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      Latin EpigraphyRoman EpigraphyRoman social and economic historyVicenza
The book deals with the relations between anger, emotions and trial rites in sixteenth century. After a general introduction on the values of emotions, justice and anger the book presents the story of Marcantonio Trissino, the grandson of... more
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      Criminal JusticeAngerHistory Of EmotionsVendetta (Early Modern History)
Riccardo Pasqualin, Nicolò Leoniceno 1428-1524. Un umanista veneto nella storia della medicina [recensione], in Sololibri.net, 15/04/2020: https://www.sololibri.net/Nicolo-Leoniceno-1428-1524-Atti-convegno.html Il volume raccoglie gli... more
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      VeneziaVicenzaVenezia E Terraferma Veneta (XV-XVIII)History of Serenissima Repubblica Di Venezia
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      ArchitetturaArte ModernaVicenzaStoria Contemporanea
Tra la fine del Cinquecento e il Settecento l'Adorazione dei Magi realizzata da Paolo Veronese per l'altare Cogollo della chiesa di Santa Corona a Vicenza, oltre ad attirare l'interesse di numerosi scrittori d'arte come Borghini, Ridolfi... more
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      VicenzaPaolo VeronesePittura venetaAdorazione Dei Magi
Πεπραγμένα του ΣT΄ Διεθνούς Kρητολογικού Συνεδρίου, τόμ. 2 Μεσαιωνικό - Βυζαντινό, Xανιά, Φιλολογικός Σύλλογος «Ο Χρυσόστομος», 1991, 577-589 (in Greeek).
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      Venetian art and architectural historyVenetian HistoryVenetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanCretan literature during the Venetian Rule
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      Andrea PalladioVicenzaArquitectura Italiana Del RenacimientoTeatro renacentista
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      Roman ReligionGreek and Roman Gods & GoddessesVicenzaLatin Inscriptions
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      VicenzaPittura Seicento VenetoArte Della ControriformaSanta Corona, Vicenza
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      Archeologia medievaleArcheologia Tardoantica E PaleocristianaVicenzaArchitettura Romanica
""Il volume, di ampio formato (28x23 cm) e di 360 pagine con circa 250 illustrazioni, costituisce una rielaborazione e un arricchimento, con dotazione di apparati e indici, della tesi di dottorato di Giulio Zavatta condotta sotto la guida... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryVenetian art and architectural historyItalian Renaissance Art
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      Art HistoryVenetian art and architectural historyVicenzaGiambattista Tiepolo
La famiglia Bissari ha dominato sul feudo di Costabissara dal 1285 al 1859, lasciando un retaggio culturale ed architettonico. Il libro segue il percorso nel tempo della famiglia ed in particolare le vicende che hanno portato alla... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryHistory of CartographyArchitectural History
The book is based on an important criminal trial instructed by the courts of Vicenza and Padova in the years 1605-06 subsequently a decision of the Venetian Counsel of ten. The defendants belonged to the Vicentine aristocracy and were... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesViolenceEarly Modern HistoryLegal Anthropology
La "Sofonisba" di Trissino (prima edizione: Roma, 1524) è la prima tragedia regolare in lingua italiana. La pièce ottenne la consacrazione con la rappresentazione del 1562, che si avvalse dell’apparato scenico allestito da Palladio... more
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      Renaissance StudiesPetrarchTragedyTeatro
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      Venice and the VenetoVicenzaBolzanoTrento
The contrast between Venetia on the mainland, dotted with ancient cities linked to the kingdom of Italy and the Ottonian Empire, and a coastal and insular Venetia, which was urbanized later and then developed in the political and cultural... more
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      Medieval ArchitectureMedieval ArtHistory of architectureRomanesque architecture
Some inscriptional evidence mentions the ethnonym Dripsinates and the toponym Dripsinum. The two terms refer to a population of pre-Roman origin and its administrative centre respectively. The ancient toponym Dripsinum has been linked to... more
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      Roman HistoryCiceroLatin EpigraphyAcculturation and 'Romanisation'
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      Archaeology of Northern ItalyVeneti AntichiArcheologia urbanaPreistoria e protostoria
The first section of this essay offers additional pieces of knowledge about Bernardo Falconi, which were obtained from a so far neglected source: the volume Ultimi Accidenti della China, printed in Padua in 1685 and translated from the... more
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      Art HistoryBaroque Art and LiteratureHistory of SculptureVenetian art and architectural history
Παλίμψηστον 9-10 (1989-1990), 179-238 (in Greek).
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      Venetian art and architectural historyVenetian HistoryVenetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanCretan Studies
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      Art HistoryRenaissance ArtHistory of ArtMedieval Art
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      Architectural HistoryVenetian art and architectural historyItalian Renaissance Architectural HistoryRenaissance antiquarianism
in "La città medievale è la città dei frati?", a cura di S. Beltramo, G. Guidarelli, in "La condizione urbana come fenomeno pervasivo", 11-14 settembre 2 0 1 9 | B O LO G N A IX CONGRESSO AISU PROGRAMMA / PROGRAM The global city The urban... more
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      Renaissance StudiesItalian Renaissance ArtMendicant OrdersItalian Renaissance Architecture
The article discusses a newly attributed drawing to Paolo Veronese in the Art Gallery of Ontario (Toronto) and aims to identify it as a study of Fra' Damiano Grana, prior of Monte Berico, as portrayed in The Supper of Saint Gregory the... more
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      Renaissance StudiesMonastic StudiesVenetian art and architectural historyHistory of Art
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      ReligionVenetian art and architectural historyBaptismMedieval Architecture
La produzione scultorea veronese nei decenni a cavallo tra XIV e XV secolo è dominata da autori dal carattere robusto e popolare, fra i quali spicca certamente Antonio da Mestre. Questo prolifico artista, documentato dal 1379 al 1418, non... more
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      IconographyMedieval HistoryVenetian art and architectural historyMedieval Art
a cura di Francesco Marcorin e Francesca Meneghetti Un progetto della Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le province di Verona, Rovigo e Vicenza e del Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectural HistoryRenaissance History esp Venice, Veneto and empiresVenice and the Veneto
This PhD thesis was submitted to the Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Study, in February 2020. The research was conducted under the supervision of Michelle O'Malley and David Freedberg and benefited from a fellowship at the Morgan... more
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      Italian Renaissance ArtVenice and the VenetoItalian Renaissance printsVicenza
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      ArtRenaissance StudiesJewish HistoryVicenza
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      ArchaeometryRoman Wall PaintingVicenzaAnalysis of Pigments on Ancient Artifacts
Questo libro ricostruisce e interpreta la storia del teatro Olimpico di Andrea Palladio e Vincenzo Scamozzi, dando vita a un quadro multilineare di storia della cultura (teatrale e non) fondato sulla critica delle fonti e sull’analisi... more
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      Andrea PalladioVicenzaVincenzo ScamozziAccademia Olimpica (Vicenza)
in Ebrei nella Terraferma veneta del Quattrocento, Atti del Convegno di studio (Verona, 14 novembre 2003), a cura di Reinhold C. Mueller e Gian Maria Varanini, Firenze, Reti Medievali - Firenze University Press, 2005 (Già "Quaderni di RM... more
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      Renaissance StudiesJewish HistoryVicenzaVenice Mainland State
Stranci u gornjovrbaškom kraju prema matičnim knjigama skopjanskih župa. Foreigners in the Vrbas headwaters area in the western part of central Bosnia according to the registries of the Skopje parishes. Stranci se u gornjovrbaški kraj... more
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      BresciaVicenzaBergamoVenetian Dalmatia
Giovanni Martini studente padovano e drammaturgo "carlista"
Domenica 24 aprile 2022, ore 10:00
Museo Storico della Terza Armata, Padova
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      TeatroVenice and the VenetoDrammaturgiaVicenza
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      History of CartographyArt CriticismHistory of Architectural RepresentationVenice and the Veneto
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      ArchitectureItalian Renaissance Architectural HistoryPalladianismVenezia
Ed.. Centro di Studi Med. e Rinasc. "E.A: Cicogna" info@centrocicogna.it Tavola dei contenuti Gian Carlo Alessio, Un nuovo visitatore della biblioteca di Marin Sanudo Daniela Ambrosini, Il caso delle «Macchine dette Cammelli» tra le... more
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      Military HistoryEconomic HistoryCultural StudiesComparative Literature
This article examines two closely related versions of a Holy Family by the Vicentine Renaissance painter Bartolomeo Montagna that are preserved at The Courtauld Gallery in London and at the Musei Civici in Pavia. Drawing from the latest... more
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      Print CultureArt HistoryArtItalian Studies
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval urban historyCodicologyDiplomatics (Medieval)
1. ENG [2. ITA] Wall paintings commissioned by Prince Bishop of Trento Bernardo Cles (+1539) documented by archival sources for the Rocca di Riva del Garda and for the castles of Levico and Pergine in Trentino. - An antique frieze for... more
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      Art HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissance
Le origini del casato da Romano vennero spiegate da G.B. Verci integrando il tendenzioso racconto di Rolandino da Padova, che le attribuiva ad un "povero" cavaliere beneficato da Corrado II il Salico, con alcuni documenti menzionanti... more
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      PadovaVicenzaEzzelino da RomanoBassano del Grappa
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      Napoleonic WarsVicenzaVeronaPio VII
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      Rural SociologyEthnoarchaeologyEthnographyRural History
Various drawings and works made by Andrea Palladio reproduce the building plan of Villa Trissino at Cricoli, which was built in the 15th century. Palladio would have a chance to observe the villa, while working as a stonemason, during... more
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      ArchitectureVenetian art and architectural historyRenaissance History esp Venice, Veneto and empiresAndrea Palladio
Ricostruzione critica e commento della biblioteca di Francesco Maturanzio che, già celebre tra i contemporanei per la ricchezza e l'importanza dei testi conservati, è stata recentemente rivelata dalla scoperta dell'inventario stilato in... more
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      History of the BookHistory and Classical tradition studiesRare Books and ManuscriptsIncunabula
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      Early Modern HistoryFiscal HistoryHistory of VeniceVicenza
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      Public AdministrationGlobal Administrative LawAndrea PalladioDiritto Amministrativo
Nel vasto capitolo della fortuna critica di Tiepolo risaltano alcune pagine di letteratura: sono ben noti, a titolo d’esempio, gli echi delle opere del maestro veneziano presenti nella Recherche di Proust. Si deve a Francis Haskell il... more
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      Art HistoryVenetian art and architectural historyHistory of ArtLiterature and Visual Arts
Nel 1908 Fritz Burger e Giangiorgio Zorzi incrociarono i loro destini a Vicenza, nell'anno del centenario palladiano che non si è mai celebrato. Oltre ai rapporti personali tra i due studiosi, emerge l'importanza della fotografia per lo... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryHistory of photographyHistory of architecture