Oct. 24 Prof Ed
Oct. 24 Prof Ed
Oct. 24 Prof Ed
1. Among teaching styles, how do you classify
teachers who lack confidence in enforcing
and in demanding compliance to rules?
a. Authoritarian
b. Permissive
c. Detached
d. Authoritative
2. In this kind of teaching style, the classroom
atmosphere is fearful and punitive, as
teachers in this category exercise rigorous
control but shows little interest in involvement.
a. Detached
b. Permissive
c. Authoritarian
d. Authoritative
3. It is a field of study and an emerging
discipline whose major aims is to create equal
educational opportunities from diverse racial,
ethnic, social class and cultural groups.
a. Differential Instruction
b. Multicultural Education
c. Consensus
d. Interaction
4. A teacher who belongs in this category may
sit at her desk when students are working or
grade papers when “supervising” the
playground. Students who need firm
behavioral limits do not get that either.
a. Detached
b. Authoritarian
c. Authoritative
d. Permissive
5. Teacher Ben is a detached kind of teacher
and fails to address important “warning signs”
from students who are having trouble,
academically or behaviorally. With this, the
teaching style of Teacher Ben is classified as
a. Uninvolved
b. Authoritative
c. Permissive
d. Authoritarian
6. Which of the following statements is true
about marking on a normative basis?
a. The grading should based on the present
b. Most of the students get low scores.
c. The normal distribution curve should be
d. Most of the students get high scores.
7. Mr. Gabuyo administered a 50-item test in
Mathematics. The mean performance of the
group is 27, and standard deviation is 5.
Edgar obtained a score of 31. Which of the
following best describes his performance?
a. below average
b. above average
c. average
d. outstanding
8. Which of the following can measure the
stability of the test results?
I.Test-retest method divides the test into two halves randomly and check
II.Split-half method if there’s a correlation in their consistency
III.Parallel method using similar items under the same objectives
IV.Kuder-richardson formula
measure the internal consistency reliability of a test in
a. III which each question only has two answers
b. II
c. I
d. IV
9. Which of the following test items can
effectively measure HOTS cognitive learning
a. Objective test
b. Achievement test
c. Completion test
d. Extended essay test
10. When a familiar person greeted you at a birthday
party, but you felt awkward because you cannot
remember how exactly you met the person. Fortunately,
your best friend was there to describe that past event
where and when you met. Then, everything flashes back
and you remember everything clearly. What memory
retrieval technique was used in the given scenario?
a. Visual Imagery sense of having "images" in the mind
concerned with personalities or feelings rather than with general or
b. Personalization abstract matters
c. Generalization
set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event
d. Context
11. How can a teacher help students with
different learning styles learn more
a. Vary the class activities.
b. Use graphic organizers.
c. Give ice breakers during class.
d. Do lectures frequently.
12. Last song syndrome (LSS) happens when you
cannot sing any other songs because more recent
and popular song keeps on playing in your mind.
Based on Information Processing Model, this
happens because new information is blocking out
old information. This phenomenon is known as __.
a. Repression subduing something by force
b. Memory decay forgetting because of passage of time
c. Proactive interference old learning interferes with new
d. Retroactive interference new learning interferes with old
Atkinson and Shiffrin
13. When Kohler placed bananas outside and
above the cage of Sultan the gorilla, Sultan
responded with clever ways of reaching the
banana. This experiment led to the discovery
of the theory known as
a. insight learning
b. latent learning
c. meaningful reception learning
d. social learning
14. Children of this age are very famous for
negative behavior such as they constantly say
“no” to everything and throw temper tantrums
which make it difficult for the parents to deal
with them.
a. 3 years old
b. 4 years old
c. 2 years old
d. 5 years old
15. Learning is a product of the relationship
between stimulus and response – the
stronger the bond, the greater the learning.
This concept is based on the theory of ___.
a. cognitivism
b. connectionism
c. constructivism
d. social learning
16. A good curriculum content exhibits what
quality, and thus makes it essential in real-life
applications. This shows ___.
a. Interest
b. Validity
c. Balance
d. Utility
17. Pre-test and post tests are most effective
in which research method?
a. Historical research
b. Experiment
c. Field Study
d. Survey
18. The following are life-skills that a good
curriculum advances. Which pertains to
correspondence and exchange of thoughts
through oral or written means?
a. mathematical skills
b. decision-making skills
c. effective communication skills
d. entrepreneurial skills
19. What is the ultimate end-goal of OBE?
a. Input
b. Methods
c. Assessment tools
d. Objectives
Outcome-based education or outcomes-based education (
OBE) is an educational theory that bases each part of an
educational system around goals (outcomes).
20. Research supports the improvement of
teacher effectiveness in what manner?
a. Putting focus on reforms in the curriculum
b. Ensuring relevance of mission, vision, and
core values
c. Identifying and inquiring on best
classrooms practices
d. Assessing school management practices
21. Philippines’ Elementary Curriculum
emphasizes on the development of the skills
in writing, counting and reading. This manifest
the great consideration given to this
a. perennialism
b. essentialism
c. progressivism
d. utilitarianism
22. According to Max Scheler’s Hierarchy of
Values, _____ is the highest form of values.
a. Pleasure values
b. Vital values
c. Spiritual values
d. Values of the Holy
23. A theory of philosophy that defines views
about the learner, the teacher, and the
a. Curriculum
b. Philosophical analysis
c. Philosophy of Education
d. Pedagogy
24. This principle was violated when Mrs.
Judy Chan talked badly about the new school
principal Dr. Heidi Yang in front of her
students by telling them that Dr. Yang is
incompetent yet arrogant.
a. Loyalty
b. Respect for Authority
c. Fidelity
d. Confidentiality
25. Teacher Jenny rates the artwork of her
students not just on the merit of its appeal to the
senses but also considers its uniqueness and the
responsibility that every student has given in
accomplishing the task. This practice shows how
teacher Jenny upholds this kind of philosophy.
a. Realism
b. Reconstructivism
c. Idealism
d. Existentialism
26. In what year was Facebook launched?
a. 2005
b. 2006
c. 2004
d. 2007
27. Which of the following improves the
performance of a computer?
a. switching from LCD to LED monitors
b. increasing the size of the RAM
c. using wireless input and output devices
d. running multiple applications
RAM (random access memory) is a computer's short-term memory,
where the data that the processor is currently using is stored.
28. In 1976, ____________ rolled-out the first
single-circuit board computer called Apple I.
a. Jobs and Gaters Computer and known later as the Apple I, or Apple-1, is an 8-
The Apple Computer 1, originally released as the Apple