimentally-driven work in construal-level theory offers ample opportunities for recasting distance as a key... more