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McDougall outlines eight US traditions of diplomacy and foreign policy, which he identified in the process of reviewing previous conceptions of these and the primary source they drew from. Given my ongoing reflections on US grand strategy... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryInternational RelationsWar StudiesLiberalism
ÖZET İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nın ardından Amerika Birleşik Devletleri (ABD) ve Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyetler Birliği (SSCB) süper güç olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. İkinci dünya savasında müttefik devletler olan SSCB ile ABD, soğuk savaş döneminde... more
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      Vietnam WarUSA HistoryContainment PolicyAsya Pasifik
This paper discusses the application of the containment strategy in combating terrorism in North East Nigeria. To achieve this aim, secondary data in the form of written texts, journal articles, newspaper reports and internet webpages are... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesBoko HaramContainment Policy
ในทัศนะของนักวิชาการความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างประเทศจำนวนมาก ภูมิภาคเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้เป็นตัวแบบที่ประสบความสำเร็จในการส่งเสริมสันติภาพ เสถียรภาพ และการบูรณาการสำหรับประเทศกำลังพัฒนา... more
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      Spheres of InfluenceSouth China Seaมหาอำนาจอาเซียน
Çevreleme Politikası (Containment Policy) ABD’nin Soğuk Savaş’ın ilk yıllarından başlayarak izlediği ve SSCB’nin II. Dünya Savaşı sonrasında artan etkisini sınırlamayı hedefleyen doktrine verilen isimdir. Düşünsel temelleri ABD’li... more
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      International SecurityContainment Policy
This paper begins from the present condition of migrant workers in the district of Foggia, southeastern Italy, one of the largest agro-industrial enclaves in the country, employing tens of thousands of workers who live and labour in... more
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      Migration StudiesBiopoliticsInternment CampsHaunting and Spectrality
The South China Sea is not only a strategic geographical location, but also has great potential of reserve in resources such as oil and natural gas, making it a hotspot for conflicts among the neighboring states and the US. One major... more
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      China's foreign policyUnited States Foreign PolicyContainment PolicyThe South China Sea dispute
This paper discusses the application of the containment strategy in combating terrorism in North East Nigeria. To achieve this aim, secondary data in the form of written texts, journal articles, newspaper reports and internet webpages are... more
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      Boko HaramContainment PolicyCountering Violent ExtremismTerrorism and Counterterrorism
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      Us-China RelationsContainment PolicyUS Rebalancing to Asia PacificUS Economic Policy
Abstract: Evaluating international political strategy includes critiquing the desired future implied in the strategy. Political strategy focuses on trend alteration regarding prevailing polity perceptions, elite composition, polity... more
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      Russian StudiesForeign Policy AnalysisCold WarStereotypes
Against the background which was the "containment" strategy of the Cold War, the USA supported -or even helped to gain power- some of the bloodiest dictatorships, especially in the Third World
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      International RelationsCold WarPost-ColonialismU.S. Foreign Policy
John Ford's "Rio Grande" is based on a short story by James Warner Bellah, which, in turn, refers to an event in history in which the United States Cavalry illegally entered Mexico in order to stop Kickapoo raids into Texas. This paper... more
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      Cold War and CultureCold WarTexas HistoryAmerican Civil War
This analysis is closely linked to an article that we, Vision and Global Trends, have published some months ago. That article, entitled “The neverending anti-Iranian containment”, described and explained why – according to us – the United... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesRussian StudiesCold War
The novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) that causes the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is still circulating in 2021 with new mutations and the state of emergency remains in manifold countries. Countries... more
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      Infectious disease epidemiologyHealth Care PolicyCrisis ManagementPublic Health Policy
This article argues that Robert Lowell’s employment of techniques of poetic "imitation" - a liberal form of translation - during the composition of the Life Studies poems allows him to simultaneously stage and to conceal his reliance upon... more
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      Cold War and CultureLiterary translationRobert LowellAutobiography and life writing studies
Is Saudi Arabia important to the national security of the United States? What is there to lose or gain in terms of relative power? This article will set the political context and then make suggestions to first avoid war and then if a... more
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      International RelationsInternational SecurityIranian StudiesAmerican Foreign Policy
We propose a practical analytical framework which can help government agencies determine an optimal surveillance strategy for invasive weeds, including cases of slow-growing or ‘sleeper weeds', and for all weeds at early stages of... more
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      Stochastic ProgrammingInvasive SpeciesContainment PolicySurvelliance
Continued USA Hegemony in Europe 2022: The fear, or rather hate of the "East", (or the "Other"; Muslim, Berber, Black, Latin American, Slavs, Chinese, Indian) in Western mindsets under the mastership of the USA is causing just another war... more
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      International RelationsWestern EuropeHegemonyCold War history
BEGINNINGS OF THE TRANSATLANTIC SECURITY PARTNERSHIP: OUTBREAK OF THE COLD WAR AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ATLANTIC ALLIANCE (1945–1949) Abstract The aim of this article was to show the origin of the transatlantic security partnership... more
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      International SecurityNATOCold WarU.S. Foreign Policy
Next to military means, causing disruption and interdiction, Western and local powers also relied on policies of containment to halt the expansion of the Islamic State’s territorial strongholds. Yet, a Cold War state-based strategy of... more
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      RealismGeorge KennanContainment PolicyIslamic State
ABSTRACT After World War II, the United States, which has abandoned its isolationist policy, has assumed the role of global playmaker. The biggest obstacle to the global free market economy and democratic regimes that America wanted to... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryChinaChina studies
in: Konrad Jarausch u. Christian F. Ostermann u. Andreas Etges (Hg.), The Cold war: Historiography, memory, Representation, Bonn Berlin DeGruyter 2017, 19-66.
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      Future StudiesFilm StudiesCold War and CultureScience Fiction
This paper argues that prominent officials within the American and Australian governments consciously supported the Indonesian invasion of East Timor in 1975 and exercised an amoral, profit-driven policy of realpolitik in the pursuit of... more
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      Asian StudiesAmerican StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesForeign Policy Analysis
Since the advent of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, the US has pursued a policy of containment towards Iran. In a major shift from Obama's policy of appeasement, the Trump administration has spearheaded the-Maximum Pressure‖ campaign in an... more
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      Israel StudiesIranian StudiesSecuritizationMiddle Eastern Studies
The paper discusses the role of the Cold War on European Integration focusing the four interrelated developments between 1950 and 1961: double containment, Franco-German rivalry, German reconstruction and the Marshall Plan. The main... more
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      European integrationCold WarHistory of the Cold WarContainment
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      Political EconomyContainment PolicySino-American Relationship
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      PsychologyRussian StudiesSocial WorkForeign Policy Analysis
En 1945, s’achève la Seconde Guerre mondiale et, avec la victoire de la « Grande Alliance » unissant le Royaume-Uni, les États-Unis et l’URSS, le « suicide de l’Europe. » Le Vieux Continent, harassé, divisé, mutilé, par la succession de... more
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      European HistoryCold WarWorld War IIStalin and Stalinism
ظم امنیتی در منطقه خاورمیانه از سال 2011 به این سو دچار تغییراتی ساختاری شده است چراکه قدرتهای فرامنطقه ای به شدت در منطقه نفوذ دارند و همچنین رقابتهای ژئوپولیتیکی میان قدرتهای منطقه ای نیز تعمیق شده است. علاوه بر پیچیدگی بیشتر معمای... more
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      Iranian StudiesTurkeyMiddle Eastern StudiesSyriac Studies
This article reads Robert Lowell's Life Studies (1959) against the “confessional” grain for which it is widely celebrated. It argues that Lowell’s appeal to techniques of poetic "imitation" - a liberal form of translation - during the... more
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      Translation StudiesTransnationalismCold War and CultureSecurity Studies
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      HistoryMilitary HistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
Kosova’nın 2008 yılında tek taraflı bağımsızlık ilanın ardından birçok yeni tartışma gündeme gelmiş ve ‘Kosova Sorunu’, 21. Yüzyıl’da uluslararası sistemde yeni bir kutuplaşmayı ortaya çıkarmıştır. Soğuk Savaş’ın kazananı ABD, net bir... more
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      International RelationsKosovoYugoslaviaRussian Foreign Policy
The West is always prone to close the eyes to Ankara’s invasion of Syrian lands and its open deals with Islamic terror organizations whereas Russia categorically rejects them. The former bears the consequences of these miscalculations... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyTurkish Foreign PolicyContainment Policy
In this case study paper, I examine the Korean War through the lens of civil-military relations and strive to extract lessons for modern policymakers to take with them going forward. I conclude that today's civil and military leaders must... more
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      International RelationsSouth KoreaCold WarUnited Nations
Agli inizi degli anni ’90 il Pentagono elabora un concetto di guerra asimmetrica denominato AirSea Battle, con il fine di mantenere il dominio statunitense sulle principali arterie del commercio internazionale, sottraendole ai potenziali... more
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      GeopoliticsChinaContainment Policy
This paper analyzes how longer and shorter period of national lockdown during the first wave of COVID-19 can affect public health and economy of nations. Results show that a) countries with shorter period of lockdown (about 15 days) have... more
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      EconomicsInfectious disease epidemiologyEconomic GrowthCrisis Management
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      Future StudiesFilm StudiesCold War and CultureCold War
This paper discusses the application of the containment strategy in combating terrorism in North East Nigeria. To achieve this aim, secondary data in the form of written texts, journal articles, newspaper reports and internet webpages are... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPolitical ScienceBoko HaramContainment Policy
This article reads Robert Lowell's Life Studies (1959) against the “confessional” grain for which it is widely celebrated. It argues that Lowell’s appeal to techniques of poetic "imitation" - a liberal form of... more
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      Translation StudiesTransnationalismCold War and CultureSecurity Studies
Willem van Eekelen revisits the famous "long telegram" as an object lesson for the 21st century. The US former No 2 in Moscow used it to explain the background and main features of the Soviet post-war outlook and their projection not... more
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      Russian / Soviet military and diplomatic historyContainment PolicyEurodefenseEurodefense-Russia
This 2017 paper describes how "the U.S. plays poker, while China plays chess". With an increased U.S. military presence to its east, China turns west. Beijing responded with the "Belt and Road" initiative. This is creating a "new silk... more
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      ChinaChina Going GlobalSouth China SeaContainment Policy
This article suggests that the shortcomings of third-party presidential campaigns stem partially from a culture of rhetorical containment tracing back to a redefinition of third-parties during the 1959 congressional hearings over the... more
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      American PoliticsPolitical PartiesRhetoric and Public CulturePolitical communication
In the first half of 2014, the organization then known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant swept across north-western Iraq while it simultaneously expanded the territory under its control in adjacent portions of northeastern... more
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      Canadian Foreign PolicyContainment PolicyIslamic State
This paper analyzes how longer and shorter period of national lockdown during the first wave of COVID-19 can affect public health and economy of nations. Results show that a) countries with shorter period of lockdown (about 15 days) have... more
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      Infectious disease epidemiologyEconomic GrowthCrisis ManagementPublic Health Policy
Third-party candidates in the United States routinely see a decline in support in the final weeks of presidential campaigns. While political scientists attribute this partially to Duverger's Law, many communication scholars have tied this... more
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      Political PartiesPublic AddressPolitical CampaignsPolitical communication
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      Russian StudiesForeign Policy AnalysisRussian PoliticsRussian Foreign Policy
In early 2014, the organization then known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant swept across northwestern Iraq while simultaneously expanding the territory under its control in eastern Syria. The group, which renamed itself the... more
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      United States Foreign PolicyContainment PolicyIslamic State
As the presidential campaigns launch into full swing, there is little doubt that debating the effectiveness of U.S. efforts to combat ISIS will take center stage. Critics of the current administration's policy have argued that the... more
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      al-QaedaIsisContainment PolicyIslamic State