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Sandra M Carmello-Guerreiro
  • Rua Monteiro Lobato, 255
  • +551935216165
  • I am a Professor of Plant Anatomy at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.... moreedit
No presente trabalho foram estudadas a ontogenia, morfologia e anatomia das sementes de algumas especies do genero Paullinia L. (Sapindaceae), coletadas em diversas areas dos estados de Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e Parana. Para fins... more
No presente trabalho foram estudadas a ontogenia, morfologia e anatomia das sementes de algumas especies do genero Paullinia L. (Sapindaceae), coletadas em diversas areas dos estados de Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro e Parana. Para fins morfologicos e conceituais foi estudada a ontogenese da estrutura carnosa na semente de Paullinia trigonia Vell. De forma a avaliar a importância dos caracteres da semente para fins taxonomicos foram estudadas a morfologia e anatomia do envoltorio seminal, cicatriz e estrutura carnosa em sementes maduras de nove especies do genero Paullinia: P. elegans Cambess., P. spicata Benth., P. cupana Kunth, P. carpopodea Cambess., P. meliaefolia A. L. Juss., P. coriacea Casar., P. cristata Radlk., P. racemosa Wawra e P. trigonia Vell., pertencentes a cinco das treze secoes estabelecidas por Radlkofer. Os resultados indicaram que no referente a ontogenia da estrutura carnosa em P. trigonia Vell., o tegumento externo participa da formacao da estrutura carnosa em duas regioes da semente, na porcao basal da rafe e o na area proxima da micropila. O funiculo nao contribui na formacao da estrutura carnosa. Essa estrutura carnosa foi denominada sarcotesta e o termo arilo, como tem sido descrito nao foi usado. Aspectos relacionados com o desenvolvimento da estrutura carnosa, da flor estaminada e pistilada, foram comparados e discutidos com outros representantes do genero e a familia Sapindaceae. As caracteristicas morfologicas das sementes apresentam notaveis diferencas entre as especies. Tres caracteres em conjunto permitem distinguir facilmente as especies: l.Tamanho e forma estrutural da semente. 2.Morfologia da sarcotesta (termo usado para definir o tipo de estrutura carnosa nas nove especies examinadas), proporcao que cobre a semente e fissuras principalmente na regiao da anti-rafe. 3.Forma e tamanho da cicatriz, lobulos na regiao da rafe e anti-rafe, dimensao e tipo de fusao das projecoes e grau de constricao na area intermedia entre os lobulos e as projecoes da cicatriz. Os caracteres anatomicos de maior utilidade para diferenciar as especies foram apresentados pelo envoltorio seminal: comprimento do estrato exotestal e numero de camadas e dimensoes da mesotesta. Os caracteres analisados nao forneceram indicios de um agrupamento apoiando as secoes propostas por Radlkofer, mais sao caracteres de utilidade potencial na taxonomia e identificacao das especies do genero Abstract
Anacardiaceae e composta por 70 generos com aproximadamente 600 especies de distribuicao principalmente pantropical, com poucas de regioes temperadas. A classificacao infrafamiliar mais amplamente utilizada, proposta por Engler (1892),... more
Anacardiaceae e composta por 70 generos com aproximadamente 600 especies de distribuicao principalmente pantropical, com poucas de regioes temperadas. A classificacao infrafamiliar mais amplamente utilizada, proposta por Engler (1892), divide a familia em cinco tribos: Anacardieae, Rhoeae, Semecarpeae, Spondiadeae e Dobineeae. No presente trabalho, foram estudadas uma especie da tribo Anacardieae (Anacardium humile St.Hil), uma especie da tribo Rhoeae (Lithraea molleoides (Vell.) Engl. e duas especies da tribo Spondiadeae (Spondias dulcis G.Forst e Tapirira guidnensis Aubl.). As estruturas secretoras dos orgaos vegetativos e reprodutivos destas especies foram caracterizadas anatomica e histoquimicamente e apenas os canais secretores foram caracterizados ultra-estruturalmente. Os canais tem epitelio unisseriado; os associados ao floema sao resiniferos (lato sensu) e os medulares de A. humile e S. dulcis, sao mucilaginosos. A presenca de canais produzindo secrecoes quimicamente distintas em um mesmo orgao, de uma mesma especie, esta sendo descrita pela primeira vez neste tranalho. Em A. humile, L. molleoides e T.guianensis os canais estao associados ao floema da petala, sepala, receptaculo, pedicelo florais de todas as flores e ao floema do mesofilo ovariano das flores pistiladas e do pistilodio das flores estaminadas de L. molleoides e, T. guianensis. Canais tambem sao encontrados no fruto e pedunculo de A. humile e no fruto de T. guianensis. Os canais tem epitelio unisseriado; os florais de A. humile, L. molleoides e T. guianensis sao resiniferos (lato sensu), os do fruto e pedunculo de A. humile sao resiniferos (stricto sensu) e os do fruto de T. guianensis sao resiniferos (lato sensu). Em uma mesma especie os canais secretores presentes em diferentes orgaos podem produzir substâncias distintas...Observacao: O resumo, na integra podera ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digital Abstract
Premise of research. Anacardiaceae comprise two subfamilies (Anacardioideae and Spondioideae) with small nectariferous flowers that are typically morphologically bisexual, whereas sometimes only the androecium or gynoecium is functional.... more
Premise of research. Anacardiaceae comprise two subfamilies (Anacardioideae and Spondioideae) with small nectariferous flowers that are typically morphologically bisexual, whereas sometimes only the androecium or gynoecium is functional. In most Spondioideae, flowers are typically polysymmetric and obdiplostemonous, with as many antepetalous carpels as there are sepals (or petals), but frequently not all carpels are fertile, and the gynoecium can also be pseudomonomerous or more rarely monomerous. Pseudomonomery has received little or no attention in Spondioideae, and here we compare flowers of Spondias tuberosa, where all carpels form a locule but only one yields a fully developed ovule, and Tapirira guianensis, where only one carpel is fertile. Methodology. In these two species, we studied the flower structure and development using microtome serial sections, and light and scanning electron microscopy. Pivotal results. Both species share morphologically bisexual flowers with a similar floral bauplan and developmental pathway toward functionally male flowers. Their gynoecia share a syncarpous and entirely synascidiate ovary with the former center of the floral apex exposed between the free (and entirely plicate) styles and stigmas. In addition, the position of their single fertile locule varies in each flower and in S. tuberosa remains unclear until the development of the ovules. Conclusions. Functionally unisexual flowers and pseudomonomery likely evolved independently several times in Spondioideae and Anacardiaceae as a whole, and the structural differences between pseudomonomerous gynoecia in each subfamily are the results of heterochronic development. The evolutionary and functional significance of pseudomonomerous gynoecium in Anacardiaceae remains to be explored.
Abstract Secretory ducts in vegetative and reproductive organs of Anacardiaceae have long been documented. However, despite the numerous studies on the anatomy and ultrastructure of these ducts, our knowledge about a possible diversity of... more
Abstract Secretory ducts in vegetative and reproductive organs of Anacardiaceae have long been documented. However, despite the numerous studies on the anatomy and ultrastructure of these ducts, our knowledge about a possible diversity of duct metabolism in a same plant is scarce. In this study, we aimed to revisit the structure, distribution and metabolic diversity of ducts in vegetative and reproductive organs of Anacardiaceae. The distribution and anatomy of the secretory ducts in the stem, leaves, flowers and fruits of four species of Anacardiaceae were studied and their secretions histochemically characterized. Differences in the composition of the secretion according to the distribution of the ducts were detected, and more than one type of duct can occur in the same organ. In vegetative organs all the phloem ducts produce a complex, mixed resin mostly composed of lipophilic compounds (resin sensu lato). Medullary ducts of Anacardium and Spondias produce only gum, while in Tapirira they have a mixed resin. In reproductive organs, the secretion has a similar composition to the vegetative organs in each species, except in the fruits of Anacardium, where the ducts produce only lipids (resin sensu stricto). The general morphology of the ducts and the production of resins are conservative not only in Anacardiaceae, but also in other Sapindalean families. Our findings demonstrated for the first time in Anacardiaceae the presence of two kinds of ducts, which produce different classes of compounds depending on their origin and distribution. Earlier descriptions referring Anacardiaceae gum-resin and/or latex ducts are in the current article denominate as resin ducts sensu lato.
Several types of fruit occur in Euphorbiaceae, notably the explosively dehiscent dry fruit, and different seed-coat anatomies with taxonomic importance. This paper aims to describe the pericarp ontogeny and structure in Euphorbia milii... more
Several types of fruit occur in Euphorbiaceae, notably the explosively dehiscent dry fruit, and different seed-coat anatomies with taxonomic importance. This paper aims to describe the pericarp ontogeny and structure in Euphorbia milii Desmoul., and evaluate the presence of the secretory exotesta and caruncle. The fruit is a schizocarp, whose the pericarp development begins with a periclinal division of the inner epidermal cells. The derived cells divide, forming about four layers of obliquely elongated cells. Then, the adjacent parenchyma cells elongate, giving rise to a palisade layer and finally, the cells between this layer and the vascular strands undergo mitosis, originating about four layers of elongated cells perpendicularly to the inner oblique cells. These three zones lignify, while the region between the vascular strands and the exocarp, where idioblasts, hypodermis and laticifers are present do not show significant changes. Before the dehiscence, a lysis of cells of the ...
Presumed domatia are actually extrafloral nectaries on leaves ofAnacardium humile (Anacardiaceae), a species from the Brazilian savannah, is associated with foraging ants, which leads to the description of the structure of its leaves as... more
Presumed domatia are actually extrafloral nectaries on leaves ofAnacardium humile (Anacardiaceae), a species from the Brazilian savannah, is associated with foraging ants, which leads to the description of the structure of its leaves as domatia. However, the ants collect secretions on the leaves, a phenomenon that inspired us to elucidate this structure. To this end, we conducted an analysis of the distribution, micromorphology, anatomy and histochemistry of these supposed domatia. They are located in the axil of thicker leaf veins and are composed of glandular trichomes which exude glucose; they are, therefore, described here as extrafloral nectaries (EFNs). The nectariferous trichomes are located at the same level as the other epidermal cells on young leaves, while in mature leaves they were found in depressions of the leaf blade. The secretory activity of EFNs is limited to juvenile phases, becoming degenerated in mature leaves. Carbohydrates and lipophilic compounds were detecte...
Phenakospermum guyannense é popularmente conhecida na Amazônia como sororoca, geralmente encontrada próxima a cursos d´água, em ambientes ombrófilos. Objetivou-se com este estudo descrever a morfoanatomia e histoquímica da semente madura... more
Phenakospermum guyannense é popularmente conhecida na Amazônia como sororoca, geralmente encontrada próxima a cursos d´água, em ambientes ombrófilos. Objetivou-se com este estudo descrever a morfoanatomia e histoquímica da semente madura de P. guyannense, como contribuição a estudos taxonômicos, fisiológicos e ecológicos. Sementes maduras foram coletadas nas margens da Cachoeira do Urubuí, no Município de Presidente Figueiredo, Amazonas. O estudo anatômico foi realizado conforme técnicas usuais para análise em microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura. Foram aplicados testes histoquímicos para a detecção de compostos fenólicos, amido, proteína e lipídios. A semente madura de P. guyannense é estenospérmica, com envoltório de cor negra, formado por vários estratos de diferentes tipos celulares, sendo a maioria impregnada de compostos fenólicos. O hilo é punctiforme, circundado por células que constituem o arilo. O endosperma é sólido, constituído por células tetraédricas de conteúd...
Neste trabalho foi estudado o desenvolvimento e a ultra-estrutura dos canais do floema dos ápices vegetativos de Spondias dulcis G. Forst., a ultra-estrutura dos canais floemáticos dos ápices vegetativos de Tapirira guinanensis Aubl., bem... more
Neste trabalho foi estudado o desenvolvimento e a ultra-estrutura dos canais do floema dos ápices vegetativos de Spondias dulcis G. Forst., a ultra-estrutura dos canais floemáticos dos ápices vegetativos de Tapirira guinanensis Aubl., bem como, a ultra-estrutura e o desenvolvimento dos canais florais e a ultra-estrutura dos canais do fruto desta mesma espécie Os canais florais e do fruto de Anacardium humile St.Hil. também foram estudados ultra-estruturalmente. Os canais dos ápices vegetativos de S. dulcis formam-se de modo esquizolisígeno e os florais de T. guianensis desenvolvem-se, de modo esquizógeno. As células epiteliais dos canais de S. dulcis e T. guianensis possuem retículo endoplasmático rugoso, ribossomos livres, plastídios alongados, de diferentes formatos, com presença de inclusões osmiofílicas e dictiossomos com produção de vesículas. Estas organelas estão envolvidas na secreção de um exsudato heterogêneo composto por substâncias hidrofílicas e lipofílicas. As células ...
As cavidades secretoras no fruto de Schinus terebinthifolius foram analisadas aos microscópios de luz e eletrônico de transmissão. Estas cavidades são complexas e constituídas por epitélio multiestratificado que circunda o lume preenchido... more
As cavidades secretoras no fruto de Schinus terebinthifolius foram analisadas aos microscópios de luz e eletrônico de transmissão. Estas cavidades são complexas e constituídas por epitélio multiestratificado que circunda o lume preenchido por secreção viscosa e por células epiteliais isoladas. Cada cavidade é circundada externamente por duas ou três camadas de células menores que as adjacentes achatadas, radialmente e que progressivamente diferenciam-se em epiteliais. As cavidades secretoras iniciam-se por esquizogênese e desenvolvem-se pelo processo esquizo-lisígeno. O lume inicia-se pela dissolução da lamela média entre um grupo de células precursoras dispostas em roseta; sua ampliação é decorrente da separação das células internas desta roseta. As células epiteliais jovens possuem citoplasma denso com mitocôndrias conspícuas, retículo endoplasmático rugoso extensivo, numerosos corpos multivesiculares e plastídeos modificados. Grumos de material eletron-denso, destituídos de membr...
The aim of the present work was to record anatomical data for the fruit and seed of Lithraea molleoides (Vell.) Engl, and compare the results with those for L. brasiliensis and the genera Schinus and Rhus. The L. molleoides fruit was a... more
The aim of the present work was to record anatomical data for the fruit and seed of Lithraea molleoides (Vell.) Engl, and compare the results with those for L. brasiliensis and the genera Schinus and Rhus. The L. molleoides fruit was a drupe with a friable and lignified exocarp. The mesocarp was parenchymatous with large secretory canals associated with vascular bundles. The endocarp consisted of four layers: an outer layer of polyhedral cells with prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate, and three inner layers of sclereids in a palisade arrangement. The ovule was anatropous, unitegmic, and crassinucelate. In the chalazal region, a cup-like zone of tanniniferous parenchymal cells formed the hypostase. The developing seed had a circinotropous-like shape, that originated through curvature of the long, coarse funicle that surrounded the tegument and embryo sac. The ripe seed was endotestal with bar-like thickenings or pittings in the cell walls.
The aim of the present work was to record anatomical data for the fruit and seed of Lithraea molleoides (Vell.) Engl, and compare the results with those for L. brasiliensis and the genera Schinus and Rhus. The L. molleoides fruit was a... more
The aim of the present work was to record anatomical data for the fruit and seed of Lithraea molleoides (Vell.) Engl, and compare the results with those for L. brasiliensis and the genera Schinus and Rhus. The L. molleoides fruit was a drupe with a friable and lignified exocarp. The mesocarp was parenchymatous with large secretory canals associated with vascular bundles. The endocarp consisted of four layers: an outer layer of polyhedral cells with prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate, and three inner layers of sclereids in a palisade arrangement. The ovule was anatropous, unitegmic, and crassinucelate. In the chalazal region, a cup-like zone of tanniniferous parenchymal cells formed the hypostase. The developing seed had a circinotropous-like shape, that originated through curvature of the long, coarse funicle that surrounded the tegument and embryo sac. The ripe seed was endotestal with bar-like thickenings or pittings in the cell walls.
ABSTRACT Several regulatory steps and genes involved in fruit development were identified and characterized in Arabidopsis thaliana. FRUITFULL (FUL) and SHATTERPROOF (SHP), which belong to the MADS-box family of transcription factors, act... more
ABSTRACT Several regulatory steps and genes involved in fruit development were identified and characterized in Arabidopsis thaliana. FRUITFULL (FUL) and SHATTERPROOF (SHP), which belong to the MADS-box family of transcription factors, act together to promote the differentiation of the dehiscence zone and thus control the process of pod shattering in Arabidopsis. Homologs to these genes have been described in fleshy fruit species, but the specific nature of the regulatory hierarchy and interactions among these key regulators remains elusive in most plant species. Here, Citrus sinensis putative orthologs to FUL and SHP, named CsFUL and CsSHP respectively, were characterized. Phylogenetic comparisons indicated that CsFUL belongs to FRUITFUL sub-clade within the AP1/SQUA major clade while CsSHP falls into PLENA sub-clade from the AG/PLE clade. CsFUL and CsSHP protein sequences possess all of the characteristic conserved domains commonly found in A- and C-lineages of MIKC MADS-box proteins, respectively. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR showed preferential expression of both genes in developing fruits. In situ hybridization and a detailed analysis of Citrus fruit development using scanning electron microscopy allowed further characterization of these genes during C. sinensis fruit development. CsFUL and CsSHP are differentially expressed in exocarp, mesocarp and endocarp tissues in early stages of fruit development but their expression diminishes with fruit maturation. Moreover, the co-localization of CsFUL and CsSHP mRNA during oil glands and juice vesicle formation suggests a potential role in the development of such structures. Altogether, there results might contribute to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in Citrus fruit development.
The genus Acrocomia (Arecaceae) is widely distributed in the Neotropics, without consensus on the number of species. The arboreal species are explored in their native countries. To subsidize better use of the observed variation in fruits... more
The genus Acrocomia (Arecaceae) is widely distributed in the Neotropics, without consensus on the number of species. The arboreal species are explored in their native countries. To subsidize better use of the observed variation in fruits of different species for product extraction, taxonomy, conservation and genetic improvement, our objective was to characterize biometrically the fruits and anatomically the mesocarp from natural populations of A. aculeata, A. intumescens and A. totai. We observed different colors of epicarp and mesocarp in A. aculeata and A. totai, while the fruits of A. intumescens were light green or yellowish. The fruits of A. aculeata showed diameter considered large (3.9-4.6 cm) and the highest dry mass (26.3-33.5 g), A. intumescens presented intermediate diameter (3.1–3.9 cm) and mass (11.5-18.8 g), and A. totai had the smallest diameter (2.2-3.0 cm) and mass (4.1-11.4 g). The morphoanatomical analysis of the mesocarp did not distinguish the three species. How...
In this work, several attributes of the internal morphology of drupaceous fruits found in the archaeological site Monte Castelo (Rondonia, Brazil) are analyzed by means of two different imaging methods. The aim is to explore similarities... more
In this work, several attributes of the internal morphology of drupaceous fruits found in the archaeological site Monte Castelo (Rondonia, Brazil) are analyzed by means of two different imaging methods. The aim is to explore similarities and differences in the visualization and analytical properties of the images obtained via High Resolution Light Microscopy and X-ray micro-computed tomography (X-ray MicroCT) methods. Both provide data about the three-layered pericarp (exo-, meso- and endocarp) of the studied exemplars, defined by cell differentiation, vascularisation, cellular contents, presence of sclerenchyma cells and secretory cavities. However, it is possible to identify a series of differences between the information that can be obtained through each of the methods. These variations are related to the definition of contours and fine details of some characteristics, their spatial distribution, size attributes, optical properties and material preservation. The results obtained ...
Colleters are secretory structures widely distributed in eudicots and with taxonomic value in many families. Although glandular trichomes have been described in some Anacardiaceae species, the chemical characterization of their secretions... more
Colleters are secretory structures widely distributed in eudicots and with taxonomic value in many families. Although glandular trichomes have been described in some Anacardiaceae species, the chemical characterization of their secretions is scarce and to date there are no reports on colleters. Light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used to study the distribution and structure of colleters on the vegetative buds of Anacardium humile A.St.-Hil., Lithraea molleoides (Vell.) Engl., Spondias dulcis Parkinson, and Tapirira guianensis Aubl., and to characterize their secretory products histochemically. In all of these Anacardiaceae species, colleters are multicellular and multiseriate ovoid or club-shaped glandular trichomes of protodermic origin, present on both surfaces of leaf primordia. They reach the secretory phase at early stages of leaf development, after which they gradually degenerate, become brown, and fall off. Histochemical tests indicate that the secretion wi...
ABSTRACT The effect of additives, calcium chloride and calcium lactate (5–25 g kg−1), on the osmotic dehydration of guavas with sucrose solutions was studied, aiming at the structural preservation of processed fruits. The osmotic process... more
ABSTRACT The effect of additives, calcium chloride and calcium lactate (5–25 g kg−1), on the osmotic dehydration of guavas with sucrose solutions was studied, aiming at the structural preservation of processed fruits. The osmotic process was evaluated from the reduction in weight of the guavas, water loss and solids gain, and the samples were analyzed with respect to calcium content, texture (stress and strain at failure, relaxation time and residual stress), structure by light microscopy and sensory acceptance. Calcium salts had a strong influence on the texture and structure of the processed guavas, resulting in the maintenance of tissue structure when calcium lactate was used at concentrations up to 15 g kg−1, and calcium chloride was used at 5 g kg−1. The sensory acceptability of guava was related to the structural and texture results. Calcium treatments did not improve guava's sensory acceptance. Guavas treated with calcium lactate showed good sensory acceptance, presenting slight inferior scores only at concentrations above 20g kg−1, while CaCl2 treated guavas showed average scores statistically equal to the sucrose and calcium lactate treated fruits only at 5 g kg−1. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry
In this work, several attributes of the internal morphology of drupaceous fruits found in the archaeological site Monte Castelo (Rondonia, Brazil) are analyzed by means of two different imaging methods. The aim is to explore similarities... more
In this work, several attributes of the internal morphology of drupaceous fruits found in the archaeological site Monte Castelo (Rondonia, Brazil) are analyzed by means of two different imaging methods. The aim is to explore similarities and differences in the visualization and analytical properties of the images obtained via High Resolution Light Microscopy and X-ray micro-computed tomography (X-ray MicroCT) methods. Both provide data about the three-layered pericarp (exo-, meso- and endocarp) of the studied exemplars, defined by cell differentiation, vascularisation, cellular contents, presence of sclerenchyma cells and secretory cavities. However, it is possible to identify a series of differences between the information that can be obtained through each of the methods. These variations are related to the definition of contours and fine details of some characteristics, their spatial distribution, size attributes, optical properties and material preservation. The results obtained ...