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      SpanishFilm StudiesSpanish CinemaSpanish cinema (Film Studies)
A la hora de traducir los diálogos cinematográficos una de mayores dificultades que se presenta ante el traductor es transmitir el lenguaje coloquial y garantizar la oralidad del texto meta. En el presente estudio analizamos dos... more
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      Alejandro AmenábarEspañolRusoTraducción Audiovisual
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      Spanish CinemaAlejandro Amenábar
Uno de los personajes más conocidos del mundo tardoantiguo es Hipatia, pero su historia se ha ido mezclando con la leyenda. En este trabajo vamos a estudiar el fundamento histórico de la película Ágora de Alejandro Amenábar, que muestra... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman ReligionScience and ReligionHistorical Films
Este libro ofrece, por un lado, una extensa revisión de la producción cinematográfica de la memoria de la Guerra Civil desde 1975 hasta 2020. Por otro lado, aporta un análisis minucioso sobre el film de Alejandro Amenábar, al calor de los... more
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      Literature and cinemaAlejandro AmenábarCinema StudiesMemoria Histórica
Os sonhos lúcidos são descritos como a consciência de estar sonhando durante o sonho e a capacidade de alterá-lo narrativamente. Uma breve introdução sobre tema será desdobrada, seguida pela análise de uma das características marcantes... more
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisAristotlePsychology of Unconscious
This essay explores Alejandro Amenábar´s The Others (2001) from the perspective of the gothic genre and in connection with new transnational trends in the postmodern thriller. As Amenábar´s previous films, The Others dramatizes the search... more
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      Film StudiesTransnationalismSpanish CinemaGothic Studies
Παναγιώτη Μήνη και Κωνσταντίνα Γεωργιάδη (επιμ.), Προσεγγίσεις στην ιστορία του κινηματογράφου/Approaches to Film History, Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης και Ινστιτούτο Μεσογειακών Σπουδών, ΙΤΕ, 2020. ΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΑ Παναγιώτα Μήνη – Κωνσταντίνα... more
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      Avant-Garde CinemaFilm AdaptationFilm HistoryFilm and History
This book chapter begins with a survey of auteurism in Spanish film studies and accounts of Buñuel and Saura (D'Lugo). It continues with analyses of the careers of Almodóvar, Erice, Medem and Amenábar in the context of auteurism (Smith).
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      Film StudiesSpanish CinemaAuteur TheoryAuteur Studies
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      Horror FilmSpanish CinemaGothic StudiesHorror Cinema
This article analyzes various contemporary Spanish films as part of one of the most experimental trends within the paradigm of narrative complexity of contemporary visual culture: the so-called puzzle or mind-game films. To solve the... more
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      Film StudiesNarrativeSpanish CinemaNonlinear Narrative
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      Latin American StudiesFilm StudiesLatin American CinemaSpanish cinema (Film Studies)
Cuando uno ve la película Ágora (2009), dirigida por Alejandro Amenábar, se lleva una impresión muy clara: la luz del paganismo clásico con su avanzada ciencia —representada por Hipatia— fue apagada violentamente por la ignorancia y... more
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      Early ChristianitySpanish CinemaScience and ReligionSpanish cinema (Film Studies)
Resumen Hipatia de Alejandría encarna la defensa del paganismo tardío. De su vida, su labor al frente de la escuela de filosofía, su influencia política y las circunstancias de su muerte se ha escrito mucho, entretejiendo realidad y... more
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      Film StudiesPhilo of AlexandriaAlejandro AmenábarGreek culture
Este estudio se enfoca en tres categorías particulares de violencia en los textos de algunos de los directores más notables del cine español contemporáneo. Como punto de partida, este trabajo considera cómo Alejandro Amenábar estiliza el... more
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      Spanish LiteratureAestheticsMedia StudiesSpanish
В статье представлен анализ фильма А. Аменабара «Агора» (2009), повествующего о конфликте между христианами и язычниками в Александрии на рубеже IV и V вв. и о судьбе философа и ученого Гипатии Александрийской. Согласно герменевтическому... more
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      Hermeneutics (Research Methodology)HermeneuticsHermeneutics and NarrativeAlejandro Amenábar
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      Spanish StudiesSpanishFilm StudiesEuropean Cinema
Questo articolo tenta di riportare "Agora" di Alejandro Amenábar all’interno di un più ampia riflessione sulle ragioni del frequente ricorso, da parte del cinema contemporaneo, alla storia e al mito antichi, in senso lato, con... more
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      Film AestheticsAlejandro AmenábarCinema and Ancient WorldPeplum Movies Cinema Antiquity
"""""This book explores the representation of masculinity and the male body in contemporary film and popular culture. Paying special attention to the case of Spain and its relation to international cultural production during the... more
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      AdvertisingSpanish CinemaBodyComics
The present paper argues that the semiotic concept of iconicity, as is defined in the theory of Algirdas Julien Greimas, is extremely useful in order to understand the relations between voyeurism, considered as one of the key-elements of... more
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      SemioticsVisual StudiesViolenceVisual Semiotics
Scarlett, Elizabeth. Religion and Spanish Film: Luis Buñuel, the Franco Era, and Contemporary Directors. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2014.
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      Avant-Garde CinemaReligion and FilmSpanish CinemaPierre Bourdieu
This introduction sketches the three sections and nine sections of the book that follows. The first 'Literature: History and Memory' explores texts that explore the aftermath of the Civil War, the resuscitation of Franco, and the... more
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      Spanish LiteratureFilm StudiesLiteratureSpanish Cinema
Il s'agit d'un travail réalisé pour le cours "Questions d'esthétique de l'image" donné par le Professeur Dick Tomasovic de l'Université de Liège. J'y analyse une séquence du film "The Others" réalisé par Alejandro Amenabar selon une... more
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      PhenomenologyCinemaPhenomenology of Space and PlaceAlejandro Amenábar
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      Visions And DreamsAlejandro AmenábarDreams and CinemaCharles Vanel
Introduction and Table of Contents to the book Latin Hitchcock (Wallflower/Columbia UP, 2015)
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      Latin American StudiesSpanishFilm StudiesSpanish Cinema
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      Space and PlaceYouth CultureSpanish cinema (Film Studies)Alejandro Amenábar
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      Ancient PhilosophyFilm and PhilosophyAlejandro AmenábarPierre Hadot
In the Introduction to the book Haunted Subjects: Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis and the Return of the Dead, Colin Davis tries to answer the question of why the theme of the dead returning to haunt us is so fundamental to modern... more
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      PsychoanalysisHumanitiesDeathDeath Studies
El presente trabajo busca reflexionar en torno a los momentos más sentimentales que salpican la película Mientras dure la guerra, de Alejandro Amenábar, el retrato social del inicio de la guerra civil española que, utilizando... more
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      Alejandro AmenábarMiguel de UnamunoCine y literaturaMientras dure la guerra
The essay elaborates on post-mortem films whose ghost-protagonists do not know that they are dead. It takes its point of departure from cognitive narratology and assumes that The Sixth Sense and The Others disguise their narrative... more
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      Film StudiesFilm HistoryGothic Fiction and the horror filmPost-Mortem Photography
Resumo Os sonhos lúcidos são descritos como a consciência de estar sonhando durante o sonho e a capacidade de alterá-lo narrativamente. Uma breve introdução sobre tema será desdobrada, seguida pela análise de uma das características... more
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisAristotlePsychology of Unconscious
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      Historical memoryContemporary History of SpainAlejandro AmenábarMiguel de Unamuno
Los relatos ficcionales tienen una enorme importancia en nuestras vidas porque ponen de manifiesto la relación entre la realidad y los deseos del ser humano (Vargas Llosa, 1997: 28) y la labor de los docentes es mostrar a los alumnos que... more
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      PosthumanismAlejandro AmenábarPedro Calderon De La BarcaPercepción
En este artículo pretendemos atender a la representación de la figura de la madre en los denominados por la academia como mind-game o puzzle films. Sin que ni el espectador ni, frecuentemente, las propias protagonistas lo sepan, las... more
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      Film StudiesHorror FilmSpanish CinemaContemporary American Cinema
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      Spanish CinemaSigmund FreudThrillerMonsters and Monster Theory
This article focuses on the theme of reconstituted sight in Spanish films made at the end of the Franco dictatorship and under the subsequent democratic period as they echo the famous opening scene in Un chien andalou (1929) where Luis... more
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      CensorshipSpanish CinemaTraumaAlejandro Amenábar
Hegels Beharren auf der Differenz zwischen Licht und Schatten als konstitutiv sowohl für jegliche Wahmehmung als auch jegliche visuelle Darstellung ist für eine Betrachtung von Kino als Nachtmedium besonders fruchtbar. Denn das Filmbild... more
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      PsychoanalysisVisual StudiesFilm StudiesFilm Theory
Ventura Pons (film director)
Sara Martín Alegre (Professor, Univeridad Autónoma Barcelona)
Santiago Fouz Hernández (author)
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      Gender StudiesPopular MusicPopular CultureAdvertising
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisAristotlePsychology of Unconscious
Algumas reflexões a partir do filósofo e escritor basco Don Miguel de Unamuno e do filme 'Mientras dure la guerra', de Alejandro Amenábar
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      Alejandro AmenábarMiguel de UnamunoLiteratura española e hispanoamericanaCine Español
Dennis West, Professor Emeritus of University of Idaho and a contributing editor to CINEASTE magazine, reviews the book 'Religion and Spanish Film: Luis Buñuel, the Franco Era, and Contemporary Directors' by Elizabeth Scarlett. Hispania... more
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      Spanish cinema (Film Studies)Luis BuñuelAlejandro AmenábarReligious Studies