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Cognitive capital is an important resource for employers. A survey instrument is proposed to evaluate employee’s desire to use their cognitive capital in the workplace. Additionally, the survey incorporates elements to allow for cross... more
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      Industrial and Organizational PsychologyBasic IncomeWork and Organizational PsychologyI/O Psychology
Published in 1964, James Meade’s *Efficiency, Equality and the Ownership of Property* packs an incredible concentration of insightful analysis and provocative policy ideas in under 100 pages. The book is a brilliant exploration of what a... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical Theory
В статье обсуждается сериал Girls (HBO, 2012 — н. вр.) в контексте отношения двадцатилетних молодых людей к рабо- те и полученному образованию. Затра- гивается также вопрос о социальной функции денег. Последние годы в ака- демической... more
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      Popular CulturePrecariatPost-Industrial SocietyUnconditional Basic Income
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      ArtBasic IncomeUniversal Basic IncomeUnconditional Basic Income
Koncepcja bezwarunkowego dochodu podstawowego uzyskuje w ostatnich latach coraz większe poparcie. Co zaskakujące, wspierający ją różnią się zupełnie poglądami politycznymi, wyznawaną filozofią i krajem pochodzenia. Zwolenników... more
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      LiberalismAmerican Political ThoughtJohn RawlsRobert Nozick
1. Einführung Götz Werners Modell eines bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens (BGE) hat in der letzten Dekade große Prominenz erlangt. Quer durch das politische Spektrum finden sich Anhänger für dieses Modell gesellschaftlicher Versorgung, das... more
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      SozialpolitikUnconditional Basic IncomeGesellschaftspolitikBedingungsloses Grundeinkommen
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      Economic JusticeBasic IncomeEconomic policyLibertarianism
This research is an attempt by the authors to study basic income experiments and experiences in nearly every political boundary worldwide, models that have been proposed worldwide and come up with one that could potentially beat the... more
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      Development EconomicsMicroeconomicsEconomic GrowthBasic Income
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference, https://blogs.cul.columbia.edu/rbml/files/2014/09/One-Dimensional-Man-at-Fifty-Conference-Program1.pdf
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      Critical TheoryBusinessIndustrial And Labor RelationsInformation Systems
Die Forschung zum Bedingungslosen Grundeinkommen kreist bisher vorwiegend um Fragen seiner Auswirkungen auf Arbeitsangebot und Finanzierung. Wenig thematisiert wird, welche Folgen es für die Lebensführung im Allgemeinen haben könnte, ob... more
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      Schulefallrekonstruktive SozialforschungAutonomieUnterrichtsforschung
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      Social PolicyWelfare StateBasic IncomePublic Policy - Social Welfare Policy
An Euro-Dividend for European Social Union? Una breve panoramica sul dibattito europeo e globale riguardo la previsione di un reddito di base universale e incondizionato (Universal and Unconditional Basic Income), anche nella prospettiva... more
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      Digital HumanitiesEuropean integrationWelfare StateDigital Media
"Mit Durchführung der Schröderschen Arbeitsmarktreformen ist der schon einmal in den 1980er Jahren diskutierte Vorschlag eines bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens und die mit ihm verbundene Diagnose einer »Krise der Arbeitsgesellschaft« in... more
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      Cultural StudiesSocial WorkSocial PolicySociology of Work
Minority empowerment is a relatively new approach on research and policy-making in the field of minority studies. At its core lies the ideal to remove the marginalisation of minorities by providing room for them to take agency on their... more
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      Basic IncomeEmpowermentMinority RightsNational minorities
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      DeGrowthUnconditional Basic IncomeSocio-ecological TransformationPost-Growth
Unconditional basic income (UBI) is a policy that has provoked interest across a number of academic disciplines-political theory, ethics, economics and futurology to name a few-and across all points on the political spectrum. These... more
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      SurveyUnconditional Basic Income
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS/POSTSCRIPT: This paper was presented at the 4th International Conference on the Capability Approach, 4-7, September 2004, Pavia, Italy. A slightly different version was delivered under the title ‘Basic Income and... more
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      Capability ApproachAmartya SenNancy FraserEvolutionary Political Economy
With growing income inequality and struggles to end poverty in the developed world, governments will need to consider new strategies to support their people. The idea of the universal basic income involves providing a minimum income to... more
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      EconomicsWelfare StatePovertyBasic Income
This research note examines a relationship between public attitudes toward Universal Basic Income (UBI) and country-level social and economic conditions in 21 European Countries. Despite abundant theoretical and empirical research on, a... more
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      Basic IncomeGuaranteed basic Income (BIG)Universal Basic IncomeUnconditional Basic Income
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical SociologyPolitical Geography and Geopolitics
This paper examines whether the concept of Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) can be realised within the framework of capitalism. After describing the essence of UBI, I present its historical antecedents, rival concepts and the pros and... more
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      MarxismBasic IncomeCommunismJob Satisfaction
In this article, we present an anti-capitalist argument for basic income based on its predicted effects on the wage share dynamics and its relation with the working class' bargaining power. Our considerations are located in the Marxist... more
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      MarxismMarxist EconomicsBasic IncomeMarxist theory
Abstract What is effort and why do we value it? This thesis examines various ways in which effort has been used to answer questions of distributive justice. I begin with effort’s role as the unique legitimate basis for justifying... more
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      Political TheoryBasic IncomeEgalitarianismProtest
Could Universal Basic Income be introduced in the UK? Should an unconditional income be a human right?
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      Social PolicyWelfare StatePovertyBasic Income
Borgerløn/basisindkomst i Danmark. Borgerløn som politisk idé, videnskabeligt paradigme og politisk diskurs. En historisk, teoretisk og personlig fortælling om borgerløn i Danmark 1978-2000.
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      Basic IncomeUnconditional Basic IncomeBorgerlønMedborgarlön
Abstracts français/english : Trois entretiens inédits en français d'André Gorz (1990, 2003 et 2005). Ces entretiens révèlent la persistante actualité de la réflexion existentielle de Gorz sur le sens de la vie contrarié par l’emprise... more
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      Political EcologyBasic IncomeInformation Communication TechnologyImmaterial Labour
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      Social MovementsPolitical EconomyPolitical PhilosophySocial Policy
W odpowiedzi na społeczny i gospodarczy kryzys w partiach i organizacjach lewicowych w Europie pojawiły się dwie, niewypróbowane w praktyce, strategie radykalnych reform: gwarancja zatrudnienia (GZ) i bezwarunkowy dochód podstawowy (BDP).... more
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      MarxismBasic IncomeMarxist theoryModern Monetary Theory
This paper decomposes global inequality in redistribution, using data from the World Development Indicators data set of the World Bank. It finds that per capita income has a modest, yet persistent effect on redistribution. More... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEconomic HistorySociology
In 2015/16, stress was found psychologically to be responsible for 37% of work-related illnesses and 45% of working days lost due to illness in Great Britain. Stress has also been linked to long-term chronic health conditions – including... more
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      Basic IncomePublic Health PolicyStressStress Management
This article critiques postoperaist conceptualisations of immaterial labour from the perspective of Marxian value-form theory. Critiquing the idea of the 'crisis of measurability' created by immaterial labour and the contention that this... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical EconomySociology of WorkMarxism
The main objective of the article is to investigate the potential influence of basic income on the economy, especially Gross Domestic Product. The author uses Michał Kalecki's reproduction schemas and relations between fundamental... more
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      Political EconomySocial PolicyBasic IncomeSocialism
This article aims to examine Karl Widerquist’s book "A Critical Analysis of Basic Income Experiments for Researchers, Policymakers, and Citizens" in the context of various governments’ current interest in conducting basic income... more
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      Political PhilosophyDesign of ExperimentsRandomized TrialUniversal Basic Income
We examine the effect of unconditional cash transfers by a unitary discrete labour supply model. We argue that there is no negative income effect of social transfers in the case of poor adults because leisure could not be assumed to be a... more
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      Labor EconomicsSocial PolicyPovertyBasic Income
This study deals with five sources of data that may help to answer the question of how labor supply would respond to the introduction of unconditional basic income. Research of lottery winners' labor supply and the results of field... more
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      Field ExperimentsUnconditional Basic Income
Il reddito di cittadinanza approvato in Italia è stato capace di raggiungere molto più di altre precedenti misure il gruppo target, del quale ha certamente migliorato le condizioni economiche, anche se non è stato altrettanto capace di... more
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      Welfare StateBasic IncomePublic Policy - Social Welfare PolicyUniversal Basic Income
www.democracychronicles.org/basic-income - “We know basic income promotes freedom and we want to see our people experience that freedom. 50 years from now, it will seem ridiculous that governments used fear of not being able to eat as a... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessSociologyCultural Studies
Mało komu znany jest fakt, że kojarzące nam się z rozwiniętymi państwami zachodu słowo 'robot' ma w rzeczywistości zachodniosłowiańską genezę. Jego twórcą i popularyzatorem jest piszący w XX wieku czeski prekursor fantastyki naukowej... more
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      TechnologyOrganizational ChangeSocial JusticeUnemployment
In this article the issue of basic income is analyzed along five main research vectors: A putative " Italian delay " concerning both the reception of the international debate on basic income and the original elaboration of its... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsLabor EconomicsWelfare StateBasic Income
In recent years there has been a growing interest in implementing more effective public policies to improve the living conditions of people in vulnerable situations. To design and implement these policies they need to be backed up with... more
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      Social PoliciesPoverty and InequalityUnconditional Basic IncomeWelfare State and Basic Income
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      Sociology of WorkBasic IncomeBernard StieglerWork and Labour
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      EconomicsFeminist EconomicsSingle MothersBasic Income
Az utóbbi időben több országban és/vagy régióban merült fel az FNA bevezetésének gondolata és mindenütt élénk társadalmi vita övezi. Előbb-utóbb számos politikai közösség tagjainak dönteniük kell: olyan társadalomban kívánnak-e élni,... more
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      Political PhilosophyUnconditional Basic Income
In this article, we explore the prospects of Basic Income (BI) as a development policy tool. Our approach is to analyse the BI as a tool for promoting micro-investments and as a general development policy instrument, thus deliberately... more
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      Development EconomicsDevelopment StudiesBasic IncomeUniversal Basic Income
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      Welfare StateUnconditional Basic Income
As we think about building societies that can be ready for pandemics and resilient to shocks, basic income needs to be part of the picture. The insecurity and hardship caused by the economic fallout of the COVID-19 crisis have prompted... more
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      Basic IncomeUniversal Basic IncomeUnconditional Basic IncomeCOVID-19 PANDEMIC
The global human family is confronted with many and oftentimes quite serious problems of various types: cultural, economic, environmental, legal, political, etc. The general thesis of this paper is that one of the most effective ways to... more
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      PhilosophyHuman RightsPovertySustainable Development
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      Utopian StudiesLabour historyBasic IncomeWork and Labour
This article reveals the basic ideas of Erich Fromm’s analytical social psychology and shows links among work, character and education. Social changes may be better understood in the background of work evolution. Today the concept of... more
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      Critical TheorySociology of WorkUnconditional Basic IncomeAnalytical Social Psychology
Décroissance, écologie, travail… Le philosophe et journaliste André Gorz, cofondateur du “Nouvel Observateur”, a proposé avant l’heure des alternatives au capitalisme. Un visionnaire, pour l’historien Willy Gianinazzi, qui publie une... more
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      Political EcologyBasic IncomeContemporary French PhilosophyPrecarity