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From Monologue to Dialogue: Building
    Relationships the Social Way

   Sue Beckingham and Sue Featherstone
        Sheffield Hallam University
Sheffield Hallam University

 Third largest university in the UK
 Progressive and innovative
 Cutting edge research – 16
  internationally acclaimed research
 Our alumni are leaders in their fields:
   –   Martin Narey
   –   Nick Parks
   –   Dame Kelly Holmes
   –   Howard Wilkinson
Communications experts
For 30 years we have been exploring the
 ways people communicate
  – Extra-terrestrial communications
And putting it into practice
  – Traditional media:
     • Regional and national press
     • TV regional news and magazine programmes
     • Radio: Women’s Hour and Stephen Nolan phone-in
     • PR: Grand Designs
     • Corporate communications: NHS, local government, privatised
     • Olympic Games and Commonwealth Games media centres

  – New media
     • Twitter, Facebook, Spotify
Powerful Changes

                                                      • Semantic
      • Static               • Interactive
Web     websites       Web     websites        Web
                                                      • Perceptive
      • One way              • Two-way
1.0     monologue      2.0     dialogue        3.0?     media
                                                      • Collective
      • Corporate            • Collaborative

 “…but as powerful as it is, the technology is just an
    enabler… it’s the technology in the hands of
  almost-always connected people that makes it so
           powerful” (Li and Bernoff 2011)

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7 emerging trends in media7 emerging trends in media
7 emerging trends in media

As media continues to evolve, audiences are becoming more segmented and selective in their media consumption, choosing from a growing number of specialized sources. However, the potential still exists for media to reach mass audiences. Convergence refers to the combining of multiple media functions into single devices. Audiences now have more control over what media they consume and when due to technologies like DVRs and on-demand services. Multi-platform distribution allows content to be delivered through various methods and devices. User-generated content shared online further engages audiences and reflects the collaborative nature of Web 2.0. The growing use of mobile devices makes media increasingly portable. Social media facilitates online participation and conversation among large networked audiences.

Corporate Communication
Corporate CommunicationCorporate Communication
Corporate Communication

This document discusses corporate communication in the digital context. It outlines the objectives of teaching public relations skills, including enabling students to work as PR professionals and develop strong communication abilities. The document then discusses trends in media consumption, such as people getting information from multiple sources and requiring repeated exposure before believing information. It also outlines the social media ecosystem and risks to reputation online. While two-way symmetrical communication is ideal in social media, true dialogue is difficult due to the scale of online conversations and organizations' inability to respond to all users. The document concludes by listing the expected outcomes of the course in public relations skills.

Media Innovations for Individual, Community and Higher Education
Media Innovations for Individual, Community and Higher Education Media Innovations for Individual, Community and Higher Education
Media Innovations for Individual, Community and Higher Education

Dr. Michelle Ferrier presented a document outlining her work on media ecosystem innovations including the Digital Story Quilt project, the Media Deserts project, and her work on media entrepreneurship education. The Digital Story Quilt allows users to create a visual narrative using multimedia content organized around themes. The Media Deserts project maps areas lacking access to fresh news and information using circulation data and GIS tools. Dr. Ferrier's work in media entrepreneurship focuses on providing skills and structures within universities to facilitate student innovation.

What is social media?

It is knowledge that is socially shared
  and where technology mediates that
         communication process.
Using social media to engage your

Presence is not enough, organizations need to
  engage influencers through social media

Engaging influencers is the first step towards
      converting them into advocates.
          The 4Cs of Social Media

1.   Content
2.   Collaboration
3.   Community
4.   Collective Intelligence
5.   Conversation
Crowd sourced wisdom
  Provide opportunities to share knowledge,
            wisdom and experiences

stories and conversations aid the dissemination

           “Knowledge is of two kinds. We
           know a subject ourselves, or we
              know where we can find
               information upon it.”
                           Samuel Johnson 1775

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Intro to new and digital media
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Intro to new and digital media

New and digital media refers to digital devices, citizen journalism, social networking, digital natives, time-shift viewing, the internet, web 2.0, apps, and blogs. Contemporary media issues related to new digital media include privacy concerns from hacking incidents and leaked photos, regulation of new technologies, and the use of social media and online videos in spreading propaganda or recording incidents like police interactions. New terminology includes hardware, software, media technology developments that have impacted industries like film, music, television, radio, and online platforms. Web 1.0 allowed only reading information while web 2.0 enables contributing and changing content. Digital natives are comfortable with technology while digital immigrants had to adapt to changing media.

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New Media Vs Traditional Media

Is new media posing a challenge to traditional media? This screencast is part of the New Media module for an MA in Public Relations course.

Participatory Culture
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Participatory Culture

Participatory culture refers to when individuals not only consume media but help produce it as well. New technologies, especially the internet, have lowered barriers to artistic and civic participation by making media production more accessible. This has led to a more collaborative and democratic form of communication where community members feel their contributions matter and they receive informal mentorship from more experienced members. However, ensuring equal access to technologies and balancing individual contributions with professional oversight remain ongoing challenges of participatory culture.

Information Mavens share!
From Monologue to Dialogue: Building Relationships the Social Way
Make it easy to share
But which social media

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Social Media Workshop, postgraduate

This document provides an overview of social media and its uses for research purposes. It discusses how social media can be used to identify knowledge through networking, create knowledge through collaboration, ensure quality through peer review, and disseminate findings more widely. Risks discussed include privacy issues and an overload of information. The document also provides examples of social media tools for different purposes like communication, multimedia sharing, and collaboration. Overall, it presents both benefits and criticisms of using social media in academic research.

Invasion Of Participatory Culture
Invasion Of Participatory CultureInvasion Of Participatory Culture
Invasion Of Participatory Culture

If you haven’t made the shift from serving members to involving them, consider this your wake-up call — and your roadmap. Sociologists identify today’s online networked individuals as the participatory class. For many adults, the Internet primarily means the web. For others it means chat, connecting with friends, email, games, movies, social networks, text, video — all of which means they are content producers. As part of a participatory culture, we expect to create, collaborate, connect, share, and learn interactively. We feel that our contributions matter. We share a social or emotional connection with one another that helps solve problems and develop new solutions. It’s a culture that permeates our personal lives and our workplaces.

participatory culturepush economypull economy
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Media and information literacy involves being able to decode, evaluate, and produce various media formats. It also involves understanding how media constructs reality and is shaped by commercial, ideological, and political forces. Developing media literacy can improve people's lives in several ways. It allows for easier access to more reliable information sources, greater civic and political participation through social media engagement, better economic opportunities through cost-effective advertising, and an improved learning environment through incorporating various media into educational content and discussions.

Is there an ideal recipe?
Spaces conversations are
              taking place
845 million active users

100 million active users and
  400 million unique visitors

2 billion views a day

90 million global users
Maximise a Facebook Page by starting the

   Share news and exclusive content
   Encourage participation
   Respond to both positive and negative feedback
   Analyze and optimize
 50% of users log on every day
 55% of which log onto Twitter
 on a mobile device
 5 billion Tweets every 5 days

Develop a constant
news stream
through the use of
#hashtags, retweets
and favourites

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Social Media for Organisations
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Social Media for Organisations

Slides used at the Social Media for Organisations workshop for WfCAP on 27th April 2012 in Trowbridge

wiltshirewfcapsocial networking
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Keepingup wiu21

This document discusses the need for schools to change and adapt to the 21st century by embracing new technologies, networking, and shifting from an emphasis on teaching to co-learning. It notes that current students have changed and that half of what students learn in their first year will be outdated by their third year. Schools need to become more open, social, mobile and leverage collective intelligence and personal learning networks to better prepare students.

Participatory cultures
Participatory culturesParticipatory cultures
Participatory cultures

A participatory culture is one where there are low barriers to artistic expression and civic participation. Members feel their contributions are valued and they feel socially connected to others. Key aspects of participatory culture include affiliations through online communities, creative expressions by producing and sharing media, collaborative problem-solving in teams, and circulating flows of information through social media. While participatory cultures enable widespread sharing of creativity, they also present challenges around moderating inappropriate content.

 Over 2 billion views per day; average viewer spending
  15 minutes viewing
 More than 60 hours of video uploaded every minute
 Automatic speech recognition technology can translate
  and create captions in 54 different languages
 2nd largest search engine in the world
 An opportunity to share customer stories and explain
  complex information
 147 million users with 8 million in the UK
 2 million companies have a page
 18 million people are members of groups
  – An opportunity to engage in discussions, Q&As,
 100 million users globally
 Virtual face to face conversations using
 Share and discuss videos
Places conversations are taking place


      Pinterest                Scribd


       Blogs                   Diigo


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This is a crash course introduction to all things new media. This is the presentation given at the 2010 Nevada Interactive Media Summit. We take a look at the shifting landscape of media communications, and review some of the tools and strategies for using new media communication effectively.

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I. Online communities are merging networking, information organizing, and sharing functions, allowing for social discovery of content through peer recommendations. II. Peer recommendations through online sharing provide a new opportunity for content promotion and distribution, replacing verbal recommendations. Publishers should leverage these endorsements rather than see online sharing solely as a threat. III. To benefit, publishers need new business models like flexible packaging and credit systems, sharing rights priced appropriately, and support for community platforms to convert peer recommendations into traffic and sales. Clear access rights and payment options are also important.

Sharing the Experience: Participatory culture, social media, interactive docu...
Sharing the Experience: Participatory culture, social media, interactive docu...Sharing the Experience: Participatory culture, social media, interactive docu...
Sharing the Experience: Participatory culture, social media, interactive docu...

Sharing the Experience: Participatory culture, social media, interactive documentary, and nailing online engagement, the prototype, and report. Patrick Kelly Lecture for the RMIT subject Integrated Media 2. Monday, 15th September, 2014. Overview: My background How can we contextualise social media, interactivity and participation, when we approach from a heritage media background? How do we successfully engage with the audience as users? How do we connect our media practice with the investigation into the prompt? LISTEN TO THE PRESENTATION HERE: https://soundcloud.com/pmk1986/sharing-the-experience

participatory cultureinteractive documentarydetour off the superhighway
Note… the way we connect
            is changing

Are you mobile
Interactive Mobile Apps

The richness of media
can help
Interactive QR Codes
Link to engaging video, audio, text, enquiry
            forms, polls, feedback
Sharing with peers for your own CPD

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Fall public lecture by Renee Hobbs at the University of Arkansas College of Education and Health Professions

media literacyinquiry learningintellectual curiosity
Social Media For Government
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Social Media For Government

This presentation was created for Chris Hani District in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, to explore possible uses of social media in the pursuit of the Local Government Turn Around Strategy.

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Social media is an important tool for communication and engagement. It allows for interactive dialogue and sharing of opinions, insights and experiences. With over 200 million tweets sent daily and 750 million active Facebook users, social media has become essential for delivering engaging information and connecting with audiences. Companies now need to use a variety of media like video, audio and images to match how audiences consume information through social platforms. A communications strategy is required to identify compelling stories and determine the best formats and channels to distribute content in order to excel in today's diverse media landscape.

textiles scotland
Developing your own Personal
     Learning Network

     Readers of Pensions     Pension Funds Online

                           Employee Benefits
Pension Quality Mark
Using social media to build
BUT: the $100m question…

 You know what to do…
 How do you do it?
 Don’t Ask Jeeves: ask Sheffield
 Hallam University
Tailor-made for you

 Specialise in providing tailor-made solutions
  – Training and CPD (Continuing Professional
  – Fix-It Friday
  – Innovations Futures
  – KTP (Knowledge Transfer Partnerships)

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Social Media for Small Business

This document provides an introduction to using social media for small businesses. It discusses how social media has evolved from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 to Web 3.0, allowing for more user interactivity and user-generated content. The document defines social media and differentiates it from traditional media. It provides examples of popular social media tools and discusses how social media differs from traditional media in encouraging discussions and shared meanings. The document also outlines the power of social media and citizen marketers, and provides tips for small businesses to build online communities and measure their social media efforts.

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An overview of social media for the Eugene Chamber's Women Business Leaders group - including how to maximize your reach on the social Web by partnering with Citizen Marketers.

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Social Change: Social Media's role in Business

This is a presentation on using change management best practices to encourage social media adoption within organizations. It begins with a "Social Media 101" section, then explains Enterprise 2.0 as the 'other' social media. The presentation then presents change management as a vehicle for encouraging social media adoption. Finally a case study and basic social media strategies provide readers with some tangible suggestions for how to get started.

enterprise 2.0social mediasocial media strategy
Fix it Friday
 Free confidential 30 minute consultation over lunch
 with our experts
   –   Communications and Social Media
   –   Information Technology
   –   Professional IT training
   –   Design
 Aim is to provide fresh insight and innovative ways
 of tackling the challenges you face
 28 April, 2012
How to Fix it?
 Visit our website to give us an outline of the
 problem you wish to discuss
  – www.shu.ac.uk/fixitfriday
 And we’ll provide a specialist to talk it
 through and offer advice
Training and CPD
 SHU leader in e-learning
 Also offer a range of off-the-peg and tailor-
 made training and CPD solutions
  – Social media: communicating with customers, key
    publics and stakeholders
  – Public Relations
  – Writing for specialist publications
Case Study: Capita Hartshead
 Two day strategic communications and
 creative planning course
 A mix of theory and applied PR work sessions:
  – Reputation risk management
  – Corporate writing
  – Industry case studies (Paddington Bear)
  – Campaign plans and client pitches

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Social media uses web-based technologies to facilitate interactive dialogue and the co-creation of value through social interaction. It allows for inexpensive and accessible publication of information by private individuals. In contrast to traditional media, social media is decentralized, less hierarchical, and allows for instantaneous publication and response. Different social media platforms emphasize different combinations of functional building blocks like identity, conversations, sharing, relationships and groups. For example, LinkedIn focuses on identity, reputation and relationships while YouTube's primary functions are sharing, conversations, groups and reputation. Facebook has become hugely influential due to its massive user base of over 900 million people. It dominates other social networks and accounts for a significant amount of time spent online by users.

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Conole plenary Cyprus 4 June 2014

Digital literacies and digital identities were discussed. Key points included: 1) Digital literacies involve social practices and meaning making with digital tools, going beyond just skills to include competence and participation. 2) Digital identity involves how one presents and interacts online through facets like reputation, impact, and openness. Issues around privacy, interpretation, and vulnerability were raised. 3) The future will involve challenges around disaggregation of education, needing new digital literacies, business models, and pedagogies as boundaries continue to blur with technology advancement.

The role of social media in higher education
The role of social media in higher educationThe role of social media in higher education
The role of social media in higher education

This document discusses the role of social media in higher education. It notes that social media gives more people a voice and provides a powerful tool for value creation and competitive differentiation. It also discusses skills needed for the future like virtual collaboration and new media literacy. Finally, it explores how educators can help students develop an online brand and make professional connections through social media.

publicnesshigher educationopenness
Sue Beckingham     Sue Featherstone
Sheffield Hallam   Sheffield Hallam
   University         University


  @suebecks        @shujournalism

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מדיה חברתית, מגמות וסיפורים מהשטח - הרצאת פתיחה בכנס מיקרוסופט, אוקטובר 2011
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From Monologue to Dialogue: Building Relationships the Social Way

  • 1. From Monologue to Dialogue: Building Relationships the Social Way Sue Beckingham and Sue Featherstone Sheffield Hallam University
  • 2. Sheffield Hallam University  Third largest university in the UK  Progressive and innovative  Cutting edge research – 16 internationally acclaimed research centres  Our alumni are leaders in their fields: – Martin Narey – Nick Parks – Dame Kelly Holmes – Howard Wilkinson
  • 3. Communications experts For 30 years we have been exploring the ways people communicate – Extra-terrestrial communications And putting it into practice – Traditional media: • Regional and national press • TV regional news and magazine programmes • Radio: Women’s Hour and Stephen Nolan phone-in • PR: Grand Designs • Corporate communications: NHS, local government, privatised utilities • Olympic Games and Commonwealth Games media centres – New media • Twitter, Facebook, Spotify
  • 4. Powerful Changes • Semantic • Static • Interactive Web websites Web websites Web computing • Perceptive • One way • Two-way 1.0 monologue 2.0 dialogue 3.0? media • Collective • Corporate • Collaborative intelligence “…but as powerful as it is, the technology is just an enabler… it’s the technology in the hands of almost-always connected people that makes it so powerful” (Li and Bernoff 2011)
  • 5. What is social media? It is knowledge that is socially shared and where technology mediates that communication process.
  • 6. Using social media to engage your audience Presence is not enough, organizations need to engage influencers through social media Engaging influencers is the first step towards converting them into advocates.
  • 7. 5 The 4Cs of Social Media 1. Content 2. Collaboration 3. Community 4. Collective Intelligence 5. Conversation
  • 8. Crowd sourced wisdom Provide opportunities to share knowledge, wisdom and experiences stories and conversations aid the dissemination “Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it.” Samuel Johnson 1775
  • 11. Make it easy to share
  • 12. But which social media channels?
  • 13. Is there an ideal recipe?
  • 14. Spaces conversations are taking place 845 million active users 100 million active users and 400 million unique visitors 2 billion views a day 90 million global users
  • 15. Maximise a Facebook Page by starting the conversation  Share news and exclusive content  Encourage participation  Respond to both positive and negative feedback  Analyze and optimize
  • 16.  50% of users log on every day  55% of which log onto Twitter on a mobile device  5 billion Tweets every 5 days Develop a constant news stream through the use of #hashtags, retweets and favourites
  • 17.  Over 2 billion views per day; average viewer spending 15 minutes viewing  More than 60 hours of video uploaded every minute  Automatic speech recognition technology can translate and create captions in 54 different languages  2nd largest search engine in the world  An opportunity to share customer stories and explain complex information
  • 18.  147 million users with 8 million in the UK  2 million companies have a page  18 million people are members of groups – An opportunity to engage in discussions, Q&As, polls
  • 19.  100 million users globally  Virtual face to face conversations using Hangouts  Share and discuss videos
  • 20. Places conversations are taking place Quora Pinterest Scribd Sharing Blogs Diigo SlideShare
  • 21. Note… the way we connect is changing Are you mobile ready?
  • 22. Interactive Mobile Apps The richness of media can help understanding
  • 23. Interactive QR Codes Link to engaging video, audio, text, enquiry forms, polls, feedback
  • 24. Sharing with peers for your own CPD
  • 25. Developing your own Personal Learning Network Group Group Readers of Pensions Pension Funds Online Insight Group Group Employee Benefits Pension Quality Mark
  • 26. Using social media to build
  • 27. BUT: the $100m question…  You know what to do…  How do you do it?  Don’t Ask Jeeves: ask Sheffield Hallam University
  • 28. Tailor-made for you  Specialise in providing tailor-made solutions – Training and CPD (Continuing Professional Development) – Fix-It Friday – Innovations Futures – KTP (Knowledge Transfer Partnerships)
  • 29. Fix it Friday  Free confidential 30 minute consultation over lunch with our experts – Communications and Social Media – Information Technology – Professional IT training – Design  Aim is to provide fresh insight and innovative ways of tackling the challenges you face  28 April, 2012
  • 30. How to Fix it?  Visit our website to give us an outline of the problem you wish to discuss – www.shu.ac.uk/fixitfriday  And we’ll provide a specialist to talk it through and offer advice
  • 31. Training and CPD  SHU leader in e-learning  Also offer a range of off-the-peg and tailor- made training and CPD solutions – Social media: communicating with customers, key publics and stakeholders – Public Relations – Writing for specialist publications
  • 32. Case Study: Capita Hartshead  Two day strategic communications and creative planning course  A mix of theory and applied PR work sessions: – Reputation risk management – Corporate writing – Industry case studies (Paddington Bear) – Campaign plans and client pitches
  • 33. Sue Beckingham Sue Featherstone Sheffield Hallam Sheffield Hallam University University @ @suebecks @shujournalism

Editor's Notes

  1. http://sixrevisions.com/freebies/icons/free-and-exclusive-icons-brown-social-icon-pack/
  2. Groundswell (2011) Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff
  3. http://www.samueljohnson.com/twokinds.html
  4. http://www.contentmarketinginstitute.com/2011/04/valuable-content-checklist/
  5. http://www.theconversationprism.com/