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Pearl; mussel, oyster in the shell of marine animals such as shimmering, white, hard material. Placing the mother-of-pearl into the wood carving is called the mother-of-pearl inlay art. Psoriasis inlay; psoriasis is called psoriasis... more
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      Wooden ArchitectureWooden StructureWooden Artefacts
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      EgyptologyStylisticsFurniture design (Art History)Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)
In this study we present the identification of several Early Roman (63 b.c.e.–70 c.e.) charred wood assemblages, collected from the “Lower City” of Jerusalem. The results outline elements in Jerusalem’s nearby woody vegetation,... more
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      Archaeology of Ancient IsraelUrban archaeologyCharcoal analysis (Archaeology)Ancient Agriculture & Farming (Archaeology)
The craft of woodturning dates back to Ancient Egypt and in particular Rameses III who is known to have invested heavily in specialist carpenters. It was brought to Europe from the Middle East by the ancient Greeks around the 7th century... more
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      Wetland ArchaeologyAncient Craftmanship (Archaeology)Wood science and technologyWood Turning
Seni dalam kehidupan beragama tidak lepas dari seni bangunan yang mencerminkan kehidupan masyarakat daerah itu. Suku Toraja yang menetap di pegunungan daerah Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia memiliki ritual yang khas yaitu makam batu Tana... more
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      Indonesian CultureWooden ArtefactsTana TorajaSuku Toraja
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      History of Ancient MacedoniaWooden ArchitectureFurniture HistoryAncient Weapons and Warfare
Eeuwenlang was hout de belangrijkste grondstof voor allerlei gebruiksvoorwerpen. Deze studie geeft een overzicht van houten voorwerpen en plaatst ze in een breder historisch kader. Het boek bevat een uitgebreide thematisch ingedeelde... more
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      ArchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesWood AnatomyIron Age
Изучение торфяниковых стоянок имеет длительную историю, которой более 200 лет. Особый интерес этих памятников состоит в том, что на них сохраняются такие редкие археологические источники, как обработанное дерево и другие растительные... more
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      Mesolithic ArchaeologyFlint (Archaeology)Mesolithic EuropeMesolithic/Neolithic
In 2013 heeft de Universiteit van Amsterdam een archeologisch onderzoek uitgevoerd in het plangebied Leiderdorp-Plantage. Eerder uitgevoerd inventariserend veldwerk door Archeomedia in 2003 had al aangetoond dat op deze locatie een... more
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      ArchaeologyBioarchaeologyWood AnatomyWooden Artefacts
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      ArtArts and CraftsIncantationsWooden Artefacts
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      Mesolithic ArchaeologyBone and AntlerMesolithic EuropeWadden Sea
German - English - French ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die Untersuchung der Holzartefakte von 13 Fundplätzen des Endmesolithikums und Frühneolithikums demonstriert die intensive Nutzung der marinen Ressourcen an der südwestlichen Ostseeküste. Der... more
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      Fishing GearsUnderwater ArchaeologyMesolithic/NeolithicWaterlogged wood and logboats
The dissertation investigates the ancient Egyptian furniture industry, from ancient production and preservation, to modern-day reconstruction and conservation. The main focus of the dissertation falls on an in-depth investigation of... more
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      EgyptologyStylisticsFurniture design (Art History)Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)
People used wood from various trees not only on the basis of their availability, but also the purpose it was to serve. Wood of both deciduous and coniferous trees was used for building purposes. Construction elements of... more
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      DendrochronologyRelative-Absolute datingChronologyArcheological Theory and Method
Summary The exploration of the Ertebølle Culture and Early Neolithic represented a major research topic on the German coast of the Baltic Sea from the late 90s to the 2000s. In the scope of various research projects, particularly the DFG... more
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      Mesolithic ArchaeologyFishing GearsMesolithic/NeolithicAncient Fishing
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      Wooden ArtefactsAltars and Wooden Sculpyure
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      Early Modern HistoryWooden ArtefactsHistory of City GdanskGdańsk
This paper explores the use of ancient depicted sign language in order to gain some insight into the rationale behind the creation of this ancient wooden figure.
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPrehistoryWooden Artefacts
Archaeological sources provide a wide range of information to help understand the social structure of human society in the past. In this paper, the authors deal with the information potential of grave pit modifications and wooden... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Early Middle Ages (History)Burial Practices (Archaeology)
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      Historical DemographyPottery (Archaeology)ArchaeozoologyBone and Antler
Woods, charcoals, textiles and leather from the Roman burials of Mergozzo (VB, Piedmont, Northern Italy)
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      Charcoal analysis (Archaeology)Archaeological textilesWooden ArtefactsArchaeological Leather
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      Arts and CraftsIncantationsWooden Artefacts
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      Late Bronze Age archaeologyWetland ArchaeologyWooden Artefacts
Prehistoric sites preserved in the waterlogged environments of northern Europe, the Baltic region, and Russia possess a number of common features related to the specifics of their locations in prehistoric times and the later conditions of... more
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      Mesolithic ArchaeologyMesolithic EuropeMesolithic/NeolithicEarly Neolithic
Konya il merkezinin kuzeybatı tarafında yer alan ve buradan yaklaşık olarak 122 kilometre uzakta bulunan Doğanhisar ilçesi, Geç dönem Osmanlısında tıpkı merkezde de muadilleri bulunabilen özgün ahşap mihraplı camilere sahiptir. Bölgede 18... more
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      Sanat TarihiWooden ArtefactsAhşap CamilerGeç Dönem Osmanlı Mimarisi
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyViking Age ArchaeologyBaltic archaeologyWooden Artefacts
Os produtos manufaturados em madeira são fundamentais para a sociedade moderna, visto que os mesmos são fabricados a partir de matéria-prima renovável e reciclável, caracterizando um insumo sustentável. O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu... more
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      Wood ScienceTimberNon Timber Forest Products (NTFP)Prefabricated wood
Abstrakt: Příspěvek je věnován souboru dřevěných artefaktů, které pocházejí ze záchranných výzkumů v areálu historického jádra města Jihlavy a 3 km vzdálené hornické lokality Bedřichov-Pfaffenhof, které probíhaly v letech 1975–2010.... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyMiddle AgesWooden ArtefactsJihlava
Sergeyeva M.S. Woodwork of everyday usage from Kolodyazhyn. Woodwork found from 1948 to 1953 in Old Rus hillfort near Kolodyazhne village in Zhytomyr oblast’ (Old Rus town of Kolodyazhyn) is published in the article. Artifacts are divided... more
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      Old Russian archaeologyWood WorkingWooden Artefacts
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      Mesolithic ArchaeologyBone and AntlerMesolithicDog burials
Extensive rescue excavations were carried out from 1969 to 1976 by the Rescue Archaeology Group (RAG). These revealed a complex rampart sequence, a large number of circular and four-poster structures and a very wide range of artefacts, of... more
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      Environmental ArchaeologyMetalwork (Archaeology)Iron Age Britain (Archaeology)Wood (Archaeology)
The Catholic rosary - the material testimony of piety – has a wide spatial distribution beginning during the 15th century. A materially composite and complex object often made of bone, metal and glass, wood held an important place in... more
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      Wooden ArtefactsRosariesReligious Artefacts
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      Roman Small FindsRoman ArchaeologyWooden Artefacts
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      Iron AgeWooden Artefacts
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      Material Culture StudiesPaleobotanyArchaeozoologyDendrochronology
This volume is a mature review of fourteen years of work at the now well-known early copper mine on Copa Hill, placing the site firmly in a regional, national and international context.
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyEnvironmental ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Archaeology of Mining
This Case Study, focusing primarily on woods and fibres as key materials for construction and artifact production on the Northwest Coast, emphasizes the overwhelming importance of plant materials in past cultures. In fact, based on the... more
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      Basketry (Archaeology)Wetland ArchaeologyNorthwest CoastPacific Northwest Coast archaeology
Early medieval Ireland (A.D. 400-1100) was an intensely organic world, with pottery less visible in the archaeological record than during other periods, making wood the main material used for vessel manufacture. The significance of wooden... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval History
English translation for Joanna Daranowska-Łukaszewska's text for the photographic album Małopolska architektura drewniana. Lesser Polish Architecture in Wood. Olszanica: Bosz, 2005. Polish-English bilingual version (Introduction and... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesHuman GeographyCultural Geography
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyWooden ArtefactsRoman Scotland Archaeology
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      RunestonesSigtunaWooden Artefacts
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyConservationOntology of ArtefactsWetland Archaeology
Extensive archaeological excavations at the site 16 in Chłopice (dist. Jarosław), followed by the construction of the A4 motorway between Przeworsk and Radymno, was commissioned by the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways.... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)Settlement archaeologyPrzeworsk culture
В работе рассмотрены несколько вариантов декора копылов, представлены стилистические аналогии и гипотезы происхождения орнамента.
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      ArchaeologyApplied ArtMedieval ArtNovgorod the Great
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      North American archaeologySouthwestern ArchaeologyHohokam ArchaeologyWooden Artefacts
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      Experimental ArchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesAlcohol StudiesBeer (Alcohol Studies)
Alcohol fermentation has been utilised by societies across the globe over several millennia, despite differences in societal structures, cultures, economies and broader foodways. In early medieval Ireland (AD 400-1100), alcohol,... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesAlcohol StudiesBeer (Alcohol Studies)
Dolní Věstonice II has a large assemblage of preserved charred wood and charcoals, which contains some evidence of worked artefacts. Preserved in this assemblage are complex adjustments using cutting and polishing, forming the shapes of... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyGravettianGravettienWooden Artefacts
Wooden artefacts are seldom recovered from Australian archaeological contexts, limiting our understanding of an important component of past Indigenous socioeconomic systems. When recovered, the taxa used for construction are very rarely... more
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      Australian Indigenous ArchaeologyWooden ArtefactsX-ray Computed Micro Tomography
M.S. Sergeeva. Old Rus woodworks from Kyselivka hill Wooden artifacts found in 1948 in the building dated 12th – 13th c. at Kyselivka hill (Kiev) are published. The most interesting is a big turned plate of a diameter about 44-46 cm,... more
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      Old Russian archaeologyWooden ArtefactsMedieval Crafts