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      TerrorismOrganized CrimeFinancial Risk ManagementMoney Laundering
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      Criminal LawDERECHO PENALDiritto PenaleInsider Trading
The Urban Surveillance of Hypebeast and todays fashion through a Foucauldian lens It's not much to be in need of a shirt for some miscellaneous reason, and out of desperation grab the cheapest tee-shirt in Wal-Mart. Now redirect this... more
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      Fashion TheoryMichel FoucaultUrban DesignPanopticism
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      NeuroeconomicsFraud Detection And PreventionInternal AuditAuditing
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      Corporate CrimeCriminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar OffencesCorporate Criminal Liability
Monografia de conclusão de curso aprovada na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Natália Galvão da Cunha Lima Freire A presente monografia se propõe a analisar os desafios da atribuição de responsabilidade penal aos dirigentes... more
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      Criminal LawDireito PenalCriminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar OffencesDireito Penal Econômico
ES: se describe analíticamente la evolución histórica de la compilación y codificación de las normas punitivas fiscales en Venezuela, y se da cuenta de la tendencia "administrativizante" de tales disposiciones. EN: this paper describes... more
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      Criminal LawTax LawTaxationImpuestos y derecho tributario
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      Tanzanian StudiesCyber crimeCrimeCriminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar Offences
This study aims to measure what changes the disciplines of criminology and criminal justice have undergone over the past decade with respect to white collar crime representation in the criminological literature. It is well documented in... more
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      White Collar CrimeCriminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar OffencesWhite Collar Crimes
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      Corporate LawCorporate GovernanceCorporate Criminal LawCriminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar Offences
What is the "Organismo di Vigilanza" or compliance officer mentioned by art. 6 of legislative decree 231/2001 and by the Bundesgerichtshof's decision BGHSt54,44? The article proposes a possible idea of this figure.
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      Criminal LawDiritto PenaleStrafrechtCriminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar Offences
Resumo: Partindo-se da constatação do avanço das relações humanas, em especial no pertinente ao desenvolvimento tecnológico, científico e, principalmente, econômico vivido no período do pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial, o presente trabalho tem... more
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      Direito PenalCriminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar OffencesDireito Penal EconômicoDerecho Penal Económico
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      Criminal LawComplianceCriminal Law Criminal Procedure LawComparative Criminal Law
Bail or Jail in Economic Offences
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      Supreme Court of IndiaJailsCriminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar OffencesBail
Dopo una rapida analisi delle misure di commissariamento dell'impresa, di cui all'art. 32 d.l. n. 90/2014, convertito nella l. 114/2014, che colpiscono soggetti economici aggiudicatari di commesse pubbliche di sospetta matrice illecita,... more
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    • Criminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar Offences
O compliance tem sido um tema recorrente no âmbito empresarial. O Estado, incapaz de fiscalizar totalmente a atividade das empresas, transfere para as organizações a responsabilidade de verificar se seus colaboradores estão atuando de... more
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      Criminal LawComplianceCriminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar Offences
White collar criminality is causing a potential threat to socioeconomic life of each and every country in the world. It is distinct from traditional crimes and therefore demands different treatment. In India, white collar crimes include... more
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      Criminal LawWhite Collar CrimeSpatial Analysis of CrimeWhite Collar Crime, Fraud, Counterfeiting
Negligent complicity is becoming the standard tool to prevent corporate offences. However, there are still many questionable issues regarding the issue: there is uncertainty about the art. 113 of the Italian Criminal Code as a foundation... more
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      Criminal LawCriminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar OffencesNegligence
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      Criminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar OffencesEconomic Crime
RESUMEN La responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas introducida en la reforma del año 2014, en el Código Orgánico Integral Penal, cumplió con los principales obligaciones de carácter internacional que el país tenía pendiente. No... more
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      Criminal LawComplianceEcuadorDERECHO PENAL
The Information and Communication Technology nowadays plays a core role in the execution of crimes of economic criminality. This seems to be due to two factors, that can be defined as the structural factor and the instrumental factor.... more
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      CybercrimesInternational LawCriminal Law Criminal Procedure LawICT innovation
Aproximación al fundamento de la responsabilidad penal de los accionistas por la criminalidad corporativa, mediante la fundamentación y delimitación de una posición de garantía limitada de aquellos respecto a los riesgos corporativos.... more
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      Corporate GovernanceCorporate Criminal LawCorporate CrimeStakeholder Theory
Negligent complicity is becoming the standard tool to prevent corporate offences. However, there are still many questionable issues regarding the issue: there is uncertainty about the art. 113 of the Italian Criminal Code as a foundation... more
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      Criminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar OffencesNegligence
La reforma penal de 2010 ha introducido para numerosos delitos la responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas, siguiendo un sistema de numerus clausus. Entre ellos, sin embargo, no se encuentran los delitos alimentarios, para los que... more
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      Criminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar OffencesCorporate Criminal LiabilityFood CrimeDelitos alimentarios
Resumen La introducción del autoblanqueo derivado de las exigencias de la Unión Europea y las recomendaciones del GAFI supusieron toda una revolución normativa, dogmática y jurisprudencial en los ordenamientos jurídicos tanto de Italia... more
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      Criminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar OffencesDerecho Penal EconómicoBusiness Crime
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      Criminal LawDireito PenalDERECHO PENALCriminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar Offences
In past though attempts have been made to discuss in general, the sentencing policy in India, but no serious attempts have been made to analyze sentencing policy in context of socio-economic offences. This article attempts to fill this... more
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      CriminologyCriminal LawFood SafetyPenology
Στόχος του άρθρου είναι η εξέταση -από κοινωνιολογική κυρίως σκοπιά- των οικονομικών εγκλημάτων ιδιαίτερης σπουδαιότητας, καθώς και η περιγραφική ανάλυση του εγκληματικού προφίλ των δραστών αυτών. Το παρόν δημοσιεύθηκε στον ιστότοπο... more
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      SociologySociology of Crime and DevianceWhite Collar CrimeCriminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar Offences
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      Criminal LawLaw EnforcementAdministrative LawPublic Law
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    • Criminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar Offences
This study reports the results of a survey of students in a Mexican university who were asked to rate the seriousness of 75 crimes on a scale of 1 to 100. Results are reported overall as well as by gender. In 46 of 75 cases, the male and... more
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      Gender StudiesViolenceSociology of Crime and DevianceCentral America and Mexico
A raíz de la incorporación de la responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas y, sobre todo, su posible exención, muchas empresas se han preocupado por adoptar un programa de cumplimiento eficaz (compliance). A estos efectos, la... more
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      Criminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar OffencesCertificationCriminal Compliance
Transitional Justice and Criminology have been largely working as separate fields of study, despite their shared concerns and shortcomings. This short essay deals with one of those shortcomings, i.e., the disregard for economic or... more
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      Transitional JusticeWhite Collar CrimeCriminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar Offences
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      Criminal LawJurisprudenceJurisdictionEuropean Convention of Human Rights
Witwassen en deelname aan een criminele organisatie als vangnet voor indirecte betrokkenheid van ondernemingen bij mensenrechtenschendingen Een analyse van de aangifte tegen de Rabobank Mr. dr. M.J. Hornman*
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      Human Rights LawCriminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar Offences
How, in a context of growing critiques of financialization, can law contribute to protecting the legitimacy of finance? This paper argues that the assignment of responsibilities between individuals and organizations plays a decisive role,... more
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      Economic SociologyLaw and SocietySocio-Legal Studies (Law)White Collar Crime
, no steps have been taken to harmonize national criminal law related to child sexual exploitation as required in OPSC, so that measures to improve national law and measures to tackle this criminal problem have not been followed in... more
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      Criminal LawChild protectionCriminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar Offences
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeCriminal Law Criminal Procedure LawWhite Collar Crime
The main banking is credit commodification and this fact takes place within a structure known as the National Financial System. The National Financial System creates the rules that banks must follow mandatory. Money is the good that... more
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      Criminal LawBankingMoney and BankingFinance and banking
Membahas HPE dan beberapa UU Khusus yang terkait tindak pidana ekonomi
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    • Criminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar Offences
This short article provides an overview of the position of English law as regards the effect of a change of law on payment obligation.
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      Money and BankingContitutional Law ; Corporate Criminal LiabilityCriminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar OffencesCorporate Criminal Liability
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      NeurolawScience and LawCriminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar Offences
5. Türk – Kore Ceza Hukuku Günleri Karşılaştırmalı Hukukta Ekonomik Suçlar Uluslararası Sempozyumu
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      BriberyCriminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar OffencesrüşvetEkonomi Ceza Hukuku
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      JurisprudenceJurisdictionEuropean Convention of Human RightsComparative Criminal Law
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      Criminal LawCorporate CrimeCorruptionCriminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar Offences
O presente artigo trata da possibilidade de rendimento e aplicação da Teoria Significativa do delito na esfera da criminalidade econômica, especialmente quanto à capacidade de agir das pessoas jurídicas. O modelo significativo parte da... more
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      Criminal LawPhilosophy Of LanguageDireito PenalCriminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar Offences
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      Criminal LawCriminal JusticeCorporate Criminal LawCorporate Crime
Abstract: The present article tries to establish the premises that justify the criminalization of the money laundering crime in Brazil and to discuss the current importance of the concept of criminal legal good for its delimitation and... more
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      Money LaunderingHarm PrincipleCriminal Law, Corporate, Economic and White Collar OffencesDireito Penal Econômico