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      Etruscan ArchaeologyWooden ArchitectureArchaic Trade AmphorasSan Basilio Ariano Polesine
From: // The Ruins of Kocho. Traces of Wooden Architecture on the Ancient Silk Road. Ed. by Lilla Russel-Smith and Ines Konczak-Nagel Berlin, Museum für asiatische Kunst, 2016. P. 17 – 26. Brief description of wooden architectural... more
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureCentral AsiaSogdian
Naqsh exhaustively explores and documents the art of wood carving in the traditional architecture of Gujarat. Traversing from the history and evolution of wood carving of India, the book investigates the tools and techniques applied by... more
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      ArchitectureDesign PatternsTraditional CraftsCraft Knowledge
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      Iberian StudiesMedieval Iberian HistoryIslamic ArtMedieval Architecture
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      GeographyVernacular ArchitectureWooden ArchitectureBursa
The object of research: wooden fortresses of the city of Samara that were built in close vicinity to each other 120 years apart – the first one in the end of the16th century (Prince Zasekin was the founder), the second one in the... more
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      Cultural HeritageWooden ArchitectureUrban Renovation. Traditional Spaces Cities
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      Brick and tile (Archaeology)Wooden ArchitectureWrocław
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceCarbon DioxideCarbon
På Maihaugen finnes Norges eneste gjenstående laftekirke fra middelalderen: det såkalte Fiskerkapellet fra 1459. Innen forskningen forutsettes det ofte at middelalderens trekirker var bygget av stavverk, med noen svært få unntak.... more
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      Cultural HeritageMedieval StudiesArchitectural HistoryMedieval Architecture
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      Church HistoryHistory of architectureWooden ArchitectureHistory of Architecture
In the article there is a description and analysis of wooden architecture shown in the illustrations from a book released in 1571. The book contains information about farming.
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      IncunabulaIllustrationAncient Agriculture & Farming (Archaeology)Wooden Architecture
Projekt „Drewniany Skarb. Chroniąc dziedzictwo, kreujemy przyszłość” to działanie realizowane przez Ośrodek „Brama Grodzka – Teatr NN” na rzecz ochrony i promocji tradycyjnej architektury drewnianej miasteczek Lubelszczyzny. Jednym z... more
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      Architecture3D Modelling (Architecture)Wooden ArchitecturePolish Art and Architecture
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      ArchaeologyGreek ArchaeologyWooden ArchitectureGreek and Roman Art and Architecture
In this article, while introducing Kapar, its history, and varieties, we will describe the construction methods of Kapar and the advantages and disadvantages of this vernacular wooden architecture of Iran. This small provisional house,... more
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      Vernacular ArchitectureWooden ArchitectureRural ArchitectureIranian Architecture
Článek se věnuje okolnostem přesunu dřevěného kostelík sv. Paraskevy a jeho stavebnímu vývoji. Tento kostelík marmarošského typu stál původně v obci Nižné Seliště na území dnešní Ukrajiny v blízkosti hranic s Rumunskem. Vystavěn byl v 1.... more
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      Moravian (Church History)Czech Republic (European Ethnography)Wooden ArchitectureSacred Architecture
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      Architectural HistoryWooden ArchitectureWooden StructureWrocław
Монография доцента Санкт-Петербургского университета Е. В. Ходаковского продолжает изучение деревянного церковного зодчества XIX — начала ХХ в. на Русском Севере. В его предыдущем исследовании, удостоенном в 2021 г. Макариевской премии,... more
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      Russian StudiesArchitectureRussian Orthodox ChurchArchitectural History
Publication on vernacular architecture of northern Poland, contains over 500 color photos and engravings on the most recognizable monuments of the Vistula River Delta - arcaded houses. This extensive handbook presents the history and the... more
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      Cultural HeritageVernacular ArchitectureHistory of architectureWooden Architecture
The article brings first information about the research of the remains of wooden bridge near Přešťovice (distr. Strakonice). The dendro data from wooden constructions fall between 1571 and 1824. The prospection by metal detector brings a... more
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      DendrochronologyMetal detector surveys (Archaeology)Wooden ArchitectureHistorical Sources
Versatile, wood has been used by mankind in furniture, instruments, utensils and construction. About timber buildings, this critical review discusses their valuable and sustainable features that label their multiple options. Numerous... more
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      Construction TechnologyConstruction ManagementWood ScienceTimber
Casas del Valle Simpson: el patrimonio desconocido de Aysen es un libro que se suma a una serie de iniciativas previas que buscan el reconocimiento del valor de la arquitectura residencial de las primeras generaciones de pobladores de la... more
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      HistoryArchitectureVernacular ArchitectureArchitectural History
L'architecte et le charpentier sont les deux principaux concepteurs et constructeurs de l'architecture en bois au Japon. Ces deux maîtres d'oeuvres, ingénieurs, artistes ou artisans, sont les héritiers d'une tradition constructive... more
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      Japanese StudiesArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureArchitectural History
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      ForestryWood SciencePrefabricated woodSustainable forestry management
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      Future StudiesJapanese StudiesArchitectureHousing & Residential Design
Des recherches archéologiques récentes ont mis en lumière l’existence de constructions en pan de bois à la période gauloise. Bien connue pour l’époque médiévale et moderne, cette technique architecturale, couramment désignée par... more
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureIron AgeHistory of architecture
This is the table of Contents to our book published on the occasion of an exhibition with the same title at the Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (7.9.2016-8.1.2017). Soon available online from www.smb-webshop.de
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      TocharianCentral Asian ArchaeologyWooden ArchitectureTurfan Texts
EN/ The article deals with the defunct wooden church of St. John the Baptist in Vratimov and in wider context describes the history and the wooden vernacular architecture of the church in 15th-19th century. The first written references to... more
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      Czech HistoryVernacular ArchitectureChurch HistoryWooden Architecture
This paper focuses on the Norwegian medieval religious buildings called stave churches. The word stave (meaning ‘post, pole’ in Norwegian) derives from the buildings’ post and lintel construction, giving the churches their characteristic... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedieval StudiesNorthern EuropeMedieval Archaeology
W Zgierzu, mieście położonym w centralnej części województwa łódzkiego, znajduje się unikalny zespół urbanistyczny miasta rzemieślniczego, założony od podstaw w pierwszej połowie XIX wieku. Działo się to w wyniku akcji osiedleńczej, którą... more
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      Wooden ArchitectureBiedermeierArchitekturaRewitalizacja
Pearl; mussel, oyster in the shell of marine animals such as shimmering, white, hard material. Placing the mother-of-pearl into the wood carving is called the mother-of-pearl inlay art. Psoriasis inlay; psoriasis is called psoriasis... more
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      Wooden ArchitectureWooden StructureWooden Artefacts
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      Medieval ArchitectureRegional StudiesEarly Modern ArchitectureHistory of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
En este trabajo se analizan, a partir de varios testimonios documentales inéditos, diversos aspectos sobre las condiciones profesionales y vitales de los carpinteros de lo blanco de la meseta norte peninsular
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      Wooden ArchitectureMudéjar Art and ArchitectureArte MudejarPainted Wooden Ceilings
This collective monograph presents the current state of research regarding contemporary methods of dealing with historic timber structures in Scandinavia, the United Kingdom, Central Europe and Northwest Russia. The chapters are dedicated... more
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      Russian StudiesArt HistoryArchitectureMedieval History
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      Medieval ArchaeologyWooden Architecture
Il contributo presenta gli esiti della ricerca svolta nell'ambito del dottorato presso il dipartimento Dicar del ricerca al Politecnico di Bari , sui principi formali e costruttivi delle antiche costruzioni in legno in Norvegia, indagata... more
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      History of ConstructionWooden ArchitectureNorwegian ArchitectureStavkirker
Önünüzdeki albüm “İslami dini yapılar” serisinin ikinci yayınıdır. Albümün ilk serisi, Acara Özerk Cumhuriyeti sınırları içerisinde bulunan dini yapılar hakkında olup 2010 senesinde yayınlanmıştır. Bu albüm ise, Artvin'de ki “İslami dini... more
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      Cultural HeritageIslamWooden ArchitectureArtvin
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      Vernacular ArchitectureEmergency ShelterSustainable ArchitectureWooden Architecture
Eastern Slovakia is one of the last islands of the traditional buildings with a timber skeleton structure, once common in the wider European area. The paper presents the research history, evolution, technology and rich residential and... more
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      Regional/country studiesVillage StudiesTimberWooden Architecture
The traditional and vernacular houses constitutes a major section of built heritage in India generating a physical compendium of the rituals and culture of a civilization and its people. They were constructed by local craftspeople, using... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryArchitectureInterior Design
Wooden Articular churches in Slovakia are a special kind of wooden sacral structures, which are well known to the expert and lay public. The Evangelical believers of the Augsburg Confession built them following the findings of the Sopron... more
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      Wooden ArchitectureWooden ChurchesChurches
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      Historical GeographyHistorical ArchaeologyAnatolian StudiesAnatolian Archaeology
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      ArchitectureMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchitectureMedieval Mediterranean Art and Architecture
Today, on the one hand, while the traditional design process continues, on the other hand, digital design systems along with advances in computer technologies continue to present designers with new and effective ideas. Parametric design... more
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      Parametric Design (Architecture)Wooden ArchitectureParametric DesignWooden Models
Osmanlı konaklarında kullanılan ahşap iskelet sisteminin Hacılar, Çatalhöyük ve Boğazkale arkeolojik araştırmalarında gördüğümüz üzere çok uzun bir zamana yayılı teknolojik evrimi söz konusudur. Günümüze ulaşan Osmanlı konaklarının hemen... more
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      Ottoman ArchaeologyOttoman StudiesTimberHistory of Ottoman Art and Architecture
Excerpt of publishing review The book „Gazda czy pon?...” can successfully incorporate the aspect of cultural changes, involving living at the countryside with the globalization and civilizational exchange. Above publication is very... more
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      ArchitectureMountain communitiesVisual ArtsPoland
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      Silk Road StudiesWooden ArchitectureUighurTurfan
Cartea prezintă vechea tradiţie dulgherească în care au fost construite bisericile de lemn în Maramureş cu intenţia de a aduce la lumină câteva din trăsăturile lor fundamentale. Vechea tradiţie se poate urmării pe o perioadă de trei... more
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      Romanian HistoryCultural HeritageHabsburg StudiesVernacular Architecture
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      Greek TragedyDramaGreek TheatreAncient Greek and Roman Theatre
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      Digital HumanitiesArchaeological Method & TheoryEarly Medieval ArchaeologyArchitectural History