1. Early in your career, you get paid for what you can do. Later, you get paid for what you do.
3. Just because someone is good at their work does not mean they will become good managers.
Managing oneself is very different from managing others.
4. If you have 5 years of work experience, then make it 5 YEARS of experience. Not 1 year of
experience done 5 times.
5. Solve problems.
Those who solve problems will be rewarded more than those who maintain the status quo.
6. Early on in your career, go deep in whatever you do. Later on in your career, go wide.
7. Action > Thought. No one gets rewarded for “I had the same idea.”
8. The reward for standing by your promised word is immense. Once you have made a commitment,
no one should need to follow up on you.
9. No job is 9-5, or 10-6 or fixed hours. Your job is the amount of focused time you spend on it.
10. The corporate world lays a trap by offering you perks and privileges. It wants to see who feels
entitled to it. Those are the ones who will rarely win!
11. Feedback is not given. Feedback is sought. Those who seek it, embrace the truth.
12. If you hustle, you grow fast in the short term. If you pace yourself, you grow big in the long term.
13. If all leaders in the company engage in politics, then it is not politics. It is the culture.
14. Almost all tie-breakers in an interview process are won by the more likeable candidate. Smile
during interviews.
15. Toxic jobs do exist — where there is no respect or recognition, no progress, no role models for
you, no personal space and no/poor financial incentives. Most people are in them because they have
little or no choice.
16. If you are not happy doing it, you will never be the best at it!
17. Don't be afraid to take a pay cut, for the right experience. That gap will be covered faster than
you think it will.
18. Early on, don't say “It's not my job.” Later on, let people do their job.
19. College does not train you for work. College teaches you and then tests you. Work tests you and
then teaches you.
20. Be nice to people. Help people. The bigger the audience who likes you, the more people will take
you seriously.
21. Your boss matters! You will learn far more from a competent manager who is strict with you and
gives you harsh feedback, than an incompetent manager who is always nice to you.
22. Your network is your opportunity generator. How you treat them will determine the quality and
quantity of opportunities that come through them.
23. You don't find your passion! You grow your passion. By exploring.