Armoured Hero Expansion 5 - Card Rouzers - The Homebrewery
Armoured Hero Expansion 5 - Card Rouzers - The Homebrewery
Armoured Hero Expansion 5 - Card Rouzers - The Homebrewery
Card Rouzers 3
Introduction ................................................................... 3
Card Rouzer Subclass .........................................4-6
Credits 7
Card Rouzers
man inserts a card into an Artifact and pulls a
lever, running into a magical projection that
appears in front of him. A woman slides three
cards through the guard of her sword before
slamming it blade-down into the ground and
delivering a powerful, lightning-enhanced kick
to a monster. These are Card Rouzers.
In The Cards
Card Rouzers use special playing cards that contain the
essence of sealed creatures to Transform, enhance their
abilities, or unleash powerful Finishing Moves. These cards
are called Rouzer Cards, and as the name implies they use
their Artifacts to awaken the power of the creatures trapped
within the cards. It could be additional strength, faster
movement, or powerful spells.
Chosen By Fate
Card Rouzers do not choose the life of an Armoured Hero,
they are chosen to live that life. If you see a Card Rouzer, it is
likely that they are destined for greatness. It is also likely they
will endure great suffering before they can triumph; Card
Rouzers are generally seen as tragic figures who end up
sacrificing or losing everything to achieve their Goals. Pity a
Card Rouzer if you come across one, and rue the day they
become your foe or friend.
New Armoured Hero
Archetype: Card Rouzers
Card Rouzers are bound by fate and themed by card suites.
They use Rouze Cards to enhance their abilities and perform
Finishing Moves.
Turn Up!
Starting at 1st level, you choose one Transform Rouzer Card
from the following list. This will affect what weapon you
receive and are proficient with, see below, and some class
features later on. Your Armoured Defense is 10 + Your
Dexterity Modifier + Your Constitution Modifier, and your
Unarmed Warrior feature and any weapons you summon as a
class feature now allow you to use Dexterity instead of
Strength for damage and attack rolls.
Spade. You gain a Longsword with the Versatile and
Finesse properties that does 1d8 Slashing Damage when
used one-handed and 1d10 Slashing Damage when used two-
Diamond. You gain a ranged weapon with the Range, Light
and Loading properties that does 1d6 Force damage and has
a range of 30/120 feet.
Club. You gain a Glaive with the Reach, Two-handed, and
Finesse properties that does 1d10 Slashing damage.
Heart. You gain a Longbow with the Range, Two-Handed
and Loading properties that does 1d10 Piercing damage and
has a range of 100/500 feet.
Starting at 3rd level, you gain access to three Rouze Cards.
These grant different abilities if scanned on their own, and
you may only benefit from one ability at a time. Scanning a
card takes up your Item interaction for that turn.
Spade. You gain the Kick, Thunder, and Mach Rouze
Cards. Kick allows you to roll an additional damage die with
your Unarmed Warrior strikes, Thunder changes your
Longsword's damage type to Lightning, and Mach doubles
your movement speed until the end of your next turn.
Diamond. You gain the Drop, Fire, and Gemini Rouze
Cards. Drop allows you to force the target of your Unarmed
Warrior strike to make a DC 10 Strength saving throw or be
knocked Prone, Fire changes the damage type of your
weapon to Fire, and Gemini allows you to take a second
Action, though you cannot use this to use the Attack action
Club. You gain access to the Rush, Blizzard, and Poison
Rouze Cards. Rush allows you to use a Bonus Action to move
15 feet towards a target before making a Melee Weapon
attack, Blizzard allows you to cast the Ray of Frost cantrip,
and Poison makes your Melee Weapon attack with your
Glaive do Poison damage instead of Slashing.
Heart. You gain the Float, Drill, and Tornado Rouze Cards.
Float makes you immune to being knocked Prone, Drill gives
+2 to all attack rolls made with your Longbow, and Tornado
allows you to take the Shove action as a Bonus Action